Beauty Comes in More Sizes th...

By Writer_

88.1K 3.4K 446

"Sometimes he pretends he doesn't know me in front of his friends, but sometimes he makes me feel like Cinder... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

8.9K 350 32
By Writer_

I was out to work bright and early the next morning, the sky darker than my cup of Turkish black coffee as I raced my car down the freeway. When I finally arrived at the office it was practically empty; no-one but my trusty assistant and a few of the first-year-associates roaming the halls.

"Kelly." My assistant Tracy called through the office intercom "Good morning! Just reminding you that Mr. Hamilton wants your report on his desk by four."

"The one about cost reductions?" I clarified, fishing through my bag for the manila envelope that held my report.

Tracy nodded her head, looking at me through the glass wall that separated my office from hers. "There's also a folder on your desk." She continued, "it's from Hamilton Junior; he says it's urgent."

I fished through my files, finding a simple black folder with the company's logo laying on the right side of my desk. Quickly, I flipped open the cover and found one folded paper laying within.

Meet me on the roof in five.

I smiled to myself as I closed the folder and tucked it into one of my drawers. Hamilton Junior, or Josh, was one of my closest friends – had been for a while. When we first met, three years prior, (when I had first started working at Hamilton and Co.) our relationship was purely professional, but over time we had formed a friendship – one that I held dearly to my heart.

I lifted myself up from my chair and straightened out my skirt. Quickly locking my computer screen before informing Tracy that I would be a couple minutes.

"Will you be available on your cell?" she asked, her voice shaky. Overall Tracy was a good assistant. She was kind, and efficient and neat. However, she was not confident, and tended to get extremely worried every-time I disappeared for anything more than a bathroom break.

"Of course I will be. And please, don't hesitate to call if you need me. Thanks for holding down the fort!"

Tracy nodded, subconsciously rolling her lips in and allowing a frown to form on her face. "No problem."

I grabbed the keys to my office and locked the door on my way out, racing past Tracy's desk with nothing more than another quick thank you. I exited the office and approached the elevators, pushing the call button as I listened to the main secretary rattle off dates to someone on the phone.

("The twenty-third or the thirty-first ma'am. I already told you that those are the only dates Mr. Raw has available this month.")

I heard the familiar 'ding' of the elevator before turning away from the annoyed administrator and climbing inside. Swiftly, I clicked the top floor and felt the smooth machine come to life and lift me up to my destination. Then, I climbed out and found the stairs – completing the final leg to my journey to the roof.

"Hey!" Josh said, turning around as I pushed open the heavy door. "What took you so long?"

I stepped out onto the gravel hesitantly, feeling the heel of my shoe sink in between the tiny rocks. "Not all of us are the boss's son Josh. Some of us have to show our faces around the office in the morning."

Josh stuck his tongue out at me, his eyes crinkling as a smile had taken over his soft features. "Such a hard life you lead."

I raised my hand to my forehead, leaning back as I let out a dramatic sigh. "You don't have to tell me twice..."

"So what did you want to see me for?" I asked once I had successfully made my way through the rocks and was comfortably seated on one of the make-shift chairs Josh and I had created. "Everything okay?"

Josh groaned, leaning back against the wooden back of his seat as he stared over the ledge. The morning sun beating down a warm ray.

"Caroline cheated on me." He mumbled, his knuckles going white. "I found out last night."

I looked up at my friend, his boyish grin was gone, and in its place laid an innocent pout. He and (his supermodel of a girlfriend) Caroline had been together for close to a year. Their whole relationship made up of gorgeous pictures and sexy runways. But honestly, I had always found the pair a little superficial and fake, but Josh told me he was happy and I wanted to support him – to be there for him.

Still, I wasn't surprised that the young starlet had done something to screw Josh over. His fame wasn't blowing up any tabloids and he could never quite keep up with her Hollywood night-life.

"You're not surprised." Josh muttered, but it was a statement, not a question.

I looked up and caught Josh's gaze, "I'm sorry..."

Josh nodded, before running his hands over his face roughly. Clearing his throat a few times before looking back up at me with his signature lopsided grin. "Uh... how badly do you want to say I told you so right now?"

I laughed slightly as I recalled the argument that Josh and I had when he had first started dating Caroline. I had called him out for going after a girl solely because of the way she looked modeling lingerie down a runway, and he had accused me of being jealous. Needless to say I didn't talk to him for a week.

"Badly," I joked. "But I know that's not what you need to hear."

Josh let out a short laugh before reaching over and intertwining his fingers in mine, "thank you for holding yourself back!"

We sat in silence for a couple more moments, his thumb running circles along mine.

"You know how I found out?" he finally asked a few moments later. "He called the house asking for her."

I tried to stifle my laugh at his words, but still a low giggle managed to escape. Resulting in Josh tearing his hand from mine and glaring at me in irritation.

"I'm sorry Josh," I chuckled, a smile still present on my face. "But don't you think that's a little... insane? I mean, who does he think he is?"

"Andrew Roy"

"The singer?" I asked.

Josh hung his head in shame. Andrew Roy had been blowing up all over the place; his handsome face covering the front of every tabloid magazine within the tristate area. His song 'Tradition' making boys and girls alike, fall head over heels for the soulful singer.

"Josh..." I mumbled, feeling my heart go out to him.

"They met at some party a few weeks ago" he continued, reaching for my fingers again as he recounted the difficult details. " Says he didn't know about me."

"I guess that's the one down side to keeping your relationship on the D.L" I mumbled, squeezing his hand softly. "But how'd he get your number anyway? I can't believe Caroline would give it to him - even hot girls aren't that stupid."

