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They say you don't remember a lot from when you are young. That all you have are feelings and emotions. But I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20- Duke Baxter
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- Caleb
Chapter 26- Sephora
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Epilogue - Sarah
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 13

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At that moment everything seemed to pause. There was no sound , no movement. It was as if time itself had ceased to exist. 

Then it began again with a fury.

Alex's side of the shelter tore from its foundation with a groan and snapped away from the rest of the shelter. I moved without thinking, creating a rope of energy connecting all of us to Chris.

I mentally shoved the rest of the shelter deep into the ground, hoping it would hold. Then I enhanced Chris' power so that it would be enough to hold on to the structure. I prayed my energy would be strong enough to keep us all together.

I had done all that I could at that moment to keep us safe, the rest was up to fate.

It felt like we spent hours waiting for the hurricane to pass but in reality it was probably just a few minutes. I kept waiting for Chris to let go, the structure to collapse or for the rope to snap but none of it happened. When it finally passed, we all slammed into the ground.

"Ouch! You couldn't have lowered us down gently?" Chris groaned.

"Yeah, sorry about that," I said wincing as I got up.

I looked around at everyone, making sure they were okay. I stopped when I reached Alex. He was sitting down, looking across the water, with his arms wrapped around his knees. I walked up to him and sat down. I didn't know what I could say to make him feel better. I was just about to start when Alex spoke.

"I know what you did." 

"I don't know what you're talking about," I replied, feigning innocence.

"C'mon Sephora. I have seen some of the stuff you've done today. You could have made that shelter so strong that ten hurricanes could hit it and we wouldn't know a thing," he said, giving me a look.

"Erm, well, you see, I was just, erm..."

"Save it, Sephora. I just wanted to say thank you."

Say what?

Alex must have seen the shock on my face because he continued.

"The moment you said I had to hold down the shelter was the moment my worst nightmares came to pass. I did it because I didn't want to let the group down but I knew deep in me that I would never be strong enough to hold it down. So when I couldn't hold on anymore, I wasn't surprised. It felt like the inevitable to me."

"I'm sorry Alex, I really don't see how I helped. It actually sounds like I made it worse."

"I'm getting there, hold on. Okay, so after I let go, I mentally braced myself for the pain. What I didn't expect was a bright red rope to stop me from flying to my certain doom. That's when I realised that things had changed. I was no longer the little boy whose house crashed down on his mother," he paused momentarily in response to my gasp, "I was the man who let his team down because of a little wind. I vowed that I would never again let my fear stop me from doing what is right. You helped me see that, so thank you."

"Wait. My stupid test almost hurt you and everyone else, including myself, and you are thanking me?" I said incredulously.

Alex started laughing loudly.

"Erm, yeah. I guess so," he said.

"Huh, well you're welcome then. Now get up, the next path has appeared."


The path we were walking on was very similar to the one we started on. It sparked a little hope in me that this day from hell might finally be over.

My hope grew as we continued down the path. Nothing jumped out at us, nothing seemed to be blocking the paths, there didn't seem to be any scene changes coming up, everything seemed to be cool.

I guess everyone felt the same way because they began to relax. The tense atmosphere disappeared.

We walked down the path for a little longer until I finally saw what I had been waiting for.

"Guys, isn't that High Trainer Globe?" asked Lila, grabbing my arm with excitement.

"Yes! We are finally done with this thing," Chris whooped.

"I'll race you there. Lila, no cheating," I said, taking off towards the exit.

I heard laughter behind me and  footsteps gaining on me. I pushed even harder, determined to get there before any of them.

Suddenly, I was thrown back by some unknown force.

"Seph, are you okay?" asked Lila.

"I am fine. Just going to have a huge headache after this. Does anyone know what I hit?" I said, rubbing my head as I got up.

"No. I didn't see you hit anything. It looked like you just flew through the air." Alex said.

"But I felt myself slam into something." I insisted.

Luke walked up to where I hit and pushed his hand forward. His hand continued to move until it was met with some kind of resistance.

"It looks like there is some kind of invisible wall blocking us from moving forward."

"But, why? I thought we were done with this!" I cried.

"Sephora Baxter, once again you have managed to show your all your stupidity in just one single question. That is truly commendable. I applaud you."

I turned around slowly towards the voice. My heart was filled with dread regarding what was to come next.

"Dad." I said, instinctively schooling my features into a blank slate.

My father gave me a wicked smirk, malice radiating from his eyes.

"Did you really expect that everyone else would have a trial and you wouldn't? You must really think you are something special. Your mother did spoil you when you were younger. You were a brat and she was weak," he spat out the word 'weak' with disgust.

I bristled at the mention of my mother but still kept my face blank.

"With all due respect sir, Luke hasn't had his trial yet," I said.

"With all due respect sir," he mocked, "Spare me, Sephora. Obviously you are still as dumb as when you left. Luke had his trial all through this training."

We turned to Luke for confirmation.

"It's true. I was bullied as a child because of my intelligence. It caused me stop speaking. When it came to this training I had to speak AND show my intelligence to help you guys. It sounds really lame but it was really hard for me," he said shrugging.

"Well Sephora, it seems that you attract weak people to you all the time. Do you enjoy picking up strays?" he said laughing at Luke.

I began to feel the familiar red rage creeping up my back and struggled to reign it in.

My father waited for a reaction. When he didn't get one, his expression changed to something mean and ugly. Then it changed back as quickly as it came.

"Or do you simply enjoy staying among your kind?" he paused to looking at me.

The rage started to spread.

"Nope, that's not it. I think you are just crazy. Just like your idiot of a mother."

I snapped.

The rage took over my body. With a loud roar, I summoned a huge energy ball in my hand and threw it at him with just one thought.

Hurt him. Let him feel the pain he causes me.

My father laughed, dissolving into energy as the ball engulfed him, pleased at the reaction he caused.

I closed my eyes trying to get rid of the words he said. I told myself to calm down but his laughter kept pounding through my head.

It was just a trick, Sephora. He wasn't real. None of this is real.

"Sephie, honey. Open your eyes."

My eyes instantly flew open. My anger left me as tears filled my eyes. I looked at the person I had wished to see the past eight years.

"Mama," I whispered.

"Yes, sweetie it's me," she said.

"This isn't real. It's just another trick, " I said tears falling down my face.

My mother suddenly became serious looking straight at me.

"Sephora, this isn't one of the trials in the Arena. I have an important message that I have left for you. It is in the journal of Mr. Stuart Cronus. Once you get it, you will know everything you need to. I don't have much time. Projecting energy really takes a toll on me. Trust no one outside the core group. They will be your strength in the time to come. I just... I just want you to know that everything I did was to make sure that you would have a better life. I love you, Sephora. Goodbye, " she said as she faded from view.

"Please don't leave!" I screamed, but she had already gone.

I stood there in shock. It had been so long since I had seen her face.

"Sephora, what just happened?" Alex asked.

"That was my Mom. She died eight years ago."

I wiped the tears from my eyes

"But she said she was projecting her energy. Doesn't that mean.."

"Yes, Alex. It seems my mother is alive."


Rhe Tache.

This chapter was edited 30/12/15.

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