By cindyalas

760 54 30


Authors Note
Slice And Dice
Ch.1 ~ No One Cares
Author's Note
I Know You're Hurt.
Ch.2~ Hello
Ch. 3 ~ What Makes You Beautiful
Ch. 4 ~ Who Knew?
Ch. 5 ~ Scared
Ch.6 ~ Izzy and Lily
Ch.7 ~ Dream?

Ch. 6 ~ Wake Up

18 4 3
By cindyalas


I'm going to start putting song choices here.

Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran

Amnesia - 5Seconds of Summer
(Just so you know there are more than 5seconds of summer)


Sandy's P.O.V

"Sandy?" I heard a deep voice that made me panic.

I shot my eyes open only to be face to face with someone that scared me more and I punched.

"Shit!" They squealed.

"Back away slowly. She smells fear." There were steps behind me getting further away.

I rubbed my eyes trying to get my vision back. I looked up to see Niall holding his nose in the corner of the kitchen and turned around to see Louis, Harry, Izzy and Zayn in the other corner of the kitchen.

"Stay still. She won't attack as long as we don't move." Someone whispered.

"Shut up." I mumbled rubbing my head feeling a bump and winced.

"What happened? " I asked.

"You fainted because Louis and Niall we're fighting and for some stupid reason they won't tell us." Izzy glared at them both while walking towards me and helping me up.

"What time is it?"

"It's 4 in the morning love, you passed out 6 hours ago." Izzy answered giving me a small smile.

"Oh, that's bad. Very, very bad. Call Briana. Now!" I Yell at Izzy and he quickly gets his phone out and puts it on speaker.

"Isaiah, i swear if this is not an emergency imma go yo your house and beat the crap out of you." My Big sister said in a sleepy voice.

"Bri, Sandy passed out 6 hours ago and she said to call you to ask what to do so tell us what to do." He said into the phone.

"6 hours? Shit. Umm...alright, take her to the closest hospital. Where are you?"She said through the speaker.

"Umm...Harry where are we?"

"West side so the closest hospital would be London West Side ." Harry spoke into the phone. (I don't know.if it's a real hospital )

"Alright, I'll meet you there and I swear if it's Harry from One Direction imma have to track down Louis from his phone and keep him In my attic." Briana hung up and we all looked at Louis who I'm pretty sure shit his pants.

"I-Im just gonna go change and then start the car." He squeaked.

We all nodded and the boys halped me up. Niall didn't because he was holding his bloody nose that I'm hoping I didn't break. They helped me through the living room and out the house then waited a few seconds for Louis.

"Alright, everybody in the van and make it quick. " Louis yelled and hopped in the driver's seat.

Once we were at the hospital we went to the emergency room. Apparently being knocked out for 6 hours is a health violation or something. And I was quickly escorted into a room while the boys waited in the other room.

"Ma'am what's your name?" The doctor asked.

"Sandra Flores." He noded and wrote it down.

"I'm going to asks you some questions and run a blood sample when the nurse comes. For now I want you to lay down and relax." I did as told and the nurse came in 5 minutes later.

"Alright, you may sit up. Is it okay if I ask you while she's getting the blood?" I nodded my.head. I really like being distracted while the nurses give me shots or something related to it.

"Full name?"

"Sandra Vanessa Flores."



"Birth date?"

"July, 28, 1998."

"Birth State, City, town,etcetera?"

"Los Angeles, California. "

"Why are you here?"

"We'll my parents are divorced and my mom lives here while my dad lives over there in L.A and they still share custody because I'm under aged."

"Okay, not the answer I was looking for but okay..." he mumbled writing down the information I gave him and Leaving.

"Rude much?" I scoff.

"He's had a rough night. His wife came here yelling for a divorce and full custody of the children and crap. He's too nice to have that done to him. I've worked with and for him for about 2 years and he's been nothing bit a true gentlemen with everyone." She stopped to look at me and then cleaned up my arm.

"Especially the wemon that come here and the workers. They all flirt with him but there's one that's almost shy to even look at him. When her and I are alone she asks me if he's still married and that she'd like to have some time with him but not in a sluty way. She's such a lovely woman I just wished he saw her the way she sees him." She puts a band-aid on me and puts the used needles in the trash bin. She takes a seat and looks at me.

