Hot 'N' Dangerous

By XxElviraxX

694K 13.8K 3.1K

Elvira May is a foreigner in the town of Konoha. Orphaned and completely alone, she seeks out the village fro... More

Chapter 1: Contemplation
Chapter 2: Apart of the Family
Chapter 3: First Duty
Chapter 4: Team Tension
Chapter 5: Mr. Dead Last
Chapter 6: The Real Test
Chapter 7: Pursued
Chapter 8: Elize Chiffon
Chapter 9: First Combat
Chapter 10: Copy Ninja Kakashi
Chapter 11: I Won't Let My Comrades Die
Chapter 12: The Hunter-Nin
Chapter 13: A Different Way To Climb Trees
Chapter 14: Inari's Story
Chapter 15: Victorious
Chapter 17: Dreams of the Future and the Past
Chapter 18: I Never Forgot
Chapter 19: Closing the Distance
Chapter 20: The Sand Shinobi
Chapter 21: Youth and Mistakes
Chapter 22: The Paper Test
Chapter 23: The Ultimate Survival
Chapter 24: The First Imposters
Chapter 25: The Real Sasuke Awakens
Chapter 26: The Cursed Trio
Chapter 27: Sakura Blooms
Chapter 28: The Power of the Curse Mark
Chapter 29: A Close Call
Chapter 30: The Welcoming Party
Chapter 31: The Genjutsu Users
Chapter 32: The Third and Final Test
Chapter 33: The First Kill
Chapter 34: Pieces and Pawns
Chapter 35: The Spy and an Old Habit
Chapter 36: Reopening an Old Wound
Chapter 37: A Sword of Chakra
Chapter 38: Gaara's Messed Up Childhood
Chapter 39: The Hyuuga's Destiny of Hatred
Chapter 40: Fire Versus Lightning
Chapter 41: The First Drop of Blood
Chapter 42: Chasing Down a Monster
Chapter 43: Hatred is Reality, Vengeance is Sanctuary
Chapter 44: Teammates and Friends
Chapter 45: Battle of the Tailed Beasts
Chapter 46: Not Enough
Chapter 47: World of Blue
Chapter 48: The Hunt for Tsunade
Chapter 49: Healed
Chapter 50: Under Kakashi's Mask
Chapter 51: The Land of No Spring (Part 1)
Chapter 52: The Land of No Spring (Part 2)
Chapter 53: The Beast Era (Part 1)
Chapter 54: The Beast Era (Part 2)
Chapter 55: The Beast Era (Part 3)
Chapter 56: A Few Pairs of Cat Ears
Chapter 57: The Hero Water Battle
Chapter 58: The Taboo Name
Chapter 59: A Birth Date
Chapter 60: An Important Thing Called Trust
Chapter 61: The Perfect Fake Identity
Chapter 62: How It All Started
Chapter 63: One Crucial Promise
Chapter 64: One Person Is Good Enough
Chapter 65: Idate's History
Chapter 66: The Invincible Conductor of Lightning
Chapter 67: Tension Crackles
Chapter 68: Important People and More Sound Nin
Chapter 69: I Really, Really Like You
Chapter 70: Unstoppable
Chapter 71: Belief
Chapter 72: Flight of the Butterfly
Chapter 73: A Thread of Hope and Some Interference
Chapter 74: Partners To the End
Chapter 75: The Shogi Player
Chapter 76: Sand and Sake
Chapter 77: The Fox, the Raven and the Fighters of the Way
Chapter 78: A Dying Celebration
Chapter 79: With My Last Breath
Chapter 80: Back To Work

Chapter 16: Advanced Bloodlines

10.1K 200 88
By XxElviraxX

"Goodbye! Please take care of Naruto!" Kakashi called as Tazuna and the four of us left, "He's pushed his body to the limit. I don't think he'll be able to move today," Kakashi said, concerned for Naruto's welfare.

"I will," replied Tsunami, waving us off.

"Okay then, let's go!" Tazuna shouted enthusiastically.

We set off towards the bridge and once we got there, we were greeted by a gruesome sight. Slain bridge builders were scattered all across the work site.

"Wha-what's this?" exclaimed a horrified Tazuna.

