Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: B...

By ilikepizza107

12.2K 377 91

The world has long moved on since the defeat of Master Hand and Crazy Hand. However, a new evil has risen... More

Introduction: Let's get things straight
Chapter 1: Mario
Chapter 2: Snake
Chapter 3: Meta Knight
Chapter 4: Robin
Chapter 5: Logan
Chapter 6: Fox
Chapter 7: Link
Chapter 8: Captain Falcon
Chapter 9: Ness
Chapter 10: Zero Suit Samus
Chapter 11: Mewtwo
Chapter 12: Little Mac
Chapter 13: Sonic
Chapter 14: Roy
Chapter 15: Ryu
Chapter 16: Sheik
Chapter 17: Luigi
Chapter 18: Mega Man
Chapter 19: Villager
Chapter 21: Luigi
Chapter 22: Duck Hunt
Chapter 23: Dark Pit
Chapter 24: Pit

Chapter 20: Marth

239 11 2
By ilikepizza107

I struggled in my tight bonds, knowing I had to get out. I looked to the right of me; my sword and sheath were on the floor. If only I could reach them... I thought, and sighed. Then, a thought came to me. The Dark Legion only wrapped rope around my legs and my elbow. If I could slip my hands free and then reach my sword to cut my legs free, I could free the others as well and escape...again. This escape thing is getting pretty tiring. I thought. I pulled my arms up and, sure enough, they slipped out of their bonds. I pulled the rope outward and slipped through. I started to fall to the ground, but I caught myself and extended both of my arms to break the fall. I reached for my sword and grabbed it, then cut off the rope from my feet. I let go of my sword and shot myself up with my arms and landed on my feet. You're too good, Falchion. I thought, and grabbed the scabbard and sword. I sheathed the Falchion and exited the room. Sure enough, and alarm sounded, but I wasn't about to let that stop me. Now, then...I wonder if this Airship has two different holding cells...

"Hey! Get back here!" A voice said from behind me. I turned, it was Dark Pit!

"You'll have to catch me first." I said smugly, then sprinted to the end of the hallway that emptied out into a larger room, where I would fight him.

"Don't you run from me, coward!" Dark Pit shouted, and started to run to me, nipping at my heels. I stopped running as soon as I was in the larger room and Dark Pit stopped as well, until we were both about ten yards away from each other. "You're pretty confident for someone who's about to lose." Dark Pit said, drawing his Silver Bow.

"I'd like to say the same to you." I said, drawing my sword. "How about this: if I beat you until you concede, you tell me where my friends are and I let you go. Or, if you win, you get to kill me."

"Hah! I never knew you could be so stupid." Dark Pit scoffed. "Oh, well. Your destruction is assured!" He shouted and charged. I used my Counter move right before he struck me with a dash attack. The dash attack landed, and I took the power from it and launched a counter-attack. Dark Pit was hit full-force and was knocked back.

"Did I remember someone saying that I was too confident?" I said in a mocking tone.

"Shut up!" Dark Pit shouted, and charged again. Good, he's falling for my trap. I thought, An angry enemy can easily work into your favor. I side-stepped Dark Pit's dash attack and retaliated with a four-hit Dancing Blade. Dark Pit smashed into the wall but regained his footing.

"What's wrong? Not as weak as you thought I was?" I taunted.

"Stuff it! You're no match for me." Dark Pit said, "I've just recently gotten an upgrade. Wanna see my true power?" Dark Pit said, grinning evilly. An upgrade?!

"Go ahead, I doubt it will make any difference." I said, but I was a bit worried.

"Hyahh!" Dark Pit shouted, and a blast followed by a shockwave erupted into the room. I skidded back a little but righted myself and shielded my eyes with my sword. I opened my eyes; Dark Pit was surrounded in a black aura. This is the results of an upgrade?! His power is tremendous! I thought. Dark Pit charged, and hit me back with a dash attack. I slammed hard into the wall behind me. Darn it... I thought. I righted myself just in time to see Dark Pit hit me again with a dash attack, slamming me back into the wall. Darn it..! I thought, and righted myself again. I side-stepped Dark Pit's attack and hit him away with my Dolphin Slash move. I landed on my feet, and Dark Pit stood up. That hit blasted him back pretty far... I thought, Wait...that's it! In order to gain more strength, he sacrificed  some of his ability to defend against attacks! If I can use that to my favor, I can win this battle! I thought. Dark Pit charged again, but this time I was ready. I quickly used my Counter move again and knocked Dark Pit back.