Josh shrugged; ignoring my rude jab at his taste in women. "I guess guys like that have connections."

Josh pulled his hand from mine again and lifted himself up from his 'seat'. "Anyways, we should get back to work. The office isn't going to run itself."

I nodded in agreement and reached for his arm, letting him pull me up.

"I'm going to email you the report that you wanted," I said as we made our way back across the rocky path. "Just have to proofread it first."

Josh chuckled as he opened the heavy door and signaled for me to pass through; "don't be confusing me with the old-man Kelly. I don't have the patience to read your long-ass expense reports."

"Actually it's about cost reduct... you don't care."

Josh chuckled; "nope, I really don't!"


The rest of the day went by pretty uneventfully, I dropped my report on (senior) Mr. Hamilton's desk, finished a tax return I had been working on and met with a new potential client to assess their possible returns. By five-o'clock I had made it home, excited to get an early evening in the midst of my generally busy schedule. I turned into the car-park of my building complex and parked near the elevators, reaching for my purse before slipping out.

I slipped my bag onto my shoulder and sauntered over to the elevators.

"Well, well, isn't this a pleasant surprise!"

I turned around to find Connor make his way over to the elevators, his brown eyes sparkling as he looked me over in my tight work attire.

"Business chic," Connor mused, letting his eyes roam over my body once again. "Never thought I'd be into that, but it turns out I am."

I felt my neck get hot, knowing that my face must be beet red at this point. Lord, why did I let this man get to me? I was a grown woman for heaven's sake. "Wish I could say the same James, but I've never really craved a man in uniform."

Connor placed his hand on his chest, feigning hurt as he looked down at his own work attire. "I'll have you know Miss, that being a police officer is honorable work!"

"Honorable?" I asked, a playful glint in my gaze. "Indeed. Sexy? Questionable."

I winked up at Connor before turning to the black hole I call my bag. I rummaged through my things as I looked for my house key. We had switched them out a couple weeks earlier at our land lords request and I, being the irresponsible person that I am, had yet to attach the new one to my chain.

"Lose something?"

I looked up at Connor; he was holding the elevator door open and waiting for me to get in. "Just my keys," I mused as I sifted through my things some more. I think I may have locked them in the apartment."

"Cassie home yet?"

I shook my head, not even lifting my eyes from my bag as the elevator lurched to life. "She's working late today."

"You can hang at my place until she gets back if you'd like."

I looked up, my eyes wide in shock, "seriously? That would be amazing! It's like every time she leaves after me I forget my keys at home."

Connor smiled; "my place it is then!"

When we got off the elevator Connor lead me towards his apartment. It was identical mine, just backwards, and a whole lot cleaner.

"This place is nice" I said, examining a picture that hung in the entrance hall. "And surprisingly neat. Care to share your secret?"

Connor chuckled as he slipped his gear into a closet and locked it up, "honestly? I have a maid that comes a few times a week."

I looked up at him in shock. A maid?

"Tell me Connor." I said, not even bothering to hide my shock. "How does a twenty-eight-year-old afford a maid and an apartment without a roommate in the city? I mean, I do have a roommate and I clean for myself, but still I can barely afford to buy myself shavers!"

Connor took a second to think before answering me, his face morphing into a scowl as he looked at me seriously. "Kelly, do you want me to buy you shavers?"

"You would do that for me?" I joked, hitting his arm playfully. "You must be quite the charmer."

Connor shot me a wink; "not going to lie Kelly; I definitely am!"

"Got any proof of that James?" I asked back, following him into his kitchen, watching as he began to rummage through his (fully stocked) pantry. I sat myself down at his kitchen table as he pulled different boxes off shelves.

"How does pasta sound?" He asked, staring down at a blue box of raw dough. "I'm not much of a cook but I can boil some water."

I lifted myself up from the chair and took the pasta from Connors hands "How about I cook and you set the table? I make a mean mac n' cheese."

Connor smiled "Deal!"


Half an hour later we were sitting at the table eating my famous dish. It was the first thing my mother taught me to make as a little girl; and over the years I've managed to add a few twists to make it unique.

"Wow!" Connor muttered, stuffing another forkful of pasta into his mouth. "This is amazing. Much better than the powder that usually poses as cheese when I'm eating on my own."

"Maybe you should hire a cook instead of a maid then, Connor." I joked as I took a sip of the chocolate milk he had prepared for us. "Just seems more practical."

Connor rolled his eyes and popped another couple pieces of pasta in his mouth. "Just eat your food Kelly."

I did as I was told and finished eating - quickly. Then, I let Connor wash the dishes and busied myself with picking out a movie to watch as he dried them. I had texted Cassie a little earlier wondering when she would be home - and thus relieve Connor from his babysitting duties - but she had said she wouldn't be home for another couple hours; something about an expense report at work. Honestly, I've learned not to ask to many questions when it comes to Cassie's job.

"How's work been?" Connor asked as he set up the movie I had chosen to watch. "Still enjoying your numbers?"

I nodded, "yeah, it's good for the most part. This week, I got to prepare a report on ways to reduce costs and enhance revenues at the company."

"The exciting life of an accountant!" Connor joked, sarcasm lacing his tone.

I rolled my eyes at his reaction and hugged my knees to my chest "Contrary to popular belief, Connor, I do actually like my job."

"Don't you ever want to do something a little more exciting though?" He asked. "Something a little dangerous?"

I shrugged my shoulders "Like what? Become a police officer like you? That job is not for the faint of heart."

"Come on Kells, don't you ever want a little adventure? Don't you ever want to do something risky? Something that no one would expect you to do?"

I looked at him thinking over his words. And then, I kissed him.

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