Following Your Heart (Dean Wi...

Par Krazyk2314

170K 5.8K 2.2K

The reader has an ordinary life, goes to college and works part time. She gets into a car wreck, that changes... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 6

9.7K 380 40
Par Krazyk2314

You were glad that Cas told you privately. This gave you a chance to process all of the new information. You really had been in a car accident, but what about your friend? And what would happen to you here, if your body died. And how did you end up here anyways? These were just some of the questions running through your mind, and you were scared to find out some of the answers.

"Hey Cas, did you happen to find anything out about my friend? And why do you think I was brought here?" You ask, not sure you really wanted to know.

Cas stood in front of you, his face unreadable. "I'm sorry Y/N, but your friend didn't make it. As to why you are here, I do not know. Neither did the other Angels I questioned. But I am worried about what might happen to you if your body dies. We need to tell Sam and Dean."

Hearing your worst fears confirmed, you can't hold the tears in any longer. You lay against your pillow, letting the tears you've been holding in fall freely. You didn't even notice Cas leave the room. Your pillow was soon saturated, but you didn't care .Your best friend was gone, and it hurt so bad. She had been there for you when you lost your parents, then when you had lost your grandma. She was your rock, and now she was gone. Trying to calm down, you feel a hand on your shoulder. Dean gently turned you to him, "Hey Cas told me your friend died. I'm so sorry. I've got a shoulder if you need to cry on it."

You took Dean up on his offer, turning until you could hide your face on his chest, and cry. He sat there quietly, slowly rubbing your shoulders, letting you get your emotions out. Within minutes you felt yourself calm down, and you take a second to look up at Dean. He was staring down at you, with compassion in his eyes.

"Better?" He asks. You shake your head yes. He leans down and gently presses his lips to yours, a sweet kiss that was gone before it even started.

"You feeling up to going down with everyone else? Cas said he didn't tell us everything, wanted to wait for you." 

You slowly get up, wishing the moment with Dean could have lasted longer. He follows you off the bed, and grasps your hand, holding it as you walk down the stairs. Cas was still there, along with Sam and Dean. They all sat around the kitchen table, which was covered in empty beer bottles.

Dean sits down in the only chair left. You look around for another one, before he pulls you down on his lap, letting you use him as a chair. You cuddle into him, enjoying the unexpected intimacy and support.

Cas looks at you before starting. "I've already told Y/N, but I wanted to wait until she joined us before I told you. I've talked to some Angels, and Y/N is really from a different reality. She was really in a car accident where her friend died. Y/N's body is lying in a hospital in her home town, in a coma. I'm not sure what will happen if that body dies, but I don't think her body will last much longer."

You felt Dean tense up underneath you as he hears the bit about your body being in a coma. Sam and Bobby both stayed silent, playing with their beer bottles as they thought. Bobby was the first to speak.

"Cas, in your opinion, what do you think happens to Y/N here, if her body dies there?" Of course he goes to the hard question first, the one you weren't sure you wanted answered.

"I think she dies," Cas said, making you jump.

"Way to sugar coat it Cas,"Dean says. It's the first time he's talked, and you were curious as to what he was thinking.

"What do you mean Dean? I thought you wanted my opinion." Cas says, confused.

"Yeah but Y/N's sitting right here. She didn't need to hear it like that." 

"Quit your arguing, what we got to figure out is what to do to keep Y/N safe. Cas should we send her back, would that save her?" Bobby, the voice of reason asked.

Sam finally looks up, giving you a reassuring smile. "I agree with Bobby. Is there anyway we can send her back to her reality, that sounds like the best plan."

Dean abruptly stands up, almost knocking you to the floor. "I don't want to listen to this bullshit. Who's to say we send her back, and she doesn't die anyway." Dean almost yells, before walking out the front door. You start to follow, but Bobby grabs your arm to stop you.

"Let him go, he's just worried, and doesn't want to lose you. But we need to do what's best for you."

Starting to sit down in Dean's vacant chair, you feel the dizziness return, and you fall to the floor as blackness once again controls you.

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