In Her Eyes I Saw the Universe

By xBlessedwithCursesx

34.3K 1.5K 582


Complete Heterochromea
Sectoral Heterochromea
Central Heterochromea
Simple Heterochromea
Complete Heterochromea pt. 2
Sectoral Heterochromea pt. 2
Central Heterochromea pt. 2
Homochromea pt. 2
Complete Heterochromea pt. 3
Sectoral Heterochromea pt. 3
Central Heterochromea pt. 3
Black and White.

Simple Heterochromea pt. 2

2K 114 71
By xBlessedwithCursesx

Simple Heterochromea pt. 2

Today was the day Maya was going to ask Riley out, to be her girlfriend. She gathered up all of her courage before biology class and sat down in her normal set and pulling her hair up into a ponytail nervously. She smiled from ear to ear as she saw the brunette walk into the lab and turned a soft shade of pink as Riley winked at her and put her bag down next to the lab table and sat down next to the blonde. Riley pulled her hair up and when she was done she took a sip of her diet soda and offered Maya some, the blonde had gotten a lot better about being able to share drinks with Riley so Maya took a couple sips from Riley's drink with a smile on her face and she gave Riley her bottle back. "Hey do you wanna come over to my apartment? Nancy baked you a brownie too." Maya said smiling and intertwined her fingers with Riley's and looked down at their hands, she felt butterflies in her stomach.

"HAH! GAY!" One of the foot ball players said and high fived his friend next to each other, Riley got up and let go of Maya's hand and slammed her hands on the table.

"Its okay Riley, really-" she said trying to calm the angry French girl down but knowing Riley's temper her attempts futile. The brunette walked over to the foot ball player who they learned his name was Chad, she slammed her hands against his table to get his attention.

"How do you know if she is gay or not?" Riley asked, her accent really thick and she was fighting so hard to not speak in French.

"Everyone at the whole fucking school knows she is." Chad said with a smirk on his face and Riley slammed the table even harder with her hand.

"Ms. Matthews return to your own table!" The teacher Mrs. Flemings said.

"That is not what I asked you, have you ever heard from Maya that she is gay?" Riley asked in a more quiet but just as harsh tone.

"No but-"

"But nothing! At least doesn't have to use her own hand to get laid." She said and spit on his paper before walking back to her seat and held Maya's hand and took a couple deep breaths.

"You didn't have to do that." Maya said honestly and looked at the angry brunette.

"I just can't stand the way these people treat you Maya, your so special and so sweet. If they weren't so up their own asses about whether you are or aren't gay they'd see that." Riley said looking at Maya and smiled softly. "You're such a great person, and I wish more people could see that in you, I'm so lucky to have you as a friend." The brunette said and looked into Maya's bright blue eyes.

The rest of biology went by smoothly and they disected a frog almost perfectly. The day went by pretty smoothly other than the biology incident, the blonde smiled as her and the brunette walked to her building, their hands intertwined with each other and both of them swinging their arms happily. Maya's heart was racing as she thought about how to ask Riley to be her girlfriend, she bit her lip nervously as she opened the door for the brunette to her apartment building and the two girls walked up to the clerk's desk and smiled up at Nancy.

"Hey Lightning Bug, Sugar." She said and pulled out two baggies with double fudge brownies. "How did your day go Lightnin' Bug?" She asked looking at Maya and Maya bit her lip.

"Fine." She said and watched as Riley shook her head.

"Some one bullied you Maya." Riley said and Nancy shook her head softly.

"I'm glad you got Riley to protect you Maya." Nancy said smiling at the two girls. "Thanks for standing up to them Riley, she doesn't have a mean bone in her body."

The two girls walked up all the flights of stairs to get to the floor Maya lived on, the blonde walked up to her door and unlocked it. As she and Riley walked into the apartment they set their stuff down and sat at the dinner table and nibbled on their brownies. "So before me did you used to do all of this by yourself?" Rile asked and Maya nodded softly as she looked at the red and blue eyes. "Well I'm glad you have me too." Riley said laughing softly as she wiped off brownie crumbs from Maya's pale cheek and kissed it softly with a wide smile.

"Would me like to go out for you?" Maya asked nervously before correcting herself. "Would y-you like t-t-to go o-out w-with me, l-l-like as m-my g-g-gir-irlf-fr-riend?" Maya asked and frowned when she heard Riley giggle. "I'll take that as a no." She said looking down and Riley made her look back up.

"I only laughed because I thought we were already dating, of course I'll be your girlfriend." Riley said and kissed Maya's cheek happily. The blonde bit her lip and leaned over and pressed her lips against Riley's, she felt electricity through her body as she kissed Riley.

Today was a good day.

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