Werewolf Hunting

By Star_shadow05

3.1K 112 6

Fourteen year old Lilly and her best friend Allie consider themselves the biggest supernatural fans there are... More

Werewolf Hunting
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Two

53 2 0
By Star_shadow05

"Hey - wait - up a - minute!" I yelled through the crowd of students.

It was break time after first hour, and Allie and I were racing to catch up to Chelsea who acted like we didn't exist today. I knew it was for the sake of her image and everything, but she didn't have to block us out like we were roaches.

Despite how much I hated crowds, I kept running ahead of Allie until I was behind Chelsea, momentarily shocked by how pale she was. It took me a minute to remember what we talked about last time before I could talk. Social network conversation, the nothing.

"Lilly!" she hissed.

"We need to talk," I panted. "It's gotten worse."

"Hey, everyone! Look at the freak of nature groveling to Chelsea! Finally admitting she's better?" asked one of her friends, flipping her hair as if she seems smart. Her annoying voice attracted a small crowd of people, and she seemed to love it.

Pompous freak, knowing nothing other than what whores and money taught her.

Her electric blue eyes challenged me, daring me to say something that she could twist and make a new rumor. I met her stare, resisting the urge to lose control and literally rip her to shreds. Come on, Lilly. Self control.

You lack self control. You've always given into me because you're will is weak.

"I'll get the homework later, Chelsea." I mumbled, turning around.

"Not so fast freak," said her friend, catching a wisp of my hair. "It's time to make you pay for being a supernatural freak."

Instead of standing there like I knew I should, the devil conscious and the adrenalin pumping through my veins made it seem like a good idea to protest and start fight.

Come on, you know you want to it taunted.

I began shaking, and instead of screaming to call an even bigger audience, I flung my head forward. Gritting my teeth in attempts to cover up the pain worked, but what would happen next was another situation. I looked at her friend and she seemed a bit amused, if anything.

When she goes to grab the scissors slap her wrist.

How do I know I can trust you? You tried to kill me!

She annoys me and I think you should make her feel the pain and humiliation you've felt.

It seemed like a good idea and it was very tempting, did I want to say no? Before I could think, I spun around and made a fist, and punched her wrist, causing her to drop the scissors to the ground. The CLANG against the concrete was the only thing heard while looks of awe and gasps surrounded us. 

Why'd I do that, I asked myself. It was the shock that made her drop them. 

"Little bitch, it takes more than that to -- "

"Megan!" yelled Chelsea suddenly. "Quit hogging all the fun!"

I looked at her in confusion, hoping it was a ploy to get her to stop. She seemed annoyed, a sullen expression on her pale face.

"I'll make her pay on my own, I'm top bitch here. Go make someone else's life hell," she commanded. The challenge in her eyes was just asking for someone to step in and try to contradict  her.  

"Okay, okay," Megan said, backing off. She picked up the scissors and started walking away slowly. looking back to see if she would continue the humiliation. Chelsea must have gave her a look, because she seemed to understand with a gleam of malice before finally going away and disappearing beyond the crowd of students.  

"So yeah. I'll give you the homework later," she said, as if nothing happened, then, "Out of my sight, freak!" 

I smiled, trying to hold back some giggles before scurrying away and trying to find Allie. After everyone had cleared out, she was towards the back with her arms crossed, seemingly out of it. I tried waving my hand in front of her face, but it didn't work. 

"How come it's always me getting attacked?" I asked, cautiously looking around. "You were the person everyone hated."

She picked up her head, shaking it back and forth violently a few times before looking at me, an odd look of gloom on her face. I tilted my head in question but didn't get the chance to ask.

"I don't know, maybe they think I've died?" she guessed, shrugging. "I'm not as loud, there wolf changed us in more ways than one," 

"So the wolf makes you gloomy?" I asked.

"No, the whole investigation and everything, it's kinda nerve wracking, you know? It's just scary, not knowing what will happen. It makes me wonder if Alec and Roy are okay with their part," she explained, looking down and then up. "But yeah, the wolf changed us."  

"Yeah, for better or worse," I muttered. "Great, so we can't ask her openly without being attacked, so now what?"

 "Quit whining, it's not like we'll die." she said, punching my arm lightly. "We still have other things to do. Wanna go play Mario?" 

