Second Choice

By Sweetfozi

39.3K 1.1K 291

It has always been that way, She always came second Second to her parents, Second to her best friend, Second... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 15

1.6K 54 10
By Sweetfozi

Eliana's POV

I've been laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, for the past hour, or so, as I softly sung whatever came to mind.

I contemplated getting up and looking for something to do but decided against it as this was quite peaceful.

A knock came from outside the door and I sat up calling out, "Come in!"

The door opened, revealing Alexander holding two plates of food followed by Lisa who was holding a small table.

"Umm," I started a bit confused at what he's doing here as Lisa placed the table beside my bed and Alexander the plates on top.

"I've decided that it wouldn't be nice for you to be left to eat alone here so for the period of time that you can't step on your foot I shall be spending my meals here with you," He said with a grin.

"But-" I started but was cut off.

"No buts. I've spoken with my father and he agrees," he said as Lisa brought a chair and kept it for him to sit.

He thanked her and sat down.

"Dig in. I even asked them to add more broccoli for you since I notice you leave it till the end so I'm guessing you liked it a lot since I usually leave my favourite things until the end," he explained.

"Umm," I started contemplating whether I should break it to him or not.

I mean he was being very sweet by doing so, so it wouldn't be nice to tell him I disliked them and would wait till no one was looking to keep them in my tissue to give them to someone else who liked them, usually Lisa who quite enjoys them, since I didn't like throwing away food or looking like a baby who doesn't eat her vegetables.

"Yeah?" He asked.

I thought of a way to word it but decided to just say, "Thanks," and gave him a smile.

"You're very welcome," he replied with a smile.

I noticed Lisa waving her hand at the door behind Alexander and turned my attention to her and saw her signing to me to keep the broccoli for her to take later.

I shot her a grateful look and she grinned at me before excusing herself and leaving.

"Well, dig in," Alexander said as he started eating.

I followed his actions and soon we were both eating in silence.


It would really help if we wouldn't talk much.

I needed to control my heart and anything that comes out of his mouth just makes my heart go crazy.

I have to look out for myself since no one else would do it for me.

"So, how are you enjoying your steak?" He asked.

"It's good," I replied.

And once again we sunk back into an awkward silence.

We both continued eating until we finished.

When he wasn't looking I quickly kept the broccoli in a tissue and kept it in my drawer.

I started getting up when Alexander hopped off his chair quickly and rushed to me and gently pushed me back to sit on the bed.

"Now where are you going missy?" He asked putting his hands on his waist.

"I need to go wash my hands," I said trying to get up again but was once again pushed.

"Come on, Alexander, just let me go. It's not even a long distance," I argued.

"If you keep being stubborn your leg won't heal. The doctor said you should rest and I'm going to make sure of that," and with that he bent down and lifted me up, carrying me all the way to the bathroom.

He stood in front of the sink and spoke, "Go on, wash your hands."

I complied since I knew there was no use in arguing.

As I was washing my hands my eyes glanced at the mirror and I noticed my cheeks were a light pink.

I quickly splashed some water on my face to calm my cheeks and then closed the tap.

Alexander then moved to the towel rack and I dried my hands before he got out of the bathroom and walked back to the bed, placing me gently on it.

"Thank you," I said softly.

"You're welcome," he said grinning at me, "Well, I have some work to attend to. I'll be back at dinner time," he got up giving me a smile before heading out the door.

I let out a sigh lying back and staring at the ceiling.

How am I going to be able to avoid him if he's going to be here for every meal?

Stupid kind prince.

Why can't he just leave me be?

He should be spending time with Melissa instead.

She's gonna be his wife anyway.

I shook my head and let out a sigh of boredom.

I really wanted to do something but I knew if I step a foot out of my room, Alexander will find a way to stubbornly get me back to bed and probably keep someone to watch over me.

I need a book or something, I can't spend all my time staring at the ceiling.

As I was contemplating my choices, I heard a knock on the door and called out, "Come in!"

Lisa came in carrying five books in her arms. She walked over and placed them on the bed, beside me and spoke, "His highness asked me to bring these to you along with this note." She put her hand in her pocket and took out a note handing it to me.