"I've been to his home before and all I've seen there is her being a complete bitch and yelling at her children. Sometimes He's had rough days and nights that he'd ask me to take him home and then when I drop him off and he enters all I hear is her yelling about how late it is and that she's been up all night waiting for him to come home and shit. He is...I don't know how to describe how wonderful he truly is and deserves better. He's become a father to me. I've never had a figure to show me how to fix a car or how to teach me self-defence or defened me from boys or anything Dads are supossed to teach you. I really want better for him and sense the shy older woman is really pleasant i would like them to give it a try but he doesn't see her like that. I could see it in his eyes he does but he's denies it every time she leaves so I drop it." I look at her like I've known her my whole life and I feel attached to her for some reason.

" Crap! I'm sorry I didn't mean to ramble on like that! Please forgive me." She almost yells with wise eyes.

"No, it's alright." I laugh a little and she does too.

"Have I seen you before?" She asks.

"Yeah, my mom comes here and I accompany her sometimes. I've seen you around with her in the rooms but I've never seen her doctor. She says he's charming and stuff and has googly eyes every time she comes from her appointments."

"What's her name?" She looks at me with suspicion.

"Alexa Flores?" I say unsure.

"Oh my God" the nurse gasps covering her mouth with both hands.


"Thats her! Thats the lady that's always asking for him! She's you mum! No wonder I felt comfortable telling you all of this! Ahh!" She said jumping up and down with joy.

"Ooomf! I'm stupid! " she hit her head.

"Hi, I'm Georgia Rose but please call me Rosie because once I tell people my name they start singing 'Best Song Ever" and it gets annoying and I want to punch them." I laugh a little with her and then I put my hand out to shake hers but she pulls me off the hospital bed and hugs me tightly.

"I'm Sandra but you can call me Sandy but don't call me Sandy Cheeks because then I'll have to punch you." I laugh and hug her until there was a knock at the door.

"Hello...umm...there are some friends here that are wondering if they can see you now." My future-Step-Dad says.

"Let them in." I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Okay, oh and Rosie I would like to take the blood samples now if you won't mind. " he smiles at Rosie.

"Sure. Here you go Dr.D. I'm just going to get her night and weight and I'll be out in a few." He nods leaving with my blood samples.

"Is he Dr.D from Kim Possible? " I crack up.

"Oh, hush up. I wish he was though." She laughs with me.


"I don't know! But it'd be cool." Just then the door burst open and I'm in someone's arms.

"Princess, I'm so sorry I did this to you. Please forgive me." I heard the person sniffle and by the way he said princess I emediatly knew it was Niall so I hugged back.

"It's okay, Ni-"

'No! It's not okay! What if you died instantly?! I wouldn't live with myself and...oh my God." He said into my neck and squeezed me.

"Is your nose okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah, the nurse just said to not touch it but I'll be alright. I'm just glad you're alright." He sniffles.

"Sandra..." I heard a familiar voice.

"Briana!" I let go of Niall and jumped into my sister's arms making him almost fall.

"Oh, Sandy. Don't ever do that again. You scared the shit out of me." She hugged me tightly.

"Can't. Breath." I patted her back to let me go.

"Sorry, sweetie. Wow, you've really grown up since the last time I saw you." She looked at me up and down smiling. She moved out on her birthday and visits my mom and I sometimes when she's off work.

"You saw me when I came here. When was that? Oh yeah, 4 months ago!" I put my fingers in her face.

"Oh! Duh! You come here for school and stay over at dad's during summer time! I'm stupid!" She makes a gun with her hand and shoots herself.

"Yes, you are." She hits my arm playfuly.

"Sandy, I'm so so so so so sorry." Louis hugs me.

"It's alright and before you say it's not, lemme tell you that if you say it I'm going to wack you with a baseball bat." He let out a little yelp and held on tighter.

"People... please no more hugs." I get out of Lou's embrace only to get pulled into a chest and being squished by many more.

"PEOPLE!" I scream and they start laughing letting go just in time as Dr.D walks in again.

"Well, Sandra. I've sent your blood to the lab for it to be tested and we'll call your mother to give her the news or would you like it being mailed?" He asked with a gleam in his eyes when he said your mother. She doesn't k is where I am since yesterday in the morning. I'm dead. I need to tell Louis to take me with him when he goes to pickup my medicine thingy so I can explain to her what's happening and stuff. Oh Oreo King, if you let me see my mother one more time I won't eat any of your children again.

