The Cheap Bouquet

By back2theblackparade

931 14 0

This is Erin's story. [Completed.] More

Where's Erin?
A Match Into Water
Everything's Not Alright And I Would Rather
You're The Only Thing That's Keeping Me Alive
To Die Is To Awake
Colorful Tears
I Still Think You're Beautiful
Plot Twist
That Kiss Taste Like Summer
We Will Bring The Tidal Wave
Will Someone Tell Me What It Means To Be Alive?
You're Torturing Me With a Beautiful Face~
Nobody Prays For The Heartless
I'd Do Anything To Hold Your Hand
Gunna by a Cheap Bouquet
Author's Note


278 1 0
By back2theblackparade

A/N    Woo! A new fan fiction! With quite the long first chapter, might I say so myself. So this one is going to be less lovey dovey and more lifey. If you understand what I mean, I’m trying to make the sceneros as plausible as I can, and make lots of references to my life as well, though nobody will probably get them. Oh well, anyways this is the first chapter: Derekphernelia. ;) That girl on the side is how I imagine Erin, unfornetley, I don't know who it is >.>



I slumped onto my unmade bed and screamed into my pillow. Not again. Not again. This wasn’t happening. Again. God why was Derek such a scum bag. A scum bag I loved after all of this? Why would I put my faith into him, time and time again to catch him cheating on me over and over. My phone vibrated inside my front pocket and I groaned as I turned to retrieve it.

Mom: Hey Erin, I’m sorry I can’t make it home for supper. Mac & Cheese is in the fridge. Love you, xoxo – Mom

Was it really necessary for her to sign her name at the end of her texts? Despite the fact she was rarely at home for me since Dad had died, I appreciated and loved my mom a lot, not only because she was an all-around strong person, but she worked really hard to give me and my little sister Maria a good life in this beautiful mansion-like house. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t quite a mansion, but two kids and one mom in a 5 bedroom 3.5 bathroom house makes it seem enormous.

Me: Alright mom, I’ll pick Ria up at the James’. Have a good night.

The James family was where Ria’s best friend, Kianna lived, and Ria spent most of her days and nights there, but “it’s mandatory that she’s at home when I work nights,” in the words of my mother. I stood up and walked out of my room, the walls painted a soft lilac, and walked down the long hall, passing Ria’s room as I went, her walls a mellow orange, almost peach. Her bed was also unmade, dirty clothes littered the floor. I better tell her to clean that, I made a mental note as I grabbed my keys off the hook by the front door and made my way toward my car. Pushing my thoughts of Derek from my mind, as not to drive distracted, or upset, especially with Maria in the passenger seat. As I opened the door, a horn blared at me as a car skidded to a stop at the bottom of my driveway and Derek stepped out, raging towards me.

I quickly tried jumping into the car but I was pulled backward, my head hitting the ground hard, but not hard enough that I blacked out. I stood over me, legs on either side of my body, smirking.

“Up.” He said. I stood up quickly, despite my trembling and he smacked me square across my face. That was when I heard more tires screech, I closed my eyes and prayed it wasn’t Derek’s friends. But before I knew it, my eyes were open and Derek was not in front of me. Instead stood a man of short stature, maybe 5 foot 6 or 7, just barely an inch taller than myself, with a silver nose piercing and brown hair to his shoulders, his eyes were brown but angered enough to make them seem as though they were on fire. He was beautiful. I turned quick to see Derek lifting his now limping self-off the ground and hobbling into his trunk, before speeding around an old beat up blue and white thing, I assumed to be the man standing in front of me.

The man smiled slightly, and it was then that I realized he was in Ria’s favorite band, I was into the same genre of music as she, but not this band, what was it ah, Pierce The..Pierce The…something or other, they weren’t very popular, not signed or anything yet, but Ria made me drop her off and pick her up at their small gigs around town.

“Do I know you?” I inquired, eyebrows raised. It was beginning to get darker, I had to get Ria.

“Vic.” He stated, shaking my hand, still smiling this goofy grin before composing himself.

“Are you alright?” He said, rubbing my face gently where Derek had slapped me. His touch felt, weird, in a good way. Good weird. Was I blushing? No not me. I would never blush, not even with Derek. Though it’s difficult blushing as your face gets pounded.

“I do go to school with you.” He laughed, as though everyone had heard of him.

“I don’t talk to people much.” I said, twiddling my thumbs as I looked at them, all while turning my arms in to hide the several band aids on my arms which proved, Derek wasn’t the only person hurting me.

He nodded.

“Soo uh, do you need a ride somewhere?” He said motioning toward the open car door. I shook my head no.

“You really don’t talk much do you, Erin?” I froze.

“Y-you know my name?” I was dumfounded. I honestly had very few friends, all of whom also kept talking and socialization to a minimum.

He just smiled at me and nodded his head for yes. I kept my arms turned in, which honestly probably looked extremely awkward, but I didn’t care. Better he think I was awkward than spread my secret across town, right?

He eyes them suspiciously but said nothing.

“I can give you a ride.” He smiled and pointed toward his truck on the road.

“Better get it out of the road.” I mentioned like an idiot and added quickly,

“Sure, I’ll show you the way.” I mumbled.

I climbed into the passenger seat, him into the driver’s seat.

“Thanks for uh, saving my ass back there.” I mumbled the words I had been rehearsing since I saw him standing there.

“No problem. Did you know that guy?” He said as we started driving down my short road.

“Turn left up here, uh yeah he’s my uh-no, no I don’t know him actually.” I laughed nervously as he took the first turn.

He raised an eyebrow at me, his eyes glanced down at my arm that was farthest from him and he slowly pulled the car to the side of the road. My breathe caught inside me.

“I want you to tell me.” He said, looking slightly unsure himself, eyes still trained on my arm. I bent it in, most likely looking like an idiot once more.

I took a deep breath.

And began.

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