Seeing Eye

By 1Blossom

602 81 0

Life in a Castle isn't always like fairy tales put them to be, with happy endings and falling in love with th... More

Seeing Eye
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

19 3 0
By 1Blossom

Chapter 11 (Emily, Minutes later)

I was crying when Jason found me next to the wall. He sat next to me and give me a tissue out of no where and then bagan to hug me as I cried. It felt nice being comforted, but it also made me cry even more.

Jason said that I could stop Alex but to do so he said I had to stay around people and away from Alex. I didn't want to put everyone else in danger by being near me, but I knew what he meant. I was fearful near Alex and hated every time he glared at me. But in the end I stayed in the same room with Bri and Zoey. I even began to move my things in their room after about a week in their room.

Sometimes Alex would try and get me to go in his room by sending me some to do list. I ignored those before but regreted it later so stoped ignoring it. Instead I went and would bring Bri or even Jason with me when I went to talk to Alex. They would notice that Alex didn't like that and his eyes would flame with anger at seeing I was not alone but I did not care, they were my protection during times in his room.

Two weeks passed and I was still staying in Bri's and Zoey's room. We would stay up later each night to make sure no one tried to get in the room. Sometimes it would be Bri, other times it would be Zoey. They even at times invited Derrick or Jason over to watch for the night.

It was week five when things started to get weird.

"Whats this to do list this morning?" Bri asked. She would ask that every morning it got annoying but I was used to it.

Looking down at the list I read off, "Clean Alex's room, the bathrooms, and all the other bedrooms." I said with a sigh.

"You want us to help?" She asked.

Stupid me, I answered "No." I said, "Nothing has happened in five weeks, I think I should be okay." Silently I knew I would not be okay but I wasn't going to tell them that. Wasn't going to tell them everything that was on the list either. Which was Clean Alex's room - but if you bring anyone with you I will kill them - that is something that scared me, my friends being killed because of me.

"Well you can always call us if you need help," Bri was saying and I nodded putting the paper down to hug Bri and Derrick before I left.

As I walked to Alex's room I wondered how long it would take them to finally actually read the note. It made me wonder what they would do, would they come to help me? Or would they not even bother?

Slowly I stood in front of Alex's door wondering if I should go in now, or later. I picked the now though sadly I wished I had picked the later.

Walking in the room I seen Alex leaning against the wall, lights on and he looked real mad.

"It's about time you come alone." He said, as he moved closer to me.

I just stared at him not knowing what to say but also not wanting to say anything.

"Come closer," He said, and my body responded. It wasn't like I was telling my body to move closer to him it was just my body moved like it was under some kind of spell. I hated it.

As I moved I heard the door close behind me, then lock. 'Crap' I thought, no way for them to help me now.

Slowly I watched Alex move closer to me. For some reason with every step he made he looked different. He didn't look like an evil man wanting me to die, he actually looked like an young adult in pain I kind of felt bad for him.

A few second latter Alex was right in front of me and the next thing I knew he was moving his sharp raser like finger nails along my neck and arms, blood seeping through them.

I gasped in pain and he smiled as he spoke, "This is so what I needed." He said as he kept going. "And you should know, you were so right about one thing when you told them that you would regret it more if you made me wait. And yet you have made me wait."

I swollowed hard and wanted to throw up, it made me sick. Alex made me sick with his whole needing pain thing. It was like a young boy with a lot of testosterone and I hated it.

About five minutes passed when Alex threw me against his bed, tied me up like last time and cut me with his sharp nails. This is when I realized that the pain was really going to start from this moment on.

. . . (Emily)

The pain lasted hours before he finally left the room. I felt like I wanted to die, I felt like I already was dead.

Bri and Derrick found me at about four p.m. that day laying on his bed passed out. They told me that I had gone into a coma when I finally woke up. They even said that Amy had done all she could to help with the new scars that would be forever on my skin.

Amy said I was out for five days, before I woke up, Bri was worried, and Alex was always looking for me. I guess being in a coma was the only thing that could save me from him. They said he was mad, and each day he got worse.

