Alex Runaway With Me

By coolestduckever

6.2K 119 13

Alex had been friends with Jack since that fateful day 7 years ago in the woods near their homes. Now Alex ha... More

Alex Runaway With Me
You're better than this
Singing a Different Tune
Homeward Bound
Thanks for visiting hell!
Bittersweet Justice
Letters from the past
Be Mine Barakat
My Musical Romance
Earth to Jack
Beach Bums
Giving up on giving in
Too much us
It's like 20 below
Karma seems nice now
Changing The Game
Just a daydream away
Dude, not cool
Seniors '09 bitches
Say goodbye
Gamble with Desire
Till tonight do us part
That Girl
The End of the Fight

Laugh about the wine

176 4 4
By coolestduckever

(Alex's POV)

Jack was buttoning up his dress shirt while pacing the pews in a church corridor. For some reason he wanted to come here before graduation, so I told him we could drive here and then go straight to the ceremony. He'd been pacing and undoing/redoing the buttons on his shirt for the past five minutes.

"Do you really think we can do this?" He asked to what seemed to be no one in particular. I waited a minute before saying anything, worried he was just talking to himself.

"Do what? Graduate? Of course. We technically already did." I replied trying to comfort him in anyway possible. I hated seeing him like this. If Jack was panicked something was obviously a major concern.

"No Alex. I mean runaway. Hit the road and never look back. Just you, me, Zack, Rian, and Flyzik. I mean sure, it'll be awesome, the five of us, but what are we going to do Alex? We don't have money, or jobs, or a place to stay once we get where we're going. Hell, we don't even know where we're going." I knew he'd been worried, but this worried? I had no clue. However, Jack was talking through it. Which means I can at least try to help him here.

"I know Jack. It's a lot of what ifs and you're not ok with that. But just think. We can take our chances out west. Our big East Coast dreams and our guitars are all we have, and that's enough to get us somewhere. We can get a job wherever we stop, all of us, and we can pay the bills that way. Until then, we have the van. Trust me baby, we're going somewhere. Give us six more years to see what time makes of us hopeless dreamers." I mumbled into his shoulder as I hugged him. "I love you." I said to him before letting go and fixing his shirt yet again.

"I-I love you too, Alex." He whispered before yelling another statement. "Take that you faggot hating church. My BOYFRIEND and I LOVE each other. So you can go suck a big fucking dick!"

"Jack calm down! You're the one who wanted to come here remember?" I said calmly, really hoping a member of the church wasn't in here right now to witness Jack's minor yelling fit.

"I know. Oh shit! I completely forgot what we came here for." He stated as if I knew what was going on.

"Are you going to tell me or are we just going to forget about it and go home?" I said after a few seconds of complete silence on Jack's end of the conversation.

"Just follow me you sexy thing." Jack called as he started to walk toward a set of doors. He lead me down hallway after hallway of completely boring decor. White walls, white floors, and pictures of Jesus everywhere. I honestly felt like I was back in the hospital for some reason. As we turned our last right, into an unknown room, I see exactly why we're here.

"Jack we can't." I whispered after frantically looking around the room and over my shoulder. We'd be dead if we were caught in here.

"Alex we can." He retorted as he pulled out a bag. I had no clue how he kept that large of a bag in his pocket. He pulled an unopened bottle of wine down from the shelf and placed it softly in his bag.

"That is for communion Jack. If they find out someone took it, we're dead." I softly said as we left the room.

"Calm down Alex. The Sunday school teachers take one each week after mass and no one notices a thing. We don't even belong to the church, why would we be the suspects?" He asked as we exited the church building.

"Because Jack, we're the fags of the town. If there's anyone to blame, it's us." I said knowing it wasn't logical, but at the time, it seemed pretty reasonable.

"Not if we're gone tonight...with their wine." He said with a smirk on his face. I couldn't help but laugh as we drove off toward the school. It was our last day in this town, and we weren't leaving without a Big Bang.

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