The Truth Behind Those Eyes

By SoCameraShy

160K 6.2K 698

Unbeknown to Nikki, her next delivery will offer her two choices; deliver the package and die or flee and be... More

The Truth Behind Those Eyes - Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six

Chapter Fourteen

819 76 4
By SoCameraShy

They stood in silence. Watching. Waiting...

The heat began to build but instead of becoming uncomfortable, Nikki found herself welcoming the raised temperature in the strange room. The wet clothes that clung to her body had been making her shiver but as the air grew warmer the numbness in her limbs faded and her aching muscles began to relax.

The longer they waited the more accustomed to the gloom Nikki became. A little way in front of her Josh was poised, ready for whatever came through the door. His shoulders rose and fell with each strenuous breath he took. Sam had backed away from the opening and was positioned to Nikki's right, his posture mimicking Josh's.

As her eyes adjusted further, Nikki looked around. Below her feet, her soggy trainers squelched against concrete and she could almost picture the wet prints she left as she shifted her weight.

The walls were covered with the same dated wallpaper as the hallway and there were three antique candle holders spaced evenly along the wall above Sam, but the candles they held had long since burned down to a waxy residue. The space, more a cell than a room, was like everything else in this house, large, and from what she could see there was only one way in and one way out.

Nikki took a tentative step backwards, stretching out an arm to try and brush the wall but even at full stretch it was no where to be found. She glanced behind only to be met by more darkness.

"Is there any way out of here that doesn't involve that door?" she asked.

"No, but don't worry, we got this covered," Josh replied tersely.

They were trapped.

"When they come, get her out," Josh continued, turning his attention to Sam.

"I can help."

"No! Just get her out safely."

As they spoke, they kept their sights firmly on the door in front of them.

"I'm staying with you." Nikki mumbled, her voice timid and quiet.

"No, you go with Sam. No matter what happens, go with him and I'll meet up with you later." His tone made it clear that this was not up for discussion.

Already exhausted from the events of the morning, Nikki didn't have the strength to argue and it was clear that no matter what she said, Josh wouldn't change his mind so she closed her mouth and backed down.

She had no idea how he expected to get out of this, but then she didn't have a clue what was actually happening and she wasn't entirely sure what Josh was capable of.

The room was warming up considerably and Nikki was thankful that her clothes and hair had begun to dry. In a way she found it rather pleasant.

"You'll find me?" she asked. "Straight away? You're not ... You'll come and get me?"

The thought of running away and leaving Josh with whatever was coming didn't sit right but she knew she had to trust him, now more than ever - after all, it was her fault they had found them. She'd been the one running around the forest during a hissy fit.

"Of course," Josh replied. Nikki could hear the smile in his voice.

"You promise?"

"I promise. Now you promise me, no matter what happens when they come through that door - regardless of what happens to me - you'll go with Sam." He glanced briefly over his shoulder.

Nikki's heart quickened and she paused. "What do you mean? Regardless of what happens to you?"

"Don't worry," Sam stepped in, "he can handle himself just fine. Don't forget he's indestructible." He smiled and moved to slap Josh on the back.

"You can't get hurt!" Nikki whispered, relief flooding her.

Josh shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, something like that. Look they're almost here. Promise me you'll get out, okay?"

She thought about his request and wanted to agree. She wanted to get as far away from these monsters as she could, but not at the cost of leaving him behind. Indestructible or not, the idea of leaving without him tore her heart to shreds.

And there it was again. The undeniable, incomprehensible, all consuming need to be with Josh.

Why did the thought of leaving him, even for a short while, kill her?

"What's happening to me?" she asked under her breath.

"Nikki?" Josh turned to squint at her.

"What's coming?"  Her gaze darted between Josh and the flimsy door. He narrowed his eyes and Nikki suspected he knew she was stalling her answer.

Sam stepped in. "They're called Blood Hounds, sugar, they're hunters."

Josh swallowed. "I think they must have caught the scent of your blood outside and followed us here. They're not big thinkers, just hunt, shred and destroy. They'll have one of two orders; either kill ... Or retrieve." He sighed and it was obvious how much he hated telling her these things.

Again, Sam took over. "They're scary looking beasts so be prepared. They hunt in packs and are very effective at what they do. Oh, and don't let them get their teeth into you."

Nikki shook, her whole body vibrating with undiluted fear as she listened to Sam.

At her side, her palms stung, the treacherous blood that had caused this, hardening as it dried making it difficult for her to clench her fist. In her chest, her heart raced, thundering so hard she could hear the pounding as well as feel it.