"How'd you like that?!" I shouted.

"Rrgh...I won't lose to you!" Dark Pit shouted, and charged. I started charging up my Shield Breaker move, and Dark Pit froze in front of me and put up his shield. I thrusted my sword forward, breaking Dark Pit's shield. Dark Pit stood there, stunned. I backed up and started charging a Smash attack. When Dark Pit started to come out of his stunned form, I unleashed a full-force Smash attack. Even better, Dark Pit was hit by the tip of my Falchion, making it all the more powerful. There was a bright flash of red and white, and then Dark Pit was on the ground, the black aura gone.

"Now that we have that cleared up, tell me where my friends are." I demanded, looming over his fallen body.

"Fine. They're in the interrogation rooms." Dark Pit said with frustration.

"Y'know, Pitoo..."

"Don't call me that." Dark Pit snapped.

"Okay, Dark Pit...I heard that you kinda used to be a good guy. Pit told me once." I said.

"Yeah? So?" Dark Pit replied.

"Well, maybe that can happen again, if you'd like." I said, extending my hand to him. "We can forgive you for all that you've done, treat you with respect..."

"Forget it." Dark Pit said, slapping my hand away. "I'm not going to be a goody little two-shoes anymore. I'm on the winning side, just you wait. We're going to destroy your resistance. Then, we're going to take over all of the worlds in the Smash universe. So don't think just because I'm telling you where your friends are, that means that I'm a good guy now. Sorry, but no thanks. Now then, I've got to go." Dark Pit said, and started to walk away. The alarm turned off, but I knew it was going to turn back on as soon as Dark Pit told Tabuu and the others where we were. I've got to hurry and get the others! I thought, and sprinted back into the hallway. I opened the first door to find Fox, Falco, Lucas, and Ness. I cut their ropes, and explained to them that we needed to hurry. They grabbed their belongings and came with me to the next door. I opened it, and we found Mario, Mewtwo, Little Mac, Captain Falcon, and Ryu. As with Fox and the others, I cut their ropes, told them we needed to get going, and after they had their belongings, we went to the next door, which held Link and Pit. After we picked them up, we ran to the last door, just as the alarm started to go off again. I opened the door, and I saw Mega Man with a Mii swordfighter.

"Mega Man! Who is this?" Link asked.

"Run! Get away from him! He's not a regular Mii!" Mega Man shouted.

"What-?!" I said in disbelief. The Dark Legion just keeps getting weirder and weirder... I thought. The swordfighter turned around.

"Hello, my dear guests. My name is Soulless, and as the name implies, I have no soul. For proof of it, here's what's lying under my sunglasses." The Mii swordfighter said, and whipped off his sunglasses. Underneath, there was no eyes. Everyone gasped, including me. Soulless laughed and put the sunglasses back on.

"You see, I was brought back to life by Tabuu after a silly and unprofessional mistake was made by me. You see, on an assignment, I died by lava. But Tabuu saved my body, found a way to restore it, and brought me back to life! So now I'm ready to serve him once again!" Soulless said with glee, as if it was no big deal that he died.

"Let Mega Man go!" Lucas shouted, and Soulless laughed.

"Okay, no problem. But, after you guys run away, you're going to be in for a real shock." Soulless said, stepping to the side.

"What are you talking about!?" Captain Falcon shouted.

"Well, let's just say the setting has...changed." Soulless said, "But, to fully answer your question, you're in Subspace, the Dark Legion's headquarters." The Dark Legion...headquarters?! I thought.

"So you mean to tell us that we're in a building?" Little Mac said.

"No, this is an entirely different world, my good boxing friend." Soulless said, "Anyway, you should get your friend now." He  has to be bluffing. Why would they bring us to this so-called Subspace?  I thought. We untied Mega Man and ran to the hallway, and to our surprise, Soulless let it all happen. Ryu made a hole in the ground with some 'Hadoken' as he called it, and we jumped through the hole. I landed after Link, and I heard a squishing sound. I looked down, the ground was purple and like the pink substance in Brinstar! After everyone was down, Link drew his sword.

"Look, this Subspace is almost defiantly dangerous, if it's a Dark Legion product. We need to get far away from this Airship and try to see if our fellow comrades are here as well." Link said, and we nodded. I drew my sword, just in case, and nodded at Link and the others.

"Let's go!" Mega Man said, and we all started sprinting into the unknown.

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