He quickly ran to one of the still breathing men and picked him up gingerly, "What? What happened?" Tazuna stuttered, cold sweat beading across his forehead.

"A-a m-m-monster," he rasped back.

"Kakashi-Sensei... is it him?" I asked looking to him for answers.

"Most likely," he nodded.

Mist began to congregate across the high platform making vision distance decrease drastically.

"Absolutely," Liz corrected and dropped into a fighting stance.

"Here they come!" warned Kakashi and we all surrounded Tazuna.

I pulled on my gloves and grabbed the hilt of my sword pulling it out in a swoosh of air. Liz pulled her rapier out from its sheath and faced forward, ready to pounce. Kakashi had his fingers to his lips, forming a seal.

"Kakashi-Sensei this is... this is Hidden Mist Jutsu, right?" Sakura asked timidly.

Sakura and Sasuke had a kunai in their hands and they were glancing in all directions. Sasuke began to tremble.

"Long time no see, Kakashi," came a sinister voice off in the distance.

Sakura stifled a gasp and Liz and I readjusted our grips on our swords.

"I see you're still with those brats," he laughed mildly, "The poor kid, he's shaking again," the mirthless laughter died away into the mist.

Suddenly, several clones appeared and surrounded us completely. One of them, I could sense, was within the circle.

"I'm shaking from excitement," Sasuke murmured confidently.

"Do it, Sasuke," encouraged Kakashi and Sasuke burst into action.

Dancing around us with lightning fast reflexes he stabbed his kunai into each of the clones on the outside of our circle and he ended with the one behind me, reaching past me with his kunai and turning the solid figure to a puddle with just a touch. He smiled at me and dashed back to his original spot. All the clones were reduced to just a few splashes of water here and there. The mist lifted a little on Sasuke's side and a sudden mass of chakra appeared, causing me to turn around.

"Hm, he saw through the water clones, that brat has grown," noted Zabuza.

But what I saw wasn't just one person. I saw Zabuza but next to him stood the boy with the Hunter-Nin Mask still on. I narrowed my eyes at the pair.

"It looks like you have a rival, Haku," Zabuza said with a teasing edge to his voice.

"It does indeed," came the familiar female-like voice.

Well, now I know his name, Haku, I thought.

I turned and went to stand beside Kakashi-Sensei, bringing Tazuna with me, so that he was still behind the team.

"It seems that my theory was correct," acknowledged Kakashi, "The masked one, he's obviously Zabuza's comrade, standing right next to him and all," realized Kakashi.

"He should stop hiding under that mask and face us!" confronted Sakura.

"I'll fight him!" I shouted at the same time as Sasuke.

I gave Sasuke a what-do-you-think-you're-doing look.

"Tricking us with that stupid act... I hate jerks like that the most," he said staring straight ahead.

"You're so cool, Sasuke-kun!" squealed Sakura, starry-eyed as Kakashi sighed loudly.

"Shut up, Sasuke! You don't know what you're up against! I can take him," I growled.

"An impressive young man. Even though the water clones only have one tenth of the strength of the original. The girl too, not many have a chakra presence like yours and the red-headed girl's," he observed.

"We have the first advantage. Go!" ordered Zabuza.

"Yes," Haku answered obediently, whipping up a mini-tornado as he moved.

He aimed for Sasuke first. The telltale swish of water revealed his presence and Sasuke had just managed to dodge the attack. I could see each movement as a clear silhouette, like a movie playing frame by frame. I leaped at Haku and my broadsword clashed with his metal needle. Sasuke slashed at him with a kunai but Haku had seen it coming and thrown off my attack before Sasuke could reach him. Sasuke continued to exchange attacks with Haku and they were quite evenly matched. Their speeds were equal but I never remembered Sasuke moving with this kind of velocity before. Zabuza and Kakashi watched their own pupils battle. I held back since I'd probably hurt Sasuke if we were to engage in close combat with Haku, knowing that he was a strong shinobi.

"Sakura, Elize, defend Tazuna-san and don't leave my side. We'll let Sasuke handle him. Elvira, get back with the others too!" he commanded, staring me down, daring me to disobey him.

"Okay," affirmed Sakura.

