Phoenix Wing

By BanetteGirl

2.2K 78 58

(Crossover) Pokemon and Fairy Tail. Welcome to Sinnoha, Home of the Ash Ketchum from the Phoenix Wing guild... More

The Sea of Red
The New Member
The First Mission
The Lonely Bird
The Story of Ash and Gary
The Wings of Tomorrow
The Boys That Walked in The Forest
Whoever said Silent was Golden, Lied.
The Star that Fell to Earth
Aquarius, Returns!
The Dragon Brother's First Mission
Team Black Pixie
What The Guild Master Knows....
Gary, Gary what all do you know....
In the Shadows, I will be there
When The Games Begin
Authors note
Let the Rain Fall Down
Drip, Drop, Drip
The Guild Master's Decision
Galaxy Full Of Stars
I Traveled A Sea Of Stars For You
The Star That Shot Out The Light
Shine So Bright The Rest Of The World Fades Away
Shooting Star
At The Break of Dawn
Twinkle Twinkle.....
The Promise of Tomorrow....
Dear Readers
Until the Last Sliver of Gold Melts Away.....

The Night The Stars All Died Out

49 1 3
By BanetteGirl

Ash trembled, he stood alone oh so alone... He tried to remember what happened but his mind just was so jumbled he couldn't how could this have happened how could this be their fate.... Tears fell from his face as he looked around him, his team members all laid about none moving none stirring around, just laying there lifeless.

"Is this what was to come, Is this truly our fate," he whispered as his body collapsed

His brain replaying all that had happened....





Ninf kept beating on Ash's window to get hi to open it, since Ash was slightly prone to sleep walk at night his window was enhanced with a magic spell he would have to open when he got up with well a weird chant he never remembered in his sleep.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wish you weren't so far,"


The window was opened and the cat was out, literally the cat was out..

Ash sat up in bed and rolled over coming face to face with two blue eyes. Jolting up he smiled widely.

It had been three days since Anubis had been released from the infirmary, she had been training with the dragon twins and had promised Ash today she would spend it with him, all day just him and Anubis. It made his stomach do flips and his heart race, of course this meant that he'd have to lend Iris Misty to train with and he would have her around but he would be alone with Anubis.

He smiled before darting out of bed, and rushing to change.

"Easy little one, you have all day,"

"Yeah but we have a lot of catching up to do,"

"We will have caught up by the end of the night there is no need to-," he had grabbed her and rushed outside pulling her along

The spirit smiled at the boys weird antics "always in a hurry," she taught

Soon they where smack dab in the middle of town, looking at all the new small shops. And of course all the food places, they spend a lot of time talking between Ash's food shoving.

"You know Anubis," Ash got quiet and shy before looking back at the dog spirit who had an eyebrow raised


"I did miss you a lot,"

"I missed you too little one," she said nodding

"You know something else,"


"I wanted to tell you-,"

Anubis had bolted off to stand in front of a small shop with zodiac plushies. Ash sighed before paying his food and following her over to the shop.

"Look it's Misty,"  she said pointing at an Aquarius one.

"Yeah it is, but it's not as Pretty as Misty, and her face isn't that squishy," he said turning the doll around in his hands.

"You seam quiet thinking of Aquarius," Anubis picked

"Shut up it's not like that," he said putting the doll down.

"Buy the doll," she huffed at him

"Anubis I don't like her like that,"

"Oh you seam to know exactly how she looks like, and your face lite up when you saw the doll,"

"Anubis I like." Again she was walking off "you" he sighed

Following the dog he found her looking out at the small darker allies in the town.

"Anubis what are you looking for,"

"Oh nothing nothing," her tail started to sway about

"Oh ok,"

They continued to walk around before long it was dark and Ash's stomach was getting hungry and so was Anubis.

"Why don't you go get us some food and I'll meet you over there by the old willow,"

"Wait where are you going,"

"Oh no where just around stretch my legs into a run that's all,"

"Oh uh ok,"

He took off towards a food stand. While Anubis jumped into a dark Allie, slowly she moved about till she found him.

Paul stood off to a side street looking out at something he knew she was near him but he was to busy watching people.

"Hey you,"

"Hey," he turned to look at her

"What are you looking at,"

"The idiot,"

She pulled his face away from the thing of interest to look at her, "nha I'm here pay me attention,"

"Attention what are you a cat I could have sworn you where a dog,"

"Bite me,"

He pulled her closer, a smirk over took his face

"Hn maybe I will,"

Unknown to them, Ash had finished gathering food and had seen Anubis' tail and was going to get her, but the scene he saw just made him loose his appetite for good.

His Anubis was with him.

"Nha," she said as he brought her closer

They kissed in the dark Allie, before he pulled her ever closer, Ash felt his stomach drop as he watched them before he dropped the food.

This got their attention, pulling apart and looking around Anubis locked eyes with Ash before he darted off. She looked at Paul before darting off after Ash

"Little one wait,"

He just kept running


She landed in front of him, he wouldn't look at her his fist where clenched at his side.

"Let me explain,"

"Explain what,"

"What you saw,"

"I saw you kissing him," he hissed

"Yes now let-,"

"No Anubis I don't want to hear it just leave me alone, I wish Aquarius was here instead of you,"  he screamed before running off again

Anubis stood there her ears low and her tail dropped a hand grabbed her arm and pushed her into him.

She looked up to see Paul looking out following Ash as he ran away.

"What have I done,"

"Nothing, he's just, he just needs time,"

She nodded and followed him back to the guild, Ash would be back soon right.

Ash walked slowly back to the guild his body felt numb and hollow, he had been wanting to tell Anubis how he felt about her but seeing her with him just told him what she felt, and then he said something horrible but then again just the mentioning of Misty well he said Aquarius but still, just mentioning her made him feel happy too even in his sadness. The town Was quiet as he walked into town, a weird new feeling flooding his veins. Dragging his tired body to a run he ran towards the guild before he stopped. His body shaking towns members moved out of his way, there in a run led heap was Phoenix Wing.

The building destroyed and his comrades strode about with a destroyed flag moving slightly in the night breeze....the emblem covered in the blood of his family.


A figure walked up to Ash's body, the towns people and town frozen in time. The figure dropped its good to review Cynthia. Her hand out reached and a magical attack ready,

"Good night Star Wizards and Spirits, I wish you all a painful filled death,"

And with a flash time was resumed however in the piles of rubble the townspeople had no idea that some proud members of Phoenix Wing where gone. Or that a cloaked figure stood among them with a dark globe in its hand and a single light inside fighting to stay lite in the darkness.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, you'll no longer be up so high because I shot you out of the sky,"


BanetteGirl: well there you have it guys sorry it's not long, next one should be longer

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