A Splash of Spirit

By littahmaya

519 19 5

Hazel May is a lonely girl, stuck in a grey world. When she meets Jacob she immediately gets along with all o... More

January Blues
Yo osho
Wear protection
Sunday, finally a fucking fun day
Easy Jet
Fuck Boy
Chocolate beasts
Too Cool To Be Annoyed
Awkward apolagies
Strange brownie
Immoral selfies
Pratt with an M
Suck it and see
Equal and opposite reactions
Cheaky Kisses
Confessions and stolen teddy bears
'Im just saying you could do better'- (short chapter)
King and Queen

Hurting the bad boy

11 1 0
By littahmaya

In the morning I was laying in bed thinking about what Jordan said to me, how sweetly poetic it was and how no one in this whole entire world has ever uttered those kind of words to me.
I found it even more flattering because he's the not the type of person to talk about girls in that type of way, let alone anyone.

Jordan wasn't charming, he was devilishly charming because after all the niceness he'd laugh it off and insult you or tell you to not let it get to your head.

My mind was in a battlefield thinking about the warnings Jacob gave me about him and that he could see I was slowly putting my guards down, so I'm officially going to put my guards up; but this time they're going to be extra tall and will give you an electric shock if you try and climb them.

I let Matt climb them, and look at us now.

I lifted up my phone to check the time.
Its 1:00 and Im supposed to be at Jacobs by 2:00 to unlock the next level of the GTA game we started and was ridiculously bad at, but it was fun because we'd beat up old ladies, go to strip clubs and run away from the police. We barely ever even did missions, but were determined to complete it.

I always have the habit of daydreaming, continuously making me late. They should call me 'Lazel', you get it? Lazy+Hazel=Lazel? Ah I love my humour.

I threw on a pair of shorts and a large black Arctic Monkeys shirt and my black converse.


Jacob opened the door to my delicate knocks, he was wearing colourful pants and was shirtless exposing his skinny body his hair was scruffy but he was still wearing his wide frame glasses which I loved.

He greeted me with a loving smile, revealing his deep dimples.

"Come," He yelled, "I paused it and the police are literally surrounding me!" He panicked, running up his stairs like a monkey, I was doing the same

"Jacob, you swore you wouldn't play without me and now the police are going to take all our weapons!" I moaned

He jumped onto his bed and grabbed the remote control
I slapped his hand and gave him a deadly look
"You've done enough." I warned

"Are you sure you wanna do this Hazel? The police are surrounding us, we have a lot to loose." He sadly mumbled

"I have to, we have to much to be jailed now," I sighed.

"Are you guys serious?" Asked Daniel confused

I had a mini heart attack, since when was he here?

"Daniel?" I panicked, "Since when were you in the here?"

He was sat on a massive bean bag in the corner
His fist covered his mouth trying to keep his laughter on a low.

"Is this what you guys do when your alone?" He asked,"Have deep discussions about video games." He said, amused

"We take it very seriously," stated Jacob, "If we fail college we wont get in to university and may not get a job that could financially support us, having to resort to criminal activities in order to make a living, so playing GTA is enabling us to be prepared for what we may have to do in our futures,"

I looked at Jacob impressed, he was able to successfully justify it in a matter of seconds

"Yeah, what Jacob said." I said, smugly

"Its not that hard, it took me only 2 days to complete this game." Boasted Daniel

"Well not everyone is as good with they're hands like you!" I snapped

Jacob and Daniel both broke out into a hearty laugh

I stared at them confused

"What?" I asked paranoid

Jacob stared at me for long until I realised what I said, why do I always accidentally say sexual things?!?

"Im good with my hands am I?" Sniggered Daniel

"I didn't mean it like that,your probably not how am I supposed to know?" I said

"Just ask Amy." He winked, "OR, you can see for yourself!"

I burst out laughing at the thought of that happening

"Hazel, I'm glad you find my offer amusing." Said Daniel

"Maybe next time Dani Boy." Said Jordan, entering the room

"How did you get in?" Asked Jacob

Jordan gave a massive smile, "Sue let me in,"

"Nice to see you too," Said Jordan

"It would be nicer to see you if you didn't love my mum so much." said Jacob

Jordan jumped right next to me and put his arms around me as I played GTA.

