Eyes On Fire (Robsten Love St...

By WorshipStew

53.4K 625 86

'So much for happily ever after. His name swirled around my head, causing me more pain. My heart yearned for... More

Chapter 1 - "What The Fuck Do You Know?!"
Chapter 2 - On The Road
Chapter 3 - The Daily Show
Chapter 4 - "We Need To Talk"
Chapter 5 - This Beautiful Woman Was Mine
Chapter 6 - Soho House
Chapter 7 - He Belonged With Me (Rated R)
Chapter 8 - "I Need You"
Chapter 9 - Japan
Chapter 10 - "You're Turning Me Into Some Sex Crazed Woman!"
Chapter 11 - Day One
Chapter 12 - Today is The Day
Chapter 14 - Bed Sheets (Rated R!)

Chapter 13 - Stubborn Miss Stewart

2.4K 33 8
By WorshipStew

(Robert's P.O.V)

That was amazing. The fans enjoyed every minute of it. I already knew the twist ending but the fans didn't. The collective gasps and shrieks from around the theatre when Aro ripped Carlisle's head off was priceless and the confused 'huh?'s and 'what!'s were hilarious when it was revealed that it was only a vision. I'm glad that the twist managed to stay secret until the release. Kristen sat in front of me, I kept wanting to speak to her, but I couldn't, so I just ended up staring at the back of her head.

(After Party)

It was the after party. Nearly the whole cast had attended it. I had changed into more comfortable clothes and Kristen was obviously still wearing her jeans and shirt. Everyone else decided to keep their fancy clothes on. I don't know show they did it. They get uncomfortable after awhile.

"Robert?!" A little voice said, it was Mackenzie. "Can I take a picture with you?"

"Sure." I smiled, leaning down and smiling towards the camera her dad was holding. Mackenzie looked adorable in a little white dress. I thought she looked a little like me and Kristen. Clearly, that's why she was cast. I couldn't help wondering what mine and Kristen's actual child would look like. I smiled at the thought of gorgeous green eyes and brown hair. Mackenzie waved bye and wondered off towards the other cast mates. I think she was getting a picture with everyone. How sweet.

"Rob!" I knew that voice and whirled around to where it came from, a smile plastered on my face. Kristen came over, smiling, and walked straight into my embrace. Her hands around the back of my neck and mine around her waist and back. I sighed in utter contentment. I don't know how I survived months without her. Come to think of it, I didn't. I inhaled her luscious scent, nuzzling into her hair. She tightened her hold around my neck pulling her body closer. Someone cleared their throat behind us and we sprung apart.

"Oh, God, hi Kellan." Kristen laughed.

"Hey Kris. Rob." He said, nodding to me. "It's nice to know you two are okay, you look madly in love."

Kristen looked at me, looking slightly shy, then looked back at Kellan. "Thanks Kellan." She laughed.

"No problem." He smirked, he walked past, his eyes never leaving ours.

"Funny guy." I muttered.

"Kellan's a laugh," Kristen smiled. "Come on," she said tugging my hand gently. "Let's get a drink."


We stumbled into our home. I was shattered, and knowing I had to get up early didn't help. Me, Kristen and Taylor were attending the London Premiere tomorrow night and then the one in Berlin soon after. After that, the Breaking Dawn press tour was finally over. It wasn't the end of work though. I had more movies lined up for next year. One starting straight in January called 'The Rover.' I couldn't worry about it now though, we needed to finish this press tour first.

"I'm dying. We shouldn't have stayed so late." Kristen moaned we got to our bedroom.

"I know." I agreed, already pulling my shirt off.

"I decided to give my premiere dress up for charity." Kristen stated proudly, pulling her black Balenciaga jacket off.

"That's amazing Kris." I smiled, genuinely happy that she did such a wonderful thing.

"Thanks. We have so much, it's important that we give back." She smiled. I loved this girl more every minute. I pulled my trousers off and just left them on the floor. I climbed into bed wearing only my boxers, too tired to care about the mess. The exhilaration of the night was bound to wear off. Kristen dumped her clothes on the floor also, climbing into bed in just her underwear. She snuggled up against me shivering, so I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer to me, spooning. I lent down to press a kiss to her head, taking in her gorgeous aroma. Kristen started struggling in my arms before I realised she was taking her bra off, she pulled it from under the covers and threw it. This was so distracting, I moved my hands down to her stomach, making sure I didn't touch anything that would distract me from sleep.


'Beep!' 'Beep!' 'Beep!' 'Beep!'

"Rob, turn it off." Kristen mumbled against my chest. I leaned over, one arm around Kristen's naked back, and grabbed my phone off the dresser, it was 4am, we'd barely slept a few hours. We needed to board a plane to get to London for tonight.

"Kris, baby, we need to get up."

No response. I shook her gently. "Kristen?"

Still no response. I lent down and put my lips to her ear. "Kristen, don't ignore me."

She made no effort to acknowledge my presence. She still lay in the same position; the front of her body pressed against mine and her head on my shoulder. That's it. My lips, already by her ear, nibbled on the corner. She wriggled under me, but made no effort to get up.

"Kristen." I whispered huskily. I started kissing her neck slowly, biting gently. Her eyelids fluttered. I moved my hand to her breast which was pressed against my side. I caressed my hand over it, and her nipples began to harden. Just before I was about to squeeze, she moved.

