A Wistful Ocean (Natsu Dragne...

By california1698

23.2K 470 31

What if it wasn't Lisanna that 'died' and went to Edolas? What if it was someone else? Another childhood frie... More

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Gaining a Sister
Fairy Tail Tradegy
Fairy Hunters
Edolas Kingdom
The Apocalyptic Dragon Chain Cannon
The kids back then!
Dragon Sense
Xena vs Knightwalker
I'm Standing Right Here!
Bye-Bye Edolas
Welcome Home
Author's Note
Subclass of Sloth Preview

Natsu, Alexis and the Dragon Eggs

1.4K 34 4
By california1698

After Alexis became sisters with Erza she started to be more open with the other kids. She told them that she was a water dragon slayer, they were shocked but Natsu was happy to have another dragon slayer in the guild.

It was another day in Magnolia, Alexis saw Natsu and Gray fighting... again. She was relaxing by the tree in South Gate Park but they showed up and ruined the peace. Erza showed up and beat them up for fighting, leaving them groaning in pain as Alexis sweat dropped.

Later in the day, it began raining. Alexis was running home but paused when she saw Natsu sitting alone in the rain. He was staring at the ground with a sad look. She walked towards him and hugged him gently from behind, he jumped in shock and looked over his shoulder.

He calmed down and accepted her hug. The two stayed together listening to the rain in silence, understanding each others pain and loneliness from their parents.

The next day, Natsu and Alexis stood in the East Forest. Natsu was punching pictures of Gray and Erza tied to a tree and Alexis was watching him, not speaking a word as he pent out his anger.

The last punch was a little too hard and he held up his red hand, Alexis asked if he was alright. Before he got to answer, both of them felt something huge drop on their heads.

"Agh!!" They held their throbbing heads and saw two giant eggs in front of the tree. One of them had blue marks while the other one was green.

Full of excitement, they grabbed the eggs and raced back to the guild.

"Hey guys! Check out these awesome eggs we just found!" Natsu yelled holding the blue egg above his head while Alexis held the green one.

Everyone stared in surprise as the two walked up to Makarov, who was sitting cross legged on the bar. "Where in blazes did you two pick up those things?" He asked them.

Alexis grinned. "We found them in the East Forest!"

"The East Forest?"

Gray, who was sitting on a bar stool, turned to them. "Look at that. Guess you're good for something after all, huh?" He commented. "Gonna fry 'em up for us?" Cana popped up. "Gray! Your clothes!" He looked down and freaked out.

Natsu glared at Gray. "We ain't gonna fry these. Can't you see they're dragon eggs." Alexis pouted as she hugged the egg protectively. "We're gonna hatch them instead."

Cana sweat dropped. "You sure?" The eggs were placed on a cushion each. "Look at the marks on the outside of them. They look just like dragon claws, right?" Natsu stated pointing out the marks.

Gray leaned forward on his knees. "I don't know about that." He said, staring at the eggs.

Natsu placed his hands on his hips and grinned up at Makarov. "So anyway Gramps. Why don't you hatch the dragons with a spell?" Alexis smiled and nodded in agreement with Natsu.

Makarov sighed. "Don't be a fool." The kids looked at him in confusion. "Using magic for such a purpose would dishonour the miracle of life. You see, life is born from love and love alone. No spell can transcend that power."

Natsu stared at him blankly. "Sorry Gramps, I don't think I'm following you." He said, hands behind his head. Makarov sighed. "You'll understand when you grow up."

"He's saying that if you want them to hatch, you have to work hard to make it happen on your own." Erza walked up to them and they turned to her. "Since you usually just burn and break things all day. It might be nice to try something more productive for once."

Alexis grinned and ran to her sister, hugging her tightly. "Welcome back Erza-nii!" Erza chuckled and returned the hug. Natsu and Gray freaked that she was back.

"I've been looking for you Erza!" Erza turned and glared at Mirajane. "Why don't we pick up where we left." She challenged her with a 'come here' motion of her hand. "Come and get some." Lisanna turned to her. "You're gonna fight again?"

"Mira, you know now that you mention it, we never did our match did we?" A menacing aura surrounded Erza and Mira. They attacked each other, yelling insults.

Natsu, Alexis, Cana and Gray stared at them, sweat dropping in disbelief. "Oh sure, she's all mad when we get in a fight but she can wreck the whole guild whenever she wants." Gray complained.

Natsu cracked his knuckles. "Just wait. One of these days, I'm gonna give them a beat down they're never gonna forget."

Lisanna came up to the others. "Aw give me a break. Keep up that tough guy act and you'll never get the girls to like you." Alexis nodded. "She's right. Keep acting mean and the girls may never like you."

Natsu crossed his arms. "Shut up Lisanna! You too Alexis! What do you know?"

"Now don't be mean. I was just about to ask if you needed a hand raising those eggs." Lisanna gave a closed eye smile. Natsu gasps in excitement. "You wanna help? Really!?"

Lisanna hummed and nodded her head. "I never tried raising a dragon, I'll bet it'll be real fun!"

"I don't know if fun's the right word." Gray mumbled. Natsu looked at the eggs. "So how are we suppose to make them hatch?"

