The boy next door

By jeeezy2

390 19 3

Melanie is starting her junior year of high school when she finds out that a new boy moving in next door she... More

Junior Year
Meeting the family
Game Day
First Date
Hospital stay
2 months
Baby Alexandra
Movie Date
Back to Dallas
Telling him
9 months later


15 1 0
By jeeezy2

Melanie's POV

I'm at my house trying to get Alex back to sleep, but I can't bc Dom and Bella are screaming at each other. I won't be surprised if one of the neighbors called the police. Alex finally fell asleep so I laid her on my bed putting pillows around her so she won't fall off. My parents are at work and my brother is at his friends house so I'm here alone with Alex. I don't even have any food to feed Alex when she wakes up. I call up Lilly.
"Lilly hey I need you to do me a favor."
"Sure Mel what's up?"
"Can you bring some baby food?"
"Yeah but why?"
"I'll explain when you get here."
"Okay what do I get?"
"Get one of everything please I'll pay you back."
With that I hung up the phone. I called Lilly bc she has a younger sister and she knows how to do all of the feeding and changing diapers. After 30 mins Lilly gets here.
"Hey Mel. Why did you want me to bring over baby food?"
"I'm taking care of Dom's daughter."
"What! I thought you were done with him."
"I was but I love him and he just found out that Alex isn't his kid. So I'm babysitting."
"Wow really. Omg is that why there's a lot of yelling coming from his house?"
"Yes it's a good thing to bc his mom isn't there so yeah."
After I explained Lilly what was going on there were cops outside Dom's house. Of course one of the neighbors called the cops. I saw the cops walk up to Dom's front door and Bella opened the door. I couldn't make out what they were saying. Then Bella let the cops inside they were in there for about 20 mins. Now they were looking around the yard which I couldn't understand. I went to go check on Alex and I saw Dom hovering over her.
"Dom what are you doing? How did you get in here?"
"I climbed up the balcony."
"You know the cops are at your house right."
"Yeah I know that's why I left I didn't want them to ask me where Alex was."
"So what are you going to-"I was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I went downstairs to open the door but Lilly already opened the door.
"Hello have you seen your neighbor Dominic Moretti?"
"No I haven't not since a couple of hours ago."
"When was the last time you saw him?"
"He was walking to his house. That's the last time I saw him."
"Do you mind if I check around the house?"
"I do mind you want to look around my house you have to get a warrant."
"With you refusing it tells us you have something to hide."
"Well I don't I know my rights okay you can't come in here without my permission or warrant so get off my property."
"Where are your parents we need to talk to them."
"Well if you want to talk to them go find them."
After I said that I shut the door at there faces. I went to look out the window and saw the cops go back into there car and drive away. After I saw they left I went upstairs to Dom and Alex but when I got there they weren't there. I saw a note on my bed.
"Melanie I want to thank you for taking care of Alex today and saving my ass with the cops. I'm sorry but I'm leaving I'm taking Alex with me. I'm going to Dallas we were moving to Dallas this summer but my mom already found a new house so I'm leaving now. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart. I will never forget you. Please don't tell anyone where I am. I don't want to lose Alex please. When you're done reading this rip it up or burn it so there isn't any evidence. Lilly helped me she gave me all the baby food. Thank you for everything.
Love Dominic."
I can't believe he actually left. What is he going to do when he gets to the airport? I have to go stop him I can't let him leave. We are meant to be together. I went downstairs to grab my keys and phone.
"Mel where are you going?"
"Airport I have to stop Dom."
"No you can't leave him be."
"I love him and I'm not letting go."
"Mel this has nothing to do with you okay he is trying to do right for his daughter. They may not be blood related but that doesn't make a family. You can't get in the middle of this."
I thought about just walking out the door but I started to listen what Lilly was saying and I can't get in the middle of Dom's family he is trying to do right for Alex.

