Scene 3: Vain Searches

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Later that day. . .

By the time Dick had returned to base, Oracle had seen the whole event on TV. A helicopter from the local news had caught footage of the scene and had sent it back to be broadcasted. While the news reporter talked mostly of the unidentified girl, there was another topic of discussion on the event.

"Who is the boy the girl was kissing? How well do they know each other? Why did the girl flee the scene moments after kissing him? All we know now is that the boy left the scene too moments later."

"You looked good on TV," teased Oracle when Dick returned. Her words made him turn to the TV screen, then he turned away. He didn't try to meet her eyes again. "So let me ask you something else," Oracle persisted. "Do you want her on Project Titan because she can fly and survive being hit by a truck? Or is it because of that?"

Dick chanced looking at the screen again. Now a picture of the girl kissing him was being displayed. Instantly, he knew what was on Oracle's mind.

Before they had left Gotham and come to Jump City, Dick had had a romantic relationship with Barbara Gordon, Oracle's alter ego. After an incident which had crippled Barbara from the waist down, she began to suffer from periods of depression, resulting in their relationship becoming more and more complicated.

Fortunately, Wayne had stepped in to help. After setting Barbara up with a therapist recommended by Lucius Fox, she began to show signs of recovery. Ultimately, she thought no less of Dick, but had decided that it would be better if she ended their relationship and they stayed just friends.

Dick knew it had been hard for her to break up with him. When she had told him this, it had been heart breaking for him to hear. Fortunately, by the time the two of them had left Gotham, Dick felt like he was over that pain. He had thought nothing would happen that would make him think back to his relationship with Barbara, until now.

"Barbara, you have to understand. I have no idea why that girl kissed me, but I don't think it was out of affection for me. What we should be wondering is why she ran off, and where she went."

Barbara shrugged. "I couldn't tell from the footage that helicopter took, but it looked like she said something to you. What did she say?"

Dick shook his head, still trying to figure out why she had said. "She told me not to follow her. I can't explain it, but I have the feeling she's in trouble."

"Well, if she wasn't when she fell from the sky," said Barbara, "she will be if the government find her. "Her arrival just might decide the final outcome for the Alien Integration Act." She wheeled over next to Dick. "From what I could tell from the news, I don't think she understands the hostility she's going to face if anyone finds her again."

"That's why we have to find her first," said Dick.

Barbara raised her eyebrows. "Maybe you're hoping she'll give you another kiss."

Dick turned away from her so she wouldn't see him blush. "You know what I mean, Barbara." And without waiting for an answer, because he knew she understood him, Dick retired for the day.


Days later, Oracle spent hours on end looking for articles on the alien girl, as well as listening to the radio. However, since the day of her crash landing arrival, no new information on her whereabouts had been printed. "This doesn't mean anything, though," said Barbara. "The government could have caught her by now and holding her without having informed the public."

Dick, who had been flipping through various news channels, turned around. "That's what worries me." He was silent for a moment, waiting for Barbara to tease him again about the alien girl kissing him. This time, she did not.

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