Anyone call for a Hero of Oly...

By percyfan4ever123

367K 10.2K 6.4K

Set six months after the House of Hades, and in the Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts. Percy Jackson, Son of Pos... More

Authors Note!
A suprising conversation and a terrible day
Suprising Discoveries and The End Of Summer
All Aboard The Hogwarts Express!
We get sorted and meet a Fluffy Pink Toad
Training and First Lesson's
Revealing Secrets and a Serious Talk
Happy birthday percy!
Detention with delores and a Confusing Night
Detention with Delores and a Confusing Night part 2
New Powers and A great idea
Worring Information and an Important Meeting
A Really Inconvineant Quest Part 1
A Really Inconviniant Quest part 2
A Really Inconviniant Quest part three(is this chapter EVER going to end!)
A Really Inconveniant Quest Part 4
Quidditch Bans and Disturbing Dreams
An Important Chat and A visit to St. Mungo's part 1
Unplanned Events and a Happy Reunion part 2
Shocking Revelations and a Merry Christmas
A Mad Dash and a Grim Situation

Unplanned events and a Happy Reunion part 1

5.3K 206 35
By percyfan4ever123

Alright. I haven't been on this site for so long that I need to work extra hard to catch up, so no long A/n like usual. It's straight down to business today.
All rights to Rick and Rowling.


