Red Roses [Luke Hemmings]

theluckiest_ tarafından

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When rockstar Luke Hemmings is invited to his ex-girlfriend, Australian business royalty, Rebecca Richards' w... Daha Fazla



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theluckiest_ tarafından

It was everywhere three days after it happened. All of the gossip television shows had only one topic to talk about and all of the magazines had the same two faces on the covers. The internet was buzzed with the trend of Luke's and Rebecca's engagement. The only thing you saw when you opened up some type of social network was Luke and Rebecca's engagement. It happened like this:

The last the show in Europe for 5 Seconds of Summer was in Milan, Italy. As soon as they arrived there, the only thing on Luke's mind was buying a ring. Rebecca, Lynn and Holly were arriving in Milan in a couple of hours after the 5SOS boys arrived. After they were settled into the hotel, Luke got his three bandmates and they searched the city for the best jewellers. A local fan had told them a beautiful place in the modern city. So, that's where they went.

"Posso aiutarla?" a beautiful raven-haired lady asked Luke. He gave her a smile and nodded his head.

"Do you speak English?" he asked.

"Yes," she told him, "But not very well, I hope you don't mind."

"You'll do. You see, I want to propose to my girlfriend tonight. I need the best ring you have and I need it well... now."

The girl's eyes widened. Maybe Luke was being a little demanding but he didn't care. This was for Rebecca and at the end of the day that was all that mattered. She was all that mattered.

"If we want to give you the best ring, you must wait long time for it," the lady said.

"How long?" Ashton asked, crossing his arms. The boys went to go look around the store but Ashton stayed with Luke.

"A couple of hours to a couple of weeks. It depends," the lady said.

"What can you get me in a couple of hours?" Luke asked.

The lady took in a deep breath and held up her one finger before going into the back of the shop. Luke tapped his foot against the marbled floors and then began to pace back and forth.

"Dude, calm down," Ashton chuckled.

"I can't calm down. I want to marry her Ash. I've never wanted something like this since the band. I get like this tingling feeling everywhere and that's how I know it's really something special," Luke said.

"Good things come to those who wait," Ashton just said. Luke rolled his eyes and shoved his best mate.

"Just shut up."

Soon, the same lady came back in with an older man. He had tanned skin and grey glistened dark hair. He had a suit on that seemed too tight for his very large body. He was fat but boy did he have a smile on his face when he saw the boys. The lady was talking to him in Italian.

"You want the best ring, eh?" the man asked Luke. He nodded his head.

"In two hours I can get you the best ring we have. You come back in two hours and we'll have two carat, three diamond ring. The band is platinum, very good and last long. But, we must charge more because of quick demand," he said.

"Fine by me," Luke told him, "How much will it be?"

* * * * *

Rebecca had been having so much fun going around Europe. She had seen so many things and she had strengthened her friendships with Holly and Lynn. Everything was perfect and she couldn't have asked for anything more.

"So does anyone speak Italian?" Lynn asked, smiling at the paparazzi who were all yelling out their names and asking them to look over at their camera.

"Nope," Holly laughed as they went into one of the vans that their boyfriends' had set up for them.

Italy was filled with old brick buildings, brick roads, brick bridges, brick everything. The streets were small but busy. It seemed so lively and happy and loud. Rebecca fell in love with everything immediately. Unfortunately, the paparazzi followed them all the way to the hotel and even greeted them until they were inside.

The girls checked in and all showered and cleaned up from their flight from France. Rebecca looked herself in the mirror. The bags under her eyes weren't as dark as they used to be. Her lips automatically went up into a smile. She was happy after a long time of confusion and sadness and grief. She felt so happy. She felt so good. She felt perfect.

After all the three girls were done, they met in one of the rooms and were fascinated by the idea of what they could see while they were in Italy.

"Look, I'm only really into that gelato," Lynn admitted.

"Ugh," Rebecca groaned, "me too!"

"I really wish Indie was here. She loves things like this, travelling but Kyle doesn't want her on a plane when she's pregnant."

Holly immediately slapped her mouth with her hand. "Oh shoot, Becc I'm sorry." Rebecca just laughed.

"Hey, it's okay. There'll be other ones."

"That's the spirit Becc. You and Luke can't get enough of each other. I won't be surprised if you guys have kids every year."

Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Let's not act like Lynn should be knocked up right now," she laughed. Lynn's jaw dropped and her whole body went red. She had always been one to go into detail about her and Calum's sex life. They definitely couldn't get enough of each other. They loved each other and they always had something up their sleeves to keep their relationship... interesting.