Dominic's POV
I know what I'm doing is wrong, but I can't let anyone take Alex away. We might not be blood, but I still love her. Right now I'm at the airport waiting for my flight to Dallas. Alex is asleep, hopefully, Mel didn't get into to much trouble with the cops. I can't call her bc I through my phone out so the police wouldn't track me. My flight to Dallas doesn't leave till 4:30 and its barley 2:50 I have no idea what I'm going to do for the next hour or so.
"Hey excuse me can I borrow your phone?"
"Sure." the stranger said while handing me his phone. I'm dialing Melanie's number just so I can talk to her and have peace of mind.
"Hello? Who's this?"
"Melanie it's Dom."
"It's not Melanie it's Lilly."
"Where's Melanie?"
"She's taking a shower."
"Okay for a second there I thought the cops arrested her or something."
"Nope but they wanted to search her house to see if she was hiding you but she didn't let them."
"Did she get in trouble for it?"
"No they asked where her parents were and she said that if they want to talk to them they can go find them them selfs." After she said that I heard someone else talking I couldn't make out who it was but I'm guessing it's someone she knows.
"Melanie hey how are you?"
"I'm fine what about you? How is Alex?"
"She's fine were both fine. I just needed to call you."
"So I can hear your voice."
"What are you going to do when your at Dallas?"
"Moving in with my mom. I won't be able to call you for about 2 months. We can't talk."
"Bc the cops might think you know where I am and I don't want you to get in trouble."
"Okay so this is going to be the last time we talk for 2 months?"
"Yes. I love you Melanie. I'm so glad I moved and met you. You are the best thing that ever happen to me."
"I love you too Dom. I'm so glad you moved next door. You helped me realize what I truly wanted and it was you."
"I'll see you soon Mel. love you."
"Love you too."
With that the call ended I gave the stranger back his phone, and he walked away. Alex woke up so I fed her and played with her for the next hours or so. Then our plane was boarding so I picked up our stuff carried Alex in my arms and went to the plane. I gave the nice lady our tickets she let us go. I found our seats put everything away and had Alex in my lap playing. After 2 hours Alex fell asleep again she sleeps a lot which is okay I guess bc babies need there sleep and so do I. I was looking around the plane and saw this lady staring at me. She was probably my age or a couple years older. When I noticed she was staring I stared back she made a motion to go to the bathroom. She stood up walking to the bathroom with her butt sticking out. We were almost to Dallas the flight attendant said it was about 30 more minutes to go. I didn't go to the bathroom with that lady I have a daughter and I don't think that would send a good image for myself. So I stayed at my sit eating peanuts then I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned to see who it was and it was that lady.
"Did you know I wanted you to go to the bathroom with me?"
"Yeah I did."
"Why didn't you come?"
"Bc I have a daughter here and doing that doesn't send a good example."
"So she is like 3 weeks old."
"I don't care. Now please go back to your seat were about to land."
"How do you know that?"
"Bc the seatbelt light is blinking." she left in a hurry to her seat. The pilot said we were about to land. After the speaker turned off Alex woke up I buckled her seat and gave her a baby cookie. After we landed I kept her in the seat bc I'm going to have to carry all the bags we have. I got a taxi and told him the address to my new house. We got there and the house was gorgeous way bigger than the other one. My mom was waiting outside she ran to hug me and grabbed Alex and took her into the house while I got the bags. The house had two big doors, I walked in and there was a two staircases leading up to the second floor they were both on either side of the room. I looked to my right and saw some sort of sitting room bc all there was was chairs and a coffee table. I looked to my right and saw the dinning room. The dinning table was so big it could fit the whole Kardasian family even with the babies.
I walked through a door and saw the kitchen. It was huge it looks like the kitchen in a restaurant. I went to the living room and there's a 2 step stair case to go to the living room. The tv is huge the couch looks like big beds. To the right of me is a sliding door to the back yard. The backyard has a basketball court and the pool looks like a lake with a swing hanging off a tree and sorta in the middle of the lake/pool. I went back inside and saw my moms office. Her office walls are like windows. I went up the stairs to the second floor and saw my moms room. It was huge with a big bed, a little couch, TV, her own bathroom, and walk in closet. I went to a room down the hall I'm guessing this was my room bc there was nothing here.
