A Wistful Ocean (Natsu Dragne...

By california1698

23.2K 470 31

What if it wasn't Lisanna that 'died' and went to Edolas? What if it was someone else? Another childhood frie... More

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Gaining a Sister
Natsu, Alexis and the Dragon Eggs
Fairy Hunters
Edolas Kingdom
The Apocalyptic Dragon Chain Cannon
The kids back then!
Dragon Sense
Xena vs Knightwalker
I'm Standing Right Here!
Bye-Bye Edolas
Welcome Home
Author's Note
Subclass of Sloth Preview

Fairy Tail Tradegy

1.4K 35 1
By california1698

It's been four years since Happy and Patch were born. Everyone grew up and became strong wizards. Alexis had fulfilled her promise to Raven and became an S-Class wizard at the age of 12 after Erza, much to Natsu's disappointment.

Right now she was with Mira and Elfman, looking for Lisanna. They found her talking to Natsu and Happy underneath the tree in South Gate Park.

"Come on Lisanna. Let's go, we gotta get to work." Elfman told her. Lisanna turned around. "What? We just finished a job, can't we take a little break?"

"Yeah but it's an S-class quest. Mirajane wants us to go along and help her out with it and Alexis wanted to tag along." Elfman answered, pointing a thumb at Mirajane and Alexis.

Natsu stamped his foot. "No way! Totally unfair!" He complained throwing his fists.

"What kind of job is it?" Happy asked.

Mirajane had her arms crossed. "An emergency request. It just came in, they want us to kill off this monster called the Beast. Hey you wanna come with us Natsu?" She winked at him. "You might learn a thing or two."

Elfman turned to his sister in disbelief. "Do what? I don't want him tagging along. I'm the man in this team and I can protect you on my own!" He yelled.

Natsu yelled out in frustration and he stamped his feet around in a temper tantrum. "Why you gotta hog all the fun! Take me with you!"

Alexis giggled. Over time, she developed a crush on Natsu.

"Hey Natsu. Could you do a small job for me?" She asked. Natsu stopped and looked at her confused. "Could you take care of Patch while I'm gone. He's caught a cold and I was hoping you could help him get better." She smiled and tied her hands behind her back.

Natsu blushed and rubbed his head, nodding. "Yeah I'll take care of him until you get back." Like Alexis, he too had a crush on her. Everyone at the guild could see it and wanted those two to get together but both of them were too shy and stubborn to confess to each other.

"Come on. We need to get going." Mirajane said and walked off, Alexis and her siblings followed quickly. Alexis looked back at Natsu and waved at him. "Goodbye Natsu! Happy!" They waved back. "Bye Alexis!"


A village was caught on fire, something was definitely wrong. A huge beast was causing destruction, Mirajane and Alexis were injured.

"Elfman!" Alexis yelled at the beast. "Elfman, pull yourself together!" Mirajane held her arm in pain on the ground.

"Mira! Alex!" Lisanna flew over to them in her Bird Soul. She changed back as she landed. "I had everyone in town evacuate. Now let me help you." She told them staring at the beast.

"You have to run Lisanna. It's dangerous. We were getting beat up pretty bad so Elfman tried to take over the Beast to protect us." Mirajane explained. Lisanna gasped. "Oh my gosh, that's him?"

Alexis grunted holding her shoulder. "It almost worked but the Beast was too powerful for him, now he's totally lost control." She stated.

Lisanna grabbed her sister's arm and placed it around her shoulder, pulling her up. "Oh no. What do we do? How can we save him?"

"We have to get him to come to his senses before the Beast completely takes over his soul." Mirajane said as the Beast came up to them, growling loudly.

Lisanna let go of her sister and strode up to Elfman. Mirajane fell to her knees. "What are you doing? Come back here!"

"Lisanna! Come back here now!" Alexis yelled struggling to push herself up.

Lisanna stared up at Elfman. "Big brother Elfman? You feeling okay?" She asked. "It's me Lisanna, your little sister. Our big sister Mira and Alexis our friend are here too."

The beast tilted his head. "We're a family and when times are tough, we pull together and work things out." She smiled. "So why don't the four of us go home and talk about what happened today. I promise we're not mad at you."

The beast roared, raising his arm to strike. Lisanna stretched her arms out. "Come on, don't be afraid big brother. We still love you."

"Mira..." The she-demon turned to Alexis and saw her smiling sadly before she looked at Mirajane. She whispered something and Mirajane's eyes widened as Alexis ran forward.

'Look after Natsu for me.'

With the last of her strength, Alexis shoved Lisanna out of the way and the beast's arm hit her instead.

(Play the song now)

The girls screamed. "Alex!!!" They cried as they saw her fly lifelessly through the air and into the forest. Mirajane and Lisanna ran to Alexis and saw her more damaged than before.