"You guys are really gross," Holly laughed.

"Hey, at least we actually have sex unlike Little-Miss-Prude over here," Lynn said, poking Holly's sides.

Holly didn't want to give up her virginity until she was married but she loved a good tease. Ashton loved her obviously and so he respected her decisions.

* * * * *

By the time the concert was about to happen, Rebecca had put on a beautiful blue sundress with a pair of comfortable sandals. Her hair was put into a high ponytail to keep it from sticking to her neck and back. It was extremely hot in Milan and concerts were always hot.

The girls wanted to experience the show like they were one of the fans so they were up in the pit, standing. There were so many teenage girls around them all screaming and chattering about in Italian.

"I've never done this before," Holly admitted, "Ashton likes me to stay up in one of the private balconies."

"Same," Lynn said, "Calum doesn't want to lose sight of me."

"I've never really been to a show," Rebecca said.

"Well it's a good thing we're here now."

Twenty minutes later, the opening act came out for about half an hour and Rebecca couldn't deny that she was having fun. Just as 5 Seconds of Summer were about to come out, security was searching for someone. Holly nudged Rebecca.

"What do you think's going on?" she asked. Rebecca shrugged her shoulders and frowned.

"I have no idea," she said.

It wasn't long until one of the security workers tapped Rebecca on the shoulder. "Mi scusi... are you Rebecca Richards?" he asked.

"Yes, is there something wrong?" she said.

"We have specific instructions to take you somewhere from someone working with the main act tonight."

"Can I know why?"

"I don't think so. Please Miss, you come with me?"

Rebecca looked over at Holly and Lynn. They shrugged their shoulders and urged her to go with the security guard. They pulled her out of the stands and toward the back of the arena where the back of the stage was. Did Luke ask for her?

"Please wait here," the man told her. She was in a little alleyway in between a large wall and a bunch of boxes that were used to hold the bunch of instruments and stage things that the boys used on stage. Rebecca nodded nervously. She didn't know what was going on.

Looking around, Rebecca found the boys on the other side of the stage, talking to each other. They huddled into a circle quickly and then Ashton came out and everyone screamed. The rest of the boys went out and the same amount of screams and hollers came. Rebecca watched in awe as the boys sang their first song. Once the final riffs of the guitars had ended, Michael screamed out in joy.

"I've never been so stressed out in my life," he said, taking a breather as Rebecca found Luke taking a sip of water from a water bottle that sat below Ashton's drum kit. The two shared a laugh and Luke nodded his head at something that Ashton had said to him.

* * * * *

"Nervous?" Ashton yelled over the screaming fans, making sure that his mic didn't pick up his voice.

"More than nervous," Luke nodded. He laughed at himself. He was about to propose to the love of his life in a couple of minutes and of course he was going to be nervous.

"You'll do fine and she'll obviously say yes," Ashton told him. Luke took another swig of water and then went back to the front.

"Ready Luke?" Michael asked. Luke exhaled into the mic and held onto it, his thumb and index finger holding onto his pick.

"I don't I ever will be but you know what, let's do it," he said.

Luke looked out at the crowd and couldn't help but smile. This was his life. This was his job and hell did he love it. Yeah, he missed home but nothing could beat the adrenaline he got when he was on this stage sharing his talent and his art, his work.

"So I arrived in Milan this morning and the first thing I did was head into the city and find a jewellers. I'm really sorry if you can't understand me but I love Milan and the only way to respect it is to do something I hope I only have to do once," Luke said. He took in a deep breath and went into the back of his jeans to take a the little ring that he had paid so much for.

"It took a couple of hours for this very thing in my hand to arrive from Genoa to Milan. It costed a lot," Luke laughed, "But it was worth it."

He cleared his throat just a little bit and looked over to his right where Rebecca stood, confused. Her eyebrows knitted together in curiosity and to Luke, she just looked so cute. He knew he had to marry her because that was what he wanted to wake up to every morning and that's what he wanted to fall asleep next to at night. He wanted her and he always wanted her.

"Becc, do you want to come out here?" Luke asked. Rebecca pointed to herself in expectance and Luke nodded at her. He motioned her with his hand for her to come up on stage and the whole crowd "ooh'd" at them.

"Seven years ago I met you at a chemist. Ben's girlfriend Mary needed some lady things and we didn't know what the hell we were doing. Thank God you came into my life. We seem to have met in the most inconvenient places and times but I couldn't be more happy for that. I'm really bad with words but if this doesn't say it all, I don't know what to say. I love you to death Becc. Would you do me the honour of being my wife?"

