Is it Love? // luke hemmings

By jetblacktori

127K 2.5K 562

Everyone dreams of being famous at least once in their life, just like Sam does. She's on the best way there... More

/1/ festival vibes
/2/ toilets & meetups
/3/ rocking out
/4/ beer with lemon
/5/ jack barafuck
/6/ mr. penguin
/7/ luke time
/8/ "I TOLD YOU!"
/9/ more than friends?
/10/ festivals & kisses
/11/ voodoo doll
/12/ a song for sam
/14/ "I miss you"
/15/ popcorn in the fridge
/16/ move on
/17/ "do you have vodka?"
/18/ kick outs & blowjobs
/19/ "You need to get a tattoo"
/20/ drink or dare
/21/ balls & cuddles
/22/ "You want me to massage your balls?"
/23/ "I'm breaking up with you"
/24/ not my day
/25/ the incident
/26/ girl time
/27/ "talk everything out"
/28/ amnesia
/29/ "YOU KISSED?"
/30/ the surprise
/31/ epilogue

/13/ empty lips

3.7K 90 30
By jetblacktori





"Do you have everything you need? Did you pack enough underwear?" mom asked me as I put my suitcases into the taxi. "Yes mom, I'm not 12 anymore, I'm almost 19." I said a bit annoyed. "I know. My little boy grew up way too fast. Have fun in the US and don't get any girls pregnant." she said and hugged me. "I won't, love you." I said and hugged her back before I pulled back again and got into the taxi and made my way to the airport.

Gladly I'd said goodbye to the rest of my family yesterday already or else I would've definitely missed my flight. There was only one more person I wanted to say goodbye to and that person was Sam. I'd tried to call her a few times already but she never picked up so I simply gave up. She probably didn't want to be friends with me anymore now that she probably knew that I liked her that much.



"Samantha Jones wake the fuck up!" someone shook me and as I opened my eyes I saw that it was Grace. "What do you want?" I yawned and stretched my arms. "Where did you go yesterday? Luke was hella worried and wouldn't leave my side." she said and smiled slightly. "I just needed to get away from there. I couldn't face Luke after that song, he messed up my feelings so bad." "You really like him, huh?" she asked and I nodded.

"You should tell him." "He probably hates me now." I giggled and shook my head. "Besides that, he's probably on a plane to L.A. already." I sighed. "You two are so helpless and perfect for each other, it's adorable." she laughed and I hit her arm playfully. "Shut up." I said and layed back down on my bed. "Get up you lazy ass, I'll drive you to the airport." "But I'm still in my PJs and I look like a mess." "I don't care, let's go." she said and dragged me out off my bed.

I quickly grabbed my black Blink-182 hoodie and pulled it over my white tank top. The hoodie almost covered my blue, green-dotted pyjama shorts but I actually didn't care. I quickly slipped into my flip flops, put my hair into a messy pony tail and got into the car with Grace. I swear she drove past 3 red lights, once almost hitting an old grumpy man.

"Go get him, tiger!" Grace side hugged me as she stopped in front of the airport's entrance. I laughed at her and then got out of the car and tried to run as fast as possible with my stupid flip flops. I stopped a second to find out to which gate I had to go to and then headed there. "Excuse me, did the flight to L.A. already take off?" I asked a woman that was working at the gate. "Not yet, but it's going to in about 5 minutes."

"Can I go through the gate? I don't have a ticket but I promise I won't get on the plane, I just really need to talk to someone." "I'm sorry I can't do that." she apologised so I turned around to walk away but then a group of about 5 girls walked up to me. "Wait aren't you Sam from Breakaway Girl?" one of them asked. "Yeah." I tried to smile but it was really hard. "Who do you need to talk to?" a second girl asked. "Luke." I said quietly.

"The boys only went through that gate about a minute before you arrived here, we took selfies with them and talked a bit so maybe they're not on the plane yet." the first girl explained. "Thanks but they won't let me through anyway." I sighed. "Hold on." a third girl said, whispered the other girls something into their ears and suddenly 4 of them walked over to the woman at the gate. "We're gonna distract her while you go through that gate. Good luck with Luke." the girl next to me said and then joined the other girls at the gate.

I waited till the woman at the gate didn't look anywhere but at the girls and quietly ran through the gate. I couldn't believe that this had actually worked out. I seriously owed these girls something. But now I had to focus on Luke. I followed the signs to the plane but I didn't actually want to board the plane so if Luke wasn't in the waiting room anymore, I'd go back home and probably cry like a baby. But to my luck, he still was in the waiting room with the other boys and a few crew members.

He looked so damn handsome in his black shirt and black skinnies. I slowly walked over to them and it didn't take him long until he spotted me, since he was facing the direction I was coming from. "Sam!" he said very surprised and caused the people around him to look into my direction as well. They all started to smile at me which was really creepy.

