Scene 21: Blackfire Cured

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At first light, hundreds of Tamaranians rose from their homes. Though some did not have weapons stolen from the palace, the majority of them were well armed. All of them were ready for the same purpose. It was something they had hoped for but never thought would happen this day. They were going to free their own planet.

The Emperor of Tamaran stared at the palace. "Koriand'r, he said to himself, "We are with you."


"Kori, wake up." Starfire woke up to Jennifer standing over her. "It's time to go. The battle is starting. You need to change and then we'll go."

Starfire rose to her feet. She remembered closing her eyes, but it felt like she had not slept at all. No sleep or not, though, she knew she had to go into this battle. Everyone was counting on her.

A minute later, Starfire had changed into a fresh sport bra and shorts. This had been her plan from the start. It would be on this day that everyone who survived this fight would know her as Starfire.

Now they were flying toward the palace. Up ahead they could see explosions. The battle was beginning. Though from here, it was difficult to see who had the upper hand. However, it was still early in the battle.

"Okay," said Nightwing, talking for the first time since they had left the house, "Starfire, you need to keep the focus off me so I can locate any weapons that may have been designed by studying the War Suit. I'll join the rest of you as soon as you can."

There were no arguments from Starfire. She landed at the front gate, where the main battle was taking place. Nightwing wasted no time weaving through fighters and running for the palace.

"Well, take a good long look," said Jennifer in an attempt to joke. "There goes the closest thing you had to a boyfriend. On the bright side, you did get to kiss him." Starfire stared at her in incredulity. She was about to ask how she knew this, but Jennifer simply said, "I have my ways."

Starfire decided to let the subject drop. There were more pressing matters to attend to. Her people needed her. "Whatever you do, Jennifer," Starfire implored, "do your best not to draw attention to yourself. I do not wish for Blackfire to hurt you again."

She didn't wait for Jennifer to respond. She dove into the battle, blasting a Citadel guard off his feet. The action appeared to catch every eye. Starfire realized why. After all, only Blackfire possessed her gift.

"So," said an enemy who had to be a Citadel commander, "you have come at last. Too long you have escaped us. But everyone's luck runs out in the end."

"Forgive me," said Starfire in mock curtesy, "but I do not believe we are acquainted. You are?"

"Oh, but we are. I am the one who had you crash on Kraitoria. I am the one who allowed the Citadel to find you. I am Gormileaux."

The name was not unknown to Starfire, but she had never expected to meet him in person. Gormileaux's fame in the Citadel rivaled that of Lord Trogaar. It was he who had invaded the Swamp Moons of Drenthax IV before proceeding to the planet itself and ordering the slaughter of millions of the people on the surface.

Gormileaux seemed to know what she was thinking. "That's right. After today, I will be remembered for more than just the genocide of Drenthax IV. Lord Trogaar will reward me for prizing your head off your pretty shoulders. He will not even care that Komand'r is missing in the aftermath of this battle."

His eyes glinted at Jennifer. "Ah, and this is the girl Komand'r claimed to have stabbed when she caught you. Clearly, she was lying about the Qordeemian snake venom. Otherwise, how can she be alive?"

"You know my sister is a talented liar," said Starfire. She could just tell Gormileaux knew this first hand. Starfire shook her head. "But for once, she was not lying."

"It will not matter. After you and your sister are taken care of, she will be next." Saying this had been a mistake. Starfire was not going to allow anyone to hurt Jennifer anymore. The starbolt she launched at Gormileaux only narrowly missed him. "Take her!" he shouted at his warriors.

The ones closest to Starfire advanced as one; the rest remained locked in combat with the Tamaranians, who were beginning to gain ground, pushing toward the inside of the palace.

Starfire's fists glowed green and she charged the guards with no fear. They were no threat to her, no match for her. In total, six of them were moving in on her.

The first blast caught the first guard full in the face, knocking out instantly. The second jabbed at her with his javelin, but she jumped on it and somersaulted toward its owner, bringing her foot on his throat just enough to make him black out. The third and fourth guards swung their weapons at her, but she shifted her body when necessary and shot two starbolts at them that sent them flying in opposite directions. The fifth jumped her and pinned her to the ground, but he got hit by Starfire's eye beams, which sent him over Gormileaux's head.

The sixth guard became apprehensive and started to retreat. He was intercepted by Gormileaux, who took the soldier's weapon and used it to drive it into his chest. "Retreat is not acceptable," he explained to Starfire. "There is no place in the Citadel for cowards. Cowards and Tamaranians."

Starfire glared at Gormileaux, making her disgust plain. "Let me tell you something. After today, that will be your last kill."

"Let's find out together," challenged Gormileaux.

And so they charged each other. Gormileaux's first jab at her narrowly missed impaling Starfire in the throat. As it was, she moved just in time so it only grazed her shoulder. In response, Starfire shot two starbolts at him, but he dodged them both.

He surged forward again, using his javelin to try and trip her legs. Starfire had dealt with this trick too many times, though. When the javelin came at her, she jumped and took to the sky. Gormileaux started to lose balance, and Starfire threw a starbolt at his ankles.

Starfire flew down at him, but from the waist up, Gormileaux was still ready to fight. With his free hand, he grabbed Starfire by the leg. Using all his strength, Gormileaux threw her across the courtyard. She came to rest in front of the doors leading to the palace.

Gormileaux stepped forward, throwing his javelin from left to right. His step was leisure, biding his time for the kill. Unfortunately, Starfire was in a serious daze. By the time she got her senses back, the point of Gormileaux's javelin was poised at her neck.

"So much for my last kill," taunted Gormileaux. He began to raise his javelin over his head. All of a sudden, the hand holding the javelin was sliced off Gormileaux's body. As he staggered backward, a fist jabbed him in the face. He fell backward and collapsed near a column.

"Even if she were not a princess," said a familiar voice, "she is still my daughter. And I am afraid I cannot allow you to speak to her the way you have just done."

It was when he turned that Starfire finally got a look at her savior. It was her father, the Emperor of Tamaran. When he offered her hand, she accepted it. As soon as she was back on her feet, she beamed at her father.

"Krissand'r was telling the truth."

"Of course she was," replied her father. He seemed embarrassed. "There is so much I am sorry for, so much I have to redeem. . ."

Starfire shook her head. "If we do not live through this, know you already have done so. Thank you for what you have done for us."

"How touching," said a voice above them. Both Starfire and her father stared up at the sound of the voice who had spoken. It was Blackfire, and she was flying high above the palace walls.

On the wall itself were ten Citadel guards, each one manning a colossal cannon. Blackfire gave one simple order. Pointing at the battle below them, she cried, "Take aim!"

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