As I finally woke up Amy told me everything I had missed, they said Alex had gone crazy and left the house each night and each night a new kid would show up on our door. The latest was a younger boy at about three years old. He was holding a teddy bear and his blankey when he came to the door. I wanted to cry when I seen him.

The little boy's name was Mike, and he was the only one out of all of those that are dead that actually did remember how he had died.

He said he was in his room at night alone when the man came in his room. He could see the man, like me, but he never lived long enough to actually feel the pain of what the man would do to him all his life. I thought he was lucky here, but then again he wasn't lucky, he lost his family.

Bri asked him what Alex had done to him, and Mike told his story about what Alex had done during the last hours of his life.

He was a strong boy, young, but strong at heart. I could see that in him as he spoke.

Mike said that Alex had killed him slowly, but he doesn't think that Alex really meant to kill him. He said that Alex talked about needing, and at first Mike didn't understand so we had to explain it to him.

He even said that after about two hours Alex had left and he had gone into a coma never to wake up again. He didn't know what his parents had done to his body, but he said he missed them already.

Mike even talked about his family. He said he had a younger sister who turned two today, the same day he had died. He felt bad that the only thing his parents would ever remember on his little sisters birthday was his death. He sometimes wishes he could go back to them, to be with them again. He wants to tell them his story, his life, and how he died. It gave me an idea really. Maybe write all of their deaths, and what they wish to tell their family. It was only a thought though, maybe someday I would figure it out.

Anyways, at night Mike said he would leave the house and walk to his old home. The home he knew when he was alive. He would watch his little sister sleep sometimes, and talk to her. He even swears that she sees him, because every night he was there she would smile and laugh up at him and call his name. This would make him cry.

Sometimes his parents would come in the room wondering who she was talking to. She would just smile and laugh even more and call his name. About this time he would send an air kiss to his little sister and parents and leave.

"Hey," I said about then to Mike, "You going to be okay?"

Mike just nodded. He was so young and looked so fragile at this moment. I felt so bad for him.

Ignoring his nodding I went to hug him. I knew he was not okay, and the minute I did hug him he began to cry, "I miss them," He would cry out in pain. I even felt tears form in my eyes as he cried. I always was sensitive toward others losing family members or anything for that matter. I remember I had cried when Jeoy had lost his father. Of course not to death but because his father had left his mother, either or way I had cried with him.

"I know you do Mike." I said soflty holding him close to me as he cried, "And it has to be worse with the fact that you remember them."

He nodded and kept crying. I felt so bad for him knowing that nothing could help him. Looking at Bri I whispered, "Something has to be done before he hurts more little kids like Mike." I said.

She nodded and whispered back, "I know, but what can we do?"

"I don't know, but this can't go on. It's wrong that he is killing young kids. Taking the young from their family because of his selfish need."

"I know." Bri said, tears in her eyes.

"What is it Bri?" I asked.

"Nothing," She said whiping her tears.

"I don't know if I should believe you." Something about what she had said made me wonder what was really on her mind. But I wasn't going to force her to tell me I was just going to let it go, for now.

Bri just smiled and whiped away the rest of her tears.

For the next few hours I hugged Mike as he cried on my shoulder telling us how much he missed them. He would talk about what his mother would do for him, how he would play with his little sister and that he loved her, and how him and his father would go fishing every week, and then go hunting together during hunting seasons. He pretty much told us everything about his life, about how he lived, and what he did. I wanted to cry.

At about five we went to go eat. I got to see the other newer kids that had showed up during my absence, because of my absence if that makes any sence, if not what I am really trying to say is that they are here becasue I was not here to satisfy Alex's need of pain.

I even found out that I had been here for six months. For six months my parents tried to find me, for six months they have seached, but the furthest they got to was Jason being killed by the same man who took me. The man I hated with a passion.

I sometimes wondered what they were doing right now. Jason has been here for three weeks now. We don't know much about what will happen next. At night I sometimes wish that my parents are okay, and that Joey is okay. I don't want anything to happen to them.