Lisanna held her chin in thought. "I think you just warm them up." She concluded. Alexis looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds right."

Natsu turns to them in surprise. "What! For real?" He then grinned. "Looks like I'm the right man for the job." He picked up the eggs and blew fire at them.

"Natsu!!" Alexis shrieked. "Not like that Natsu!" Lisanna yelled at him. "Are you stupid?!" Gray kicked him, making him stop the fire and drop the eggs. Alexis caught the green one and sighed in relief.

"Geez careful! We're trying to hatch the eggs, not poach 'em." Lisanna scolded Natsu. "Yeah you're right." He agreed rubbing his head sheepishly.

Lisanna smirked. "Sit back and let my magic handle this." She clicked her fingers and a pink magic circle appeared. "Change over! Animal Soul!" A bright light shone and Lisanna turned into a giant teal bird.

Natsu gasped. "Wow you're a bird." "That's so cool!" Alexis cheered. "Oh I get it!" Gray stated as Lisanna cuddled up the eggs with her wings. "We're experts when it comes to hatching eggs." She said. "Wow, you're so smart Lisanna!" Natsu complimented her.


Natsu, Alexis and Lisanna, still in her animal soul, sat in front of the tree as Natsu stared at the eggs.

Lisanna sweat dropped. "You're starting to make me nervous."

"The eggs will hatch if we sit like this?" Natsu asked. Lisanna hummed and nodded. "It gets kind of boring though."

The eggs started rattling. Natsu and Alexis moved closer and Lisanna stared at the eggs in shock. "Woah! They started moving."

The eggs somehow attacked Lisanna, scaring the kids as she reverted back to her normal self. Natsu and Alexis sweat dropped. "What's going on?" He wondered.

The eggs bounced into the dragon slayers hands, Alexis stared at her green egg in confusion. "Huh? Looks like they calmed down." She mused.

Lisanna got out of her shock and leaned forward on her hands and knees. "Hey maybe the eggs are trying to say something, like they want you two to warm them up instead." She summerized.

Natsu looked at her. "Yeah? You really think so?" He asked curiously. Lisanna stood up. "Yeah. Don't they seem like they're happy now?"

Natsu and Alexis looked at the eggs. "Hey egg, you wanna be with me?" He asked. The egg tapped four times. Natsu smiled in surprise. "I think it said yes!"

Alexis chuckled and asked her egg. "What about you? Do you wanna be with me instead?" She got four taps in return. "I think this one said yes too!"

Lisanna giggled. "See what I'd tell ya!"

"Haha! Right as always!" Natsu laughed. "Oh I have an idea. Why don't we build the eggs a little house?" Lisanna suggested. "Like a secret base?" Natsu asked in excitement.

They went into the forest and Natsu started building a house out of rocks. He looked the girls and pointed at the...house? "What do you guys think? Is that the awesomest house ever or what?"

Lisanna held her arm behind her back and Alexis stared dumbly at the rock house. "Uh yeah... pretty awesome." Lisanna muttered, not sure how she should comment on it.

The rocks suddenly fell and scared everyone. "I guess awesomeness doesn't count for everything huh?" Natsu groaned.

Lisanna raised her hand enthusiastically. "My turn now." She began her transformation magic. "Leave everything to me!" She turned into a giant purple bunny.

The dragon slayers gasped in surprise. "Woah! You're huge!" They commented. "Pretty cute don't you think? Now hold on just a sec." Lisanna started building a straw hut.

Natsu and Alexis stared up in amazement. "So cool. All I'm good for is breaking stuff." Natsu said.

"Ta da! All done!" Lisanna said as she presented the new house. Natsu grinned. "Woah nice job Lisanna."

Lisanna waved her paws in a 'come on' motion. "Now let's check out the inside." Alexis sweat dropped. "I don't think you're gonna fit." Lisanna changed out of her animal soul and they checked the inside, they gasped in amazement.

Natsu and Alexis carried the eggs as they all walked in. "What do you know, it's actually pretty roomy in here." Natsu stated as he looked around, Alexis nodded in agreement.

Lisanna turned around to the other two. "Yeah isn't it though? Anyway why don't you take a seat."

"Oh yeah...sure!" Natsu said and Alexis nodded while they placed the eggs in the middle of the hut. The kids sat around the eggs.

Lisanna giggled. "It's almost like we're a family now huh?" Natsu looked bored. "How do you figure?" He asked leaning back on his hands. "Yeah. How?" Alexis echoed sitting on her knees.

Lisanna held a finger up. "Well, we got two mommies and a daddy, and the eggs are like our little babies that haven't been born yet."

Natsu looked at the girls and blushed. "I guess that doesn't sound so bad." He smiled shyly. The girls smiled at him and blushed as well. They all hugged the eggs together to keep them warm.


It was raining and the kids were stuck in their hut until it calmed down. Soon enough, the rain did stop and they got out to see the beautiful sunset, wishing that this moment could last forever.

Night time came and they were all asleep in the hut, what they didn't know was that someone was out there.

Morning rose and the girls got one heck of a wake up call. "Ahhh!!! The eggs are gone!!" Natsu freaked out, running all over the hut. "Whaattt!!?" The girls shrieked.