"Whatever happens, Nikki, go with Sam." Josh glared across at his ally. "Get her out, take her to Dee and I'll meet you there."

"You sur--"

"Yes! Just get her out, alive and unhurt."

The heat in the room soared but despite the increase in temperature, goose bumps rose over Nikki's body. She found the sensation comforting, like sinking beneath the water of a scalding hot bath after a cold, wet day.

"They're here," she breathed, her eyelids sliding shut as a crash and bang signified the wooden door being ripped from its hinges and discarded.

She paused in utter, deafening silence. Nothing moved and no sound was audible to orient herself with. The blackness wrapped its warm and inviting cloak around her, calming her frayed nerves. She was removed and composed as she inhaled and opened her eyes. Slowly, her sight returned, gradually losing the blurred edges until everything fell into sharp focus.

Prowling into the room, a tall, skinny beast bore its double rows of jagged teeth at Josh.

She stared at the creature that was unlike anything she had ever seen before. The Blood Hounds' limbs looked distorted, it's elongated arms and legs were easily the length of its body. It didn't have paws or hands but instead, swung itself forward with razor sharp claws, the tips of which curved like a scimitar blade. The thing was so large it was unable to stand in the enclosed space and so was forced to crawl on all fours but it didn't seem to care.

The flesh of the beast was crimson and it glistened under the weak light. Nikki peered at it, but instead of the terror she had expected, she found herself deeply intrigued. She couldn't understand why she wasn't frightened, the slimy beast deserved to be feared, but she held nothing but blazing curiosity to examine this monster closer.

It swung its pointed snout at her and sniffed deeply. The two tear-dropped slits at the end of the muzzle, flared as it inhaled her scent. The eyes - beaky, glassy and black, situated high on either side of its strange flat head, bore down, taking her in. A calming moment passed between the beast and Nikki as time slowed and her fear continued to ebb away.

Outraged, Josh jumped in front of his charge, flinging her back, away from the peculiar creature. With a piercing screech it glared at his intrusion and swept him out of the way, knocking him forcefully into Sam. The impact sent them both sprawling to a messy heap as more of the deadly hunters forced their way into the room.

The thing snarled at the men, scrambling to get to their feet, before returning its attention back to Nikki. It slunk forward; its shoulder blades jutting out of its back as it casually ambled towards her.

And as it drew closer, Nikki was startled to find herself possessed by an urge to reach forward and pet the thing. The irrational desire only growing as it lowered its head-- she craved to feel the sticky wetness of its flesh against her own skin.

Unconsciously she lifted her hand. The heat radiating off the beast sent pulsating jolts of electricity through her nervous system, making her skin tingle. The Blood Hound stared at her, fluidly tilting its head from one side to the other, staring with eyes that mirrored her curiosity.

Behind the creature, Josh shoved himself free of his friend but before they were able to advance, four more of the predators had crammed into the room. They circled the men, separating them from Nikki and blocking the exit.

The original Blood Hound, still smelling and appraising Nikki, moved between her and the door, cornering her. She was alone and helpless as Josh and Sam watched on impotently from across the room. But she didn't feel powerless, nor did she feel afraid. Her gaze slid from the creature to Josh.

That was a mistake. The beast shrieked a sickening, deafening howl and turned to Josh. The rest of the pack mimicked the shriek before the creature closest to him snapped its jaws and slammed down its front limb. The deadly claw pierced his torso and pinned him mercilessly to the floor.

Pushing out a strangled shout, Josh's body arched against the beasts powerful blow.

The Hound closest to Nikki turned its attention away from her, to the body on the floor, writhing in agony. Snapping its jaws loudly, it huffed before joining the other Hounds who moved aside to allow it to join their circle. As one, they shrieked approvingly at the blood pouring from Josh's wound.

The floor around his impaled body quickly turned into a large cherry red puddle as the marauders took turns to tear repeatedly into Josh's body with their mighty jaws. They bit his arms and legs, closing their serrated teeth around his limbs only to pull back slowly and remove chunks of flesh.

With each attack Josh let out a muffled, tortured scream causing the Hounds to shudder - his obvious agony adding to their pleasure. It was all too much for Nikki to take.

Anger, guilt and a soul shredding agony pulled a noise from her unlike one she'd ever made before. She screamed, filling the room with a howl that momentarily drowned out all the other noises but she couldn't hold on to the sound for long as her lungs burned with the exertion.

From where he lay on the floor, Josh managed to think through the pain long enough to find Sam. He stared at him with wide-eyes and moved his lips slowly.

"Get her out!" he mouthed before he sank in to the sea of agony devouring him.

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