
By maynardhigh

377K 12K 4.2K

**before reading, please know I have rewritten this book to be a bit more mature so if you're interested, ple... More

"Was this really worth not learning about Anglo-Saxons laws and punishments?"
"Well I'm a guy, I don't have any bits up there to cover up"
'Hate to break it to you but I think I fancy your Pug more'
"You wouldn't care if I took my top off right now?"
"I'd love to stay and chat but I'm watching paint dry"
"If I lost you then I know that they couldn't make me happy like you do"
"I didn't realise you were going to rob a bank today"
"Boys don't have sleepovers"
"If that's your attempt of asking me out, then no"
"I was thinking of taking you out somewhere"
"Logan would be the first to string him up to a tree if anything bad happened"
"You owe me sixteen years of rent so I wouldn't push it if I were you"
"You went to McDonald's without me?! I'm offended"
"I can think of a few other ways you can burn calories"
"I was expecting The Notebook or The Vow. I underestimate you, Hayes"
"Would setting the room on fire be worth the expulsion?"
"Remind me about that one more time and I'll slap you with a piece of pizza"
"Logan's not my boyfriend! I'm way out of his league"
"Are you going to kiss me or not?"
"Don't act like you've never kissed two girls in one night"
"How's the hangover?"
"I'll have ChildLine on speed dial"
"I'll keep my dry humour and sarcastic comments to a minimum"
"I'd rather get a take away than wait another hour for your overpriced trash"
"Ooo, I like it when you give me orders"
"Can't, I'm washing my hair that day"
"They're for my viewing pleasure only"
"Don't let me come back to find you two on the counter"
"There's nothing worth girls staying around for when they're with you"
"I'll bear that in mind for when I'm trying to rob your science homework"
Epilogue (part 1)
Epilogue (final part)

"You should consider closing your mouth before I bust it shut for you"

16.1K 466 146
By maynardhigh

"I'm home" I call to whoever's here, dropping my bag on the floor and kicking off my shoes.

"Kitchen" Mum calls back to me. I shake off my blazer and leave it on top of my bag before strolling into the kitchen to see my Mum. "Sorry I couldn't pick you up, love. I've only just got in myself, work kept me behind"

"Oh right, it's no problem" I shrug, grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge. "How's your day been?"

"Crap. Monday's are the worst. How about you?" she sighs, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yeah, the same really" I roll my eyes, slumping down on the bar stool next to my Mum.

"I was thinking of going to town later. We could go out for a meal for a change" she suggests making my eyes light up in excitement. We haven't done this in ages.

"Hell yeah" I gasp.

"We'll go in half an hour so go and get ready" she chuckles.

Me and Mum only get back from our little fun-filled day at half past eleven. We went shopping until the stores closed and stayed in the restaurant for two hours, before spontaneously deciding that we wanted to watch Magic Mike in cinema. That was an offer I definitely couldn't refuse.

I absolutely love days like this with my Mum. We do them every couple of months and they never fail to make me smile. She usually decides to take me out when we're both bored or having a bad day. She once randomly took me to the theme park because she dropped my phone in the sink and wanted to make it up to me. We also went to the phone shop to get it fixed that same day.

You could say I'm pretty spoilt but the only people in this house are me and my Mum and she says she loves treating me to stuff. I'm not one of those stubborn ass kids that go in strops when they don't get what they want. I appreciate everything I have and respect my Mum loads, knowing she's brought me up on her own and is always happy to take me on spontaneous trips out, treating me to random stuff I don't even need.

I mean, although I hate it, she sent me to this private school to give me the best education so I can be as successful as possible. She works her ass off to pay for it as well so if that's not something to appreciate then I really don't know what is.

"Thank you so much for today" I smile widely as we step through the front door.

"No worries. I love it when we do stuff like this" she shrugs, dropping her bags of clothes on the floor. "We'll unpack all this tomorrow. Come and watch TV for a bit"

"Mum, I have school tomorrow" I sigh. I want nothing more than to sit down and watch a bit of Coronation Street or something but I have school tomorrow and after the busy day I've had, I should really be settling down now.

"Oh come on, you work too hard at that school. One night won't do you no harm" she says, kicking off her heels and walking into the lounge. I follow after her with a huge grin on my face.

"If I'm tired tomorrow, I expect a day off" I smirk.

"Hey, that's where I draw the line. No skiving" she shakes her head. It was worth a try.

"What are we watching then?" I say, lying down on the opposite sofa.


"Yeah" I smile widely at my Mum, making her laugh.

"You've not mentioned that boy in a while. Logan, was it?" she frowns, screwing the lid off a bottle of wine and pouring herself a glass.

"We haven't spoken since then" I shrug.

"Aw" she pouts.

I chuckle, "I'm not bothered, we weren't exactly mates"

It's true, I'm not the clingy type of person and I won't force a friendship with Logan. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen naturally. I barely even see him around school! Either that or I just don't notice him. He's been in a couple of my classes but we've not had a conversation since we gave him a ride home last Wednesday.

"He seemed nice as well. For god's sake, Megan. The only friend you get and you push him away" she teases and I just roll my eyes.

I won't argue with her about having no friends. I think she realises that I prefer her company to anyone else.

"Megan" she says after a few moments silence.


"How would you feel if I got a boyfriend?" she asks.

My mood instantly changes and I can barely even bring myself to look at her. I just stare at the TV and grind my teeth.

"Megan?" she asks.

"I dunno" I shrug.

The idea sickens me to be perfectly honest. Call me cold hearted or whatever but I hate the idea of my Mum even thinking about a relationship. It would mess up everything that we have.

