Scene 6: The Date

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So much had happened after Starfire had fought her sister. Slade Industries had fallen apart, with no chance of recovering. At first people weren't sure what to make of this, especially after learning of Wilson Slade's death. But then a new development entered the story. Lex Luthor had been arrested for the kidnapping and attempted murder of Starfire and had been planning hostile takeover of the United States with Wilson Slade's help.

Outraged, support for the Alien Integration Act increased dramatically. A week later, the final decision had been made, and the act became a law. Days later, Starfire had been escorted to become the first alien to be legally registered as an American citizen. This, combined with her heroic fight against her sister, all of Jump City had been looking forward to Starfire's championship boxing match against Atalanta.

Nightwing had been watching the match on the TV. At the same time, he had been writing a letter to Starfire. Ever since Oracle had found out about Blackfire escaping with the War Suit, they had decided it was finally time to introduce themselves to Starfire.

"Loved the P.S. you put in that letter, Dick," Oracle had said. Ever since seeing Starfire fight her sister, Oracle had teased Nightwing about how tough his new girlfriend was. Now, though there was still some spite in her tone of voice, she was saying it more to tease him.

On the back of the letter, Nightwing had written a message telling her to send the letter back to him with a reply if she was interested in meeting. Three days later, the letter had been returned. On the back was a single, simple word: YES.

"Well, that's one thing out of the way," said Nightwing. "Now I just need to figure out the best place for me to meet with Starfire and explain why we've been looking for her. At the same time, I have to tell her about where her sister went."

Oracle wheeled over to him, a sly smile on her face. This made Nightwing feel apprehensive. Whatever she was going to say, it was going to be something she had been planning for a while. He had absolutely no idea what she was going to say.

"I've taken care of that, now that you mention. I had a feeling the best way for you to speak with Starfire is over a nice dinner. So I took the liberty of making arrangements for you to meet her at the Starlit Sky. . ."

"You did what?" asked Nightwing in surprise. "Barbara, you know we've spent a lot of money setting up the ship to go into space. I don't think I can afford to have dinner at a place as fancy as the Starlit Sky."

Oracle was still smiling slyly. "I knew that. That was why I made a phone call to Gotham and got the money needed to make a reservation there."

Nightwing knew in that moment who she had talked to. "Are you serious? You called Bruce Wayne for money for a dinner reservation at the Starlit Sky? What did you say to him, and when were you going to tell me this?"

The sly smile still on her face, Oracle replied, "Well, first off, I told Mr. Wayne it was a strategy to get the attention of your first recruit for Project Titan. Secondly," and at this, her smile only broadened, "I was going to tell you when I thought it would be important for you to know, which it only did just now."

Nightwing tried to have something to say, but said nothing. Laughing at his still surprised expression, Oracle continued to say, "In addition, he also shipped a tuxedo for you to where. Better send another letter to Starfire and tell her to meet you, and you better tell her to wear something pretty."


Jennifer could tell the conversation from the night before was still on Starfire's mind, because she wasn't digging into her food the next day as much as she normally did. True to her word, though, Jennifer had not pressured her about the idea of returning to Tamaran. It was certainly a tough choice to make.

Starfire: Return to TamaranWhere stories live. Discover now