Starfire: Return to Tamaran

By remnant15

6.4K 258 83

Starfire has found a new home on planet Earth. She has found people who treat her like family, she has found... More

Scene 1: Intro
Scene 2: The Day Everything Changed
Scene 3: Vain Searches
Scene 4: Uncertain Choices
Scene 5: Mutiny
Scene 6: The Date
Scene 7: Takeoff
Scene 8: Ambush and Crash
Scene 10: Trust Issues
Scene 11: Betrayal
Scene12: Acts of Redemption and Faith
Scene 13: A Real Kiss
Scene 14: Homecoming
Scene 15: An Icy Family Reunion
Scene 16: Prisoners Again
Scene 17: Spreading the Word
Scene 18: Riot to Freedom
Scene 19: Jennifer Dying
Scene 20: A New Battle Plan
Scene 21: Blackfire Cured
Scene 22: Warriors' Final Hours
Scene 23: Tamaran Free At Last
Scene 24: Going Home
Scene 25: Epilogue

Scene 9: An Old Family Friend

199 9 2
By remnant15

When Gormileaux had identified himself to the deck officer, the trooper became quite surprise. "I thought you were away on an important mission. I believe Trogaar said you were not to return without a list of potential targets."

Gormileaux shook his head, a nasty grin on his face. "I'm afraid we had to abort owing to the fact that a ship attack us in orbit over Kraitoria. Send word to Trogaar without delay. I must have an audience with him at once."


Gasping in fear, Starfire opened her eyes. The last thing she could recall was falling from space. Falling toward a planet she had not had time to identify. It had been the closest she had come to death for some time. Now she was on a white couch in a room completely unfamiliar room.

Starfire sat up, only thought racing through her mind. What had become of the others? Had they been killed in the crash? She didn't want to believe it, but she knew this to be a distinct possibility. Starfire could feel tears streaming down her cheeks. If anything had happened to Jennifer. . .

But the more practical part of her mind told her not to jump to conclusions. There was something else she needed to find out. "Where am I?" she wondered aloud.

"Safe," said a voice Starfire recognized as that of the one belonging to the woman who had found her. More fearful than ever, Starfire launched herself in the direction of the voice. In a split second, she had the woman, who was clad in a white and hooded robe, pinned against a wall.

"Who are you?" demanded Starfire, her eyes glowing dangerously green, a starbolt in her free hand. "Where are my friends? Why have you brought me here, stranger?"

The woman shook her hooded head, and Starfire was surprised to hear her laugh. Then she said to the young Tamaranian, "I am no stranger, child, though it has been years since last we met. Needless to say, I never forget a face, particularly when I see before me the face belonging to the lovely daughter of two very old and dear friends of mine."

Whatever Starfire was expecting this woman to say, this was not on the list of things she expected to be said. Faltering in her step, she asked the woman, the ferocity in her eyes vanishing to be replaced with confused curiosity, "You knew my parents?"

"Indeed I did," replied the woman, "and the last time I saw them, I had the pleasure of meeting you, my girl. I knew not when I would see you next, but it pleases me to see you alive and well." The woman lowered her hood and smiled down at Starfire. "Indeed, seeing you here on Kraitoria fills me with happiness. Welcome, Princess Koriand'r."

Starfire finally released her grip on the woman, her starbolt disappearing from her hand. She now knew who this was, though she had not seen her for years, even before Tamaran had fallen. It had been too long since she had ever given her a single minute of thought. She also knew what planet she was on now, because this woman was the planet's duchess.

"Phi. . .Phisanua?"

The woman smiled happily. "Very good, my dear. I do not know if you have thought of me, though I bear you no ill will if you have not, but I have thought of you every day since I heard the news of your mother's tragic death. I feared you may have shared her fate."

Her pink eyes still had showed concern, but now they seemed to have moved to more present matters. "Now, perhaps, you should return to the couch. You may not know it, Koriand'r, but you still require rest."

The very moment Starfire asked, "And why is that?" in puzzlement, pain seized her. Until now, the only thing keeping her from collapsing was pure adrenaline. That had long since vanished. Now she began to lose feeling in her right leg, causing her to lose balance and fall to the floor. "What has happened to me?" she asked, staring up at Phisanua.

The duchess of Kraitoria knelt down and helped Starfire back to the couch. "You are injured," Phisanua explained. "Your leg was hurt in the crash you just experienced, as was your left shoulder."

For the first time since she had woken up, Starfire took in her own appearance. Turning her head to left shoulder, she saw it had a nasty scrape, which was now red with dried blood. Looking down further, she found the skin of her arms, legs and midriff covered in scratches.

"You need not worry, Koriand'r," assured Phisanua. "Kraitoria is the planet of healing. There is no injury we have that we cannot heal. Rest, young princess, and here," the duchess handed Starfire a glass, then she brought forth a bottle and poured its contents into the glass, "drink this. It will make you drowsy, but it will also heal your leg. I will summon more healers to repair your skin. Fear not, those scratches will be gone when you wake up, and your shoulder will be repaired as well."

Phisanua waited, but Starfire did not drink, not yet. There was still a question she needed to have answered before she slipped into dream. "Phisanua, please. There is still something I have to ask you. There were two others with me. What has become of them?"

Phisanua considered the question. "Are you referring to a young male and female?" When Starfire nodded yes, she said, "Fear not, they are safe. Healers are attending to them as we speak, for their conditions were much more severe than yours. But do not worry, you will see each other again we you wake up. For though, you should sleep."

Only now did Starfire relax. It was alright. Jennifer and Nightwing were still alive. Perhaps they were still injured, but they would live. No longer did she have anything to fear. Soon, she would see the others, and soon they could gather supplies and continue their journey to Tamaran.

After drinking the liquid in her glass, Starfire had a smile on her face as she fell asleep. The last thing she saw before her eyelids became heavy was Phisanua smiling back at her. Perhaps it was the effect of the drink, but Starfire thought her friend's eyes looked sad, like she was afraid of something dreadful to come.

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