Rebecca's hands flew to her mouth as her breathing hitched. Luke bent down on one knee, his guitar in the way but he couldn't care less. He could just get a new guitar. But that was the thing. See, he didn't care about anything else except for Rebecca because he could just get new things. He could get a new guitar if he broke it. He could book another show if he cancelled one. He could buy a new car if he crashed it. The only thing that he couldn't get new of was Rebecca. If he messed things up with Rebecca, he couldn't get a new one. He didn't want a new one. He didn't want a new love because he knew that she was it. That was it and if he didn't do this now, he couldn't ever do it with anyone else.

"Yes," Rebecca said. She cupped Luke's cheeks in her hand and he smiled, taking her left hand and sliding the diamond ring on her finger. Then he stood up and pulled her close to him, pressing his lips against hers.

"I love you so much," he told her, "I love you." Luke kept telling her that. He kept doing it until the boys pulled them apart and got on with the show.

Three days later, 5 Seconds of Summer were featured on Sunrise in Sydney, the morning show. They sat down on the lounge with the two hosts and Luke had the biggest smile on his face because he knew behind that camera was his beautiful fiancé and his son, Bryce. Carrie had let Bryce come to Sydney for a couple of weeks until she'd join him and bring him back to LA before school started in September.

"I think we have to get right into it. Congratulations Luke on your engagement," one of the hosts, David had said. Luke smiled and nodded his head, crossing one of his legs over the other at the ankle.

"Thank you," he said.

"Have you two set a date or anything?"

"No, not yet. We're just taking it a day at a time."

"We have to ask you, how did you know she was the one? I mean you guys are very young, only twenty-two, right?"

Luke shrugged his shoulders and shook his foot, staring at it. "I think you just know," he laughed.

"Is it like a feeling? Do you see signs? Come on! Give us the details," Samantha had laughed.

"Okay," Luke breathed, "Okay... Yeah, I guess it's like a feeling. Sometimes you'll just wake up and she'll be on your mind already. I don't know about signs but you don't really realise what you have until it's gone and that's kind of your sign, I think."

"Also, when you're whipped like he is, you just know," Ashton laughed, patting Luke's shoulder. Luke chuckled a little as everyone else laughed.

"Well it's very exciting. Congratulations to the both of you."

More talk about the Australasian leg of 5 Seconds of Summer's current tour came up and then the boys went to go play a song from their newest album. Soon, their segment was finished.

* * * * *

Rebecca walked into her home with a big smile on her face. in the lounge room was Luke, Ben, Elle and Bryce. They were laughing and having a good time. She walked right in and they all greeted her.

"How was work?" Luke asked. Rebecca put her stuff down on one of the lounges and sat down, exhaling.

"Eventful but I don't really think men should know about it. How about I get started on dinner?" Rebecca asked.

"Actually Ben's got someone he wants us to meet. I've asked Michael to take the kids for the night," Luke said.

"Oh? Who is she?" Rebecca asked, taking Bryce into her arms. He had been tugging on her pencil skirt for a lift ever since she got home. Rebecca pressed a kiss on Bryce's temple.

"She works at the daycare that Elle goes to," Ben said.

"That's cute," Rebecca laughed, tickling Bryce's sides.

"I'm allowed to do this right? Elle needs a mum and I need to feel... happy again," Ben said.

"Of course you're allowed to be happy Ben," Rebecca said, rubbing Ben's shoulder, "Everyone is allowed to be happy."

"I know that," Ben sighed, "I mean about replacing Elle's mum."

"You're not replacing her. Mary will always be Elle's mum you just happen to love someone else. You just happen to love again," Luke said.

Rebecca watched the two brothers and smiled at them. Everything seemed to be on track now. Everything seemed to be perfect.


 i don't even think the guy from sunrise's name is david. oops. 

GUYS THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER BEFORE THE EPILOGUE. I know I've lost some of you due to inability to update. The truth was it was hard for me to keep inspired with this story but I've tried my hardest. Thank you to those who turned my thoughts about this book being absolutely horrible. I'm quite proud of this :) I know I've improved with my writing and all that stuff. 

I have a blog on Tumblr that I've just started this morning for writing tips. I've been asked about tips and I thought I'd bring that up. Please check it out if you're interested: :) 

I'll keep you guys posted on some new stuff I'm working on. Hint hint: ash and cal haha

Please don't forget to vote and comment !!! I'd really love it. thanks a heaps guys!

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