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They say you don't remember a lot from when you are young. That all you have are feelings and emotions. But I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20- Duke Baxter
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- Caleb
Chapter 26- Sephora
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Epilogue - Sarah
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 12

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We walked down the new path in silence, our minds fully focused on what we just experienced.

Chris seemed to be doing better. His steps had a little more bounce and his smile got brighter every second. Visually, it seemed like he was truly over the experience.

But I knew that wasn't true because every few seconds Chris would look over his shoulder as if waiting for someone to appear.

After Chris did this for the second time in ten seconds, Alex couldn't take it anymore.

"Chris, what happened back there? You totally freaked out, man. That wasn't you. What was with the little boy?"

He stopped walking and looked at Chris.

"Look, with all due respect man, its really none of your business," said Chris, all traces of happiness gone from his face.

"None of our business? Dude, we almost died back there because of you. I think that makes it our business,"shouted Alex.

"It's something that happened years ago. It really isn't a big deal. Sure, it threw me off my game for a while but I am totally over it now so just let it go, okay?" Chris responded just as loud.

The fight seemed to be escalating quite quickly and I really didn't know how to stop it. Then something occurred to me.

"Chris, who's Danny?" I said.

A flash of pain swept across Chris' face. All the anger seemed to fly out of his body. He rubbed his face slowly and released a deep sigh. Then he started to speak.

"It was about nine years ago. I had just turned ten. It was the beginning of the school year in Kenya and my little brother was just starting primary school. His name was Danny. Our school wasn't far from the house so I usually walked there every morning on my own. We lived in a safe, well off area so walking around was fine. That morning, Danny was going to follow me for his first day at school. We walked outside together but I forgot our lunches at home. I told Danny to wait for me and I ran back inside. I looked back at him just to make sure he was okay. He smiled at me and waved."

Chris was sniffing at this point, trying to hold back tears. He took a deep, shuddering breath.

"I had just picked up the lunches and was about to leave the house when I heard the sound of a car speeding down the road. Then I heard the shots."

I gasped, dreading what I knew was coming.

"I dropped everything and ran outside but I was too late. Danny was there on the floor with blood pooling out under him. I screamed for my mother and ran to Danny shaking him over and over, begging him to wake up even though I knew he was gone. My mother rushed out and saw him lying there. I saw the moment when it sunk in. Her eyes held utter heartbreak yet she took one look at ME and hugged me close. I was hysterical at this point screaming that it was my fault but she just held me close whispering, 'No sweetie, it wasn't and it never will be.' repeatedly. Though she had lost even more than I had, she still took care of me. She took me to therapy and everything became better over the years. I thought I had gotten over the guilt but I guess not." Chris shrugged sadly, wiping the tears that had broken through.

Lila walked to him and hugged tightly whispering something to him. Chris held onto her, gripping the back of her shirt tightly. Alex also went to him and patted his back.

"Chris, I am so sorry man," he said.

After a bit, Chris pulled himself together.

"Can we just get going please?" he said awkwardly.

"Yeah, I think I hear something down the path," I said, not only trying to get the attention away from Chris but genuinely hearing something. It sounded like hissing.

As we got further down the path, the hissing got louder and louder until we could barely hear ourselves talking. Suddenly the path took a sharp turn to the left and we saw exactly what was hissing.

In front of us was a big wall covered with some sort of green netting. It wasn't until the netting started to move that I realised what the netting really was.

"SNAKES!" Lila screamed as she turned to run away, but was stopped in her tracks.

The path we had just walked on had disappeared and was now replaced by a dense forest dripping with snakes.

"No, no, no,no,no, no,no, NO. I can't be here. Snakes are my worst nightmare," Lila screamed hysterically.

"Calm down Lila, it's fine. I'll just pull them off the wall and we can figure out how to get over this," Chris said. He moved to pull the snakes off the wall.

"Chris, stop. Those snakes are Green Mumbas. A poisonous breed found in the rainforest," Luke said, studying the wall.

This caused Chris to pause for a second.

"But G said nothing in this forest can hurt us, so it's cool."

"Chris, I really think you should wait," I warned, but it was too late.

Chris had already grabbed the snake closest to him. The snake reared back and sank its fangs deep into Chris's hand. Chris threw the snake away and swore.

From the look of his hand there wasn't any real mark of the snake's bite but Chris's screams said otherwise.

"He said it wouldn't hurt us PHYSICALLY but it would pull our energy in a painful way," stated Luke.

Chris shot him a dirty look, cradling his injured hand.

"So how are we going to get over this wall if we can't move the snakes?" asked Alex.

Luke went close to the wall and leaned forward. The snakes instantly snapped at him causing him to draw back. He looked at the wall again and shook his head turning to us.

"The wall has ridges in it going upwards. Also, the snakes seem to be attached to certain areas of the wall. If we're able to remove a section of the snakes we could simply climb over the wall."

