
By maynardhigh

377K 12K 4.2K

**before reading, please know I have rewritten this book to be a bit more mature so if you're interested, ple... More

"You should consider closing your mouth before I bust it shut for you"
"Well I'm a guy, I don't have any bits up there to cover up"
'Hate to break it to you but I think I fancy your Pug more'
"You wouldn't care if I took my top off right now?"
"I'd love to stay and chat but I'm watching paint dry"
"If I lost you then I know that they couldn't make me happy like you do"
"I didn't realise you were going to rob a bank today"
"Boys don't have sleepovers"
"If that's your attempt of asking me out, then no"
"I was thinking of taking you out somewhere"
"Logan would be the first to string him up to a tree if anything bad happened"
"You owe me sixteen years of rent so I wouldn't push it if I were you"
"You went to McDonald's without me?! I'm offended"
"I can think of a few other ways you can burn calories"
"I was expecting The Notebook or The Vow. I underestimate you, Hayes"
"Would setting the room on fire be worth the expulsion?"
"Remind me about that one more time and I'll slap you with a piece of pizza"
"Logan's not my boyfriend! I'm way out of his league"
"Are you going to kiss me or not?"
"Don't act like you've never kissed two girls in one night"
"How's the hangover?"
"I'll have ChildLine on speed dial"
"I'll keep my dry humour and sarcastic comments to a minimum"
"I'd rather get a take away than wait another hour for your overpriced trash"
"Ooo, I like it when you give me orders"
"Can't, I'm washing my hair that day"
"They're for my viewing pleasure only"
"Don't let me come back to find you two on the counter"
"There's nothing worth girls staying around for when they're with you"
"I'll bear that in mind for when I'm trying to rob your science homework"
Epilogue (part 1)
Epilogue (final part)

"Was this really worth not learning about Anglo-Saxons laws and punishments?"

18.5K 475 194
By maynardhigh

The final bell of the day rings, signalling the end of school... for most of us anyway. Unfortunately, I have to stay behind for an hour to do a detention. Was that 15 minute nap in my English class really worth staying behind after school for an hour doing nothing but listening to the clock tick? Nope.

I swear I'm going to bed early every night from now on.

I lumber into the school hall where the detention is held every night and take a seat at the desk in front of the teachers. Believe me, I didn't decide to sit here, it's just the only desk available. The room's completely empty besides from the teacher's desk and the two desks lined up next to each other in front of the teachers.

Surely I'm not the only person with an after-school detention...

The teacher running the detention isn't even here yet which makes me debate whether I should leave. The only thing stopping me is the fact I'll probably have to stay for two hours tomorrow. Hell no.

"This is completely unacceptable. It's the third time you've pulled something like this, this term! You're lucky you're not getting expelled" the head growls as he storms into the room. I snap my head behind to see him and who he's talking to. It can't be me... What the hell have I done besides gone to sleep in class?

"It was worth a try. I have better things to be doing than staying here" another voice appears. I take my gaze off my head master and see Logan Brooks stroll into the room, slamming the door shut behind him. I smile in amusement until I realise that Mr Richards is glaring at me.

"And what are you here for?" he snaps.

"You told me to stay behind" I frown in confusion.

"Right, yes. I did" he stutters.

Old people, huh? Brains like a fish. I should've gone home when the bell rang and he wouldn't have even noticed.

"Logan, sit down next to Megan and do something productive. One more stunt like this and I swear you're getting expelled" the angry man orders. Logan rolls his eyes and takes the seat next to me, whilst Mr Richards sits at his desk in front of us, immediately pulling out a folder from under the desk and writing a load of things down.

"What did you do?" I frown at Logan.

"He caught me trying to get home rather than coming here" he rolls his eyes.

"Was this really worth not learning about Anglo-Saxons laws and punishments?" I smirk and he shakes his head in amusement.

"Was this really worth taking a fifteen minute nap in class?" he retaliates.


"Stop talking or I'll make it three hours" Sir snaps.

"Is that even legal, Sir?" I decide to ask. He sends me a glare from above his glasses before groaning and getting back to... well, whatever he's doing in that folder.

Half an hour passes and I haven't done anything but watch the clock move. I'm losing my mind in here. I tried going on my phone to play a game or something but Mr Richards caught me immediately and threatened to take it off me if I got it out again.

Logan has the right idea. He's managed to finish his drawing of a snake and has moved on to a more intricate design, drawing numerous other things around his original drawing to create... I don't even know but it looks amazing. The whole page is filled with really cool stuff.

"You're so good at drawing" I gawp.

"Cheers" he nods, not taking his eyes off the paper.

Logan isn't actually as bad as I thought. I mean, I know we've only had small talk but it's not like he's being mean to me. He's pretty decent and I feel comfortable around him. People judge him way too much but to be fair, the amount of stuff he's done obviously makes people talk and think things about him. But then again, it's not their place to get involved in what he does. People just need to chill.

"Do you do art?" I decide to ask. I'm probably annoying him but I have nothing else to be doing. He's my best bet.


"How come?"

"Do you see how much work they have to do?" he frowns, glancing up at me then back down to his work. It's true, they have massive portfolios of just art. "I only draw when I'm bored. It's not something I'd like to take up"

"Cool" I say after a few moments of silence.

"What do you like doing?" he surprises me by asking.

"I don't know" I shrug.

"You don't know what you want to do after school?"

"Well, I think I want to do something to do with maths" I hesitantly tell him. I don't know why I'm afraid of telling him that. I don't know, I feel like he'll judge me. Maths is hardly a cool thing to look forward to in your life.

"Really?" he raises his eyebrows, dropping his pen on the desk to turn to me.

"Yeah" I shrug again. "Like an accountant, or a maths teacher or something"

"Cool" he nods, not judging me in the slightest.

