The boy next door

By jeeezy2

390 19 3

Melanie is starting her junior year of high school when she finds out that a new boy moving in next door she... More

Junior Year
Meeting the family
Game Day
First Date
Hospital stay
2 months
Baby Alexandra
Movie Date
Back to Dallas
Telling him
9 months later


10 1 0
By jeeezy2

If you don't like the sex parts of the story then you probably shouldn't read the half of this chapter.

Melanie's POV
I haven't heard from Dom in 2 months. He said that he was going to call me when 2 months had passed. I've been waiting for his call for 3 days Lilly said I shouldn't be expecting him to call. That's he'll call when he can that I don't know how his life is right now that he is probably dealing with a lot of stuff. I've been going to school, focusing on basketball, and going to the beach just to swim. It's Saturday Lilly and I are going to the mall to buy some new clothes. The cops kinda gave up on looking for Dom and Alex after they found out that the results weren't true. Which I was happy to hear bc Dom won't be sent to prison for kidnapping I would love to tell him but I don't know how since he never gave me a number. Lilly and I are at the mall shopping at H&M just minding our own business when I hear these two girls talking about Dom.

"I heard he ran off with his daughter and drove off a cliff and both died." One of the strange girls said trying to whisper but not succeeding.

"Really I heard he killed the baby then committed suicide." Said the other girl.

"Hey bitches stop talking about stuff you don't know about okay ?!" I said basically yelling at the two girls. They got scared so they ran out the store.

"Did you really have to yell at them?" Lilly said asking.
"Yes I did it irritates me when people talk about Dom in a negative way." I say looking through clothes.

"I get Mel. I'm sorry he hasn't called." She said with concern and pity.

"It's not your fault Lilly. He'll call soon I just know it." I said with hope in my voice.

Lilly and I just continue shopping we were getting hungry so we decided to go to the food court. Lilly got Chinese and I got pizza with pasta. This was a pretty good day going out with Lilly probably the best day since Dom left.

Lilly's POV
Dom called me saying he was coming back to see Melanie. He had already knew Alex was his bc he got another DNA test. He wanted me to get Melanie out of the house so he can plan some stuff for her. Her parents were the only ones home but they were okay with it. I'm not allowed to bring Mel home I till 5 it's 3:40. I know all Mel can think about is Dom so just to kill time we watched a movie. When we got out it was 5:15 I was trying to make small talk with Melanie about the movie. She isn't really paying attention to me she is just on her phone. The drive home was quiet I turned on the radio this slow song played and Melanie turned the radio up high. She started to sing the lyrics of the song then she started crying I pulled over to check if she was okay.

"Melanie what's wrong? Are you okay?" I said trying to whip her tears from her face.

"It's not okay. Why hasn't Dom called ? I thought he loved me. If he loved me he wouldn't have me wait for his call. Maybe he didn't love me." She said while tears were pouring out of her eyes.

"Melanie you know he loves you okay don't try and doubt the love he has for you okay?" I said handing her some napkins.

"I'm sorry it's just I miss him." She said wiping her tears with the napkin.

I didn't say anything I just pulled her into a tight hug. I wanted to tell her that Dom was at her house but I didn't want to ruin the surprise. After Melanie calmed down we broke the hug and I started driving back to her house. I pulled into her drive way she got out the car pretty slow. Dom wanted me to blind fold her so when she walked in front of me I tied a tie around her eyes. She was asking so many questions like why I did it and all these other questions. I guided her to her front door I opened it and Melanie's parents told me Dom was in her bedroom. I guided her to the stairs then to her bedroom I opened the door placed her a few feet away from the door Dom was standing in the middle of her bedroom holding a dozen red roses he was also in a suit and his hair neatly to the side. I left the room and heard Melanie scream.

Dominic's POV
I was keeping count on how many days I could call Melanie again. On the day it made 2 months I wanted to call Mel but I thought I should go fly out to see her. I booked a flight to see her on the third day. I called Melanie's parents before hand to see if it was okay if I came to visit they were so happy that I called bc Melanie has been really sad about me leaving. Lilly and I were keeping in contact for the past couple days planing on how to make it a surprise for Melanie. After Lilly and Melanie left I went to Melanie's room I put white roses all around her floor I had pizza and for dessert chocolate covered strawberries. I had called the radio station to play mine and Melanie's song while she was on the way to her house but I told them to not say anything just to play the song.

When Lilly came in the room and placed Mel in a certain place she walked out. Melanie looked beautiful she had a pink crop top on with leggings and sandals her hair was straight but away from her face.

"Take off the tie." I said in a different voice so she wouldn't know it was me.
When she saw it was me she screamed and ran into my arms she was crying so much. She had her legs wrapped around my waist I broke the hug by kissing her so passionately I've missed kissing her so much. We broke the kiss bc we both needed air and continued to hug. I had her in my arms for like 5 mins we didn't break the hug we didn't say anything we just held each other. Something we both wanted to do for a really long time. She broke the silence by;

"How's Alex?" She said with her head on my shoulder.

"She's great. My mom is taking care of her while I'm here." I said hugging her tighter.

"How long are you staying?" She said pulling away from the hug but she still had her legs around my waist.

"I'm leaving next Saturday." I said looking deeply in her eyes.
Instead of saying something she kissed me it was soft and quick like we've been doing it for our whole lives. I put her down and told her I had pizza and chocolate covered strawberries. I also had the movies Grease, Dirty Dancing, The Breakfast Club, and Footloose. These were Melanie's favorite old movies I also had dr.pepper to drink that was Melanie's favorite drink. We started our movie marathon with The Breakfast Club, Dirty Dancing, Footloose, and Grease. She knew all the songs for Grease I knew a couple I only knew the ones were Danny and Sandy sang. Melanie would sing Sandy's parts and obviously I would sing Danny's. When we finished watching all the movies it was around 10. Melanie's parents told me before hand that they wouldn't be home till the next morning.

