Mia and Her Alpha

By WolfLoverKait

235K 8.9K 348

My name is Mia and when I was a child my mother made a choice risking everyone's safety. The choice was a sac... More

M&A || One
M&A || Two
M&A || Three
M&A || Four
Chapter 5-The Truth Will Set You Free
Chapter 6-Justice
Chapter 7-Follow Your Heart
Chapter 8-How Much More Can The Heart Take?
Chapter 9-Family Reunion
Chapter 10-Brother
Chapter 11-The Escape
Chapter 12-Finding Each Other
Chapter 13-Waterfall
Chapter 14-Stranger in the Woods
Chapter 15-My Mate?
Chapter 16-No More Waiting
Chapter 17-Brother's Arrival
Chapter 18-You're Not The Only Alpha Child
Chapter 19-You Need To Let Go
Chapter 20-2 Girls. 1 Heart.
Chapter 21-Escape From Suffocation
Chapter 22-Dominos
Chapter 23-If The Cookie Crumbles
Chapter 24-Past Not Forgotten
Chapter 26-Clean
Chapter 27-Personal Hell
Chapter 28-Carnage
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note
M&A || Nora &Tyler

Chapter 25- Blessing or Curse?

4.9K 208 4
By WolfLoverKait


The sun hasn't nearly risen above the trees yet. The entire world seemed to be on pause. No birds have awakened as well as no people. Everything feels deserted except for the menacing silence.

Tyler called me late last night with an update on Lucas. Sadly, the update wasn't what I was expecting. Lucas was screaming in agony last night. The doctors don't know what happened, but they think that the overdose of the inconclusive drug did serious damage.

Tyler texted me later on with a very vague response. All I know is that they are prepping Lucas for surgery. Tyler hasn't responded to any of my frantic messages nor has Nora.

I knew that I wasn't going to make it back to the pack in time to see Lucas before the surgery, so I had to make sure I was present for when he woke up.

I quickly threw all my belonging in my duffel bag and carefully made my way to the barn that had to be a mile away from the pack house. I pulled my horse out of the stable. However, I was wrong about no one being awake. Brady entered the barn while remaining seated on the horse. He must've been doing border control. Alphas are so frantic these days.

"Leaving so soon?" Brady called.

"I have to get home to Lucas. Something happened and no one is giving me any answers!" I spoke while hopping on top of the horse.

"Too bad. We only just met. I guess we're going to have to wait a few more days." Brady grinned.

"Wait, what? Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Yup. I'll bring my wolves in three days time. We have a war to fight."

I was bubbled up inside with joy. I wanted to jump off and give him a huge hug, but like Brady said, we only just met.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"I'll see you soon, Mia." Brady nodded.


I arrived at the pack hospital during the middle of Lucas' surgery. I was relieved I was going to be there when he woke up. Disappointingly, Tyler was not present when I arrived which meant I had to wait longer to find out the answers that have been eating me alive.

I didn't get a chance to eat any breakfast so I ran to the vending machine and got a bag of potato chips. By the time I got back, Tyler was sitting in the chair that I was in before.

"You have a lot of explaining to do!" I yelled.

"Except I can't explain."

"And that is because?"

"I don't know what's going on nor does Lucas. See, Lucas doesn't handle hospitals very well, so he thought best if he didn't know what's going on."

"And you couldn't just tell me that!" I said while nudging his arm.

"Excuse me, are you Mia and Tyler?" A nurse asked quietly.

She must've been new considering she didn't know who the beta or luna were.

"Yes, we are." I smiled.

"Lucas is out of surgery. Everything went as planned. He should be awake very shortly. I'll bring you to his recovery room."

His recovery room looked opulent. There was a large window surrounded by tomato red drapes. There was a large sixty-inch tv hanging on the wall across from the king size bed. The floor was even carpeted. Only the best for the Alpha.

I opened up the window to let fresh air in the room. The air was damp. Gray clouds covered large stretches of sky. There wasn't a drop of blue to admire. I was really hoping we wouldn't have another storm like the monstrous one last night.

I hadn't realized that Lucas' was beginning to wake up from the anesthesia. I could hear his heart rate increasing as he moaned in agony.

"Hey, sleepyhead. You're alright. Everything's fine." I whispered.

"Mia," Lucas said in a delicate voice.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better now that you're here."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone to Brady's so soon. I should've waited till you got better."

"Listen, to me. I'm glad you went. It was the right thing to do for our pack."

"But not for us."

"Trust me, it was the best thing for our future. Did they give you an answer?"

"Lucas." I sighed dramatically.

"They're not coming, are they?"

"They'll be here in three days." I grinned.

"What was that sigh for?!?"

"To see that priceless look on your face." I giggled.

"Once I'm better, I'll get you back!" Lucas laughed.

"I'd like to see you try."

"You will. Anyways, aren't you supposed to be a rebel right now? I thought you and your friends were going into town today."

"Technically, yes. Except, I want to be here by your side in case anything else happens."

"I'm not going to let you suffer from all this terrible hospital food," Lucas smirked.

"My savior," I said dramatically.

"Yup, that's me! Please go and spend time with your friends. Trust me, I'll still be in this same spot when you get back."

"Fine." I sighed.

"That's not a happy face is it." Lucas fake pouted.

"Yay!" I pretended to act happy.

"Goodbye, I love you, Mia."

"I love you too, Lucas."

Lucas gave me a kiss on my forehead before I plopped out of his bed. I wanted to tell Lucas I was pregnant, but I figured that telling him in a hospital isn't the greatest of places to tell him. This night was going to be rough. It's going to be hard to have a good time when I can't do anything to harm this baby inside me.