I like this guy.

Another few moments of silence pass until he speaks again.

"If I was you, I'd do accounting. You know how much money you get for that?" he smirks, making me laugh dryly.

"I think I'd be happier being a teacher though"

He shrugs and nods understandingly.

"Hello?" Sir says, bringing his phone to his ear. Being the nosey cow I am, I listen carefully to the conversation. "What do you mean, she's in trouble?"

This is getting interesting. Even Logan's looking up from his drawing, taking interest in the call.

"You've got to be- Right, I'm on my way" he huffs, ending the call and gathering his things together. "You're free to go, don't do anything stupid" he quickly tells us, practically running out of the hall with his belongings.

"What was that about?" I ask Logan who's already stood up, throwing his bag over his shoulder.

"How should I know?" he shrugs, strolling out of the room until he gets to the door. "You coming?"

It takes me a moment to realise that I'm still sat at this desk in shock. Come on, Megan. Wake up.

"Um, yeah sure" I snap out of my trance.

I quickly put my bag over my shoulder and jog after him, catching up with him in the corridor.

"I wonder what's happened" I frown in deep thought, thinking of all the reasons Mr Richards had to leave so soon. Well, we only had 10 minutes of detention left but I'm still curious as to why he left so suddenly.

"You're so nosey" he shakes his head, chuckling.

"Hey, even you were curious about that phone call" I smile in amusement.

"I'm not the one still going on about it though. I just think it's weird that teachers actually have lives outside school" he shrugs. "What do you expect us to do anyway, follow him home to find out the latest teacher gossip?"

"Don't be stupid" I shake my head.

"I'm taking full advantage though if he's not in tomorrow"

"See, you are still thinking about it" I laugh, making him smile in amusement.

"You walking home?"

"Yeah, are you?" I huff.

"I don't have my bike so I think I might go to McDonalds or something, my Dad will pick me up from there. I live a trek away" he rolls his eyes.

"Can I come?" my eyes light up in excitement. I'd kill for a Big Mac right now.

"To my house?" he frowns in confusion.

"To McDonalds" I laugh dryly.

"Oh right" he continues to frown. "Why?"

"Because I'm craving a Big Mac" I say as if it's obvious.

He stares down at me blankly, "Ok, sure"

"Thanks" I smile brightly.

There's one advantage of going to this private school; McDonalds is right around the corner and literally takes 3 minutes to walk there. If I had friends, I'd probably go here a lot more often than I do.

I mean, I guess I do have friends. Well, not really. I just hang around with a group of people when I'm on my own. They don't seem to mind it much. I just don't fit in with anybody here, nobody's the same as I am. Nobody knows how to have fun in this school but I guess Amelia's alright. She's probably my favourite in the 'group'.

After ordering our food, we sit at a table and I immediately launch into my Big Mac. Damn, this is so good.

"Enjoying yourself?" Logan smirks.

"Mhmm" I practically drool. I need to start acting more like a lady. He starts laughing before taking a huge bite out of his own burger.

After spending half an hour in the... restaurant? We decide to call it a day and walk out of McDonalds and through the street of shops.

"Megan?" a familiar voice calls. I turn around in sync with Logan and spot my Mum walking over to me. Please don't embarrass me.

"Hey, Mum" I smile, pulling her in for a hug.

"I thought you were at detention?" she frowns.

"Mr Richards had to go for some reason and he let us out early" I shrug. "So we came to McDonalds"

"Oh right" she shrugs it off. "And who's this?" she smirks up at Logan.

"Logan. He goes to my school"

"Really? I'd never have guessed seeing as you're both wearing the same uniform" she says sarcastically, rolling her eyes. I give Logan an un-amused look and he just smiles at me. "Anyway, I'm Megan's Mum, Natasha" she smiles brightly at Logan.

"Hey" he flashes a quick smile.

"So are you two friends or something?" she asks, fidgeting with her heavy bag.

"I guess" I shrug, looking up at him for confirmation. He looks down at me and shrugs.

"I was just on my way home anyway, do you guys want a lift?"

"No it's fine, I'll get my Dad to pick me up" Logan smiles slightly.

"What's the point in that? Don't be a Debbie downer" I pout.

"Okay, fine" he rolls his eyes. "Thanks"

"No worries. Let's go" Mum leads the way to her car.

It takes us 15 minutes to get to Logan's house and after thanking us twice and saying he'll 'see me around', we make our way back home.

Logan's one of the rich kids in the school by the looks of things. His house is pretty big and he lives in a secluded area. I didn't want to embarrass him by gawping at his house though and complimenting the two sports cars parked outside the mansion. My house is a shed compared to his.

"He seems nice" Mum says on the way back to our house.

"He's alright" I shrug.

"Do you fancy him?" she smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Mum, we only started talking today"

I mean, I guess he is good looking but he's not exactly jumped out at me. By that, I mean that I haven't really thought of things in that way. He's a nice guy but it's early days and I see him more as a friend so far. I barely even know the guy to be fair.

"Well I like him, you've never had a friend before"

"Yes I have!" I gasp. "I just don't like many of them"

She starts laughing, "You're so awkward"


"I bought you some new stuff anyway. Try everything on when we get home"

"Okay, thank you" I smile brightly.

Mum always buys me the nicest clothes. She actually understands my fashion sense. I mean, it's not exactly complicated. All I wear is black, white and grey. Every now and then in the summer I'll switch things up by wearing a colourful playsuit or something.

"You'll have to invite Logan over sometime"

"Mum" I groan.

"Sorry, I'm just excited. He's the first person I've seen you communicate with in that school" she rambles on.

"I told you, I don't fit in"

"Yeah, well this is your last year now so deal with it" she reminds me.

Nine months left and I'm out of that prison. If that's not something to look forward to then I have no idea what is.

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