I woke up to the smell of eggs and something poking me.
I opened my eyes groggily, almost thinking I was back home in New York for a moment. Directly in front of my eye was a large, glassy one, staring up at me with evident disgust.
"Master said to wake you up. Your filthy companions are in the dining room."
From the delightful tone of his voice, I could tell this was Kreacher, the Black family's house elf.
"Thanks," I smiled at him, then got up to join the others in the dining room, missing the look of confusion and surprise on his face.
"Morning sleeping beauty," Nico's voice dripped sarcasm. Thalia and Harry snickered.
"A few of the Order members are here to take us to St. Mungos," Harry explained, and I turned around to see 3 people standing behind us, by the door.
(A/N: at this point, I'm about to introduce 3 order members, but, because I'm on a plane right now, which means my phone needs to be on airplane mode, and I haven't read The Order Of The Pheonix in about 3 years, I don't know and can't look up the details of this scene. I am just going to assume that Tonks, Lupin and Mad-Eye accompanied them to the hospital, so don't really care if I'm wrong.)
He gestured to a woman with short pink hair, who seemed pretty easy going. "This is Tonks, and beside her is Remus Lupin."
I nodded hello to Tonks, and Remus.
"And this-" Ron started, only to get cut off by a tall-ish man with scraggy hair and with one bright blue eye and one dark one. His blue eye looked me up and down, before he stepped forward.
"I'm Alastor Moody, Ex-Auror."
"I'm Percy Jackson," I introduced, and it was still hard not to add son of Poseidon at the end of that.
"Can we go see dad already?" Ginny asked impatiently.
"One more introduction dear," a motherly voice wafted over from behind Ron.
"Hello..Percy..dear! I've heard a lot about you in Ron and the Twins' letters home! I'm Molly Weasley, Ron's mom."
When she said my name, her eyes got a little misty, which probably had something to do with the falling out with Ron's brother Percy, which the twins were talking about. It was also pretty obvious that nobody had told everyone who didn't know who we really were that I had had the vision too.
"Hello Mrs. Weasley! It's good to meet you."
I couldn't think of anything more original to say, but Nico and Thalia, who had already met everybody while I was asleep, were already chatting away. I was a bit surprised that I had slept that well, but I wasn't complaining. There was also no doubt Dumbledore had fed them all some story about us, which kept them satisfied and not asking any questions.
I moved closer to the two, and nodded for them to join me. As the others in the room prepared to go to St Mungo's to see Arthur Weasley, the three of us talked in hushed tones about what I had missed.
The shortened version was, Dumbledore had simply told them to trust him, and it seemed all the adults did, except for Sirius, who was still extremely suspicious of us. He had been giving them glares and odd looks all day.
We decided we should probably take him somewhere and tell him about his demigod identity as soon as possible, to avoid any trouble.
"Nico, Thalia, Percy! Come on, we would want to leave you behind, would we?" Sirius asked, sounding like that was exactly what he wanted.
"Right behind you!" I called, and we followed him out.
We ended up taking the subway, or the muggle underground, as the Wizards called it.
We finally got to a crowded mortal street, which looked pretty much like any other crowded street in London.
Tonks stopped in front of an old, red brick building, walking right up to the window, where an ancient dusty dummy was standing. She spoke a few words to it, all of which I was too far away to hear, but it seemed like she was introducing us. The dummy nodded once, and Tonks, after reassuring the others, stepped right through the glass window. At this point, I was pretty much used to people in the wizard world walking through solid objects. Heck, we even did it back at camp, although the Camp Boundary isn't exactly solid to demigods.
We all followed Tonks one by one into a somewhat busy waiting room, and got into line at a desk, where a welcome witch was giving people directions.
The Wizards turned their attention to the other people in line; a man with some sort of curse on his shoes, and another who clanged like a bell every time he moved.
"So, where should we take him?" I whispered to my cousins, and although I was being vague, they seemed to understand.
"We can't take him to Camp, since the Campers can't know where we are. We can't take him to the Room of Requirements by Shadow travelling there, in case another DA member is already practicing there. We'd end up right in front of them. We could take him to the forest. It would give us the space we need to get him in touch with his powers," Nico mused.
"The forest would work pretty well," Thalia agreed.
"Alright, so I guess we'll take Sirius down there after we get back then? We'll get Harry and the others to keep the others from suspecting anything while we're gone," I told them, and we nodded.
"We're At the front of the line," Thalia pointed out, and I turned around to see Remus talking to the Welcome Witch, asking about where Arthur Weasley was.
The witch curtly told him To go to the first floor, then all but screamed,"NEXT!"
We headed up to the first floor corridor, and down to the room where Mr. Weasley was supposed to be in.
Mrs. Weasley opened the door slowly, then, after peeking inside, rushed in.
"Arthur! I was so worried! How are you feeling!" She gave him a kiss on the cheek before settling down on a chair beside him. He smiled up at her warmly.
" I'm fine Molly," he reached out and grabbed her hand, holding it tight.
"dad!" Ron ran forward and gave his father a big hug, followed by all his siblings.
He didn't seem to have noticed the three of us, since we were still in the doorway, not wanting to intrude on their moment.
Arthur's eyes skimmed over everyone before resting on Harry.
"Harry! Without you, I would have died last night! I owe you so much!" He held out his arms, and Harry, looking very happy, hugged him.
The family, plus Harry and the 3 Order members, talked for a while, laughing at having a good time, while Thalia, Nico and I watched from the side. The look on my cousins' faces was enough to melt my heart.
They were staring longingly at the family, who were now laughing at something the twins said. Although Harry growing up without any real parents was sad, it happened way too often in the Demigod world. I had grown up with an abusive stepfather  most of my life, and I was one of the lucky ones. At least Gabe was gone now, my amazing mom had Paul, and I actually had loving parents now and a place to live. Thalia and Nico never made a big deal out of it, so it was sometimes easy to forget that Nico had seen his mother get blasted my Zeus from mere meters away, had been imprisoned in the Lotus hotel and Casino for over 70 years, as well as have his only family ripped away from him. The kid was just 10 when he lost his entire childhood, and was forced to grow up way too fast. After going through all that, no wonder he was anti social.
