
By LoveableMadison

6.5K 137 70


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Interview with EdieKain!!!

130 3 0
By LoveableMadison

The amazing EdieKain.....

1) On a scale of 1 to 10, how safe do you think Wattpad is for children 13 and under?

- I think I'd say about a 7. Sure, there are stories on here with tons of profanity and R-rated scenes. Sure, 12 year olds can access this, but that has a lot to do with the kid, doesn't it? At the end of the day, each person is responsible for what he or she exposes himself to, and Wattpad allows a person to see the rating of the story before he or she reads it. At that point, it is to the discretion of the reader.

2) What interests you more, reading, or writing?

- I love them both, but I'd probably choose writing. Still, without reading writing would be a lot worse. The more I read, the more my writing improves, I've found. I think reading is an important part of writing.

3) How often do you typically update chapters of your stories?

- Haha, this is funny because it depends so much. To be honest, I recently took a three month break from Wattpad. I was involved with competitive cheer, and then that fed straight into AP testing and then finals, and it was more than I could keep up with. But I'm back now and update about everyday or every two days, because I finished my story.

4) Have you ever been on the What's Hot list?

-Yeah, my story They Called Her Souris made it on there for a while, but as I started getting busy with nationals season and school, I updated a lot slower, and ended up droppping off of it.

5) How often are you on Wattpad daily?

- Oh, I'm on all the time now. LIke, probably four hours a day! Is that bad?

6) Do you write rough drafts of your stories?

Yes! I do write rough drafts. Even though (most) of Souris has been proofread and slightly edited, I still consider it a rough draft. I am very particular and will write and rewrite things until I get them right.

7) Have you ever thought of doing a story with another Wattpad member or a group?

- Not really. The idea is intriguing, but the way that my mind works when I write would make it really hard for me I think. Writing is such a process for me, that I dount I would work well with another writer. Maybe someday I'll try it, though.

8) Do you think any of your stories will win The Watty Awards?

- I haven't even entered this years. I'm so focused on finishing up with Souris that I'm not really taking on another project. i have started another story, but I'm debating whether I'll post it and if so, when. I'm really focused on editing my other story completely bu the end of the Summer and looking for a literary agent, if one will have me!

9) Which of your fans do you talk to the most?

- Well, probably SidneySinclair. Recently, she hasn't been on much, but she was one of my first fans, and I was one of her first as well. She also always edited my story Souris chapter by chapter before I posted them. She is a really great person and a talented writer!

10) When you have writers block, what do you do?

- Sometimes, I just stop and come back to it later. Sometimes, I force myself to write. A lot of times, I try to make the scene into a movie in my head. It varies a lot.

11) Are any of your stories based on real life events that have happened to you, or someone else?

- Very little in They Called Her Souris has to do with actual things that have happened to me. It is  set in 1900, so there was is a bit fo a culture difference. I use a lot of historical things of read and stidied, though. And I put all of my heart in my stories!

12) Are any of your real life friends, fans of yours on Wattpad?

- No, none of my real friends are on Wattpad. In the past, I've been very private about my writing. Inn the last year or so, I've worked pretty hard to make it less of a private thing, and I'm making progress. Most of my friends no that I write, but none are on this website.

13) When you get hate mail, what is your reaction?

- I can't say I've ever had a genuine hate e-mail, but I have had negative comments before. I try to not let it bother me, but it has. Still, I write  what I write no matter what. If it isn't someone else's cup of teas, that's fine. Still, any time I get actual contructive criticism, I take it to heart. I always want to improve.

14) What advice would you give to other Wattpad members not on the What's Hot List?

- Keep writing! Half of success in life is luck, the other is perserverence. So, keep on keeping on. The more you write, the better you get, trust me. Just because nobody seems to read your writing, doesn't mean it doesn't have worth. Zora Neale Hurston died penniless in an unmarked grave because the men of her time didn't accept her writing, but twenty years later, her work was rediscovered, and now highschool students everywhere are reading it!

15) Do you LOVE writing? Or it it okay?

- I LOVE it. y head is a constantly running loop of stories and themes and plot ideas and characters. Half of them never work, but they are always there. It is such a part of me, I couldn't ever stop it.

16) Which of your stories would you recomend a new Wattpad member to read first?

- Well, I've only got one that's a real full story. The other is a letter I wrote after the death of my friend, the other is a preview of something new that I am working on. They Called Her Souris is my main focus, and I would definitely reccomend it, though I understand that it may not be everyone's favorite type of story which is fine.

17) How long does it  take you to write a 3 paged chapter?

- Oh, it can take me anywhere from five minutes to half an hour. It just depends on how easy that scene is coming for me. How much dialouge, how much action, what is happening. All of that

18) Do you get your inspriation from something, someone, or somewhere?

- I get my inspiration from evrywhere. Victor Hugo is my favorite author, and he definitely inspires me. Music inspires me. Things I find wrong in the world inspire me. People inspire me. God inspires me.

19) Are your characters names made up, or based on someone?

- Characters often name themselves for me. I knkow that sounds weird, but ti  is likely suddenly, there is a name for this character in my head, and i'm like well alright then. But toher times, I spend  a lot of time coming up with the perfect name for a certain character. I'm actually pretty obsessed with names. I have a list of cool names I like on a file on my laptop and I often peruse  name websites.

20) Do you think you will be a real author someday?

- I sure hope so! It's my dream. I plan on moving to New York for college (hopefully) and majoring in English. After I graduate, I want to join Peace Corps, and after that I want to travel Europe. I'm a firm believer in esperience, and I think the more experiences a writer has, th emore they can write. So, that's what I plan on getting! But I will definitely persue being published with all my heart. Still, if I'm never published, I won't ever quit writing.

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