This is the sex part for the people who don't like it.

"What do you want to do now?" I said moving her hair behind her ear.

Without evening saying anything she leaned in to kiss me I obviously kissed back. She sat on my lap and started taking off my jacket, then she undid my tie. She started to undo my buttons while I took off her crop top. She stopped kissing my lips and started leaving kisses on my neck. I picked her up and laid her on her bed. She had her legs around my waist. I started leaving kisses on her neck and found her sweet spot which made her moan. She started to take off my pants while I took hers off. Now we were in our undergarments I took off her bra and before I can take her panties off she asked if I had a condom. I did so I got off her and went to my jacket were my wallet was and took the condom out. I climbed back on top of her and started leaving kisses all over her body. I took off her panties while she literally ripped of my boxers I put the condom on and thrusted into her. She was moaning like crazy trying to quiet herself down she pulled me into a rough sloppy kiss. I started to go faster which made her moan out my name. "Dom fast-ter." I did as told she started to bite her lip from screaming. After a couple strokes she climaxed I was close to climaxing so I went faster than before I climaxed and so did she. I laid beside her out of breath we both were trying to get our breathing under control.

"You made me climax twice." She said looking to me.

"Yes I did." I said chuckling a bit.
I checked the time and it was 12:30 Melanie put her panties back on and put on my button up shirt. I just put my boxers on and we laid in bed.

"I love you Melanie." I said putting my arm on her waist.

"I love you too Dominic." She said turning over to her side to kiss my lips. Then turned over with her back facing me. After a couple minutes we both fell asleep.

The next morning

Melanie's POV
I woke up before Dom, I left my bed room and went downstairs to make him breakfast. Dom came downstairs right when I finished cooking.

"Morning beautiful." He said giving me a peck on my lips.

"Morning babe." I said giving a kiss back.
We both sat down at the table with the food and started eating. We didn't talk till we were done eating.

"I think you look better in that shirt than I do." Dom said winking at me.

"I probably do." I said laughing.
Dom helped me clean the table and he washed the dishes. I went to shower after 20 minutes I got out with only my towel covering my naked body. Dom was sitting on my bed he was on my phone then I caught him staring.

"What?" I said turning towards him.

"Nothing you just look beautiful coming out of the shower." He said checking me out up and down. I blushed turning my back to him.

"Hey I'm taking you and your family out for lunch."He said grabbing a towel and walking towards my bathroom.

"Wait what?" I said turning to him.

"Yeah I want to spend quality time with your family." He said smiling then walking to the bathroom.

I checked the time and it was 11:30. I decided to wear a white top and some design on my skirt with black 6 inch heels. I curled my hair and put it up and put on light make up. Dom was wearing a white v-neck a blue blazer and black jeans. His hair was combed up he had his black dressy shoes on with his blue watch. We both finished just before 1. We took my car but Dom was driving. We got to this really fancy restaurant we walked in with Dom's arm on my waist. My parents and brother were already here we said hello to them. My parents were talking to Dom about his new house in Dallas. My brother was basically ignoring Dom while he was talking Dom would try and talk to him but Jacob wouldn't even acknowledge him. Jacob went to the restroom so I followed him. I waited for him outside the restroom.

"Why aren't you talking to Dom?" I said with confusion.

"Bc I don't trust him." He said very straight forward.

"Why?" I said crossing my arms.

"Bc last time we all sat down together he had a girl with him." He said raising his voice.

"I had a boyfriend at the time obviously he would bring the girl he was dating at the time. You even caught us kissing and told him crap." I said raising my voice.

"Guys you're making a scene." Dom said walking into our conversation.

"Shut up man." Jacob said pushing Dom.

"Woah dude there's no need to push me." Dom said getting closer to Jacob.

"Man I bet you don't even love my sister man." Jacob said getting into Dom's face.

"Dude you seriously don't know what you're talking about. I love your sister with all my heart that's I came so I can see her." Dom said looking at me.
Next thing I knew Jacob punched Dom in the face Dom just stepped a few steps back. He just looked at Jacob then at me and walked away.

"What the hell is your problem?" I said yelling.

"Wow I thought he was going to hit back." He said completely shocked.

"What?!" I said my voice lower.

"Well I heard he kicked Trevor's ass then Evan's and some random guy at a party. Wow he really did change. Or he didn't hit me bc I'm your brother." He said looking at me.

"If you weren't my brother he would've kicked your ass." I said walking back to the table we were sitting at. I saw that Dom wasn't there I asked my parents were he was they said that they saw him leave. I walked out of the restaurant and started looking for Dom. I went to where we parked the car and he was there sitting on the hood.

"Hey you okay?" I said walking up to the car.

"Yeah I'm okay." He said not making eye contact.

"I'm sorry about my brother." I said standing in front of him.

"It's okay he was trying to protect you or something." He said looking into my eyes.

"No he was just being a moron." I said laughing and he started laughing too.

"I'm sorry about punching you Dominic." Jacob said while out of breath bc he ran to us.

"It's cool dude." Dom said extending out his hand for a hand shake.

"How about we blow this place and go get milkshakes." Jacob says with a huge smile on his face bc he loves milkshakes.
We both agreed I called my parents to let them know we left they were fine with it. Today was a pretty good day. I only have 6 more days left with Dom better make the next few days great.

Authors note:
I'm thinking about writing another book. I don't think I'll make a sequel for this book. There will be a happy ending 😊 get ready !!
Anyways thanks for reading !! I think I'll make another chapter tomorrow. Goodnight 😌

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