I backed down hesitantly but I had no choice as I watched Sasuke continue to exchange blows with Haku, the ringing sound from their metal weapons blending into the next resonating sound.

I could hear the conversation happening between Haku and Sasuke, "I don't want to have to kill you, but you won't back down will you?" said Haku doubtfully.

"Don't be foolish," Sasuke chided.

"I see... but you won't be able to keep up with my speed next time. Plus, I've already gained two advantages," Haku hinted.

"Two?" repeated Sasuke.

"The water on the ground and the fact that I've occupied one of your arms. You will now only be able to run from my attacks."

With that he began to form several complicated seal with just one hand. Sasuke was wide-eyed and trapped in a situation even Kakashi was taken aback.

"Special Technique: Flying Water Needles," murmured Haku and the collected water around them rose up to form thin needles as sharp as a real needle.

"Sasuke-kun!" screamed Sakura uselessly.

I could see the determination in his eyes, he was concentrating chakra, like I taught him when we were training. The water needles suddenly shot towards Haku and Sasuke. Haku jumped away at the last second, while I caught a blue-white blur disappear from within the needles. Shurikens began to rain down on Haku, who dodged each one expertly. But as he skidded to a stop, Sasuke appeared behind him.

"You're pretty slow. From now on, you'll only be able to run from my attacks," retorted Sasuke as his kunai zoomed towards Haku's arm.

Silent, Haku spun around and stopped Sasuke's attack with his arm but Sasuke, being as fast as he was, shot the kunai at Haku, missing by a hairsbreadth. Haku had ducked down but Sasuke kicked out with his left foot, trying to deal some damage. Thankfully, the kick landed its mark on Haku's head, sending him flying backwards. Zabuza looked shocked, Sasuke's speed simply astonished him.

Haku came sliding to a stop beside Zabuza, "Looks like I have the advantage in speed," smirked Sasuke.

"I can't have you underestimating my team by calling them brats. Sasuke is Leaf Village's number one rookie, Sakura is the brightest in the village, Elize and Elvira are specially trained foreign shinobi, and Naruto is the show-off, hyperactive, number one loudest ninja in the village," Kakashi introduced proudly.

Zabuza laughed calmly, "Haku, did you realize? At this rate we'll be driven back."

Sasuke prepared himself for another attack, "Yeah, we can't have that," replied Haku, a blue aura encircling him, "Special Technique: Demonic Ice Mirrors."

Kakashi's eyes widened as huge rectangles of ice rose out and formed in the water. They created an impenetrable dome around Sasuke, trapping him inside. Haku stepped forward and walked straight into a piece of 'mirror'.

"Kakashi-Sensei, he'll die!" I pleaded.

He frowned but nodded releasing me. Liz and Sakura could take care of Tazuna but Sasuke couldn't handle this guy on his own.

I ran at one of the mirrors, "Sword Technique: Rock Shatter!" I whipped my blade in a deadly circle and brought it down on the block of ice.

A small crack appeared in the middle of the piece and I kept slashing down at it.

"This one is quite troublesome," came a tired voice, Haku appeared in the mirror and he threw a needle out from the mirror.

An attacking reflection? Where did the needle come from?, I wondered.

I narrowly dodged the needle, catching just the tip of a strand of hair.

"Oh, you won't leave? Then why don't you join the fun?" he teased.

A sudden sucking feeling enveloped me pulling me into the floating ice mirror jutsu. The gap between the mirrors were just wide enough to allow me to slip through. I fought against the deadly pull and propped my broadsword against two slices of thin ice. I held on to my broadsword tightly. It was already slightly bent from the force of the suction jutsu.

Haku appeared in one of the ice blocks, "In you go," he chirped as his reflection pushed my broadsword off of the edge of the mirror and I was sucked inside the dome. I flew right into Sasuke, who caught me.

"Elvira!" Kakashi cried from outside.

"I'm fine!" I replied as I retrieved my broadsword.

Suddenly all the mirrors had an image of Haku in it, "Are those all clones?" I asked unsure.

Sasuke shook his head, also unknowing.

"Damn it!" Kakashi cursed and I could hear the pitter-patter of footsteps as Kakashi attempted to come to our rescue.