This was my first time ever to go clubbing and let's just say my first impression was anything but excited. There were hundreds of people either wearing skin tight clothes or half naked trotting around on the colorful dance floor like maniacs.

To top it all of, Nora made me wear the most uncomfortable dress ever to be created. She had me wear this itchy skintight dress that is covered everywhere with golden sequins. Sequins truly will be the death of me if my brother doesn't kill me first of course. And to top it all of, I have five-inch heels on. Who the hell dances in five-inch heels?

Nora wore a sexy black dress that hugs her body in all the right ways while Lily wore this royal blue dress that has a puffy skirt that goes to the center of her thighs. I'm very surprised Tyler let Nora wear something so risqué.

Nora and Lily grabbed me by my arms and dragged me to the dance floor against my will. They began dancing all over the place while I stood there not moving a muscle. Watching them make fools of themselves was pleasurable enough. They didn't even drink yet so who knows what's going to happen. One of us has to be sane and that's going to be me.

"Come on Mia! Lighten up!" Lily screamed.

Lily grabbed ahold of my arms and began flapping them up and down. I looked like a fricken gold sea lion.

"I want something to drink. Do you want something to drink Nora?" Lily blurted up.

"Hell yes!" Nora shouted.

That's when I knew that I brought a bunch of insane girls to a club. Why couldn't I have said something simple like a game of checkers?

Nora and Lily danced off the dance floor while I walked behind them. They were acting like full-on humans. Insane freaks with no filter.

"Mia, what do you want?" Lily asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Mia, you have to have something!" Nora shouted trying to compete with the blaring music.

"I want to, but I can't!" I snapped.

"Why not?" They both questioned.

"Because." I sighed.

"Because why?"

"I'm pregnant, okay?!?" I yelled before walking away from them.

I walked out of the club and headed to the diner next door. The dinner seemed very retro with it tall stools with red cushions and neon pink lights that say "open".

"Can I have a chocolate milkshake, please?"

"Here you go." The women smiled.

"Thank you," I said as I handed her three dollars.

I walked over to the booth that was secluded from everything else. I really just wanted to be alone now. I'm pregnant and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm happy that I'll have a family except I'm not ready to have a child. I'm still sixteen. I've always vowed that I wouldn't turn out like the women who have children at such a young age. They seem so miserable because they can't do what other people do. They can't have fun anymore. I'm not ready to give that up.

Nora and Lily walked into the diner and sat down across from me.

"Why didn't you tell us, Mia?" Lily asked.

"No one knows," I whispered.

"Not even Lucas?" Nora asked.

"No, I haven't told him yet."

"Mia, I want to be supportive right now, but I can't. You're only sixteen." Lily spoke.

"I'll be seventeen soon. Lily, I don't know what to do."

"I think you need to tell Lucas and embrace this. This is the life you were given Mia. You were given it for a reason." Nora said in a comforting tone.

"I'm not ready."

"You don't think you are now Mia, but you are ready," Nora said softly.

"I think I'm going to go for a walk. I'll meet you here in an hour."

I always go on walks when I need to clear my head. Space always revives me. I recognized the street that I was on from my last visit. I walked around the corner that placed mine on the street of the park as well as Aiden's house.

I quickly pulled myself back around the corner to prevent myself from being seen. Jackson was exiting Aiden's house while talking to Aiden. Aiden really was working with Jackson. I had some suspicions but never did I think they would be right.

I peeked my eyes around the corner to see Jackson getting in his car and driving away. Aiden sat on the steps staring at the moon. I made a split seconded decision and walked around the corner and went to Aiden.

"What the fuck is going on?" I yelled.

"Mia?" Aiden spoke startled.

"You know, I thought you were nice and on my side. I guess I was bloody wrong. You've been playing me this whole time!"

"Mia." Aiden sighed.

"I can't believe you're working with my brother! What even is happening right now? I guess I was so naive that I thought that I could trust you and that you were the good brother."

"Mia, I'm sorry I lied to you. I was never on your side."Aiden whispered.

"You know, you and my brother make a great pair. You bother are two faced lying cowards that don't have an honest bone in your bodies. Go to hell Aiden!" I yelled.

Aiden stood up from the stair and grabbed ahold of my wrist. He held onto it so tightly that I couldn't even open my mouth to scream.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that," Aiden spoke in a dark voice.

"I will talk to you, however, the fuck I want to. You mean absolutely nothing." I shot back.

Aiden began to twist my wrist. My bone was on the verge of snapping, but I kept a composed face.

"Stop it!" The women said while walking out off Aiden's house.

"Great. Now tell me Aiden, are you lying to her as well or was that just me?"

"You better keep your mouth shut!" Aiden shot back. "I should kill her right here and right now, Denise."

"No, you shouldn't. Killing her will hurt Lucas gravely. Except, Mia's pregnant. If you kill her child, that's a whole another set of strings you'd be breaking." Denise spoke.

Great, another person who has the power of sight to tell me that I'm pregnant. I felt like the whole world is going to know by the time morning comes.

Aiden instantly lets go of my arm. He stared at me before turning around to go back inside.

I think I'm now enemy number one. I still couldn't figure out if this baby is a blessing or a curse.

I quickly walked back to the diner to find Lily and Nora sitting at the bench. I hadn't noticed that the deep red skin covering my wrist was so noticeable.

"Oh My God Mia! What happened?"

"It's not important, but we have to go. Now!"

All three of us rushed to our car to head back to the pack. I had no interest in discussing what occurred and my baby with anyone, but Lucas.

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