"Sure," I agreed, getting ready to follow her. 

We both knew we shouldn't be blowing the whole investigation off by playing video games, but there wasn't much else we could do. Allie was against going to the park, she didn't say why, and Alec and Roy had their own leagues to follow. Who knew, I might actually get into Mario. Or act like I'm dying on the couch just for fun, maybe to see if I can attract any attention to Allie for fun. 

I flopped down on the beaten up couch while Allie started up the system and tossed me a controller. I never noticed how weird a Nintendo 64 controller looked, and the fact I had no idea how to hold it added to the embarrassment. Allie say the the confused look on my face and poked me, showing me how not to look like a moron with a controller in hand. I smiled in thanks before she started scrolling through the menu, then we started debating what level type we would play.

Minutes later all I could think about was how to pass the big ape in front of me. I needed a box, or something to pass him. I was so involved in the game I didn't notice someone sneaked up behind me.

"Really, Mario?"

I knew that voice anywhere, that's why I jumped and let out a squeal. He was right behind me, in my ear. 

"Why?" I asked, turning to face him.

I felt my heartbeat speed up when looking at his face. That midnight black hair, those deep amber eyes, the times we messed around for fun . . .

Quit being a girl! Those petty emotions are more than annoying!

"Why not? We sort of, kinda got caught with Katrina." he admitted, looking down.

"Yeah we sucked at it. She threatened to beat us if we kept it up, so here we are," Alec said, flopping on the floor by Allie. "So, you two come up with anything?"

Allie looked at me for an answer.

"Tried talking to Chelsea, ended up in a fight with her friend, you know the rest." I said, looking anywhere but their faces. "It has to be online."

"Yeah, we're screwed. We try to see what the hell's going on, get threatened and into fights, and we have no leads. This is what happens when you try," complained Alec, crossing his arms.  

"We haven't run out of options yet, there are still a few other things," Allie said. "There's Chelsea, maybe if we went about Katrina in a different way,"

"How? Casually walk up to her, say, 'Hey Katrina, what do you know about the attacks?' and hope she'll answer? Fat chance," he said.

"Alec, you're reminding me of a pouting bitch that can't get her crap together. Allie's right, there are other ways, we just have to think them through," I said without thinking.

"Hi-five, Lilly just swore," laughed Roy. 

Embarrassed, I just folded my arms and looked away. I really needed to think before I speak, even when in front of friends.

"Well there isn't much we can do now," Allie said. "We can't skip school again or Mom will ground us again, so . . . "

"Wait until school's over,and head over to the park?" I asked. She nodded. "Great, let's see if I'm attacked again."

"Hey, I won't stand on the sidelines this time," promised Allie. "It's no fun doing nothing,"

Even though her smile reached her eyes and she was sincere, I knew that things wound't go as planned. I blamed the devil conscious for it all.

                        ~                                                              ~                                              ~

"Wait - up - for - me!" yelled Allie behind me. 

"No! This is payback for the paper wads in class!" I yelled. 

"I told you, I didn't mean to hit you it was aimed at Ethan!" 


It was after school and we were racing to the park after Allie called Mom to let her know what was going on so she wouldn't kill us later, and right now I was getting payback. The teacher stepped out of class for s minute, the entire room got quiet and someone decided to throw things at Allie, and in defence, she threw a paper wad back, but it hit me. I knew she didn't mean it, I just wanted to mess around with her. 

When we got to the park and she was panting for breath, Lucas was waiting by the hill. That alone said there was something up, no one usually stayed that close unless there was something wrong. Allie and I looked at each other before walking towards him. 

"Hey, what's up?" she asked.

"There's been another attack, I don't know how -- but it happened again!" he said, making a fist.

"Calm down, what happened?" I asked, more curios.

"Someone poisoned Father," he choked out. "No one could get poison -- no one would do it. He's like the watcher to all of us -- "

"If he's poisoned then what are you doing out here?" 

"I'm supposed to be on guard, keeping people away. He doesn't want anyone taking him to the hospital, he's just laying there, as if it's some game," he explained, this time punching  the dirt. "Everyone's seen him except you two,"  

"Come on!" I grabbed Allie's wrist and drug her up until we were on top, before jumping down.