"Hey, your opponent is me, Kakashi," I heard Zabuza snarl as he stopped Kakashi in his tracks.

"Kakashi-Sensei, we'll handle it! Protect the others!" I yelled as I whipped my sword in a swirl.

"Against that jutsu, they're finished, the foolish girl shouldn't have tried to help him," mocked Zabuza from outside.

I returned my attention to the many reflections of Haku resting in the mirrors, "Well, shall I begin?" he said sweetly.

"Bring it," I challenged, "Sasuke, stay close to me," I ordered.

The first light air displacement to my right allowed me to deflect the attack. A small chink sounded as a needle glanced off of my angled blade. Then the real rain came, I whipped my sword in a blur of blue-gray steel. The sound of the needles glancing off of my upraised sword sounded as a long and drawn out storm of hail. Tink, tink, tink were the last ones before the attack ceased.

"You... Elvira... you're pretty good, like a mother, always protecting her young... but you'll never win-" Haku's sentence was cut off short as Sasuke interjected.

"Shut up! She is a hundred times the man you'll ever be and a thousand times more powerful," Sasuke retorted.

I looked at him, "That wasn't necessary, but thank you," I said and turned back to the mirrors.

"Huh... I'm jealous," Haku said in a monotone.

Rage burned in Sasuke's eyes and he jumped around with a kunai in his hand, hacking at the ice mirrors.

"... Fool," Haku scolded and I felt another air displacement up ahead.

"Sasuke!" I screamed as I fell on top of him.

"Ah!" a blood-chilling scream tore from my lips as several needles bit into my flesh.

"Elvira!" I heard Sasuke, Kakashi, Sakura and Elize all scream at the same time.

The wounds were numerous and painful. They burned as if they were on fire. Finally the rain of needles stopped and I stood up and pulled out a needle embedded in my right arm. It spurted hot blood and I threw the needle aside to perform a staunching jutsu.

"Sasuke!" called Sakura as she threw a kunai at the mirrors.

The two dimensional Haku reached out and intercepted it, half of his body was outside but the other half existing as a reflection. A shuriken suddenly flew by and scratched a path in the mask of the unsuspecting Haku.

"Ugh!" he grunted as he fell out of the mirror completely.

Everyone's attention turned to Haku, "Who?" whispered Sakura.

Then there was a loud explosion and a huge cloud of smoke, "It's Naruto," Sasuke smiled weakly.

The smoke finally disappeared and our rescuer had arrived, "Uzumaki Naruto has finally arrived!" he declared.

I coughed up a bit of blood and fell on my knees again. I looked down to see my old wound that hadn't completely healed over yet had reopened.

"Elvira! Damn it! Why did you have to come in here?" Sasuke exclaimed exasperatedly.

It was the first time I had felt rage, "Pardon me? I came in here to save your butt! And now you're going to complain about how I helped you?" I asked, my voice shaky.

Sasuke's eyes melted into fear but then a bitter apologetic stare. I shook my head and tried to think of a plan.

"Now that I'm here, everything will be fine! The main character of a story usually shows up in these types of situations and instantly kicks the enemy's butt!" he announced directing the last four words to Zabuza and Haku.

Sakura was the only one that was happy about Naruto's grand entrance, "Naruto!" she exclaimed happily.

Suddenly both Zabuza and Haku threw a flying weapon at Naruto. Shurikens and needles mixed, both aiming for Naruto. But the needles suddenly changed course and knocked the shurikens aside. Confusion dominated all of our expressions.

"Haku, what is this?" challenged Zabuza.

"Zabuza-san, these kids... please let me fight them my way," he asked calmly.

"So you don't want me to interfere? Huh, soft as always, Haku," rumbled Zabuza's deep bass voice.

"Soft?" I repeated quietly, then realized something a moment later, "Sasuke, listen, he's right. Haku's attacking with needles but he's not aiming for any critical areas," I explained.

"Then is he not trying to kill us?" Sasuke questioned, "But then what's the jutsu? Having clones in the mirrors all throwing needles."

"No, it's too fast for that, I can't even see where they're coming from," I replied, spitting out some more blood.

"And if it was just clones, then why the mirrors? These mirrors must serve some special purpose in the attack," concluded Sasuke.