They ran back to the guild and Natsu started accusing everyone. "Alright! Which one of you stole them?!"

Gray was naked again. "We don't want your dumb eggs." He glared at Natsu. Cana waved her hand dismissively. "I don't know anything about them." She pointedly glared at the naked boy. "Gray. Your clothes." He freaked out again.

Natsu ran to Laxus with irk marks on his head. "Laxus was it you!?"

"Yeah right." He scoffed.

Alexis went up to her sister. "Erza, have you seen the eggs? We can't find them." Erza looked away from the request board for a moment. "Sorry, no I haven't seem them." She answered.

Lisanna asked her older sister. "What about you Mira? Have you seen the eggs?"

"No 'fraid not." Mira turned to Natsu. "You ate them, didn't you pinkie? Just admit it." Erza glared at her. "Mira!"

Natsu gasped then glared angrily at Mira. "That's it." He launched towards her. "You're going down!"

"Oh yeah well bring it on! I'll skin you alive!" They started fighting but Erza came over and broke it up. Alexis came over beside Natsu.

"Why are you so mean? I just want my egg back!" Natsu said starting to cry. "Aw, look at you crying. How cute." Mira cooed.

Natsu glared at her. "I'm not crying!" He denied. "You have to quit teasing him about it." Erza told Mira and she turned to Natsu. "Now would you please stop crying." She asked him.

Natsu clenched his fists and shouted. "I'll make you cry!" Alexis started crying. "Please! We just want our eggs back!" She sniffed rubbing her eyes.

Erza glared at Mira. "Hurry up and give them the eggs back alright." She was pissed that her little sister was crying.

Mira butted her head against Erza's as she glared back. "I told you I ain't got 'em. It looks like you eat them, Porkie!" They pushed each other back and forth. "What did you call me?! And why would I eat my own sister's egg!"

Lisanna stared at the ground. "Poor eggs." She whimpered wiping away the tears from her eyes. Cana hit her fist on her palm as she remembered something. "You know, Elfman told me how jealous he was of your eggs the other day."

Lisanna yelled in shock. Natsu turned to Cana. "He's the one who ate them?!" He yelled angry. Alexis brought her hands to her mouth and gasped. "No! He'd never do that." Lisanna defended her brother.

Elfman walked up to them carrying the eggs. "Hey, sorry guys." He apologized.

Everyone turned to him. "It was you all along, wasn't it?" Natsu said. Alexis and Lisanna gasped. "The eggs!"

Elfman smiled sheepishly. "I didn't mean to steal them or anything. It's just you toss and turn so much in your sleep, I was afraid you wouldn't keep the eggs warm enough."

"Wait a sec." Natsu started. "So they're okay?" Alexis questioned.

"I'm not very good with magic but I stuck close to them all night and kept them warm with my body heat." Elfman explained.

"Oh I get it now." Natsu said as he took the blue egg from Elfman and Alexis took the green one. "Thank you!" Lisanna smiled. "Thanks a lot! You sure are a real man." Natsu praised him.

Mira turned to Erza. "And you blamed everything on me." She glared. "Typical."

"Well that's because things are usually your fault!" Erza retorted to her.

The eggs shook and then cracked, making everyone gasp. They cracked some more and two lights, a blue and a green, flew out of the eggs. The lights popped and two small cats appeared.

One was blue with a white stomach and a white tip on it's tail. The second one was green with a lighter shade on it's stomach and tip of tail, it had a red spot over it's left eye. And they both had small wings.

"Woah! They're freaking cats!?" Macao and Wakaba yelled in disbelief.

Lisanna, Alexis and Natsu smiled up at the cats. The cats flew over and the blue one landed on Natsu's head while the green one landed on Alexis's. They grinned at the cats, their wings disappeared and they jumped up yelling 'Aye!' in cute voices.

Everyone had hearts in their eyes. "They're so cute!" Lisanna squealed. "I know!" Everyone yelled in agreement. They crowded round wanting to hold the cute cats.

Lisanna hooked her arms with Natsu and Alexis. "Do you see that?" She asked and they glanced at her. "A minute ago they were all worked up." They looked at the smiling, happy wizards. "And they're happy."

Natsu and Alexis now had the cats in their arms. "He's almost like a blue ball of happiness isn't he?" Lisanna smiled looking at the blue cat. Natsu looked down at the cat. "Happiness huh? Well, in that case I'll name him Happy!" He grinned. Happy's ear twitched and he woke up saying his name.

Alexis laughed and glanced at the little green ball of fur in her arms. Erza walked up to her and placed her hands on her knees. "He's a cute little guy, isn't he? Especially with that small patch." She cooed, pointing at the red patch.

The blue haired girl looked thoughtful, staring at the little kitty. "Patch huh? I guess I'll name this little guy Patch!" Patch's nose twitched and he yelled out 'Patch!' as he woke up. "Happy and Patch the dragons!" Natsu cheered jumping around. "They're not dragons!" Mira told him. Everyone laughed.

Reedus looked at the scene. "Well, I'll paint them as one anyway." He said and started painting.

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