5sos Adopted Me | 5sos Fan Fi...

By darnedluke

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"But I doubt any one of us four can stay just friends . One of us will be like her brother , the other her be... More

5SOS Adopted Me-5SOS Fan Fiction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 { p. 1 }
Chapter 19 { p. 2 }
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Just Us Two-
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Winner !!!! Dun dun duh
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
{ Testing }
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 35

6.3K 199 108
By darnedluke

My phone broke while it was getting fixed :-) joyous right? I am sad and phoneless. Enjoy this pls . Epilogue is already up after this too so tysm for reading

Diana's Pov :
I was getting anxiety , it was getting difficult to breathe. I was too nervous about meeting his family . It's just so overwhelming that they can decide if he adopts me or not . Or maybe they don't , maybe he will adopt me because he likes me ( not like that this is FATHER DAUGHTER RELATIONSHIP STUFF OK ) .

"Adam I can't do this , I'm going to throw up." I rolled the window down the air immediately relieving me of my breathing problems . But now I feel sick to my stomach from how nervous I am.

"Don't worry they will love you , and it might not help by saying that but they will. If I do they will as well , we're all practically alike." Adam smiled at me just as we pulled up to a large house that looked just a bit smaller than Adam's .

I took a few deep breaths then worked up the courage to unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car . Adam looked down at me and grabbed my hand , like a father , we both walked up to the house . We let go of each other and I fixed my dress. The door opened and I swear it was like I died inside .

"Adam , welcome home! " A woman around 5'5 was standing in the doorway .

"Mom , this is Diana .. My daughter ." Adam called me his daughter , that was exciting . I wasn't adopted yet and he was calling me his daughter . My smile grew wider as I reached down to shake her had but she pulled me into a hug.
"Call me Grandma Jane , I've heard so much about you . " she whispered in my ear , then we finally let go. I already felt great , but this is only one person out of twenty. I walked inside and the house was warm , smelt of food . I couldn't wait to eat because the scent was great.

As soon as the table was set and the plates were served , we all sat down. Adam and I had been siting down together going through a photo album of when he was younger. While sitting down I looked around , the family around me with blonde hair and colored eyes . I immediately was out of place with my brunette hair and slightly brown eyes ( have I ever said her eye color????? Idk whatever they're like Ashton's but darker ) . This was only ten of the twenty people here eating dinner with us , Grandma Jane says the others are coming later since they had work. I ate silently until someone spoke up , "So , Diana .. How old are you? I'm Macy by the way."

"I just turned 17 about two months ago ," I smiled putting my fork down.

"That's good , I hear you are taking independent studies for your last year of high school yes?" She continued the conversation but I just felt all eyes on me I couldn't help but get some anxiety and feel very nervous .

"Yes , but I hope to attend a school prom at least ." I picked up my cup of water and took a sip hoping the coolness of it will help calm me down.

"Why don't we go around the table and introduce ourselves to Diana yes?" Grandma Jane said looking around the table getting various agreements .

"Alright start from my left ." She said and then a boy spoke up .

"Hey , I'm Hayes . 15 , yeah."

"I'm Lara , 23 . Hayes is my little brother ." Lara said scuffing Hayes' hair.

" Jake , only child  . My parents are coming soon. They're Ben and Anne." He looked like an annoyed 16 year old , I'm guessing his age since he didn't say.

"Danny , I'm five." A little boy sitting next to Jake smiled while waving his fork in his hand.

"Katie , 28 I'm Adam's sister . The rest of our brothers and sisters will be here soon." She smiled a big toothy smile and nudged the person next to her to speak.

"I'm Matt , Katie's husband."

I smiled and waved to everyone after Matt finished because there was no one else to introduce themselves .

"Diana , so please tell us about yourself . Tell us all how Adam met you or what happened." Katie said putting a spoonful of food in her mouth. I nodded and put down my fork.

*i was going to write everything that happened in the first few chapters but I got lazy so she told them about that night of the concert I'm just not writing it*

"Adam is a wonderful person , and I am more than happy that he has decided to adopt me . I would have been dead , and look where I am . I am healthy and loved , thank you Adam." I cried a bit after I told my story .

"A toast to Adam for being wonderful and taking in my gorgeous granddaughter . You are loved Diana , we will love you . We love you already , don't we ? .. So cheers everyone!" Grandma Jane was standing proudly holding a wine glass while us younger ones held up a wine glass , but filled with water . I smiled happily and we all talked , we talked like I wasn't new . Of course I had to ask questions here and there but other than that I felt at home.

Being there I felt welcome , I felt loved , I felt like I was family . I am family . Time passed and I met the others , lovely people who spoke nicely and were very welcoming . Soon it was about eleven and Adam and I said good night to everyone .

"Diana , come back soon. Please , we all loved having you here." Grandma Jane said and I hugged her very tightly

"Thank you so much for tonight ," I whispered into her ear as we hugged , " thank you Grandma Jane." I let go and her face was lit up and eyes were teary.

