Chapter 13: Two Birds, One Stone

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'Where'd they go...?' I thought to myself running through the town trying to find them, but hearing more akuma and running in that direction
When I got there akumas were surrounding Lavi and Krory who were hanging onto Lavi's hammer. The best part...they were all above the lake...

"Why me?" I cried hanging my head before screaming at the akuma from the shore while Lavi and Krory killed some as well, my hearing still gone...

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I screamed over and over until I could hear my own voice again and running along the akuma corpses

"What took you so long to get over here?" Lavi asked

"I swear if one more person asks me that, I will kill them in the most painful way possible." I hissed with an evil glint in my eye causing Lavi and Krory to shrink back in fear before I turned back around to face the akuma before continuing, "And, you! There'll be no mercy." I hissed again with a wicked smirk before screaming at it

"Is that a kid?" Lavi gasped

"Wha- Ah! Lenalee didn't get her?!" I groaned screaming at more akuma before something dropped out of the sky from the corner of my eye

"What's that?" Krory asked

"It's dropping her!" I gasped as the girl fell towards the water before a bright light shot out of it and a gust of wind nearly threw me off the tree branch I had found myself on and clinging onto it for dear life until the wind stopped

"Know what's it doing?" Krory asked again making me look up to see the a sphere above the lake was sucking the water in

"That is" I gasped

"Looks like it's expanding." Lavi pointed out

"What is that akuma doing?" I hissed as the level two's hand blew up followed by Mei Ling's screams

"Let's go." Lavi said motioning to the ground below before the three of us jumped down from the tree

"Allen! Lenalee! Are you both okay?" Lavi asked as we ran over to them

"We are but..." Al said looking over to Mei Ling crying in Lenalee's arms before Lenalee carried her away

"Poor little thing." Krory sighed

"Yeah, she probably saw her own future." I said

"Why would that frighten her so much?" Krory asked

"Because that girl is an accommodator of innocence, so the future she got to see in the crystal ball must've been one of her as an exorcist. We all know we've chosen a dark and bloody path, but we have hope as long as we don't see how the story ends." Lavi explained

"That's right. She can." Al agreed

They were right of course. For accommodators, the very thing that protects then can also be the scariest thing in the world, especially if it's your first time using it.

'She isn't much older than I was when I first used my innocence...' I thought to myself thinking of the shock that came with it. I'd be an understatement to say that Al had handled his much better than I did...

"What's happening?" Al asked snapping me out of my thoughts and back into the reality that was trying to fling me away from the lake like a ragdoll

"The innocence spiraling out of control!" I explained digging my heels into the ground and trying to keep myself from getting blown away

"All right!" Lavi cheered when we all heard Mei Ling agree to become an exorcist

"Let's do it." Al smiled

"I'm feeling hungry." Krory smirked

"Let's shut this thing up." I said turning around to smile at Mei Ling

"Yeah. It's time to settle things." Lenalee agreed

"Extend!" Lavi yelled as his hammer flew over to the akuma with both us of us on it and once again being flung over to its ear, grabbing hold of it and making sure it was in too much pain to attack.

"Come on, Lenalee! We're counting on you!" Lavi yelled

"Right!" She nodded running up the hammers handle and jumping up to the innocence with Mei Ling returning it back to her and releasing the water it had sucked up

"I've got you now!" Krory yelled biting into the akuma

"Alright!" Lavi, Al, and I all cheered before we noticed the giant tidal wave coming our way

"Run!" I screaming sprinting away from it, but getting sweep up anyway

"Help!" I mouthed trying desperately to swim to the surface before getting plucked out of the water by Lavi

"If you can't swim you could've just said so, kid." Lavi smirked

"I'm not a kid! Stop calling me that!" I screamed trying to get him to release his grip on my collar

"Lavi..." Al growled

"Sorry! Sorry..." He said nervously setting me down and cautiously stepping away with his hands in front of him

'That's right. Be afraid. Be very afraid.' I smirked to myself

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