His muscly arm wrapped around me, I sank into his warm muscular chest feeling like I just entered the gates of heaven, until I remembered what Jacob told me about him. I ducked out of his arms and pushed him away.

His held his arm and looked at me confused

"Whats wrong curls?" Asked Jordan

"Nothing," I dryly replied, continuing to play video games

I felt bad giving him the cold shoulder when he hasn't done anything wrong, but I had to listen to what Jacob told me and not fall for his devilish charm.

All the boys were talking and laughing, but I couldn't hear them because I was too focused on GTA. I needed a bit of money so I ran up to an old lady and started punching her to the ground and took her money.

Jordan looked at me amused, "I love it when your aggressive, punching old ladies, taking they're money," He said, "Don't kill her, that would turn me on."

"Its a game." I sighed

"Hazel, you've earned us so much money!" Sang Jacob

I proudly laughed,"Did what I had to do."

"Hazel," Said Jordan, concerned,"Did I do something to you?"

His brown eyes gazed at me concerned

"No. Why?" I replied

Jordan leaned back, "Oh, don't worry then."

"Okay." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

I completed the missions and was tired of GTA so I let Daniel put a football game in.

"Let me make you a profile." said Jordan

He made me a profile and named it 'Princess Hazel'.
That name was so sweet I felt like hugging him but I remembered 'don't fall for his devilish charm' So I didn't react.

"A name fit for you." Laughed Jordan, playfully flicking my nose

"Lets play." I replied

We were playing against each other, I was pressing random buttons on the control hoping to win.

I looked at the points an saw that I was I was winning at 6-1, I looked over to his remote and noticed he was clearly letting me win.

I paused the game
"Why are you letting me win?" I asked annoyed

"Im not," he replied

"He's letting you win." Interrupted Daniel

I sighed in annoyance. Although it was really sweet, I had to portended to be annoyed because 'I cant fall for his devilish charm.'

"Play properly, Jacobs shit but you but wouldn't let him win." I moaned

"Okay." He said un-pausing the game

In 10 minuted he absolutely demolished me, wining 10-6

"Winner stays on." Said Daniel, grabbing my remote

Through out the game I was continuously cheering for Daniel and when Jacob was playing I was continuously cheering for Jacob and so on, not giving Jordan a single cheer which from his face was clearly getting to him.

"Can you stop cheering Hazel." Dryly said Jordan

"Why?" I asked, with the same tone of voice

"Because you keep cheering everyone whose playing against me." He said

"Your actually getting upset over a bunch of cheers?" I asked, confused

His eyes were full of frustration and his eyebrows were furrowed as he continued play the game.

Jordan suddenly paused the game and sighed in frustration.

"What are you doing? I could have finally won against you." Complained Daniel

"I need a cigarette." Said Jordan, pulling one out of the packet and lighting it

The whole bedroom smelt like cigarette smoke.

"It smells." I moaned

"Just like your attitude." snapped Jordan, exhaling smoke

"Mine?" I asked, pointing to myself

"Where has this come from?" Asked Jordan

"Where has what come from, Jordan?" I asked

He frustratedly groaned, "What have I done?"

"I haven't been acting any differently, don't know why your suddenly having an emotional breakdown." I said, playing with my hair.

He clenched his jaw in annoyance.
"Fuck this." He snapped before grabbing his things and walking out the room.

Why did he get so angry?
Me, Jacob and Daniel sat there in silence.

Daniel started sniggering.
"Im sorry, I know we're having a moment and what just happened was not funny its just you twos faces right now."

"Ive never seen a girl get to him like that," said Jacob, confused

I didn't reply, I just stared at the wall confused at why he got so upset.

"Hazel?" Asked Jacob, "I know I told you to put your guards up,"

"Yeah?" I asked

"Well I was wrong." He whispered, "I cant believe I'm saying this, but Jordan actually cares about you."

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