Is it Love? // luke hemmings

By jetblacktori

127K 2.5K 562

Everyone dreams of being famous at least once in their life, just like Sam does. She's on the best way there... More

/1/ festival vibes
/2/ toilets & meetups
/3/ rocking out
/4/ beer with lemon
/5/ jack barafuck
/6/ mr. penguin
/7/ luke time
/9/ more than friends?
/10/ festivals & kisses
/11/ voodoo doll
/12/ a song for sam
/13/ empty lips
/14/ "I miss you"
/15/ popcorn in the fridge
/16/ move on
/17/ "do you have vodka?"
/18/ kick outs & blowjobs
/19/ "You need to get a tattoo"
/20/ drink or dare
/21/ balls & cuddles
/22/ "You want me to massage your balls?"
/23/ "I'm breaking up with you"
/24/ not my day
/25/ the incident
/26/ girl time
/27/ "talk everything out"
/28/ amnesia
/29/ "YOU KISSED?"
/30/ the surprise
/31/ epilogue

/8/ "I TOLD YOU!"

4.6K 86 23
By jetblacktori


"Can you tell me what's up now?" I asked Luke as we entered my house again, still holding hands without an actual reason. It just felt good I guess. "I saw a girl filming us and taking pictures when we were on the swings." Luke finally explained but I didn't get his problem. "She was probably a fan, it's not bad." I said confused. "It is bad! Because now she's gonna tweet it and in less than an hour the whole 5sosfam will talk about it and start drama again." he tried to get me to get it. "I still can't really follow you..." I admitted. "Look,", he started, taking my second hand in his now too, "some of our fans can be really....let's say, rude, when it comes to girls. And I don't want to lose you already when we've only just got to know each other. You make me happy and I love hanging out with you, I don't want overdramatic fans to ruin our friendship." he said with a worried look on his face. "Luke, I'm in a band too, I know the consequences of being famous or else I wouldn't have chosen the band life. Please don't worry about this too much, okay? I love hanging out with you too." I said in honesty and smiled at him and I could see how he calmed down again by how his facial expression changed to a light smile. "You're amazing." he said and then pulled me into a hug. "Depends on the day." I joked and I could feel him giggle

I don't know what it was, but being in Luke's arms made me feel so safe. Not even the house in which I was living could make me feel this kind of safety. Maybe it was just because he was the best in giving hugs. He also smelled really good. "Luke?" I asked quietly, still being in his arms. "Hm?" "You give great hugs." "Thanks, I actually get that a lot." he smiled at me as he leaned back again. "Oh really?" I asked surprised. "Yeah, from fans." he giggled which made me giggle along with him. Suddenly my phone rang in my back pocket so grabbed it out. I looked at the caller ID but it was a number I'd never seen before so I just picked up.

"Hello?" I asked and as I heard the voice on the other end of the line, I put my phone down again and just held it in my hands, staring at it, probably looking really shocked. "What's wrong?" Luke asked worried. "It's Jack." "Hang up." "Luke shut up and let me talk to her!!" we heard Jack shout through my phone, even though it wasn't on speaker. I just looked at Luke and didn't know what to do.

"What do you want?" I finally said into the phone as I held it to my ear again. "I wanted to apologise for what happened yesterday. I'm sorry for acting like an ass. Usually the girls I choose want that too but I guess I was wrong when I thought you would as well. I hope you can forgive me and we can still be friends somehow? Because I think you're really cool.." Jack said through my phone. I looked at Luke again because I knew he'd heard it all since he was standing really close to me. Luke gave me a shy smile and nodded and I knew what he meant. "I forgive you, I mean you're in my favorite band after all, I'd be stupid if I didn't give you a second chance." I told Jack and I could hear him sigh in relief. "Once again, being in this fucking band saved my ass." Jack joked which made me laugh. "I guess you're right." I giggled.

"Well then, thanks, I don't want to disturb your time with the blond punk wannabe, if you know what I mean." and I bet if he was here right now, he would've wiggled his eyebrows. "I'm not a punk wannabe!" Luke said in a sassy tone, a bit louder so Jack would hear it too, which made me laugh again. "This isn't funny, shut up." Luke giggled. "I don't wanna hear you guys make out or something like that so imma hang up, bye." Jack said and after that we heard the beep-tone. "Let's just let him think what he wants to think." Luke laughed and I nodded.

"What now?" I asked and looked him straight into his eyes again. "Make out?" he joked and I laughed, wanting to push him again like I did so often. He probably expected me to do that so as I put my hands on his chest, he immediately grabbed them, put them around his waist and pulled me into a hug. "Gotcha!" he giggled while holding me real tight.