I nodded, "Well, with Naruto attacking on the outside and us from the inside maybe..." but Sasuke trailed off as I pulled on his shirt and pointed behind him.

"Hey! I came to save you!" Naruto half whispered.

Sasuke face-palmed, "You total moron! If you're a shinobi then use your head! Why did you come in the mirrors?! Damn it! I don't care anymore, you're an idiot!" he screamed at Naruto.

"What did you say? I came to save you and this is what I get?" exclaimed Naruto enraged.

I stood up, tottering slightly and used my broadsword as a support but more blood kept clogging up my throat, forcing me back down to my knees.

"We'll cover for you," assured Naruto, though I wasn't exactly sure if I was assured.

Haku reentered the mirror and this time he only appeared on one of them. Sasuke and Naruto saw him and just as Sasuke reached down for a shuriken, Haku disappeared and reappeared behind him on a different mirror.

"Over here," Haku murmured patiently.

Naruto was unable to keep up, "What's going on here?"

Sasuke ignored him and formed several seals, "Fire Technique: Grand Fireball Jutsu!" he yelled as he blew out a gigantic inferno, consuming half of the mirrors in one blast.

As soon as the last flames died, everything was untouched, "Nothing happened!" cried Naruto.

"You can't melt this ice with that level of fire," Haku said coolly.

I got up just in time to create another spinning barrier though many needles still made it through my protection, piercing all three of us.

"Ugh!" I was already standing in a pool of blood and Sasuke and Naruto were getting worn out.

"Where's the real one?" cried a frustrated Naruto.

"Trying to follow me with your eyes is impossible. You'll never catch me," Haku said calmly.

"Bah! Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto yelled defiantly.

"No, don't!" Sasuke wailed much too late.

Each Naruto jumped into the air to aim for a separate mirror but before they even touched the mirrors they all exploded in a puff of air and the real Naruto was pierced with several more needles. All I saw of Haku was the light blur of his dark hair.

"Ack!" grunted Naruto as he landed heavily on the ground next to me.

"This jutsu uses the mirror's reflection to transport me. From my point of view, you seem to be moving in slow-motion," Haku explained.

"For that kid to master a jutsu like that," Kakashi started darkly, "... An Advanced Bloodline!" he ended grandly, "A deep blood lineage... superior genealogy. It's a jutsu passed down by your ancestors," Kakashi explained, clenching his teeth.

"Then..." Sakura trailed off.

"Yeah. You could compare it to my sharingan. Even I couldn't copy it. It's impossible to defeat," he said grimly.

"Damn it!" growled Naruto, "So what! I can't die here! I have a dream I must fulfill!" yelled Naruto, determined.

"Becoming a true shinobi is difficult for me. If possible, I don't want to have to kill you, nor want you to have to kill me. But if you come at me, I can destroy my kind heart with a blade and become a true shinobi. This bridge is the place where we fight, to connect our dreams," Haku said in a low voice, "Me, for my dream and you for your dreams, please don't hate me. I want to protect someone precious to me. To work for that person. To fight for that person. To make that person's dream come true. That is my dream," claimed Haku proudly, "For that, I can become a shinobi. I can kill you," he ended on a rattly voice.

"Sasuke-kun! Elvira, Naruto! Don't lose to that guy!" cheered Sakura.

"No, Sakura, don't egg them on. Even if they could somehow defeat that technique, they cannot beat that boy," Kakashi predicted.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Sakura asked, confused.

"They don't yet have the strength to destroy their hearts and kill another person," Kakashi annotated.

"That young man knows the true pain of being a shinobi," continued Zabuza, "A real shinobi can't be created in a peaceful village like yours because you can't gain the most important thing. The experience of killing."

"Then what can we do, Sensei?" worried Sakura.

"Sorry but, I'm going to end this instantly," Kakashi said as he began to lift his forehead protector.

Zabuza laughed mockingly, "Sharingan again? Is that the only thing you can do?"

"Sharingan!" cheered Sakura.

But before Kakashi could even lift it a millimeter, Zabuza rushed in with an attack using a dagger.

"You asked if it's all I can do, but you are afraid of the Sharingan, Zabuza," confirmed Kakashi.