"Is there a way I can pick it up myself ?" I ask him.

"If you'd like to pick it up we'll have to call you so you know it's ready and then you'll need to sign some papers to let us know that you were with an adult when you received it." He explained.

"I'll pick it up. Where do I sign to get out?"

"You need to be signed out by an adult, Miss." He repeats shaking his head.

"I'm the adult here, sir." Louis spoke up.

"How old are you?"

"21, sir." He spoke so formal as if there was a new Louis and I'm scared.

"Are you a relative? "

"Yes, sir. I'm her brother."

"Is he your brother?" He turned to me. This dumb ass...Did you not hear him?!

"Yes, Doctor, he's my brother-in-law. He's married to my sister so he's a relative. " I answered.

"Okay then. Follow me son." Louis followed the doctor to the front to sign the papers.

"I'm going too, you never know if he can read sertain words or not." Zayn spoke.

"No, I'll go. What if he needs to fill out something personal and after all...I am his wife. " Briana walked out the room quickly with a weird face. It was like Nicki Manaj's ass mixed with Iggy Azaleas face and baby powder. I'm scared for life. (Just so you know I have no idea what it looks like but if it has Nicki's ass in it then it's gonna me NASTY.)

"What's your name?" Harry asked Rosie. She stood there shocked with her mouth open.

"I-Im Georgia Rose." I looked at the guys and they all smirked opening their mouths to start singing.

"No! Stop. No singing. " I yelled.

"Whyyyyy?!" Zayn whined.

"Cause I said so and my head hurts and because I want to get Rosie's phone number. Can I get your number? " she nodded and gave me her number and I gave her mine.

"C'mon lads. Doc. Said Sandy needs rest for about 3 to 4 days and that we gotta go pick up her medication tomorrow." Louis came back with Briana behind him smiling like an idiot. Well at least it's less scary...

"We'll keep in touch." I hugged Rosie and left the room with all the boys except Liam and Lily - I'm going to kill them - behind me and Louis and Bri in front.

"Okay, I'm gonna go home but call me if you need anything." She kissed my cheek and then kissed izzys and left.

"Lets go home. Izzy you're still gonna stay over right?" Lou asks.

"Yeah, I'll be sleeping in Harry's room." Izzy through a hand over Harry's shoulders and huged him tight.

The drive is sweet and short. We go to our separate rooms to sleep. Thats when I notice I'm fully dressed and Louis in the doorway taking his shoes off.

"Louis, I know I was knocked out but I clearly remember me only being in a Nialls shirt and and underwear so why am I in one of your pj shirts and in my jeans," I looked inside the shirt. "And who put my bra on? What the hell?"

"Well..." he scratches the back of his head.

"Oh, God. Don't tell me one of you put it on." I over my face with my hands.

"It was Isaiah. " he mumbled.

"Are you sure?" I say stepping closer to him.

"What you think I did it? " he looked hurt.

"No, I'm sorry. As long as it was Izzy I'm good. He's seen me before. " I turn around smirking to myself and taking my jeans off and me being me I put on a show for Louis.

No body want to see you like that.

Shut up bitch I'm bored and I have to be in bed for a while so stay out of my business!

I'm in your head.

Then get out! I will-

The argument with my thoughts was interrupted by Louis.

"Sandy, what are you doing." He stared at me, shocked.

I looked down at myself, noticing I only had my bra and panties on. Crap.

"Sorry, I thought I was alone. " I shrugged turning around to face him.

"You we're just talking to me how do you suddenly think you're alone?" He looked me over once more.

"Shut up. What time is it." I ask turning around again.

"Time for me to get busy with you." I felt hands at my waist and lips to my neck.

"L-Louis? Whaaat are you doing?" I stutter trying not to moan.

"Finishing what we started in the kitchen. " he nibbles on the spot.

"You started it. N-not me, I didnt do anything." I move to leave but he secures his grip on my waist.

"Louis, stop. Please." My voice cracks.

"You know you don't want me to stop." He bites me softly.

