C'mon C'mon - Niall Horan Fan...

By fairytalefiction

55 0 0


Live While Were Young
C'mon C'mon
More Than This
- Kiss You
You & I
Take Me Home
Little Things
One Thing
Better Than Words

Night Changes

4 0 0
By fairytalefiction

You sit and chat with Harry for ages and see just how right Niall was. Harry, on his own, is the nicest person youve ever met. Niall reappears and looks really pleased thst finally you and his friend Harry seem to be getting along after getting off on completely the wrong foot.

"Told you he isn't all that bad" jokes niall mock punching Harry in the ribs as he winks at you
"You were right" you smile "we've cleared the air" you explain happily.
"THEN WE MUST CELEBRATE" shouts niall loudly beckoning the barmaid over and ordering a round of cocktails and shots. You and Harry both cringe at the thought of more alcohol before shrugging and taking the shots washing the bad taste away with the cocktails.

'Dancefloor?' Niall suggests and you agree hitting the dancefloor with him and Harry. The atmosphere is insane.

'And now....' announces the DJ....'my favourite One Direction Track'
A song starts playing and everyone cheers including niall and Harry who suddenly transform from geeks on the Dancefloor to rock stars in 0.5 seconds as they sing and dance to their own song over the music.

You step back laughing hysterically along with the rest of the party guests as the two of them are joined by Liam and Louis and put on quite the performance. No microphones but heck they don't even need them, they blast out the lyrics over the record as they strut around as though performing a concert.... but oh so very drunk. It's magical. This would be YouTube gold!

You notice Harry doesn't take his eyes off of you for a single second as he thrusts and grinds his way around the Dancefloor slowly making his way towards you as he signs....
"So c'Mon c'Mon show me what you're all about' and gives you the sexiest look you've ever seen continuing towards you and grabbing your hand dragging you into his arms as he spins you and sings
'Heyyy I've been watching you all night, there's something in your eyes saying c'Mon c'Mon and dance with me baby...Yehhh the music is so loud...'
then pulling you to within an inch of his face and smirking cheekily, gazing into your eyes as he delivers the line
'I wanna be yours now, so c'Mon c'mon and dance with me baby'

You can barely catch your breath it's the most crazy and intense experience you've ever had. Harry styles is singing to you. Only you.

The song ends and he doesn't let go of you, instead he pulls you around the edge of the Dancefloor, out of the room and into a corridor and under a stairwell, placing his hands around your waist and leaning you against a wall. Glaring into your eyes with intensity you can't even describe. You are frozen in shock at the fact that you are being seduced by Harry. Your Harry. The Harry you have dreamed of for years. You dont say a single word.

Then it happens. He leans forward, strokes your hair with his hand, cups your chin and kisses you once, softly on the lips. His eyes never faltering away from yours. Again you don't react. He kisses you again only this time for longer. You place a hand on his lower back. Eyes still locked together. He kisses you again only this time he clutches his hand in the back of your hair and pulls you into his torso with his other arm, engaging in a full on kiss. His tongue pressing for entrance into your mouth, which you welcome, your eyes finally closing as you sink deeper into the passionate kiss. Holy shit you're making out with Harry, your drunk mind swirls in a million thoughts as you just try your best to not freak out and fan girl.

As the kiss draws to a close he takes your hand and leads you back down the corridor, fully expecting that you're going back into the party you follow him, only to pass the doorway and continue walking towards the elevators. As he presses the button you look at him confused
"Ummm, where are we going?' You ask. "Upstairs.... for some privacy.... You deserve better than a stairwell" he says shyly looking at his feet as you smile.

There's an awkward silence in the elevator and walking down the corridor until you finally reach his room and he swipes his key card to gain entrance. His room is the same as nialls only much less tidy! There is stuff everywhere!
Thinking of niall there is this weird niggle in your stomach. A feeling of unease. You can't make sense of it. Niall is just your friend. He knows you like Harry. You're doing nothing wrong, he introduced you for Christ's sake!

Harry leads you over to his bed and kisses you again as he slowly lays you down onto his bed and lays on top of you. It's all you've ever dreamed of and more but you pull back from the kiss.
It's startles you as much as it does him.
He looks at you confused.
"You ok?" He asks softly
You take a deep breath and exhale sharply. Of course you're alright. Your dreams are coming true.
"I'm fine" you assure him and he grins and continues to kiss you, moving from your lips onto your neck. You get goosebumps All over your body but again followed by a weird feeling of uneasyness.

"Harry I'm sorry but this isn't right. It doesn't feel right.... I've got to go" you say

"What?" He asks concerned. Sitting up.

"Its not you, you haven't done anything wrong. I thought this was what I wanted - but it's not" you reply softly

"So.... You don't like me?" Says Harry looking hurt.

"Harry I've adored you for 5 years but now I'm here with you, it just doesn't feel right. I should go"

You stand up and kiss him on the cheek. "Its been lovely to meet you and Thankyou for being so nice to me but I'm just really confused right now and this.... It's just all too much" you say as you head towards the door.

"Woahhh wait" he says but you dont listen, leaving his room and running down the corridor the the elevator and pushing the button. Harry doesn't follow.

Once inside the elevator you run your hands through your hair and sigh. "What the fuck" you ask yourself out loud as you try to make sense of what's just happened and why you are in an elevator running away from your dream man's hotel room but just too drunk to make sense of any of it at all. You just want to go home.

In the foyer of the hotel you take your phone out of your handbag and diall for a Taxi asking for one as soon as possible to collect you from the hotel. They say it will be about 20 minutes but the driver will call you when it arrives. Peering through the glass doors you can see hoards of press and paparazzi outside the entrance and decide its better to stay inside away from them given your experiences with them trying to enter the party, so you sit on an armchair and wait in the reception area with your head in your hands as you try and fail to sober up and and get a grip.

