Strange (boyxboy)

By Insomniatic_love

98.7K 5.5K 1.4K

Oliver has always been different. After being abandoned by his parents and left with his bohemian aunt, he wo... More

Pink for Leelah


7K 470 131
By Insomniatic_love

After art, Oliver walked into the bathroom and banged his head against the wall. He groaned, "Idiot." He felt so stupid, a very attractive male had just tried to start a conversation with him, and what does he do? Makes a fool of himself! He was humiliated, social situations weren't really his forte.

"Why do you think you're an idiot?" A voice behind him asked, causing the Oliver to glance into the mirror. A shiver wracked down his spine at the sight. A boy, probably a little younger than him, stood behind him. His hair was dark and slicked back, glasses large and nerdy, and striped shirt tucked into his old fashioned jeans. But, no. It was not the boy's lack of fashion that made Oliver shiver, it was the fact that a large piece of glass stuck from the boy's stomach.

Oliver's light grey eyes were fixated on the glass; Most spirits didn't show their wounds from dying.

"Hey!" The ghost boy said self-consciously, the glass disappearing and blood receding. "You shouldn't stare! It's not nice."

"Sorry," Oliver apologized, knowing some people were extremely fragile after death. "I didn't mean to." A smile graced the other boy's thin lips. "It's okay!" His voice was high and loud, mood changing in an instant. "I'm Quinton, by the way. What's your name?"

"Oliver Monroe." The white haired boy answered with a kind smile. "If you don't mind me asking, how did it happen? And when?"

Quinton's brown eyes dropped to his stomach and he mindlessly put a hand over the where the glass had been. "It was 1984, and I got in a car accident. I wasn't paying attention and crashed into a tree, causing the wind shield to break, and then I was dead. I hit my head and a chunk of glass went through my lungs. I died before an ambulance was even called."

Oliver nodded sympathetically and stepped forward, with determination he placed his hand on Quinton's shoulder and then he wasn't himself anymore.

Quinton looked up at his father, a smile on his face as they said goodbye. His father, Albert, looked down on his son with loving eyes as the small boy made his way into class. First day of Kindergarten.

Quinton desperately tried to get his glasses back from the two jocks that had taken them. They were tossing them back and forth, laughing at the small boy's teary eyes. Junior high.

Quinton smiled at Elizabeth, the girl holding his hand and laughing with him. They were at the drive-in, waiting for the movie to start. They were infatuated with each other. First girlfriend.

Quinton had his hands on the wheel of his car, eyes heavy from how late it was. He'd spent the day at his friend's house playing video games, and now it was past eleven as he drove home alone. As he was driving, his eyes shifted to his passenger seat where his friend Drake had left his jacket. Within the next few seconds, Quinton's hand slipped and he panicked, over correcting mistake and slamming into one of the many trees lining the road. There was temporary blinding pain, then nothing. Death.

Oliver gasped as he let go of the ghost boy's shoulder. He'd seen much worse, but that never made seeing something like that easier. Seeing someone's life, then feeling their death was nothing but painful. "Sorry," He said under his breath, looking into the nerdy boy's  eyes. "It happened a long time ago."

Then the late bell rang.


Lunch was awkward. So, so awkward. All the tables had someone sitting at them, and Oliver had no idea what to do. It'd be weird if he just sat by someone. He sighed and searched again, eyes flitting over all the open seats. There were quite a few, but he didn't know who it would be okay to sit by.

"Hey, Alby! Over here!" A voice called, causing Oliver to look around. He saw an extremely short male standing on his chair, hands over his head and staring directly the pale boy. "You!" The guy called again. "Over here!" To stop the embarrassment, Oliver hurriedly made his way to the flailing boy and stood in front of him. "Yes?"

"Hey Alby, sit here." Said the other male and pointed the empty seat next to him. Oliver sat and looked pointedly at the blue haired boy. "My name's not Alby."

"He knows," Said a girl who was sat across the table. "He just didn't know your name though, so it was Alby, which is short for Albino."

"I'm not Albino!" Oliver's mouth dropped. "Why would you think that?"

Everyone at the table laughed, and a different girl said through her giggles, "Yes you are!"

Oliver glared and crossed his arms over his chest, gasping indignantly. "I'll have you know, I am not. I'm just naturally pale." A guy snorted and asked, "What about your hair?"

"I don't know, birth defect."

"Exactly, albinism." Said the original male with blue hair.

"Ignoring, your obvious denial, I'm Max." Introduced the blue head. He pointed his left where a pixie like girl sat, "That's Melanie. She doesn't talk." Oliver got a wave and he smiled.

"Bethany." The girl who had spoken earlier said, smiling at him with crooked teeth.

"And, last but not least, the sexiest guy here. I'm Dan and you're gorgeous." Said the boy who sat on Oliver's other side, causing the pale boy's cheeks to redden, making the others laugh. Dan had extremely light blonde and a very angled face. "You're name, beautiful?"

"Oliver." He said quietly, wanting his cheeks to cool down.

Max smiled and nodded, "You'll fit in perfectly with us."


Get a feel for Oliver's gift?(:



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