Chapter 7: Lacrimosa

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Al, Lenalee, and I were just slacking off in a train station when Lenalee got a call from headquarters on her golem

“So, what’d they want?” I asked

“Yeah you seem upset.” Al said 

“They wanted to tell us that armies of akuma are immobilizing all around the world. They say every akuma in southern Europe is headed towards Barcelona.”

“Oh, no. Devon, Paul and the rest of the finders are going to Barcelona.” Al gasped

“That’s exactly where we’re going.” Lenalee said before running off

“Right.” Al and I say in unison while running to catch up.

‘How much noise can that many akuma make? Can I handle that?’ I thought to myself while running

As we ran I could hear akuma screaming even though we weren’t even remotely close to Barcelona yet, however the screams had eventually died down to nothing before long.

“Do you hear anything?” Al asked as we ran

“Nothing. Maybe they killed them all already.” I said trying to be optimistic, but Al and Lenalee said nothing.

~Time skip~

Our worst fears had been realized when we got to Barcelona and saw the aftermath of what happened the night before. The pier of one of the cities many ports was filled with the corpses of Finders that had died last.

“Oh no.” Al gasped, and I heard Lenalee whimper in front of me. We walked further  down the pier to look for our friends.

“Is Devon around?” Al asked a finder, but he simply looked at a casket.

“It can’t be…” Lenalee cried

“What about Paul? Are Thierry or Pierre here?” I asked anxiously

“Them too.” He said and I balled my hands into fists, before stomping off to the remains of a house the was probably standing up until yesterday

“If I can’t protect those who are dearest to me, what am I here for?" I sobbed and I did what I always do when I’m upset or angry and sang:

The moonlight, which exposes sadness

Coldly illuminated

Despair and the future

That are friendly with each other within the darkness

Turning the secret that you gave me into a sign

I go through the silence of the pale night


Once more, I want to love the glaringly bright world

That shattered in the distance and vanished

Hide your dream in your eyes

Until tears come falling

Onto your sullied heart

The phantom carriage parts the darkness

And goes toward where the light is

The trap known as dreams

Lures us toward the flames

No shout of any sort will reach

The merciless gods above the sky


We’ll be the blazing firewood

Sister of an Exorcistحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن