New Beginning

By FallenCause

28.5K 1.1K 1.3K

WARNING- READ THE FIRST BOOK 'Divergent High' BEFORE THIS! Beatrice Prior has moved on from a past of lies to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 10

1.3K 46 49
By FallenCause

"Mommy, I miss daddy." Josie whispers against my neck and I sigh.

"So do I sweet pea, but we might be able to face chat with him tomorrow." I exclaim quietly so I don't wake up Tobias who is sleeping on the couch.

"Otay momma. But why is Toe here still?" She asks curiously and for a second I'm caught off guard.

"Oh, uh he's helping us until daddy gets home." I explain and she nods understandimg.

"Otay momma. is he gonna live with us?"

"No, babygirl. He's going back home later tonight." I tell her and she nods before laying her head on my shoulder.

"I'm tired." She yawns and I pick her up.

"Let's get your nap in." I tell her, carrying her to her room.

Tobias has been here the past three days and it's been loads of fun, but I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea between us so he needs to go home today. Dales letters are suppose to be coming in again soon and Josie is already missing her dad alot.

"I'll wake you up later, okay?" I ask her gently lying her down.

"Yeah." She mutters already closing her eyes. I smile at her relaxed features. She's so beautiful.

"Hey Tris." I jump at Tobias soft whisper and quickly turn around.

"Uh, you need something?" I sigh running a hand through me hair.

"I figured I'd head out and give you to some space." He says still quiet.

"Oh okay. How about a drink before you go?" I ask politely. Maybe talking to someone will help calm my nerves.

"How about you beg me to stay?" He smirks crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame.

"What? No." I retort chuckling while pushing him to the side to get out in the hall.

"Fine. If you really want, I'll stay." Tobias groans following me to the kitchen and I hide a smile.

"Beer?" I offer holding up one from the fridge while getting one out for me and he nods.

We sit across from each other in the living room in silence and let me tell you, it was awkward.

Tobias clears ha throat and my head snaps up towards him.

"So, did you hear anything more from Dale?" He asks nervously.

"No. A letter should be coming in soon though." I reply dishearteningly.

"Ah, I see. How are you doing with.. er... him being, you know, gone." Tobias shuffles uncomfortably in his seat and I smile weakly.

"Thanks for caring, but honestly you don't need to ask that if you feel uncomfortable." I assure him.

"Thanks, I did feel awkward." He sighs chuckling.

"It's just so stressful you know? Between caring for Josie an worrying about getting a job, I barely have time for myself. I feel like dying."

"You know what I think you need?" Tobias asks setting his beer down.

"What's that?" I raise my eyebrows taking a sip.

"A night out. Tonight." He replies grinning.

"That sounds ama- never mind. I can't. Josie." I say disappointed.

"Have someone come watch her." He suggests.

"I'll have Kelsey come over." I start to get excited about a night out as I pull out my phone.

"Wait. How about you ask Christina. She can get here by tonight and I know she would be happy to spend time with Josie and get to know her. Plus, it'll give her practice for her baby." Tobias points out and my eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh! I thought she looked pregnant, but I didn't want to say anything and be wrong." I exclaim and he chuckles.

"How about I go and come back and pick you up at 7?" He asks and I nod.

"Sounds fantastic. Are we just going alone?"

"Yeah. As friends?" He smirks raising his beer.

"As friends."


"Will you be gone long?" Josie whines in the mirror as I curl the tips of my hair.

"I'll be back when you go to bed." I reply unplugging the curling iron and she sighs.

"I don't want you to go momma."

"I know baby, but my special friend is coming over and you two will have lots of fun." I grin ruffling her hair.

"Fine. Just hurry." Josie gives in and I relieved I won't have to worry about her crying about me leaving.

I look at my phone and it's 6:48. Where the hell is Christina?

I run to my room and slip on the outfit I picked out for myself. High waisted black shorts, a red tank top and red high heals.

Don't judge, it's my first night out in months.

"Mommy, are those shorts to small for you?" Josie asks peeking in my room.

"What? Oh, no baby, these are suppose to be like this." I explain and her mouth forms a 'o' in understanding.

"Tris?" A voice echoes through my house and I sigh in relief.

"Christina, I was worried you weren't going come." I run up hugging her.

"Of course I'd be here. Go finish getting ready, I'll meet little Josie." She urges me off and I silently thank her before going back to my room.

"Honey, go meet my friend Christina. You'll really like her." I tell Josie who is sitting on my bed and she nods.

