I'll Kiss Your Dumb Lips

By Thegirlonfire1221

23.7K 757 138

It's hard trying to love someone when you can barely love yourself. Maritza, the supposedly prisons badass, i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Important authors note!!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

2.2K 81 2
By Thegirlonfire1221

Flaca's pov

As I left mine and maritza's cube, I had a big cheesy grin plastered on my face.

"I see flaca's in a good mood." Daya says to me while she finishes up making her bed.

"What makes you think that?" I reply.

"You have the biggest grin on your face, and I heard maritza laughing her ass off. The last time I heard her laugh so hard was when this new girl shitted her pants." Daya says while she lets out a giggle.

"Well." I say as I jump on her barely finished bed and scoot over to the wall and tap on the side of me to signal her to lay down next to me. "She looks beautiful when she laughs, so I'm glad I had a part in it. You know, making her laugh and smile." I with a small smile gazing my lips.

"You like her." Days says in a teasing voice while she turns on her side to face me.

"What! No." I quickly reply.

"Admit it. You do." She says as she wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

"Maybe just a little. I just want to get to know her better. I don't want to just jump in a relationship, were barely on the bridge of friendship. I don't even know if she likes me."

"I know more about maritza then anyone else in this prison, she's like my sister. I have a feeling she might like you back, it's been awhile since I've seen her so happy. She had a tough past, I'm not going to say much, because it would be best off if maritza told you."

"I'm glad she's happy. I'll wait till she comes to me and opens up, I don't want to prey on anything."

"That's good, just be careful. I don't any of you to get hurt, especially maritza."

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt maritza." I say in a whisper.

"No you wouldn't, because I will kill you." Daya says in joking manner. "How about we quit with this conversation for now, and head to breakfast. I'm starving."

"Me too." I say as I sit upward and daya gets off the bed.

"Let's get going." I say as I leave daya's cube and see maritza heading to our bunk which is a couple cubes down from dayas.

"Hey daya, hey flaca." Maritza says as she gives both of us smiles.

"What are you doing?" Daya asks.

"I just got back from the showers. The girls are heading to breakfast already, they asked me if I could put there stuff away."

"Flaca and I we're just heading to breakfast, do you want us to wait for you?" Daya asks.

"No you guys go on. I still have to put my stuff away." She assures daya.

"I can wait for you." I say as I finally speak up. "Only if you want me to."

"Sure." She says with a smile. "I'll like that."

"Do you want to wait with us?" I ask daya.

"No. I'm good. I want to go eat."

"Well, see you in a bit." I say as she turns to leave.

"I just have to put my stuff in my locker, then we'll head to the cafeteria."

"Okay." I say with a smile as we take off in the direction of our cube.

"I'm tired and starving." Maritza whines out, which I think is the most adorable thing ever.

"Do you want to cancel our plans after breakfast, so you can get some rest."

"No!" She replies quickly. "I mean no. I want to spend time with you, and get to know you better. I'm tired of talking with daya." She says as she puts her stuff in her locker.

"Ok, we won't chancel our plans." I say as I sit on my bed.

"I'm starving, but I don't feel like dealing with the girls." Maritza says as she comes and sits on the side of me, but not to close.

"What do you mean?" I ask with interest in my voice.

"There annoying sometimes." She says as she cuddles with my pillow.

"Is that so? Are you trying to say that I'm annoying?" I say in a teasing voice.

"Yes, you are very annoying! I can barely stand you." She says while laughing.

"That is very hurtful!" I say with my hand over my heart and laughing like a little child.

"We should get going. The girls are probably wondering where we are." Maritza says while she recovers from her laughing.

"We should." I say as we both stand up and head out of our cube.

"What's up maritza." Says a woman, who I didn't recognize.

"Hey boo." Maritza replies as they pass by each other.

"Is she like your girlfriend or something?" I ask her.

"What? No!" She says with a giggle. "That's big boo. Everybody knows her, she supposedly the big scary dyke in prison, but she's not. She's actually pretty cool. It's all that prison stereotyping that makes her seem bad. And plus, she's not my type."

"Oh, so you have a type?" I ask with interest laced in my voice.

"Sorta of. I don't see myself dating you-know, a more masculine girl."

"So you like the feminine type." I say as I wiggle my eyebrows up and down and smile.

"A little." She says as she winks at me.

I smile in return and head into the cafeteria which was filed with other inmates. I looked at the clock and noticed that it was 8:15. Some inmates were still waiting in line, and others were eating and talking. "Let's go and wait in line so we can get our trays." I say to maritza as we went to go stand in line.

"Have I mentioned how hungry I was?" Maritza asks.

"Yes, you wouldn't shut up about it!" I say in a mocking but joking way.

"Be quiet!" She says while she laughs.

"Inmates hurry up, we don't got all day." Said one of girls that was on serving duty.

"Sorry." I say as I grab a tray and start heading down the line to get my breakfast for the day. After maritza and I got our food, we went and sat down with the girls. I sat on the side of daya, and on the side of her was Maria. Maritza sat in front of me, and on the side of her was Gloria, and aleida.

"Where were you girls at?" Gloria curiously asks.

"There were getting it on!" Daya says as she laughs.

"Yes we were." I respond in a joking manner.

"We did it on your bed." Maritza says while she laughs and looks at daya.

"You guys are nasty. Remind me to wash my sheets." Daya says while she lets out a giggle.

"Anyway, how are you flaca? Considering its been only a few days since you got in." Aleida asks me.

"I've been good. It feels like i have known you girls for so long." I say while looking around the table.

"Same thing goes for you." Maria speaks for herself and the girls, as they nod in agreement.

I smile in return and began to eat my food. A comfortable silence surrounded us as we ate, a feeling of safety and happiness filled up inside of me. It was a feeling that I believe we all longed for, a since of not being alone. It was like we didn't focus on what we did to end up locked in a prison cell, it was like we focused on only each other, and knew that we had each other's back.

"I'm full." Daya says.

"Me too." Gloria replies. "We should head back to our cubes."

Everyone nodded in agreement and began to stand up to go throw the left over food in the garage can and set the trays above it.

"Do you want to go and rest before we go to commissary." I ask maritza as I let out a little yawn.

"Yeah, it seems like we both need the rest." She says as she lets out a yawn also.

As we all took off to our cubes, the girls followed closely behind us, as maritza and I led the way.

"Maritza!" Gloria calls out as we stop and wait till they catch up.

"Yeah?" She responds.

"Do you think we can talk." Gloria asks.


"You guys go on ahead, me and maritza here are going to have a little talk." Gloria says as waves us off. And I leave wondering what they are going to talk about.
Here's chapter six for you guys, sorry it took me so long! Let me know what you guys think! It's three o'clock in the morning and I feel to tired to check over it, so sorry if there's any mistakes. So to let you guys know, your comments brighten up my day! It makes writing much more enjoyable and fun. Again sorry for the late update, I hope this chapter makes up for it! Next chapter will be in maritza pov, and maybe even flaca's.

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