She followed me as we plowed through the double doors until we were in his chamber, while everyone kept standing by his throne. My feet froze, not wanting to go any further while Allie went ahead. It reminded me of my grandpa when in the hospital, all the family members were around his bed. I was only five at the time and didn't understand he was on his deathbed. 

"Lilly, come on," Allie said lightly, looking back at me. 

Swallowing hard, I drug my feet forward, trying not to get worked up about the memory. When we finally got to seem him, he looked horrible. His grandfatherly face was drooping and there wasn't the usual light in his eyes, instead replaced with something much darker and struggling to keep them open . . . 

I had to look away before something happened. 

You're such a pathetic creature. 

Unlike you, I have emotions other than hate. 

"Father," Allie whispered sadly.

"Allison?" he asked weakly, looking up at her.

I couldn't listen anymore. I looked to the side and bit my lip, hoping it would be over soon. It brought back too many memories, and it was another reason I hated the hospital. Why wouldn't he let up take him to get help? It isn't that hard. 

You stupid girl, you don't understand. He doesn't want help because he knows the poison won't kill him. It'll get worse then it gets better. 

If you know all this then why can't you tell me who keeps attacking the pack! 

Figure it out, you have everything you need right in front of you. What fun is life without a challenge? 

"Lillian, come here, please," he said in the same weak voice. Allie stepped aside and let me drag my feet forward, to look at him. I bit my lip even harder now, looking at how weak he was, how much he reminded me of my grandpa. "I know you didn't get anything, on the investigation, but it isn't, too late," 

"You've been poisoned, James has been attacked, next somebody will die if this keeps up. We have no leads, how could it not bee too late?" I asked all at once.

"Something was left, here for you, and Allison," he said. "Katrina has it," 

She stepped next to me and silently handed me an envelope with mine and Allie's name scrawled on it before stepping down. She never seemed for sad. 

"I do no wish, for you to stay, and feel pity, go about your day, as always. Somebody please, tell Lucas to come inside,"

Everyone slowly melted away unsure of what to do. Allie and I sat at the back table in the other room, followed by Alec and Roy while everyone talked about what would happen. Adam was afraid the poison would kill him first, but James was sure that he would recover, and they went on about that. It was silent at our table, no one daring to break the silence out of fear.

"What's with the note?" asked Allie in a far away voice.

I opened it, and the folded piece of paper that came out I tossed to Allie. She looked over it a few times before a look of horror crossed her face and sliding it back to me. It was written in pen neatly, but the handwriting was a mystery.

"Read it already," pushed Alec.

" 'I know this is't the best time to say this, but at school it never works. This needs to be done in person, face to face, tonight. Meet me by the old industrial park on the other side of town. Bring Allie too, it might be smart to bring a weapon as well. Signed Chelsea.' " I read. 

"It sounds like she wants to kill you," joked Alec, earning glared from everyone. "Too soon? Sorry."

"It's defiantly suspicious, you shouldn't go alone." Roy said, thinking. "We're gonna tag along in the back." 

"That's actually -- "

"A good idea." I cut Allie off.

"Yeah, it's cryptic and it's a good idea for back up in case things get bad," agreed Allie. "So tonight, possible death and answers?"

"Yeah, we just have to lie to Mom again." I said, fear washing over me. Was it a good idea? 

"I guess we know what our plan is," said Roy, looking at the three of us. "What about weapons?"

"There's a gun and pocket knife for me and Allie. Do you two really need weapons, I mean it's not like you two are weaklings," I asked, looking away. 

"Alec doesn't like to fight in most cases, it's a good idea for him." 

"Alec you get a screwdriver, yes they can be used as weapons." Allie said, smirking. 

"Okay," he said. "I don't know about you guys, but I can't stand staying here anymore. I'm walking." 

"We're coming too," I replied, standing up. 

We had no idea where we were going, but as long as we were away from the gloom and doom that surrounded the park. We had to get ready for tonight anyway, finding the gun and pocket knife would be a challenge, considering we had no idea what happened to them. 

Don't worry, when you transform tonight there'll be nothing left. 

I won't transform. I thought. You won't have control this time. 

"We'll see" was all he said before going silent and leaving me to fear tonight even more than I already intended to. 


This will probably be finished in a few more chapters, just a heads up. ~ Shadow 


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