They dropped to their knees besides her. "Alexis!"

Alexis opened her eyes slowly. "Mira..." She moaned in pain. "In...my...p-pocket..." Mirajane put her hand in her pocket and pulled out an enveloped letter. "Give...that...t-to...N-Natsu...please..." Alexis whispered and closed her eyes.

A bright light shone in the starry sky and Alexis started glowing. "Alexis!" Lisanna cried. Alexis's guild mark started disappearing into gold dust. "You have to wake up Alexis!" Mirajane yelled.

The blue haired girl started floating up. "No, why are you glowing? What's happening?!" Mirajane grabbed her. "No don't leave us!!" She shrilled as she and Lisanna held her and cried in sorrow.

Lisanna looked at her pleadingly. "You can't disappear on us! Please don't go Alexis!" Alexis slowly disappeared into gold dust and only her bandana was left behind. "Stay here with us!!" They cried to the heavens as they held the bandana and hugged each other, crying for the loss of their friend.


Right now Natsu was riding back to Magnolia on a train; his worst enemy. He had taken a job soon after Patch was feeling better, and that was a week ago.

On his quest, he had time to think about his crush on Alexis. He thought back to the times they spent together. All the laughs, fights and tears, mostly hers, they had together. It made his crush for her grow even more until he realized he was in love with her. And he had to tell her.

So here he is now, heading back home to confess his feelings to the one he loves.

To his relief the train had stopped and he ran out, saying his famous line of never riding a train again. He grinned and ran to the guild in high hopes.

He was gonna do it.

He was gonna confess his feelings.

He was gonna confess his love to Alexis the Water Dragon Slayer.

The guild was in his sights and he slowed down once he reached the doors. But something was wrong, he didn't hear the usual yells of a partying guild.

Natsu hesitantly opened the doors and saw a devastating sight.

Mirajane and Elfman were heavily bandaged and everyone was crying in sorrow. The atmosphere was sad and gloomy.

The Strauss siblings looked up to see Natsu. Mirajane and Lisanna cried harder and Elfman had his eyes shadowed. Natsu looked around but couldn't spot Alexis anywhere.

"Natsu..." A small voice spoke up and Natsu saw Patch was the one who spoke. The poor cat was crying profusely and sniffling like crazy. But the one noticeable was that he was wearing Alexis's bandana. "A-Alex-xis... i-is g-go-gone!" Patch stuttered badly before wailing intohis paws.

Natsu stood there in shock. He couldn't believe it. Alexis is gone? That can't be true! She's a freaking S-Class wizard! There's no way she would die that easily!

"N-Natsu..." Lisanna whimpered as she walked up to him, holding a letter in her hands. He grabbed it slowly, his body feeling numb. He looked at the letter and saw his name on it. He opened the envelope and read the letter.

'Dear Natsu, if you are reading this it means I am no longer with you. I'm sorry but I had to go on that quest with Mira and the others. I had a bad feeling that something would go wrong, and it looks like I was right.

I know that all of you are upset but please, don't stop being who you are because I am gone. Move forward to become stronger and be the best guild Fairy Tail can and always will be.

Gramps, good luck taking care of this rowdy bunch.
Gray, work on that stripping habit and stay cool.
Elfman, keep being a real man.
Mirajane, try being a little nicer to your comrades and look after your brother and sister.
Lisanna, keep being that sweet, kind little girl I became friends with.
Erza, thank you for being my big sister and best friend.

And Natsu... I know that you will be hurt the most and I'm sorry I can no longer be here with you. But please, live on for me and the guild. Please look after our children, Happy and Patch, they need you now more then ever. I never got the chance to tell you this but...


Thank you and goodbye.

Alexis Fernand--' The last name was smudged a bit with dried tear spots. It seemed like Alexis was crying while she wrote this letter.

A tear fell on the letter, then another and another. Natsu was crying as he read the letter over and over. Happy noticed something on the back of the letter and showed Natsu.

On it was a drawn Fairy Tail hand sign. A message was written underneath it.

'No matter if we are far apart, I'll always be watching you. I'll watch you forever.'

Natsu let out a sob before his face was set in a determined stare. He raised his pointer finger and thumb to the heavens. Soon everyone followed him in example.

'No matter what, we'll never forget you Alexis. Ever.' Natsu thought.

~Somewhere in Edolas~

A figure was lying on the ground, unconscious. Footsteps were heard and a giant panther-like cat wearing amour, stood in front of the unconscious person.

It kneeled down and rolled them onto their back. It's eyes widened. "Alexis?" It-He asked with a deep voice in surprise. He noticed her injuries and picked her up bridle style. A pair of white angel wings appeared and the amour-clad cat flew to a castle in the distance.

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