"A shinobi's supreme technique is not something that should be shown to the opponent over and over," Zabuza advised.

"You should feel honoured. You're the only person to see it twice and there won't be a third time," reassured Kakashi, pushing back on the dagger with his bare hand.

"Hmph, even if you defeat me, you can't win against Haku," Zabuza promised.

Sakura looked fearful and Elize had a disbelieving look on her face, "Ever since Haku was little, I taught him many different kinds of fighting skills. He succeeded in every aspect without wavering or hesitating not even when faced with the hardest tasks. His jutsu's surpass mine, even, with the terrifying abilities that come with being a part of an advanced bloodline. He's a high quality tool that only I can use, unlike the scum that follows you around," he spat, laughing.

"There's nothing as boring as a man's bragging," Kakashi said dangerously as he finally managed to lift his forehead protector, "Let's get this started."

"Hold on for a second. I'll use your own words to brag about something else," delayed Zabuza as he leaped back from Kakashi's advance.

"'I'll tell you this, the same jutsu won't work on me twice' right?" Zabuza smiled, "I've already seen through your eye. I had Haku watching your every move in the background. Haku is bright, by seeing a technique once, he can usually come up with a way to defeat it," he smirked, "Ninja Technique: Hidden Mist Jutsu," he mumbled before disappearing into the thickening mist.

The whole time I had been watching the goings on with Kakashi, they had been waiting for an attack.

I was finally able to gather enough energy to support myself, despite all of the blood I'd lost, "He's gonna attack soon," my words began to slur a bit, "Stick extra close, I don't want you guys to get hurt anymore," I coughed heavily but managed to throw my sword up onto my shoulder, "Quiet," I whispered.

I light whoosh sounded behind me and my hand immediately whipped my sword into action, my teeth bared as I deflected every single needle that came close, "Get down!" I shouted and whipped my sword in a giant arc creating a power impact that sent all of the needles in the opposite direction smashing into the mirrors. I managed to put a chip in two mirrors and a telltale gasp made me smile. One of the needles had struck Haku.

"Who are you?" came Haku's confused but frustrated voice.

"Someone you don't want to mess with," I replied with a steely voice.

"I can feel the attacks slowing and they are becoming less frequent," Sasuke said loudly.

Another volley of needles followed right after Sasuke's sentence as if trying to prove him wrong.

"Ugh! Sasuke! Naruto!" I cried as more needles drilled into our skin.

"W-w-we're f-fine," came back a choked reply.

Suddenly a shrill cry came from Sakura's direction.

"No!" I heard Liz scream.

"Damn! Something must've happened!" Sasuke assumed.

He slowly got back to his feet. Another volley of needles flew upon us. Sasuke jumped and dodged, and he had only been hit twice in the whole volley.

"S-sasuke..." I asked my question in my eyes.

He nodded and I crawled over to Naruto, who now resembled a porcupine.

"You move well," Haku admitted, "But this time, I'll stop you," Haku promised.

Sasuke's eyes widened as he concentrated on Haku's reflection, I picked up my sword and watched Sasuke's feet, as soon as they tensed I flicked my blade into motion. I blocked the single needle that was aimed at Naruto and another for me. Sasuke flipped across the space, completely dodging Haku's attack. His glare turned back on Haku and I caught the flash of blood red in his eyes. Sharingan.

"Sasuke!" I exclaimed, "You have Sharingan!" I choked out.

He glanced at me furtively and nodded once.

"You are from an Advanced Bloodline too? Then I can't fight for much longer. My jutsu uses up too much chakra, there's a limit on how long I can keep this speed up. You'll be able to read my movements clearly soon," Haku realized, "This is the end!" he screamed and released a volley of needles towards Naruto and I.

Sasuke leaped at us, ready to take the damage but I covered Naruto with my body and kicked Sasuke back.

"Ugh!" he grunted as I knocked the breath out of him.

A fine spray of blood hit the air as the needles pierced several critical points. I coughed up a mouthful of blood. I heard a whoosh as Haku sent another volley.

I'm going to die, I thought solemnly.

But I never felt the cold bite of death seep into my body, the steady dripping of blood wasn't mine either.

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