"Yes. I do want you to stop. Now let go. I want to sleep." I get out his grip and make my way towards the door. I don't we ant to stay here with him, I don't trust him anymore.

"Sandra, stop. Get out of here and I swear I'll tie you to the bed." My blood runs cold and I stop.

"Good girl. Come here." I turn around.

"You don't get to boss me around like you're my dad! I'll tie YOU on the bed and leave you there to starve! Don't you dare tell me what to do when you kidnapped me and Lilly for a fucking bet. You don't deserve respect for all I know you we're the one who changed me and I'm pretty sure you took my virginity while I was knocked out too! So don't tell me what to do nor threaten me because if you do-" i was cut short when my head snapped left and there was a sting on my right cheek.

"I have never done that to anyone. Especially someone like you. Does it really look like I would get involved with you? Ha! You thought wrong. I was here yesterday because Liam asked me to stay here and I don't want to see you naked anywhere because I've seen better. " I looked at him grabbing my cheek. He had dark eyes, pink almost red face, and his hands in fists.

"What? Are you going to punch me now? Are you going to rape me? Louis... I know you're not the bad guy type but cut the crap. You wanna slap something, go slap your own ass." I raised my hand and let it connect with his face.

"You wanna punch something, go to the gym. You wanna take out anger, go hit a tree with a baseball bat." I got his bat and smashed his lamp.

"You wanna fuck someone, " I dropped the bat and get in his face. "Go fuck yourself or get someone who's willing to take your small dick cause I'm not gonna let you do shit to me, got it? You're a pop star, go fuck Ariana Grande or Taylor Swift now that we know she likes it bad till she bleeds. But never, EVER, think I will fuck something like you.In the Fanfictions I've read you're fun, and come up with games and the girl gives herself up to you but this is the real world and I'm not going to let my virginity go to some horny guy." I grab Niall's shirt from the corner and get my clothes.

"You might want to think about this." I tap my temple with my pionter finger." Because some girls might want to fuck you like lightning, others might want to play with you and some might want to be real with you but you don't care about that do you? All you want to do is fuck and leave. Touch but no feelings. Play but cheat." I walk to the door and open it.

"Ill be in Nialls room and if that bothers you deal with it because he's more of a man than you'll ever be." I walk out but pop my head back in. I could've sworn he was about to cry. But he's a big boy and big boys don't cry.

"Good night and sweet dreams my Sassy boy." I close ed d the door and walked to Nialls room where he was playing on his phone.

"Hey, Niall." I spoke softly.

He looked up from his phone.

"Hey. What are yee doin' 'ere?" Dear Oreo King, don't kill me tonight with his SEXY accent.

"Louis was a bit mad so I thought I could crash here tonight and every other night for the rest of the 6 months with you and in the bus bunks or hotels and stuff. Can I?" I rambles on.

"Yeah, sure and I heard a smash so I thought either he was mad, you guys got busy or you killed him. So if he's mad then he'll be locked up in his room tomorrow and I'll go pick up your medication from the doctor sleep?" He turned on the light and looked at me with his mouth open.

"What?" I looked down. I was still in my bra and panties.

Why, oh, why do you torches me thy Oreo King? Why is this thy punishment you have given thee?

"Sorry, I'll just put on your shirt." I quickly put it on and look at him with his red cheeks and dark eyes. I walk towards his bed and lay down under the covers.

"Sorry, you won't rape me now will you?." I turn my back to him not wanting him to see my face.

"Its alright and no. Just didn't expect you to be... almost naked? I should say? Caught off guard. " He turns off the light and connects his phone to the charger.

"Sorry, Louis...UGH! I don't know what say, do or BLAAAAHHH! I'm done good night. Tell you in the morning. " I snuggle up in the duvet and sleep.

Louis' P.O.V

"I basically tried to rape her. I'm such an idiot. She's not going to trust me like this. Ever! UGH! Why AM I SUCH A STUPID FUCK?!" I yell out my window.


"Go TO HELL!" I yell back.


"SHUT UP!" I slam my window cracking it from the left corner.

Sandy broke my lamp so now it's dark and there's shards on the nights stand and the floor. I want to kill her and kiss her at the same time.

I'm so messed up right now. I need help. I'll talk to Liam later.

I stay up a little longer till I'm tired and see the sun pointing out that I should rest. If that's even possible.




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