I know Joey was mean to me since I we were little and he became popualr but I still miss everything. I wish I could talk to him again, to know what he really thinks, though I know I could never forgive him for everything that he had done to me. I just want to know the truth about everything.

After dinner I would hide away. I didn't want to go near Alex. He knew I was up again, since he seen me at dinner. No doubt he would leave me a to do list tomorrow, telling me to come to his room alone, blah blah blah.

I felt like the lists were just his way of getting me to listen to him, to fear him and to follow him. Problem to that is it worked. I did fear him and it was the only way I would listen to him, mostly out of fear. If i had any other choice and I really wish I did, I would not listen to him, but becasue I did not, I had to. If I even tried to he would hurt me even more.

Sometimes the lists made me wonder what was really going to happen. Made me think about every real possibility that I might not live much longer here. That I may just die soon in his hands like Mike had or Jason, or any of the other newer younger kids here had.

Soon six O'clock passed, and Mike wanted to find out what room he could stay in. We were beginning to run out of rooms for everyone. We talked to Amy about this and she said that she was planning on making more rooms for the house. She already had started on three other rooms. I offered to help her and she said she would be okay doing the work on her own, but until the rooms were done the new kids would have to stay in other kids rooms. Jasmine and her twin said two of the younger girls could stay with them. Mike wanted to be in Derrick's and Jason's room, and a young girl names Judiath wanted to be in the same room as I was in. At first I was thinking about saying no because I did not want another child to be in danger becasue of me. I had already had Zoey and Bri in danger because I was in their room, and now this little girl wanted to be in the same room as I was in. She even gave me the puppy dog look with her lip out in a pout, I ended up giving in then and finally told her that she could stay in the room with us until more rooms were made. She smiled at that and hugged me.

At eight, We were allowed to go outside. Amy had to keep an eye on us and we were not allowed to pass the wall like fence that Alex had built. It was getting dark out about this time and we all picked to play hide-and-seek.

Bri was the tagger first. She ended up getting Derrick who got me. I got Mike, who got Jasmine, who ended up getting Jason who got little Judiath, and by the end of the night everyone had been the tagger at least once.

It was ten p.m. when we finally had to go in for the night. Some asked if we would be able to go out tomorrow too. Amy said maybe, but that was up to Alex. Instantly everyone became sad. They all knew that Alex would prob tell them no if it was something they wanted.

One of the younger kids picked to ask Alex if we would be able to go out tomorrow and like everyone though he said no. The younger kids were sad and didn't talk to anyone for the rest of the night because of it.

I though, came up with some sort of plan so that the kids would be able to go outside at night to jsut have fun. Even though it would hurt me in the end the kids just wanted to go outside.

Later that night I went and talked to Alex. He was a bit mad and I could see in his eyes that he was in need of pain from someone.

Alex was standing in the middle of his room staring at me.

Slowly walking in I said, "How about you let the kids go outside to actually have fun. You can't keep them in all day long."

"Well I am," He said.

"Not for long you will be." I said with a small smile, as I walked closer to him. "How about you give them time each day to go outside, and I mean like tonight time, and each time you do I could give you what you want."

"What I want?" Alex asked.

"Yea what you want." I said, "You know these scars you caused." As I spoke I pulled up my sleve.

Alex nodded in need.

"Good, then I can give you more of this pain you so much need if you give the kids time outside each night." I said.

I could see Alex think about if for a bit. He seemed like he was going to say yes but his actual answer surprised me, "No." He said, "I can get that from you weither or not I let them outside."

I laughed gently when he said that, "Thats the thing Alex, you can't. See I know your weakness now. By the way, thanks for that," I said and gently I moved my hand along his neck making sure my nails dug in his skin. He shivered and I smiled even more, "Man I can see what you like about pain, It's fun," Then I stopped digging my finger into the back of his neck, "Anyways, back to what I was saying, I'll make sure you don't get anything Alex not from me, not from any of these kids, You have taken enough from us, and this is the end of it. You may think you can get pain from me, but thats at a long end. Let's see just how long you can live with all of this." I waved my hand around his room at nothingness, just what he would get then said, "Have a nice day Alex," And I left smiling and laughing.

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