Scene 16: Prisoners Again

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Gormileaux smirked, having heard the entire confrontation Koriand'r had just concluded with her father. He had been surprised at how quickly the Emperor of Tamaran had lost his cool. The Citadel commander had half expected him to kill his own daughter.

Fortunately for Gormileaux, he did not. He needed Koriand'r to stay alive long enough to learn where she was hiding. She was coming his way now. It was time to act.

The Psion side project had been completed on schedule. When he got his team of scientists assigned to him, Gormileaux had immediately set them with the assignment of finding a way to imprison Komand'r. However, it was a project that promised to take a lot of time.

As a result, Gormileaux had allowed his Psion team to conduct a series of side projects until they had a break through. One of these projects was a helmet that would render the wearer invisible. Gormileaux had now used this to follow Koriand'r, knowing she would want to find her father.

Koriand'r was now about to pass him. Gormileaux moved to one side to avoid bumping into her, brought out a small tracker, and threw it at the back of the cloak she was wearing. Koriand'r faltered in step like she felt something foreign on her back. Then she reached a window and flew away.

As soon as she was out of sight, Gormileaux deactivated the stealth helmet and pulled out the remote connected to the tracker. He had to see if he had been successful. A second later, it turned came to life and green dot appeared on the screen. It had worked; the tracker was on Koriand'r. Now she would easily be captured.

His lieutenants were waiting for him at the top of the stairwell leading to the dungeon. When they saw him grinning, one of them asked, "Was the mission successful, Commander Gormileaux?"

"Indeed," replied Gormileaux. "We must find Lord Trogaar. He will be quite pleased to see what we have to show him."

"Is that so?" asked a female voice from behind. In surprise, Gormileaux and his men turned to see none other than Komand'r. Advancing toward the Citadel commander, she asked him, "A guard told me you were working early into the night. So what exactly do you have that would interest Lord Trogaar?"

She was eyeing the remote Gormileaux still had in his hand. He knew he had no choice but to hand it to her. If he refused, Komand'r was likely to kill him and all his men. If not, she would report them to Trogaar. It was hard for Gormileaux to decide which was worse. Either way, he knew he was trapped.

When she looked at the screen on the remote, she brought her eyes to Gormileaux's. "It seem to be tracking something, Commander Gormileaux. Tell me, what exactly could've woken you up at this hour of the night?"

"I could ask you the same thing," replied Gormileaux stiffly.

"Quite," said Komand'r dismissively, "but you're avoiding my question. What are you tracking?"

Instead of answering, Gormileaux extended his hand and took the remote from Komand'r. To his surprise, she didn't try to tug it back, which made him nervous. Needless to say, he replied, "Why don't you come with me? I am on my way to show this to Lord Trogaar. That, I'm afraid, is the only way you will know."

Komand'r could've exploded right then. She could've taken the remote and killed him where he stood. Instead, she nodded. "Very well. You may lead the way."

Not for an instant did Gormileaux relax as they made their way to Trogaar. He knew she was on to him. She knew he had been spying on her, and she knew, though she hid it well, that he was tracking Koriand'r.


"You are quite sure it was Princess Koriand'r who caused the incident on Kraitorian?" asked Trogaar slowly.

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