Chapter 4: Today's Just Not My Day

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“The heart of innocence?” Al said. We were all riding in Komui’s stagecoach, and listening to Komui’s explanation of the situation we’re currently facing. Since I already knew about what they were talking about, I decided to take a nap on Al.


“Let me go! I wanna go home!” 13 year-old me screamed from a cell somewhere.

“Shut the hell up! You’re so fucking noisy!” One of the men holding me captive yelled back

“I wouldn’t be so noisy if you’d let me leave!”

“Do I have to get the wire again?” Another man hissed

I spit at him causing his short temper to ignite itself.

“You little shit!”

I let out a shrill scream as the wire cut my arms, legs, and stomach over and over again.

“You need to learn to shut up when I tell you to!” He yelled

~End of Dream~

I woke up with a start on Al’s back and fell off. “Ow…” I groaned rubbing my butt.

“Are you okay?” Lenalee asked helping me up from the ground. I nodded gripping the part of my shirt over my heart. It’s been so long since I've had that dream.

“Are you sure? You look pale.” Al looked worried, but it wasn't necessary.

“I’m fine.” I really was until I realized where we were. My eyes felt like they were popping of my skull.

“W-When did I-I get on h-here?” I stuttered looking over the side of the boat I had ended up on to see nothing but water.

“Last night. You were sleeping, so we thought it would best if we didn't wake you.” Lenalee explained

“You hungry?” Al asked

“Not really. You guys go ahead without me.” I grimaced when took one more glance over the railing and walked off grabbing my suitcase off the ground in the process. I needed to find a place to get my mind off of everything, so I sat on one of the tables on the deck of the ship and pulled out one of Komui’s books from my suitcase. Komui had let me read the books he keeps in his office as long as he approves of the ones I take first. It had been two years since I had learned anything new about the Order’s situation with the war against the Earl, so I figured I’d refresh my memory. I was reading the words, but nothing registered in my head. Grandpa had died after he was admitted to the hospital, and I couldn't help but blame myself.

‘If only I was faster, stronger, smarter... Maybe he’d still be here. He said he’d wait for me to tell him what happened when I disappeared. I promised him I’d tell him, so how am I supposed to keep my promise if he’s gone?’ I thought to myself, and felt tears run down my cheek and onto the pages of my book.

‘Stop crying! Crying won’t bring back what’s been lost. It won’t bring grandpa back…’ I told myself. I placed my book carefully back into my suitcase, and walked to the cafeteria. I did my best to make myself look normal, but there’s only so much someone can do. I pushed the doors open, and saw a bunch of women of all ages crowding around my brother.

“Aw, you two were having fun without me.” I pouted from the seat next to Lenalee and Al

“Where have you been this whole time?” Al asked trying to look over the girls’ heads

“Reading.” I said holding up my suitcase

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