Locking up my heart (boyxboy)...

By myparadise15

142K 4.7K 333

The sequel to I hart you too starring Zac and Alex. Alex is in his first year of university Amelia. Alex's... More

Author's Notes
1. Orientation Day
2. First Look
3. The Coffee Cup
4. Date Day
5. Disappeared
6. Lost Spark
7. Boy of his Dreams
8. The Photo
9. A Glimpse of Mystery
10. Next to you
11. I remember you...
12. This isn't real
13. Reading all the answers
14. A possible confrontation
15. Bonfire Night
16. Punch time
17. Distracted from the truth
18. Thoughts...
19. It was inevitable
20. A long time coming
21. I figured it out
22. Good News
23. Road Trip
Update: Smut!

24. You mean so much to me

4.6K 150 6
By myparadise15


This is the last chapter can you believe it, I can't remember when I started this but probably late 2013 and I finally finished. 

There is still an epilogue to come which will tie up all loose ends but I think I will be ending it here and possibly starting some other series with new characters. Except I will be writing some smut scenes for Zac and Alex and, Xavier and Aiden in a separate work. Just to fuel you guys, that like that sort of thing, since I don't want this book flagged I'll have to leave that out the actual book. That will be called striking hearts collections which I will work on after I'm done with the epilogue.

I hope you guys enjoy the last chapter

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Chapter 24

You mean so much to me

Zac's POV

I was taking Alex on a boat today. The weather was nice and it felt like the perfect time to carry out this plan. After that I planned to take us to this rooftop restaurant where a film was playing lit by only the moonlight. This was special, Alex was special and I've been wanting to do this for a very long time.

It was the weekend and in the afternoon I went over to Alex's room. I knocked a few times and let myself in when I heard him reply. He was lying in a seemingly comfortable position whilst he was on his laptop. He looked up, eyes sparkling when he realised it was me. I crashed into him, on the bed and squeezed him into a hug. He complained about breaking his laptop so I got off him, still smiling widely.

"How are you today?" I asked him.

"Better now that you're here" he replied as he snuggled into my side.

"Sorry babe, but I'm taking you out, get dressed and let's go" he looked up noticing my attire, semi formal like.

He blinked slowly, smirking. "You look so so so good" he admitted whilst he started peeling off jacket and kissing at my neck.

"Ah Alex, please this is really important, we can do this when we come back promise"

He raised an eyebrow at me, grumbling about having to move and me being a bad boyfriend. I rolled my eyes and settled down on the bed, watching him change out of the corner of my eye. He was definitely putting on the show, with the way that he was taking his time to take off his clothes. He turned around, catching my gaze but quickly turned back around with a smug look.

I double checked the bookings I had made for the boat and the restaurant whilst I was waiting. Making sure to escape out of the tabs before he could discover the surprise he had in store for him. About half an hour later, he was ready and we set out together.

I held his hand, leading him towards my car. It wasn't too long of a drive but I got directions in case. I held onto his hand the whole journey whilst he played with my fingers humming softly with the music playing out of my phone. It was very endearing and I couldn't help but sneak glances at him every few minutes. Though I did ensure that I had a hand on the wheel and was watching the road simultaneously.

When we arrived at the coast, I quickly tied a headband around his head to keep it a surprise as long as possible.

"I hate surprises" he protested as he trudged along the pier towards the awaiting boat. It wasn't anything extreme, my budget could never afford that. But it was decent enough.

"Don't pout Lexy, you'll like this" I said reassuring him.

When I reached the boat, I removed the headband. I watched as he blinked then cried out in excitement hugging me really tight. He pressed a chaste kiss to my lips and started jumping up and down on his toes.

"You did this for me?" he asked, eyes shining like the clear blue ocean.

"All for you" I signalled the driver of the boat and he placed a metal board down so that we could cross over into the boat. I let Alex go first, following close behind him. We were told to wear lifejackets as well as being briefed on some safety precautions.

A few minutes, the boat has started up and we were laid side by side on some lounge chairs. We both had sunglasses on and had taken off our jackets and shoes. We were sipping some champagne and talking about whatever came to mind.

We had about 2 hours out in the ocean to enjoy before we were scheduled for dinner. I sat up and looked out into the ocean. I could see some other boats in the distance and birds flying high up in the sky. I leaned over and kissed him. I felt him smile and I licked at his bottom lip. He opens his mouth and I started really kissing him.

After I hear a clearing of the throat to the right, I pull away. I shrug with a satisfied look on my face. The captain announces that they are anchoring in this spot for half an hour for a break. I stand up, now that the boat is more stable. I lend Alex a hand and bring him with me to the front of the boat. There is some railings along the edge and I hold onto them. Letting the sun settle on my face, igniting a warmth within me. I put my hand in my pocket, feeling around for the box. I clutch onto it tightly. Shooting a glance at Alex, who was distracted by the fish he could see swimming down below. I open the box quietly and pull out the ring.

I whisper a few words of encouragement to myself and turn to Alex. He looked so beautiful in the sunlight. I was lost for words to describe it.

I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around, a grin on his face. His eyes shifted to what was in my hands and he was stunned to say the least.

