In Her Eyes I Saw the Universe

By xBlessedwithCursesx

34.4K 1.5K 582


Complete Heterochromea
Sectoral Heterochromea
Simple Heterochromea
Complete Heterochromea pt. 2
Sectoral Heterochromea pt. 2
Central Heterochromea pt. 2
Simple Heterochromea pt. 2
Homochromea pt. 2
Complete Heterochromea pt. 3
Sectoral Heterochromea pt. 3
Central Heterochromea pt. 3
Black and White.

Central Heterochromea

2.6K 112 20
By xBlessedwithCursesx

Central Heterochromea

Maya was walking home, trying to see her street signs through her bloodied lense sighing softly as she squinted her eyes tight trying to make her vision a little less blurry. The blonde took a left when she reached her street, she mumbled something as she looked down at her hand that was all cut up and closed it into a fist. I don't think he broke anything other than my glasses. She thought to herself and looked at the ground, she was happy that she had a spare pair of glasses at home she could use until she got new ones. They were a bit outdated and a little uncomfortable but they still worked, which was better than half a pair of glasses that had dried blood in the cracks. The blonde walked up to her apartment building and smiled softly at the clerk who always gave her a double fudge chocolate brownie every Tuesday.

"I don't have a brownie for you but I have a chocolate chip cookie." She said smiling at Maya and put the cookie on the desk.

"But it's not Tuesday." Maya said as she stopped to face the friendly clerk, who was, up until today, her only friend. She had known Nancy for most of her life so she had no problem talking with her, just speaking up was an issue however

"Yeah and its not a brownie sweetie." She said smiling, trying to convince Maya to take it, knowing that if it had been a brownie she would have refused it.

"But its not brownie day." Maya said, her OCD kicking in a little. The blonde walked up to the desk as she bit her lip. "But its not a brownie... And you make really good chocolate chip cookies." Maya said trying to decide whether or not to take it.

"Hey lightnin' bug, what happened to your glasses?" She asked concerned.

"Nothing Nancy. Just some jerk stepped on them." Maya said hoping she would believe her and leave it at that, she opened the baggie that had the cookie in it and chewed on it nervously.

"U-huh. And the blood in them?" Nancy asked and raised her eyebrow. "And the cuts in your hand?" She added on watching Maya eat.

"Uh.. This one guy.. When I was picking up my glasses.. He stomped on my hand. No big deal." Maya said shyly as she looked at a disappointed Nancy.

"Stand up for yourself you Lil' bug." She said sighing. "If you find out out who did this and tell me his name." She finished and leaned on the desk.

"Nancy-" Maya started before she was interrupted.

"Don't Nancy me, it isn't right to pick on you, you're a lovely young lady." Nancy said and looked at Maya and sighed. "Now go up and do your homework before your momma gets here."

"By Nancy. Nice talk." She said before walking up about 6 stories, the elevator worked but she didn't like using, it smelled faintly of BO raw meat which she wasn't a big fan of. The blonde finally reached her floor and pulled out her keys and pushed it in to unlock the door.

Maya was used to nights by herself since her mom worked really hard to dress Maya and keep her well fed. The blonde finished her homework pretty early and decides to get on her laptop and listen to some music before she too her glasses off and put on her old pair, finally seeing how badly her broken glasses were. Wow they're completely fucked. Maya thought and opened her Facebook Tab to see a friend request from, none other, one Riley Matthews. The blonde smiled and accepted the request happily and went on her page to see what she had done before she came to New York. Maya saw multiple pictures of Riley in multiple countries, one in Paris, France, another in Florence, Italy, and one she guessed was Germany. She's a world traveler alright. Maya looked over her wall to see a lot of posts in languages she didn't understand. The blonde smiled softly at some of the post she understood. Some were in broken English but she could make out the general meaning of what she was saying.

Riley Matthews: So if old tribes thought I would of been a God does that mean you have to listen to me?

Maya could practically hear the slight French accent in Riley's voice.

Depends what are you gonna say? : Maya Hart.

Riley Matthews: Come to the movies with me?

But today wasn't movie day. Today was Thursday and movie day was on Saturday.

Like right now? : Maya Hart

Riley Matthews: Yes right now.

But today isn't movie day, movie day was Saturday.

I can't afford to right now : Maya Hart

Riley Matthews: I'll pay for your ticket.

Sorry, I- movie day is Saturday not today, can it wait till then? : Maya Hart

Riley Matthews: Sure! Can I come over?

Sure? : Maya Hart

After about half an hour the blonde heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Riley. Her eyes were just as beautiful as she remembered. The brunette walked in and put her backpack on the kitchen table and smiled softly at the blonde as she moved her hair out of her face.

"My father said I could stay the night if that's okay with you." Riley half asked half said.

"Y-y-ye-yeah." She stuttered and sighed softly as she looked at the watch on her wrist seeing it was kind of late anyways.

"Thanks. What do you want to do?" The brunette asked and stood in front of the much shorter blonde.

"Th-thurs-sdays a-a-are La-aw a-a-and Or-rde-der night." Maya said nervously said and gestured to the couch.

"What's Law and Order?" Riley asked curiously as she took her heels off and sat down on the couch.

"I-i-its uh a-a-a crime sh-sh-show." Maya answered honestly and sat down next to her.



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