"Otay. I'll see if I like her." She mumbles before shuffling into the hall.

I finish topping of my outfit with some jewelry then go into the bathroom to apply some makeup.

After putting concealer on blemishes and applying a red lipstick, I do a smokey eye look.


"He's here!" Christina yells and I bite my lip before checking myself over in the mirror.

"How do I look?" I ask walking into the living room and Christina's eyes widen causing me to worry.

"You look.... like a sexymotherf'er! Are you sure you are married?" She exclaims and I chuckle then hit her playfully on the arm.

"Thanks and yes I am for a matter of fact, but there is nothing wrong in going out and having fun every once and a while." I say grabbing my purse and double checking I have everything.

"True. I have to get all my fun in before this booger comes." She chuckles pointing at her round belly and I grin.

"I forgot! I found out you were preggo and girl, you are sooo telling me everything when I get back." I squeal then notice Josie standing in front of the door.

"Hey baby, come her." I motion for her and she scampers over to me.

"Do you promise you won't leave like daddy did?" She whispers afraid and I immediately feel guilty for leaving.

"Oh heavens no girly. Daddy didn't leave, he is coming back, okay? Now, give momma a big kiss." I kiss her and give her one last hug before walking out the door.

"Dang girl." Tobias whistles opening the car door for me.

"Still a married woman." I remind him waving my ringed finger in the air as I slid in the car.

"How could I forget?" He mutters, but I ignore him.

"So where are we going?" I ask as he slides in the drivers seat.

"Well, after some research I found a club about 20 minutes away. Does that sound good?"

"Sound good? It sounds amazing. I have t been to a club in almost two years!" I exclaim and he chuckles.

"Get out and love a little." He teases and I flip him off.

"Whatever. You'll understand when you have kids." I point out then mentally curse myself when awkward silence follows my comment.

A little while later we pull into a parking lot with a old chipped painted building.

"Are you sure this is it?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yep. It's hidden." He opens my door and I follow him to the back of the building.

"Where the hell is thi-" I'm cut off when I hear music coming from underground and I frown.

"Cool, right?" Tobias chuckles and starts walking to the woods that surrounds the building.

"Where are you going?" I yell after him and try running in my heels to catch up.

"Follow me." Is all he says and I sigh, but oblige.

After what seemed forever of walking through the dense trees I see a small brick building come into view and a line of people starting. There were security guards placed outside the entrance and the music gets louder as we get closer.

"Are you sure you only researched to find this place?" I ask in awe as we walk to the line.

"I lied. I may have connections." He replies sheepishly and beelines through a crowd of people.

"Wait, Tobias! The lines back here!" I call out and he turns around.

"Ha. I ain't waiting in a damn line. Watch this." He chuckles and I skeptically watch him as he approaches a guard.

I am surprised when the guy gives Tobias a pat on the back and Tobias glances at me and motions me to follow.

"Do you know him?" I ask walking by him as we made it to the front of the line.

"I wasn't exactly.... an innocent kid." His breath tickles my neck and I shiver.

No Tris. You're married.

"O-oh. Okay." I stutter stupidly and a rope is lifted for Tobias and I to walk down a long case of wooden stairs.

"After you." He smirks following me down.

At the bottom, music pumps through my blood and I'm in awe at the sight of bars and luxurious furniture everywhere. Not to mention the fact of the thick clusters of people grinding and what not.

"This is amazing!" I yell over the music and Tobias grins.

"Let's go get drinks you married woman." He teases and I follow him to a bar.

"Here, try this." Tobias pushes a shot glass towards me and I drink it without question. My throat burned, but it felt fricken great.

"More." I demand the bartender who happily gives me three more shots.

"Is this good?" Tobias asks over the music.

"This is exactly what I needed." I shout back and he smiles in satisfactory before taking a shot himself.

"More." I repeat and the bartender gives me a questioning look.

"You sure miss?" He asks worriedly.

"Yes. Three more." I say again and he obliges reluctantly. I down the next three and grab Tobias's hand.

"Come on l-lets go d-dance!" I slur over the music, slightly dizzy, I pull him onto the dance floor.

"Tris, your married." Tobias reminds me and I put my finger on his lips.

"Shhhhh..." I mutter leaning into him. Something feels wrong, but I ignore it.

Tobias grips my waist and pulls me close to him.

"Wanna get out of here?" Tobias mutters in my ear after dancing for a while and I grin.

"Let's go."

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