"Babe, where have you been? What are you doing sat here? I've been looking for you" exclaims a familiar Irish voice and you look up to see niall stood before you.

'I.... I..... I'm leaving" you tell him as he looks at you concerned.
"Why? What's wrong?" He asks placing an arm around your shoulder and with that you start to cry.

'I can't explain' You say shaking your head, unable to look him in the eyes. 'Its just all a mess' You tell him as he strokes your back.

'Nothings a mess - you're just drunk' He laughs "do you want the room key? You can go and get your head down?' He suggests but you shake your head.

'I want to go home. Home to my home" you sob as he pulls your head up to look you in the eye.

"Babe you need to tell me what happened? I'm not letting you go home in this state alone. Now come on" he says pulling you to your feet and leading you to the elevator. "Let's just go to my room and sober up. You can tell me why you're so upset."

As the elevator pings and the doors open Harry steps out. He looks at you crying and shakes his head, realises you're holding hands with Niall and rolls his eyes then looks back at you, runs his hands through his hair and says
"Youre crying? Bit over dramatic don't you think?? Are the tears over me or him?' He gestures towards niall. 'You two need to sort this shit out! It's fucked up! you're either together or youre not - it's fucking weird' and with that he walks past you and back into the party.

Niall leads you into the elevator and presses the button to close the doors.

"Wanna tell me what the hell that was all about? And why I found you sat in the reception crying and Harry's coming back down from his room having a go at you for being with me? Because I swear to God if what I think has happened has and he's hurt you...'

'No...no God no' You assure him and he exhales sharply. 'Right then I think we need to talk. Don't you?' He asks and you nod silently.

Once inside his room he hands you a bottle of water and sits you down on the bed. You feel sick but you're not sure wether is the alcohol or the anxiety.
He sits opposite you on the bed and unties his shoes and removes his tie. "What the heck happened babe?" He asks taking hold of your hand. With that the tears start to flow again and he moves closer into you to comfort you in his arms. Instantly you feel better. His arms are the best place on earth.

'I.... I.... kissed Harry' You sob
He looks taken aback by your revelation and a little disappointed but after a moment he replies cautiously
"Why is kissing him a bad thing?" He asks
You shrug between sobs.
"he took me to his room, it didn't feel right. I shouldn't have gone...." you continue between sobs and sniffles

"I thought you said he never took advantage of you?" he angrily asks. "I'm going to knock his fucking head off"

"No no no he never.... that's why I'm crying" you explain

"Youre crying because Harry DIDNT try to take advantage of you?' He shouts and you sob shaking your head. Now niall is mad at you too. You can't cope. You can't take any more of this. You angrily shout back:

'No niall no. I'm crying because he wanted to, and ive loved him for 5 years and then I got the chance and I freaked out...."
You tail off wiping the tears and mascara away from your eyes. 'I'm crying because my head is a complete mess' You finally finish.

"So you wanted to but you freaked out and now you regret it?" He asks seriously still looking deflated.

"No. I thought I wanted to. I though I loved him. Now I realise I don't and I'm really confused that's why I'm crying" you explain

He pulls you in to a huge hug with a look of relief on his face. You're unsure wether the relief is because he's glad Harry never took advantage of you or wether it's because you've decided you no longer like Harry in thst way.

"I.... I.... I got scared because...." You start to ramble emotionally, knowing you're about to say far too much but no longer even caring.
"I'm a virgin.... and I never wanted my first time to be like THAT. A meaningless one night stand. I want it to be love and Romantic and caring...."

You cringe realising you have now already said too much and you might as well just put your cards on the table. You continue;

"I know it makes me a massive loser but yes I am a virgin. I am also very very confused right now because I've always had this massive crush on Harry as you know, he finally realises I exist and kisses me and I couldn't do it because...." You tail off unable to finish the sentence.

"Because what?" He asks. His piercing blue eyes filled with emotion.

Because....all I could think about was YOU."

You bury your head in your hands in utter embarrassment, but hey you can't ruin your life much more than you already have tonight. You're on a roll. You might as well just go for it.

"I think I'm falling for you, Niall" you blurt out looking him directly in the eye.
"I didnt want to be kissing him. I wanted to be kissing you" you finish. His eyes say it all. And you're terrified.


I look up at her and our eyes meet. Hers full of tears with smudged eye makeup but that doesn't detract from her beauty, what does is the utter fear that I can see in them awaiting my reaction to what she's just told me. There's a silence.

Taking one of her hands into mine wiping the tears from her eyes with my other hand gently I clear my throat ready to respond, but words just won't come. My stomach is in knots as I try to pull myself together but her revelation has literally left me speechless. I just didn't expect any of this. I'm lost for words.


His big blue eyes are gazing at you and he's holding your hand but he's not saying a single word. It's painful. You need him to say something. Anything. Even if it's not what you want to hear its better than him saying nothing at all. Your anxiety levels are unbearable. Have you just ruined the best friendship you've ever had? You start to panic.

'I think I should go' You tell niall as you climb to your feet. 'This is all a huge mess and I'm sorry' You say as you wipe the tears that are flowing down your face heading towards the door. He's stood a few steps behind you.
'Call me tomorrow when you've had time to think' You say as you open the door. 'I've been unfair to drop this on you when were both drunk.' You finish as you walk out through the door.

You don't look back as you walk down the corridor but you know he's stood in the doorway watching you leave. You can feel it. You press for the elevator and run your hands over your face wiping away the many tears you've shed in the last few minutes, and take a deep breath. This is the worst night of your entire life. Things are completely out of control.

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