She says that I make her happy so why would she need a boyfriend in her life? I mean, I get that she needs some man in her life or whatever but I've just always planned her finding someone when I've moved out. Call me selfish, I don't care.

"Well would you like it? Hate it?"

"Yeah, I'd hate it" I nod. "It's always been me and you, of course I wouldn't like it"

"Well it's not like I'd pay less attention to you, Megs" she frowns.

"I don't need attention, Mum" I shake my head. "I'm fine with having no mates because I have you. I thought this was a mutual thing"

"Yeah, I know-"

"Then why are we having this discussion? You don't have a boyfriend so this conversation is irrelevant" I snap. She stares at me for a moment before sighing and nodding.

"Guess you're right"

Great, I feel bad now. It's just such a touchy topic for me. I absolutely hate the idea of my Mum finding someone new to spend her time with. I mean, yeah, she goes out with her mates sometimes but having a boyfriend is completely different.

He'll take her out shopping rather than her taking me out, he'll spend so much time with her that me and her will grow apart. Next thing you know, he'll be moving in and she'll be preggers. And I do not fancy sharing a room with the baby.

What if she picks the wrong guy anyway? He could treat her like crap and I've seen so many films where the guy is nasty to his girlfriend and she just deals with it. I couldn't watch my Mum go through that. What if I don't get along with him? My Mum will be so googly-eyed about him that she won't even notice or care that we don't get along.

Ugh, I've killed the mood now.

Say something funny or sarcastic, Megan.

"Maybe when I'm off to University you can start trying to commit to something" I wink, making her groan.

"Don't even start with University talk. Having you away from here is going to be horrible"

"Well maybe I might get famous and won't ever have to leave the house, who knows?" I joke. I have no special talent to get me famous so my mother and I definitely know that the whole 'famous' plan is a huge joke.

"Yeah, the snobby people at school will be sorry they didn't relate to you then" she tuts, making me roll my head back in laughter. "Anyway, this chat has been lovely and everything but you're literally going to be dropping off in Mrs Reid's class again tomorrow, so I think it's time for bed"

"I freaking hate her" I growl, standing up from my place on the sofa.

"Don't we all" Mum rolls her eyes.

"Night, Mum. Love you" I smile as I begin to walk up the stairs.

"Love you too"


I am never setting an alarm again. Yeah, it definitely does the job and gets me up at the right time but it's the most annoying, infuriating way of starting the day ever. I think I'll stick to relying on my Mum to wake me up in future.

I don't even know why I set it so early. It takes me half an hour to get ready for school so why I set it for 7am, I do not know. My Mum almost had a heart attack when she saw me sat at the kitchen table at 8:00.

I walk in to school looking and feeling like a sloth. I don't even go to see the group of people I usually hang out with, I just go straight to my registration class and listen to music on my phone, texting my Mum about how tired I am and how I vow to never set an alarm again.

She's got the morning off work today so is sending me multiple pictures of her lying in bed with a cup of coffee and watching TV in her onesie, which makes me want to walk straight back home and never leave the house again.

I'm hoping that my first lesson will wake me up slightly seeing as it's one of my favourites.

Performing Arts.

The only reason I like it is because we do literally nothing but talk. Well, most people talk anyway. I'll either talk to Amelia or seclude myself and listen to music in the corner of class. We're free to go in multiple rooms in Performing Arts to work on new dances, acting pieces or songs to perform for exams, but as I said, people seem to use that time talking about the latest news on somebody in school.

As soon as the lesson begins, I follow Amelia into the Theatre and sit in the corner with her and a couple of her friends.

I don't think I can do this. I have to sleep. Surely I can take 10 minutes out of this lesson (where we barely get checked up on anyway) to have a little nap.


"Isolation? And an after-school?!" I gasp, reading the letter Mr Richards has given me. I should've learnt from last time that the whole 'falling to sleep in school' thing will not work.

I didn't even get fifteen minutes this time. Sir caught me five minutes into the nap.

"It would've been a lighter punishment if the school inspectors weren't here. You're lucky they didn't see you!" he snaps.

I scoff, "What could be worse than this?"

"You really want to know? Because your attitude isn't helping at all" he shakes his head. "Now go and sit out there whilst I call your Mum. And get comfortable because you're going to be in there all day"

I roll my eyes and storm out of the room.

"Well look what the cat dragged in. What did you do this time? Fall to sleep again?" Logan smirks up at me as I pull up a chair next to him.

No surprises that he's here. I'm surprised he's actually not been expelled yet. He might as well be, it's not like he's ever in class.

I ignore him and just sigh.

"You fell asleep again?" he gasps.

"I barely got any sleep last night" I groan.

"This is gold" he rolls his head back in laughter. I've never seen him laugh so much. "You should consider an early night"

"You should consider closing your mouth before I bust it shut for you" I snap, making him laugh even more.

"Megan, your mother's very disappointed with your behaviour and said you'll have to make your own way home after school as she has extra work" Mr Richards pops his head out of his office to tell me.

She always has 'extra work' recently. How behind on her work can she be? Mind you, I guess I can relate to that slightly. I can't even remember the last piece of homework I did.

I give Sir a quick nod before he leaves me alone with Logan, who I'm really not in the mood for today.

My Mum expected this was going to happen this morning so there's no way she's 'disappointed with my behaviour' at all. If anything, she'll be laughing at the situation like she was this morning.

"Do you have an after-school again?" Logan asks.

"Yeah, what about you?"

"Yep. I feel like I'm having déjà-vu" he jokes.

"Ha-ha" I roll my eyes.

"You up for McDonalds again?"

"Actually, I think we should take things up a notch and go for KFC" I suggest and he squints in eyes in thought before shrugging and nodding.

"Alright, KFC it is" he smirks.

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