Sister of an Exorcist

By Hikari-sama

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Chapter 1: Accidental Discoveries
Chapter 2: Sweet Scar-filled Memories
Chapter 3: Too Late
Chapter 4: Today's Just Not My Day
Chapter 5: Set Sail
Chapter 6: Just a Nightmare
Chapter 7: Lacrimosa
Chapter 8: I'd Rather Forget
Chapter 9: Lulu Bell
Chapter 10: You Klutz!
Chapter 11: Good Job, Krory
Chapter 12: Welcome to the East
Chapter 13: Two Birds, One Stone
Chapter 14: Maybe It's For The Best?
Chapter 16: An Exorcist's Worst Nightmare
Chapter 17: What Do I Do?
Chapter 18: Change

Chapter 15: The Race To Japan

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By Hikari-sama

"I'm about to be reunited with my master. I guess I should be happy, but I don't know how I feel." Al sighed as we all sat in a boat going towards where the Order said General Cross was. Thank god it was small, I can handle small boats.

"After all I read about him, I guess I understand." I nodded reading the file about General Cross again. I didn't know that anyone could ever own thatmuch money until I read about him

"What's wrong?" Lenalee asked after the boat shifted a bit

"I just got this feeling we were being watched. I wonder if it was a panda." Al said

"Oh, Allen! You think pandas are everywhere in China." Lenalee giggled

"Aren't they?" He asked

"No!" She giggled again

"Cue...Lavi." I said pointing to the redhead who's been making the same joke for a while

"Hey, guys! There's a panda on the boat!" Lavi cried pointing at Bookman

"That's getting old." Lenalee said

"Really old." Al added

"You really are an idiot..." Bookman sighed

I leaned on the wall behind Krory and Bookman as the two sipped some tea, I became as paranoid as humanly possible.

"How can you two just sit there sipping tea?! General Cross is just one city away!" Lavi cried

"Haste makes waste my frantic friend. We've waited this long to find him, we can afford to wait now. We've sacrificed to get this far, we would be wise to contemplate our next move." Bookman said

"If you're tired, just say so!" Lavi cried

"He's right, Lavi. This is too important not to have a plan." Al said

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you don't really want to find the general." Lavi said

"Heh heh..." Al laughed nervously

"I'm in no rush to leave either..." I said looking from one side of the street to the other

"We should go sightseeing." Lenalee suggested

"You guys can go without me." I said sitting down on the ground

"I thought you liked looking at souvenirs." Al said

"Not here I don't." I said digging a book out of my suitcase. It wasn't long after that I heard an akuma nearby.

"It's like I can never get a day off..." I sighed dropping the book back into my suitcase

"What are you talking about?" Krory asked

"I think I'd be best if we all ducked." I said right before Al shot a hole through the wall behind us

"It's going to be a good day isn't it?" Krory said

"We should probably...go...over there." I said trying to jump on the bench and see over what was left of the wall before getting helped over by Krory and walking over to them

"That was an even bigger waste of time than I thought." Bookman said landing on Lavi's neck

"Hey! Of all the places to sit, why on my neck?" Lavi asked

"I had no idea we'd see that many akuma in a place like this." Krory said

"That could mean Allen wasn't imagining things when he felt someone was watching us." Lenalee said

"So you're saying, maybe it wasn't a panda spying on us after all." Al said

"But, I really wanted to see a panda..." I whined

"You think the akuma were tailing us this entire time?" Lavi asked

"It's not us they're after. It's the general. It seems we should be hurrying after all." Bookman said finding a new place to sit on

"That's exactly what I said when you were drinkin' tea!" Lavi yelled

So, somewhere in that big city is my master." Al said as we all looked down at a busy city from a hill

'There are so many people here...' I thought to myself walking through the crowds of people in the city with a tight grip on Al's jacket. There was no way in hell I was getting lost here again.

"I think I know the guy you're looking for. He's the redheaded foreigner with a weird mask right? If you buy ten more of my buns, I'll tell you exactly where he is." The guy at the bun stand said

"Deal!" I said with a thumbs up and eating half the buns as soon as he gave them to me

"So, the guy at the bun stand told you that General Cross is the new boyfriend of the lady that owns this place?" Lenalee asked

"Yeah, and from what I know of the General, I don't doubt it for a second." Al grumbled

"This place looks pretty fancy." Lavi said

"I heard it's the most popular spot in this harbor." Al said

"It's been here for a while. I remember it from when I was here a few years ago." I nodded to myself

"Stop right there! No first-timers allowed and no kids! Why don't you get lost!" A big...person (?) said

"'s big..." Al sweatdropped

"It's got boobs...I think he's a she..." Lavi sweatdropped

"Is she you type, Lavi?" I laughed before she cracked her knuckles

"GAH! I'm sorry!" I screamed jumping behind Al

"We're just passing through!" Al yelled

"Do girls even get that big?!" Lavi yelled

"We gotta get outta here!" Krory cried before she gave us an evil look before picking up Al and Lavi

"Hey! Put them down!" Lenalee yelled

"It's too late! They're gonna die!" I screamed in shock before we were brought inside to who I assume is General Cross's girlfriend

"Welcome exorcists. It's such an honour to have you. My name is Anita. I'm the owner of this establishment." She smiled

"She's so beautiful..." Lenalee gasped

"Lavi...don't do it..." I started, but Lavi had already started drooling

"I hit the jackpot!" He cheered

"I don't know how to tell you this, so I'll just say it. If you're here for General Cross, I'm afraid you're too late." Anita said

"What?" Al gasped

"He left some time ago on a ship. The ship he was on was attacked and sank to the bottom of the sea." She sighed

"What did you just say?" Lenalee asked

"I said, the ship he was on sank at sea eight days ago. There were no survivors." Anita repeated

"Do you have any evidence?" Bookman asked

"The same ship that had received their SOS signal had also gone to save them, however the ship and the people were nowhere to be found. In their place they found strange carcasses and a poisoned sea." She sighed

"Where was the general headed in the first place? Where was the ship's destination? The others may have died, but not him." Al said

"Do you think so?" Anita asked only to be answered by the determined look on Al's face before continuing, "Mahoja...Get my ship ready. We will be leaving shortly"

"Yes, ma'am." Mahoja bowed

"For many years, I have supported the Black Order in any way I could, from my mother's time up until now. If you're going to continue your search for Cross, we will be your guide. Our destination will be Japan. We will be heading to Edo." Anita said

I was walking to the boat with Anita, Mahoja, and Lenalee when I heard an akuma outside and ran ahead and saw it near the boat.

"Mr. Froggie!" I called to it making it jump out of the water and call its other friends

"They really exist? Akuma!" One of the sailors gasped

"Go find somewhere to hide. We won't let them get to you." Al said aiming his gun/arm at them

"I guess it was a good try exorcists, but you'll never get past the akuma army! You've traveled a long way, but this is the end of the line!" The frog akuma laughed

"I hate when akuma feel like they have to say this whole monologue before getting killed...It's annoying." I deadpanned before killing them with the help of everyone else

"The boat...keeps...moving..." I said crying a river big enough to sink the boat and hanging onto the side that just wouldn't stop rocking

"Prepare to set sail!" Anita yelled

"Yes ma'am!" The crew responded

"Kill me..." I cried

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