"Hey swee- oh, uhm, hi...sorry." I heard my mom's voice from the door and got out of Luke's grip really fast. We were still standing in the middle of the hallway. "Uhm..hi mom." I smiled at her nervously. "This is Luke, I met him backstage at the festival yesterday." I introduced him to her and he took that as a sign to walk over to my mom and shake her hand. "I think I've seen you before. You're in that 5 es-oh-es band, right?" she smiled at him and he nodded. "Oh cool. I'm Bridgit, Sam's mom. Nice to meet you!" "Nice to meet you too." he said politely. "Do you want to eat with us?" mom asked him and Luke looked really surprised. "That's really nice of you but I was actually just about to leave, maybe next time, though." he smiled shyly. "Alright, see ya around then." mom smiled and left to the kitchen. "I'll leave then." Luke said, smiling at me. "Okay." I responded and smiled too. "I hope we can hang out again soon." "Hope so too." I said and then he was gone again.


"So...Luke, huh?" Grace said through my phone. I was just about to go to bed when my phone rang and her name popped up. "Shut up." I chuckled. "I haven't even said anything yet." she laughed on the other end of the line. "I saw your twitcam and you two would actually be really cute together." she admitted. "We're just friends, nothing more." I rolled my eyes, even though I knew she couldn't see me." "Yet." "Shut up and go to bed." I laughed which caused her to laugh too. "Yeah, yeah. Goodnight Mrs. Hemmings." "I hate you, goodnight." I said and hung up before she could say anything else.


On the next day I got woken up by the doorbell ringing. I seriously had no idea who it could be since it was only around 8am and Grace and Will usually slept till at least 10.30. I made my way to the front door, only wearing pyjama shorts and an old ATL shirt and opened the door. "Hey, you look cute in the morning, can I hide here for a bit?" Luke was standing on my front porch, slightly out of breath. I just tried to ignore the fact that he called me cute because it was definitely a lie and let him inside, closing the door behind him. "Hiding from whom?" I asked confused as he caught his breath again and we sat down on the couch.

"My ex-girlfriend." Luke said. "Oh." I simply said. "Why?" I then added. "She found out that I'm back home and she's obsessed with me. Everytime I get a few days off to spend with my family, she shows up at my house and tries to win me back." "Why did you date her then?" "First she was really sweet but then she got way into it. I wasn't even allowed to talk to other females, not even Ashton's sister." "Wow, damn." "Yeah, and that breakup was more than 2 years ago and she's still like that. I think she saw our pic on twitter and went crazy, that's why she wants to see me now. I sneaked out of my house and came right here, I'm sorry for waking you up but she knows where the boys live so I couldn't go there." "It's alright, don't worry. Can't you do anything about her?" I asked. "I don't think so. As long as I'm single she won't give up on us." he giggled, shaking his head slightly.

"Why don't you just tell her that you have a girlfriend? She doesn't have to know that it's a lie." I shrugged and his eyes widened. "You're a genius, I haven't thought about that yet! Next time I see her I'll tell her, thanks." he smiled and I smiled back. "No problemo." "Uh someone can speak spanish." "Nah I can't, that's the only thing I know beside 'hola'." I laughed and he laughed along.

"Hi sweetie and hi Luke, I guess." mom entered the house with a bag of groceries in her hands. "Hey! Why aren't you at work yet?" I asked her. "My boss called and told me that I should come in later than usual today, I don't know why though. Why are you up so early?" she asked back. "Luke rang the doorbell." I giggled and looked at him and then back to mom. "Oh," she giggled, "do you wanna eat breakfast with us? I can make pancakes." she suggested. "I have a better idea. You go and relax in the living room while Luke and I make breakfast." I smiled at her and I could see Luke widening his eyes. "Hey, I didn't say I'd eat with you." "Your bad, come on." I said and somehow managed to pull him up from the couch.


"Look!" Luke said excited as he showed me a trick with the last pancake he was making right now, throwing it into the air and catching it again with the pan. "Stop, what if you don't catch it!?" I giggled at him, placing plates, cutlery and maple sirup on the table. "I won't drop it, I'm a specialist in this." he bragged and threw it into the air again but this time way too high so he couldn't catch it and it landed on his head. I dropped the forks I was holding in my hand and I almost peed myself from laughing so hard. "I TOLD YOU!" I said in between laughs. "I hate you." Luke said and laughed just as much as I did.

"Is everything alright? I heard a loud noise so I wanted to check up on you guys." mom ran into the kitchen with a worried look on her face but that changed as soon as she saw the two of us laughing our asses off and Luke with the pancake still on his head. "Oh dear." she said and started laughing as well and Luke blushed. "Come on, let's get your hair fixed and then we can eat." I said to Luke and we walked to the bathroom. I knew that the pancake wasn't completely done yet so there was a bit fluidity dough on Luke's head too. I could get rid of most of it. Then I grabbed a small towel and poured a bit water onto it and went through Luke's hair while he just watched me do that.

Luke seriously didn't stop watching me for the entire time and I got that weird feeling in my stomach. But I tried to ignore it. "I think I'm done. I don't have any hair gel though so you'll have to have your hair down until you get home." I said and looked at him, but he was still looking at me without a reaction to what I'd just said. "Luke?" I asked and waved in front of his face. "Huh?" he asked confused, looking down for a second and then back upcat me. "You'll have to keep your hair in a fringe till you get home. Now let's go eat."


Uhhhhhh Luke what are you doing?
hope you like it!
I love Luke's smile :-)

love yaaaa - tori <3

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