"Adam my dear son , you have brought me another grandchild and she is wonderful thank you." she hugged Adam and we waved to everyone getting into the car.


"How do you feel ?" Adam asked as we walked inside our house.

"No words can describe how great it feels to finally have a family . I felt great , I feel great." I beamed at Adam and he grabbed my hand reassuringly . I hugged him and we held on for a while .

"One day I will call you dad , and I'm waiting for that day. I'm taking this slowly , but for sure . And that day when I do , I will feel more like family than ever ." I smiled at him and a tear fell down his cheek .

"You have come a long way Diana , I am proud of you . I will be even more proud when that day comes and you call me dad." Adam wiped his eyes giving me one last hug before saying good night .


I decided to have Michael over , he's my best friend and I figured I'd tell him about it first. I know I was supposed to hang out with Luke and call him but I need to talk to Michael .

"Hello?" Michael answered the phone , he sounded confused and I heard a video game playing in the background.

"Michael bring that ass here." I giggled and fell over onto my bed.

"Is that your way of asking me to come over?" He laughed and I'm sure he had a big smile on his face.

"Sort of , I don't know ... Ok yes it is ."

"Alright well I need to talk to you about many things so I will see you there Diana ." After that Michael hung up the phone .

( mainly dialogue , it's Michael then Diana Michael then Diana etc. )
"Diana!" Michael exclaimed my favorite bag of Lays potato chips in his hand.

"Michael , if you scare me like that one more time I will cut the cables on your PS4 ," I laughed taking the chips from him and immediately opening them.

"No no please don't. So what's up?" He plopped down on the couch with me .

"I met Adam's family today ."

"What happened ?? How did it go??"

"It went pretty great to be honest , I felt very welcome , everyone looked nice and was nice . I had my times where I felt a little out of place but I'm sure that's normal for a first time."

"That's great to hear , did they like you?"

"I think they did , Adam's mom loved me so much , she was like 'call me Grandma Jane'" I giggled flipping through Netflix , Michael chuckled and shouted at me to watch Grey's Anatomy . "Michael you watch this???" I laughed and he nodded happily and proud .

"Diana I need to talk to you , I need to let some things out." Michael sighed putting his hair to the side.

"Okay , what's up?" I smiled kind of nervous if it was about me or not .

"This girl , Nikki , that I was in love with but she did something to me came back to talk to me and fix things . Which we did , I forgave her .. I think because I wouldn't forgive myself if she felt hurt over me . I loved or love her and I don't know what to do. Should I give it another shot? Or do you think she is apologizing because I'm famous now?"

"First , what'd she do?"

"Sounds very heartbreaking Michael , but I don't think she's in it for fame if she talked to your mom about how she felt . If you still believe she's in it for fame , I don't . Another reason is that she didn't have fame in her plan , she wanted a simple life with you here . I think Nikki just wants you back."

"You're right ."

"Do you want her back?"

"I don't know , we had great times I loved or love her . I just don't want her to break my heart again , that will hurt the second time and will be all my fault because I let her back in my life."

"Then take it slow , yeah?"

"I will , and by taking it slow I'm going to go hang out with her right now."

"Michael what the hell?! And is that even taking it slow ?!"

"Call Luke !" He shouted half way out the door and I was alone on the couch watching a television show I wasn't into .

"Diana lovely to see you." Luke smiled while I got in his car , I leaned in to kiss him and that kiss felt different . A good different . We kissed for a while in the car , but we finally broke apart.

"Whoa." I let out a breath and put on my seatbelt . Luke nodded and took off.

"Diana , I have a question for you." Luke rushed and opened the door to his friend's house . It was filled with pink and red balloons .

"What is this Luke?" I smiled , it was cute .

"Find the darker shade of red and pink . Your question is one of them." Luke smiled leaning down to kiss me before taking a seat.

"There's a lot of balloons Luke ! This is going to take a while ."

"It won't , trust me."

I set off looking at the balloons on the floor and searching for the darker shades , I pushed through them and scattered them . I found a darker pink one and threw it to Luke . After looking for maybe another five minutes I finally found the darker red one and walked over to Luke happily.

I sat down on Luke's lap , he held the pink one I held the red. "Pop them." He smiled and I dug my nail into the red one . A piece of paper was in between the balloon , Luke told me not to open it yet and took the paper from me. I popped the pink one and handed him the paper , but he handed them both back to me .

"Left hand first , right second ." He kissed me and held onto my waist. I nervously fumbled with the paper in my left hand . "Will you..." I read out loud and I unfolded the next one . "... Be my girlfriend ?" I smiled and hugged Luke , kissed him multiple times . "I will , I'd love to !" I cried out and he kissed me . It was what felt like sparks and fireworks . The kiss was passionate and Luke's hand rested on my back .

Luke broke apart from me and said "Diana , I love you," then kissed me again . I did the same but said ", Luke Hemmings I love you as well ."

No they don't have sex. They just made out .

Thank you all for reading , epilogue is already posted so you can go read that if you'd like !

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