Thalia wasn't any better either. When she was a little kid, her mom started getting drunk, and then eventually traded her own son to Hera. Thalia had to survive on her own till she met Luke, and then, turn into a tree for 5 years, only to find out that her role model was the enemy. After that, she had been constantly pressured by the prophecy, to either betray or support the gods. Compared to pretty much every other demigod I've met, my life before camp was amazing. Piper had troubles with her dad, Jason had never known his family, Leo's mom had died, like Frank's. Hazel's past was even more complicated, what with Leo and Sammy, and her mother and Gaea. Annabeth had run away from home when she was 7. The Wizards had no idea how good they had it.
All three of us must have been lost in thought, because we all snapped to attention and were ready to fight when Moody's gruff voice startled us.
"This is Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace and Nico Di Angelo," he introduced.
Mr. Weasley nodded at us with a curious look, but didn't say anything after a pointed glare from Moody.
"Alright, I need you children to clear out, go find the cafeteria or something. We have important things to discuss."
Ginny opened her mouth to complain, but shut it when Mrs. Weasley pointed at the door in a way that suggested the topic was not up for discussion.
I turned to leave too, but Remus called after us," not you three! We need you with us in here."
Fred and George groaned a bit at that, but they left surprisingly easily, and shut the door being them, leaving the 3 of us in a room full of Order Members.
I could vaguely hear the sounds of scuffling from the other side of the door, which I could tell was the sound of Fred and George's extendable ears. The other two demigods had heard it too, and we all made a mental note to talk quieter.
"Who are you three?" Moody asked, his eyes narrowed. "Dumbledore told us we could trust you, and he also told us that we were to treat you as members of the Order. What's so special about you 3 that made Dumbledore call you all the from America? All he would tell us is that you will help us win the war."
"We can't tell you who we are yet, but we can help you. We're here to help you win this war against Voldemort. You'll need us, believe me. Any of us could take any of you down in a duel right now. We're extremely well trained, and we are going to use that to help you," Thalia reassured them.
"You will eventually find out who we are, because Dumbledore wants most of the Order to know, but now is not the time, and here is not the place," I explained.
They gave us one more look, before changing the topic to Harry.
"You say he actually had a vision?" Arthur asked.
"Yes, and Dumbledore thinks it's because the boy is seeing into You-Know-Who's mind," Mad Eye informed him grimly.
The sound of the Weasley's and Harry scuffling around directly outside the door lessened, and. I hoped it wasn't because they had heard what Moody had just said.
The conversation lasted exactly another 2 minutes before the let the others back in to say goodbye to Mr. Weasley and return to the Headquarters. The entire group, especially Harry, looked really upset, and if the adults noticed, they didn't mention it.
The journey back to Headquarters was painfully slow, not that none of the Weasley kids or Harry were talking. They all just shot awkward looks at Harry, and it was obvious they'd heard what was being said inside. We'd have to talk to them about that later.
As soon as we got back to Grimmauld Place, I took Harry and Ron aside while while Thalia told the twins.
"We need to borrow Sirius for a few hours," I told them. "We'll bring him back in one piece. We just need you to cover for us."
The two Wizards agreed, and we decided on a cover story that Sirius was feeding buckbeak, and that the three of us were just checking out the city. It was a bit lame, but seeing how we'd never been to England before, if was acceptable.
As we each finished talking, we nodded to each other, and headed towards Sirius' room, where we knew he would be alone.
We knocked on the door, and it was opened slowly.
As soon as the door was unlocked, we pounced.
I grabbed his feet, tackling him, while Nico grabbed his arms. Thalia quickly cast a spell to cause him to temporarily lose him voice.
"We're not tying to kidnap you or hurt you," I told him.
"We just want to tell you who we are," Thalia explained.
"You've probably realized we're not just Wizards by now, but what you don't know is, you're the same as us. You've just gone your entire life without knowing it. You're one of us."
Sirius stopped struggling a bit, and I eased my grip.
"We were just holding you down to make sure you didn't do anything rash before we could tell you why we wanted to talk to you. It was probably a bit rash. We won't hurt you, and if you want, we can put away our wands. We're going to let go of you and give you your voice back. Dumbledore told us to do this, slid you trust him, come with us," Nico got off of him, and held out his hand.
After I had fully let go of his legs, Sirius stood up. Thalia ended the sleek on his voice, and Sirius' curiosity won over his dislike of us.
"Fine, I'll come with you."
I smiled, then, as Thalia disappeared in a flash of light and I vaporized into mist, Nico and Sirius reappeared in the Dark Forest.
I pulled my wand out, careful not to act like I was threatening Sirius, and began to place some protective spells over the area.
"Who are you three?" Sirius asked, his dislike of us completely forgotten now. "You're as good as a highly trained Auror, but you're certainly not an ordinary wizard."
"We, including you, are demigods," Thalia, Nico and I said at the same time.

I'm too tired to even review this.. It's late, and I'm tired, so I'm just going to sleep.. I'm so sorry once again for the late updates, and I'm hoping they'll be coming in faster now, at least until school starts up again in September. I just sort of forgot about wattpad for a few months. I recently got VERY obsessed with a few TV shows, like Sherlock, and Supernatural. Which are amazing by the way!
Anyways, I would love to have more comments on this one, so, If I get 100 votes and 50 comments, I'll update the same day I get the 101th vote or the 51st comment.. Whichever ones first..
So Imma leave you at that and go sleep.
Until next time,

Continue being awesome!

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