He slowly walked towards me and as we were close enough to each other, I swung my arms around his torso and cuddled into his chest. He hugged me back really tight right away and it felt so good. I'd missed this. "Have fun in America and take care, yeah?" I almost whispered, not letting go of him yet. "I will, I promise. And I'll also miss you a lot." he said in a really calming voice and then we both pulled back again. "I'll miss you too." I said, trying really hard not to cry. "I gotta go now. I'll text you, alright?" "Alright." I responded and smiled weakly.

Luke walked back to the other guys and while he did that, I waved to Michael, Calum and Ashton in a way to say goodbye to them too and they all smiled and waved back. Their crew started to walk into the direction of the door that lead to the plane and the boys followed them. I just stood there for a bit and then turned around to walk away again. Suddenly I heard someone running into my direction and a second later that same someone grabbed my wrist and span me around.

Luke was standing in front of me, smiling shyly, before he put his hands on each of my cheeks and kissed me.

How cliché.


"Goodbye Sam." Luke said right after leaning back again and my lips instantly felt empty but it took a while for the butterflies  to fade away again. Before I could answer Luke, he was already jogging back to the others again and they all had the biggest smiles on their faces. Especially Michael. I waved one last time and then they boarded the plane and I walked back to where I came from. Gladly the woman at the gate was still talking to the girls so she didn't even notice that I'd been gone.

The girls saw me coming back though so they told the woman something that stopped their conversation with her and walked over to me. "Thank you so much girls, you seriously saved me. I don't know how I could thank you." I said to them and they all aww'ed.

"You don't have to thank us." one of them said before another one continued. "We really like you and Luke together because you obviously make him really happy." "It was an honor for us to help you." a third one added. "There's one thing, though, that you could do for us." the fourth one said and the others looked at her really confused. "Would you take selfies with us?" she explained and now the others agreed. "Of course, that's the least I can do." I smiled and then took a few selfies with each of them before heading out of the airport again.

"How did it go, Miss lovebird?" Grace asked as I got into her car and he drove off the parking lot and headed home. On the whole way home I told her everything that'd happened between the sweet fans, Luke and me. "So are you and Luke together now?" she asked as I was finished. "I don't know, I don't think so." "Damn this is such a cute love story though, I could cry" she giggled. "Same." I agreed.


As I got home I was pretty hungry so I ordered some pizza. While I waited for the pizzaman to deliver my order, I turned on my laptop and decided to go on twitter. The 5 girls from earlier had all posted their selfies with me and tagged me. I retweeted their tweets with the pics and followed them back, thanking them once again with a tweet. One of them tweeted me back right away saying "I hope things between you and Luke work out and you get together." and honestly, I hoped so too. But I couldn't really say that on twitter, could I? So I just faved her tweet and continued to scroll down my timeline.

Then something caught my attention. A tweet from an update account. Their tweet said "Michael just posted this on instagram and I think the kissing people are Luke and Sam", attached with a pic of a screenshot of a pic that Michael had posted on insta. It was a picture of the gate saying that it's a flight to L.A. but on the left side you could see a couple kissing. A tall blond guy kissing a smaller dark brown haired girl. It was a pic of Luke and me kissing. "Shit, Clifford, what have you done." I said to myself, exactly knowing that people would notice that it's me with Luke and that some would send me hate now. Fangirls.

I wanted to risk it and clicked at the 'notifications' tab on twitter. But I didn't even get a lot of mentions. They probably indirected me so I checked those. And I was right. Most of them were like "wtf can that sam girl please fuck off" or "that sam girl looks like a slut, just like bryana tbh" and last but not least "why does luke even like that sam girl idgi". Of course it made me sad to see so much bad things about me but I had expected it to be that way. Gladly there were good tweets about me too like "they look cute together, stop hating on sam" and "luke is the one kissing sam so why are you hating on her, you dont even know her". The last tweet made me smile so I faved it.

She was absolutely right. Why did people always have to judge other people when they didn't even know them and their story? Life could be cruel sometimes but, dude, I didn't fall in love with Luke on purpose. It just happened. And you can't blame me. I mean who wouldn't fall in love with that angel?

Back to twitter, I clicked on the girl's profile and saw that she was freaking out. She tweeted the screenshot of the notification that showed that I'd faved her tweet, saying "omfgfmsk guys shut up sam is online". Her next tweet was a reply to her last tweet saying "FAM SHUT THE FUCK UP SAM IS ONLINE AND SHE'S READING OUR TWEETS" and a third tweet "STOP THE DRAMA OR SHE'LL THINK WE'RE FUCKING ASSHOLES AND WILL HATE US."

I replied to the last tweet and said "don't worry, I know that not all fans are mean, most of you guys are actual sweethearts :) x". And the girl freaked out again. I laughed at her fangirly way and followed her because she seemed really cute. I really wanted to tweet something about all this drama but I was too scared. I didn't want them to hate me even more. But then lyrics from a song popped up in my head and I thought they were perfect so I tweeted it.

@SamanthaBG:" "don't know a goddamn thing about me" " I tweeted, Sleeping With Sirens lyrics, and then turned off my laptop again. But I had nothing to do so I decided to call Will and ask if I could come over.




I love you guys and DanyshaBrokaar the most - tori <3

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