"Hey Hun I didn't want to decorate your room I thought you should do it yourself."
"Okay mom thanks. So anything I want no spending limit?"
"Well a spending limit but it's pretty high so yes there are magazines in the sitting room. Tonight you can sleep in the guest room."
"Where's Alex's room."
She told me to follow her to the other side of the house. Her room was beautiful it was pink with all her baby things and she had little teddy bears. My mom told me we have a gym here too but it's not to big it only has a treadmill and weights. My mom went to feed Alex and I went to the sitting room to look for what I want in my room.
When I opened my eyes it was dark I had the magazine on my stomach I must've fallen asleep. It was quiet I'm guessing it's late bc both Alex and my mother are asleep. I walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water and saw the time it was 3:28 am. Wow that was a really long nap. I guess I should go back to sleep bc I have nothing else to do. I want to go swim in the pool/lake but I don't have swim trunks. I guess I'll just go in my boxers. When I put my feet in the shallow end it was freezing cold. I went to change the temp. I dove in and it was kinda warm I just swimming and saw that the sun was starting to come up. It was beautiful the way the light from the sun came through the trees around the lake/pool and reflecting of it. I hear the sliding door opening I see my mom.
"Hey Hun having fun?"
"Yes I am."
"Why are you up so early?"
"I woke up at 3 and didn't know what else to do."
"What are you wearing you don't even have swim trunks?"
"I'm in my boxers. Can you get me a towel."
"Pool towels are in that cabinet over there. Im going to work. I'm leaving you the car so you can go shop for new clothes and my credit card. Don't waste to much money."
She left after and I got out of the water got the towel went inside and checked the time it was 5:50 my mom had already left for work. I don't really know what she does I just know she works in a office and she sells stuff. I cooked myself some breakfast and by cook I mean poured cereal in a bowl. I went to take a shower all I had to wear was the clothes I came in with. The bags I had at the airport were all of Alex's stuff. When I got out of the shower it was 6:30. I just had my jeans on I had no underwear. So I think today I'll go shopping for clothes and maybe buy a few things for my room. Now I'm just waiting for Alex to wake up so I can feed her and go to the store. I was just watching the news and on my moms computer looking to buy stuff online, then I heard Alex start to cry so I went upstairs picked her up and took her downstairs to feed her. I gave her some baby food and milk put her in her high chair and just watched the news together. When she finished I took her to my moms bathroom bc she has a bathtub. Alex loves the water she tries to swim like a actually swimmer it's the cutest thing in the world. After her bath I put a diaper on her she likes to help pick out what she is wearing I let her choose. Her choices are a t-shirt that says daddy's angel and jeans with her walking shoes or a baby floral dress. Her walking shoes will match with either one so now it's just up to her to choose. She chose the dress it has sunflowers all over it with her white walking shoes I'm going to put a bow on her it's a white bow with a flower. I put my boxers in the dryer after I got out of the shower so they should dry now.
I'm at the mall Alex is in her stroller everyone is stopping us telling me how cute Alex is and asking if am the dad. Then there amazed how young I am and all that bs. I got to the Nike store got a new pair of shoes and a couple shirts. I went to forever 21 to get pants and flannels. I went to a couple other stores to get Alex something's. After 4 hours at being at the mall I left home my mom drives a white Mercedes Benz CLS class. I bought swimming clothes for myself and Alex so we can go swimming together. I changed her into the swim suit then I changed into mine. I put on suntan lotion on her. I took her into the shallow end of the lake/pool she wanted to go deeper so I carried her into the deep end. She loved it she was slashing, laughing and smiling. After a while she started to get sleepy so I dried her off put her in a diaper and put her too sleep. We both fell asleep in the guest room I was staying at I put a wall of pillows so I don't accidentally roll over on her. Next thing I knew I was drifting on to sleep.

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