"But if we can't even get close to them there's no way we can climb up the thing," Chris said, wincing in pain.

Luke stood still for a moment then reached past me. He grabbed Lila and pulled her to the wall. Lila screams pierced the air.

Chris looked incredibly angry and was ready to charge at Luke when something caught my attention.

Lila's hand was touching the wall.

"Chris, Lila isn't hurt. The snakes are moving away from her," I said.

Luke didn't even flinch.

"I was pretty sure this would happen. This is Lila's challenge so only Lila can get us through this," he said.

Lila had become quieter and was now gasping in fear.

"So I have to remove all the snakes around the ridges, "she whispered.

"Yes, I am pretty sure everyone else will most definitely be hurt, " Luke

Lila looked absolutely terrified at the thought of having to touch the snakes. I knew I had to help her.

"Lisa, would it be easier for you if you could do it even faster than usual. I could enhance your power to the point that you could be done in a second," I asked.

"Sephora, I am so scared," she said.

"I know you are Lila and that's fine. Fear is what remind us that we are not invincible. But it is also what shows us that we can overcome absolutely anything."

Lila seemed to draw strength from these words and got a determined look on her face.

"I am ready," she said.

I gathered my power and squeezed her shoulder simultaneously passing on the energy and giving her some comfort.

Lila immediately burst into action and began climbing the wall, clearing about a metre radius of snakes as she went. The snakes disappeared as they fell to the ground.

We all quickly followed behind her. When we got to the top, we found Lila already on the ground. She pointed to a ladder at the side of the wall.

The moment my feet touched the ground, I was dragged into a hug by Lila.

"Thank you so much. You don't know what you just did for me right now,"she said.

I was touched and humbled by her words. All I could do was return the hug.

"Erm guys, as much as I would hate to interrupt this very touching moment," Alex said nervously, " there is a huge hurricane coming right at us."


We all whipped around to see what Alex was talking about. The rainforest terrain had changed to a beach-like area with rocks and a great expansion of water. The hurricane was heading towards us from across the water and it was coming in fast.

"So, this is my challenge. Long story short, I lived on an island for a most of my childhood, a hurricane destroyed my home, now even the sound of someone blowing air through their lips freaks me out," Alex said quickly, rushing to get the words out.

We all took that in.

"Okay, then. So, how are we going to get out of this one? Anyone? Luke?" said Chris.

Luke looked around, rubbing his face in frustration. This uncharacteristic show of emotion worried me.

"The only thing I can think of is having Alex borrow Chris' power. The both of them could latch on to something immovable while we hold on to them. The problem with that is there's nothing to hold on to."

"Okay, what's plan B then?" Chris asked.

"I don't know yet. Just let me think." Luke closed his eyes and went quiet.

I looked around for something the could possibly save us. I saw some huge rocks behind us. They were way too big for us to hold but they seemed pretty sturdy.

"Luke, what about the rocks behind us? Could they be used to help?" I asked.

Luke turned to the rocks and stared at them intently. Then he got his 'Eureka!' look.

"Sephora, just how good are you with manipulating energy."

"Erm, pretty good I guess. I haven't really had much practice," I answered.

"Well you are about to get some pretty big practice. Those rocks are pure energy. Could you possibly manipulate them into some sort of shelter?" he said.

"That won't work. Just because you are sheltered doesn't mean the hurricane won't get you. Believe me," Alex said with a faraway look.

I suddenly had a feeling that the story wasn't really that short. Then I got an idea that I thought would help Alex.

I focused on the rocks. I felt the pure energy in it and willed it to become a big metal chamber about the size of a one story apartment. I made sure the foundation of the building was strong but not quite strong enough to survive a hurricane.

I stopped the manipulation and feigned exhaustion.

"Guys, I am sorry. I was able to make the building but I don't think it will be anywhere strong enough to stop it from flying away. I had just enough strength make some handles in the shelter. Alex, Chris you're going to have to hold it down," I said pretending to be breathless.

Okay, so it wasn't the most inventive plan but I just thought that if Alex was able to have some control over the situation he would feel better.

"Guys, we have got to go in. Now!" shouted Lila.

I turned to see the hurricane was literally a hundred metres away. I could feel the strength of the wind from the hurricane pulling me. We all ran into the shelter. Positioned at the bottom of the shelter were the handles just as I imagined.

"Alex touch Chris then both of you need to grab those handles," Luke said.

Chris immediately responded, letting Alex touch him and grabbing the handle closest to him. Alex seemed more hesitant but went to the other handle across the room. The rest of us found various seats around the shelter and waited for the hurricane to pass.

We all knew the moment the hurricane hit. The shelter began to shake and the sounds of the wind filled the room. I could see the strain on Chris' face as he struggled to hold down his half of the shelter. Alex's face also had the same strain but his was also filled with pain. With every shake of the shelter Alex seemed to grow weaker and weaker.

Then he just let go.

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