The boy next door

By jeeezy2

390 19 3

Melanie is starting her junior year of high school when she finds out that a new boy moving in next door she... More

Junior Year
Meeting the family
Game Day
First Date
Hospital stay
2 months
Baby Alexandra
Movie Date
Telling him
9 months later

Back to Dallas

11 1 0
By jeeezy2

Melanie's POV
It's Saturday today is the day Dom goes back to Dallas. This past week has been amazing we've gone out every night. Making every night memorable bc were not going to see each other for a very long time. Dom's flight isn't leaving till 2:40 pm so we're spending the day at the beach we had our first date on.
We're both in the water just swimming laughing having a good time. After a while we both got out of the water to eat. Dom had packed sandwiches to eat bc that's his favorite food besides pizza. When we finished eating we just laid in the sand to tan. After being at the beach the whole morning we went back to my house. We both showered but not together my parents were home. Which sucked bc I really wanted to shower with him ;). After I got out of the shower I put my hair in a bun put on a tank top with shorts and sandals. I went downstairs looking for Dom I looked out the window and saw him walking back to his old house. He was wearing a Nike shirt with basketball shorts and his Nike shoes. I followed after him, he left the front door open his furniture was still in his house. After Dom left Bella left I have know idea where she went. I'm guessing Dom was in his old bedroom I went upstairs and saw Dom in his closet getting clothes.

"Why are you taking your clothes? I thought you were giving the stuff away?" I said leaning against the door.

"I can't give this away." He said folding the clothes.

"Why? What's so important about them?" I said seating on his old bed.

"These are the clothes I wore the first time I talked to you." He said looking at me and walking out of the bedroom.

"Why are you only taking those clothes? What about the suit from our first date?" I said following after him.

"I'm getting that right now. It's in the laundry room." He said opening the door to the laundry room. He grabbed his suit folded it and put it on top of the other clothes he had. We both left his old house without saying another word.

Dominic's POV
After we left my old house I put the clothes in my suitcase. I went looking for Melanie, she was in her living room watching the news. It was 1:20 we tried to avoid talking about me leaving. She has my number and were supposed to talk everyday but it won't be the same as seeing each other in person.

"Mel I think we should talk?" I said sitting next to her.

"Okay. Talk." She said not looking at me.

"I don't think you should take me to the airport." I said trying to grab her hand but she pulled away.

"Why?" She said looking at me.

"Bc Mel it will be to hard to say goodbye to you at the airport. I think it will be better here. I'll take a cab to the airport." I said trying to not look at her bc I know I'll start to cry.

"Whatever." She said in a tone with no emotion.

"Why are you acting like this?" I raised my voice.

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave. You have another girl at Dallas huh?" She said standing up yelling.

"What are you talking about?! The only other girl is my daughter and my mother. What the hell! How can you not trust me? Through everything we've been through you're still going to act like I'm playing games!" I said yelling.

"You know what you should just leave now. Bc it will be "too hard" for you." She said putting air quotes on too hard.

"I'm not leaving. I'm going to stay when it's time for me to leave." I said crossing my arms.

"No go now leave!" She said yelling.

"No! We could be fighting but I'm still going to be here. I'd rather be here fighting with you then waiting at the airport." She didn't say anything she just walked away. Her parents came downstairs to ask if everything was okay I told them we were just fighting. They said we should have our privacy so left. Now it's only Melanie and I her brother was out with friends. I didn't go after Melanie I thought I should just let her cool down before I went to go talk to here again.
After a couple of minutes she came back downstairs with my suitcase.

"Dom leave now!" She said yelling and pointing at the door.

"Why are you pushing me away?" I said standing up walking towards her.

"Bc you're in such a hurry to leave. Go back home and deal with your side bitches!" She said backing away from me.

"Melanie cut it out. Stop making up lies okay. There's no one else you're the only one besides Alex and my mother." I said yelling at her.

"You're such a liar I know there are others! You-" before she could finish her sentence I kissed her. I'm guessing she is acting like this bc I'm leaving and she is trying to hide her sadness. She didn't push me away she kissed me back. She started walking backwards and we both bumped into a wall but we didn't care. We started having a make our session it was hot and rough. I had picked her up she wrapped her legs around my waist. I had opened my eyes to see what room we were in. We were in the kitchen so I sat her down on the counter. We broke the kiss bc we both needed air. Instead of kissing again we stared into each other's eyes. She started to cry so I was wiped  her tears away.

"What time is it?" She said pulling me into a hug. I looked at the time it's was 2.

"It's fine we have time." I said hugging her tighter. For 20 mins we stayed in each others arms. She broke the hug telling me that I had to go catch my flight. Before she got off the counter I kissed her again this kiss was passionate and loving. She broke the kiss and hopped off the counter she went to grab my suitcase and waited for me at the front door. I called for a cab he said they were coming in 5 mins I used that time to kiss Melanie. We heard a car honk which meant the cab was here she was crying I started to cry to. I wiped her tears and she wiped mine I opened the door and gave her one last kiss before I left.
Before I knew it I was already at the airport. The whole time I was thinking about Melanie. I had Melanie as my screen cover so I stared at that till I heard my flight was boarding. For the flight I just slept and listened to music before I knew it I was at Dallas. I got a taxi and he drove me back home.
When I walked up to my house I saw my moms car wasn't here so that means she took Alex out.
I went straight to my room it finally had furniture in it. I had a king sized bed with black/grayish sheets. My room was white my dressers were also white. I had a TV and a desk with my laptop on it. I unpacked my suitcase I basically put all my clothes in the hamper to wash. I had a walk in closet and my own bathroom.
I went to my backyard to play some basketball but before I called Melanie.

M:Hey. You get home safe?
Me:Yeah I just called to let you know.
M:Okay. How's Alex?
Me:I don't know I think my mom took her out.
M:Oh okay. FaceTime me later on your computer so I can see you and her.
Me:Okay babe. I'm going to play basketball now. I love you.
M:I love you too.
We hung up the phone and I went to play basketball.

Melanie's POV
I called Lilly to come over thinking she will help me get my mind off Dom.

"Hey sorry I'm late I have really bad cramps today." She said putting her hand on her stomach.

"Wow I haven't had mine in like a month." I said thinking it was good.

"Did you and Dom have sex?" She said with a concerning tone.

"Yeah like every night he was here why?" I said not really thinking.

"Melanie I-I think you're pregnant." She said stuttering. I start to think when I was supposed to get my period. I was supposed to get my period the day Dom came.

"No I can't we used a condom." I said not trying to freak out.

"Melanie condoms break." She said raising her voice.
Next thing I knew she pulled me of the couch and put me in her car. She drove really fast to the drug store. She told me to stay in the car while she went in after like 2 seconds she came back with a bag in her hand. Thinking that I'm might be pregnant hasn't fully hit me yet I'm completely calm. We got to my house she ran inside my house I think she forgot I'm the one who has to take the test. She pushed me in the restroom handing me the bag.
I peeped on it and it said we had to wait 2 minutes to get the results.

"What if you're pregnant Melanie?" She asked.

"Let's not worry in till we have too." I said hoping to god I'm not pregnant.

After two minutes Lilly grabbed the pregnancy test. She had no expression on her face she handed me the test.

"I-I'm pr-regnant." I stated in a whisper.

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