I took the note and opened it.

Seeing as you're stuck in bed for the next few days and have no source of entertainment, here are a few books I think you'll like.

Alright, is he secretly a mind reader?

Why does he have to be so sweet?

"Thanks Lisa," I smiled at her.

Just as she was about to leave I spoke, "Do you wanna read with me?" I asked.

"It's so nice of you to offer Eliana, but I've got some work I need to get to," she replied softly smiling.

"Aww, alright. Next time then," I said.

"Oh yes, the broccoli," she reminded me.

I got it out for her and handed it to her, thanking her again for being a life saver.

Yes, my life was in danger from eating broccoli, don't question me.

Once she left, I grabbed one book after another from the stack, reading each book's blurb and deciding on one to read, before starting it.

I was so consumed in my reading, I barely heard the knock at the door.

"Come in," I called out, hesitantly raising my head away from the book, though I was dying to continue and see what happened next. It was at the climax too.

Alexander came in, once again, with plates in his hand, as one of the maids placed a table and chair for him to sit.

It was dinner time already?

I was too absorbed into the book, I haven't even noticed the time passing.

Alexander sat down and smiled at me noticing the open book in my lap.

"Are you liking it?" He asked.

"Are you kidding? I'm loving it!" I exclaimed with a grin before speaking softly, "Thank you for sending them."

"No problem. I'm glad you liked it," he replied grinning at me, "Well come on, the book can wait, dig in."

I looked around searching for something to keep as a bookmark before keeping Alexander's note between the pages and closing the book.

I started eating though I was itching to get back to my book.

"So, which part did you reach?" Alexander asked.

"The part where they're trying to sneak in," I explained.

"Ooh the next part is going to kill you!" He exclaimed.

"What?! Kill me in a good way or a bad way?" I asked.

"You'll just have to read to find out," he said with a mischievous grin knowing he just made it worse for me.

"Ugh I hate you, now I wanna continue reading even more!" I whined pouting.

He chuckled, leaning forward and ruffling my hair.

"Eat now, read later," he said playfully like a mother scolding her kid.

"Alright, alright," I said fixing my hair.

We resumed our eating, discussing the book as we ate. It was really nice to discuss something we both like so naturally and comfortably.

As I was watching him as he spoke and brought my spoon towards my face, I accidentally hit my chin with it instead of bringing it to my mouth.

"It's official, I eat like a 2 year old," I stated as I looked around me for the box of tissues.

"Here," Alexander said, coming closer with a tissue in his hand and wiping my chin successfully removing the stain but also making my face heat up.

He just did it so casually and I was reacting already.

I need to get a hold of myself.

It will only end badly if I don't.

"Thanks," I said awkwardly taking the tissue from him.

"You're welcome," he replied smiling at me while I just sat there willing my cheeks to cool down.

It was at that moment that someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," I called out mentally thanking whoever it was for saving me from this awkward situation.

Awkward for me at least since I probably looked like a tomato.

It's not even a big deal!

The minute the person came in though I mentally took it back.

Because standing at the door was none other than Melissa.

Just what I needed right now...



Hey guys! How are ya'll?

I know it has been so long (months even) since I've update and I'm sorry it's just I literally have a lot of work everyday. They weren't kidding when they said AS was a tough year. Even tougher than IGs!
I literally have like a lot of homework an studies everyday plus for some time I had extra classes on saturday too so you can imagine the rush I have to go through to get everything done.

I'll try to update more often though. I wanna try to make a schedule to update for myself but I don't know if I'll go by it properly. We'll see xP I'll try it first then let you know xD

Well I know this chapter wasn't exiting I was just in the mood to write fluff lol. I hope you guys enjoyed it though!

What is your most anticipated book of this year if it hasn't come out yet? Mine has got to be Winter by Marissa Meyer which comes out in like 3 days!!! I'm so excited you guys have no idea!!! Lemme know yours in the comments!

Hope you guys enjoyed!

Please vote, comment and share!

WUV YOU ALL LOADS!!!~ Fawzia <3

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