"I-Is that a ring?" he asked slowly.

"Yeah um I've been wanting to give you this for weeks but couldn't find the right time, I picked it out with Aiden and Xavier that week we were with them, its a ring to represent our relationship, not um a engagement" he rushed out, fairly embarrassed.

"No?" he asked with a quirk of an eyebrow and a smirk on his face.

"Maybe one day" I replied a smile playing at my lips.

"Well are you going to stand there all day or what?" he asked, a teasing glint in his eyes.

I laugh, rolling my eyes. I carefully slip it on and he holds it up to the sun, admiring it. He had the lock engraved on his ring and I let him slip the complimentary one that had a key on it. 

"Really, thank you, this is so sweet" he murmured. It quite hard to understand him since he has already smashed his lips onto mine. I pressed him against the boat whilst I kissed him.

We paused our kissing a while later after we were told by the captain that we were going to begin moving again any moment. We walked back to our seats and relaxed into them. We sipped at our drinks and took photos of each other as well as together. I also tried to get in a few photos of the scenery even though in all of them Alex was photobombing.

"Come on, I just want one photo of the ocean" I told him, rolling my eyes.

"It's just water, nothing special" he teased, jumping again to stop my shot.

"But it looks really nice today" I was pouting like a child.

Alex had a smug look on his face as he yet again ruined my shot.

"If you want a self photo shoot so bad, you should have just told me" I teased.

"Maybe that is what I want" he replied, smirking at my frustrations.

I got up, swaying a little from the movement of the boat, then grabbed him by the waist. I started tickling him until he was laughing and had tears at the corners of his eyes. I got him onto his back and sat on top of him. I grabbed my phone and quickly snapped a shot. I sent him a smile pleased with myself, laughing at his of getting my phone and deleting the photo.

I got off him after I kissed him quickly and laughed at his defeated face. I sat down on the chair and he dropped into my lap, seemingly happy with himself. I rolled my eyes but was actually very fond of his antics. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cuddled into him.

He started playing some music on his phone and sung along quietly with it the rest of the boat ride.

When we made it back to the shore, the sun was low and we had a reservation to get to. I thanked the captain immensely and I walked with Alex back to my car. I warmed up the engine, tapping away on my phone whilst I waited for the traffic to pass.

The restaurant wasn't too far from here, since it also overlooked the ocean. What was special about this place was that it was on the rooftop. The sun had started setting when we were driving and it was casting a warm glow over everything. When we arrived, we had a few minutes to spare so we spent that kissing, of course.

The restaurant was on the top level so we had to walk two flights of stairs to reach it. It had a nice atmosphere, elegant and simple. Instead of music, the place played films all night until closing time. Almost like a cinema but better with the view. It was also loud enough so that no one would be distracted by conversations but they could still be heard if you raised your voice.

"This place is amazing, how did you find it?" Alex asked, in awe of everything.

"I visited it once, a long time ago with my family but I had to do some research to see if it still existed"

"Wow, I see, this is so great"

We were shown our seats and after taking a look at the menu we had chosen our dishes. For drinks we got some red wine, romantic I know. For our mains we chose some fancy chicken and beef dishes that were served with a variety of vegetables and sauce. It looked delicious in the menu photos.

We watched the movie, which was one of the fast and furious movies, making comments here and there about it. We didn't have to wait long before our food was presented in front of us. I offered some to Alex and he opened his mouth to take the bite. I accepted the same from him.

After the main course was finished we ordered a chocolate volcano served with ice-cream for us to share. It was too good, seriously I would take $100 worth of it home if I could. We sat there, arms and thighs touching as we watched the rest of the movie together. It wasn't too bad.

"Thank you for today, one of the best days I've ever had" Alex said to me

"Me too and you're welcome" I smiled happily, today was a success.

Other people started getting up to leave so we followed, paying for our meal at the counter then leaving to my car. I started driving right away and we arrived home in the late evening.

Once I was inside my room, I relaxed onto the bed. Alex sat down next to me, stroking my cheek and fluffing up my hair.

"So are we going to come tonight or not?" he said with a even voice.

I looked up at him, surprised at his bluntness. I stuttered over my response, "I-I Yeah um I guess?"

He raised at eyebrow at me then his face broke into a grin.

"Okay do you want to top or bottom?" he asked with a innocent look on his face.

I laughed, god the things he does to me. "I think it's my turn to top tonight".

I loved him and I was going to show him that. He meant more to me, than anyone else. 

Alex's POV

If you told me that I would be with Zac a couple years ago I'd laugh in your face, but the way I felt now. That this would be my happily ever after and I couldn't be more excited for the future. We still have some things to figure out, but we'll make it work, I know it. This is what love feels like, this is what it's meant to be like and I couldn't believe I have found someone like him to share it with. It was real and I'm glad that I decided to keep my heart open and not lock up my heart.


It's really the end this time, no joke

Epilogue will be out around a week from now. 

Thank you for sticking around so long, to read this book and I really hope it exceeded your expectations. If you want to be notified if I post more works, make sure to follow me. Other than that I hope you all have a wonderful day/night. 

You, my friends are the best xx


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