"Okay! I'm up! I'm up! Stop teasing!" She playfully nudged me in the side. I gave her a sweet smile and then she climbed out of the covers to straddle me. She lent forward to give me a slow sweet kiss, her lips tasting glorious, before climbing off me and the bed. She walked into the bathroom, her supple breasts bouncing gently. Damn you, Kristen.  

I climbed out and quickly pulled clothes on, I put the dirty ones in the hamper to be washed and made sure mine and Kristen's bags were packed before going to wash.


Once we got through customs, we made out way onto the private plane. Kristen was really tired, I held her hand to guide her since there were no paparazzi. They sun was only just coming up, it was clearly too early for them. We had to leave this early because of the time difference. We'd lose a lot of hours once we got to London. A part of me was happy about that because as soon as the premiere was over, we could sleep. It was hard sleeping and sharing a bed with Kristen though, she was very distracting. She was perfect; her body like a temple. It was hard to resist it. Sex with Kristen had always been amazing. The best I've ever had. She was glorious.

Once we boarded the plane, our luggage already been put on for us, Kristen flopped onto the chair and sighed. I felt sorry for her, clearly I could handle the lack of sleep better. She pulled her cap over her eyes and dozed off quickly, her hand still entwined with mine. I lifted her hand to my face and kissed it softly.

The plane ride wasn't too long, a few hours maybe, and Kristen slept majority of the time, waking only when she moved into a more comfortable position. I must of fell asleep at some point also, because I felt my arm shake as someone woke me.

"Sir, the plane is about to land." I looked up startled, and then finally took in what he said. I put my seatbelt on quickly.

"Kristen, honey." I whispered shaking her gently.

She opened her eyes slowly and looked around. "Rob?"

"I'm here," I murmured. "The plane is about to land, you need to put your seatbelt on."

She shook her head, as if she was trying to wake herself up. "Oh, I see." She muttered, putting her seatbelt on and waking up a little. She looked beautiful. Her auburn hair, wavy and messy from sleeping, looked beautiful. Her green eyes were bright, despite just waking up, and her lips made me want to kiss her.

I took her hand again as the plane landed. It touched down gently and me and Kristen got up, I gently led her down the stairs of the plane and across the airport, our luggage was being delivered straight to Kristen's apartment. It was the afternoon in London, the premiere was a in a few hours. I was glad for the nap on the plane, but I'm sure the fans and the amazing atmosphere would wake me up. Me and Kristen were told to go straight to Kris' apartment to get ready for the premiere.

(Kristen's P.O.V)

I kept my premiere outfit a secret from Rob again. I knew this one would blow him away. I couldn't keep it secret for long though, we were going in the same car this time. I was wearing another Zuhair Murad designer outfit. It was a black lace jumpsuit. My top half only being covered by a minimal amount of lace, this meant I couldn't wear a bra. Lace panels were down either side of my legs and a cut out circle dominated the back of the jumpsuit. I had my hair freshly washed, and in loose curls. Tara, my stylist, finished up with smokey eyeshadow. I felt utterly confident. Rob made me want to look sexy, he gave me that extra confidence. I had a black pair of heels on with the jumpsuit but I had a feeling that I was gonna ditch them. Rob's locket, again as always, was around my neck.

Confidence flared and excitement coursed through my body. The fatigue I felt this morning had completely faded. I was escorted to my car. I walked carefully, trying to to fall down. I tended to do that a lot. When I got to the car, I could slightly see Rob's face through the dimmed window. The chauffeur opened the door for me and I let out a laugh when Rob's jaw dropped. I climbed in beside him. His eyes never leaving me.

"Kristen, you look- I was going to say absolutely gorgeous but I don't think that covers it."

I blushed and smiled at him. His eyes were twinkling with excitement.

"I like the lace," he smirked. "It doesn't cover much." He says as he pulls at the lace near my breasts.

"Rob." I warned, trying to be serious but far too happy to stop a smile from breaking through. "Behave."

"Yes ma'am." He winked.

I put my hand on this thigh. He was wearing a similar suit as he was for the L.A premiere, however, it was a dark navy colour. His shirt was grey-blue and he was wearing a black tie. He looked really great.

"Brought a change of clothes for after?" He smiled.

"Of course!"

"Oh damn." He murmured. "I like this outfit."

"Get a good look then." I laughed. I didn't mean it seriously but he couldn't keep his eyes off me. He'd look out the window, but I'd catch him smiling at me slyly. When the car pulled up, the noise of the fans was just as loud as the premiere in L.A. I climbed out and the roar of the screams increased. It was nice to know I had fans here too. I loved London. The apartment me and Rob were staying in of mine I brought when I was filming 'Snow White And The Huntsman' here. It was great to be back. Me and Rob were immediately wisked away to take pictures on a massive stand. Taylor was there too, buddy Tay-Tay.

"Hey taylor!" I smiled as we walked up to pose for pictures.

"Hey Kris, you look amazing." He complimented, looking at my revealing jumpsuit. I knew he didn't find me attractive in that way, we were best friends.

"Thanks, man. You too." I beamed. I stood in the middle of Rob and a Taylor, holding both of them around the waist. I leaned slightly closer to Rob, almost leaning my head on his shoulder, but still kept my hand around Taylor. The cameras flashed over and over. I was used to it now. I didn't like taking pictures. Sometimes they'd pick the most unflattering ones to put in magazines but I really didn't care anymore. I'm proud that I don't look perfect in every photo. As soon as I stopped trying to control every word that came out of my mouth and every picture that got released; I felt happier.

Soon after, we did a few interviews and I got asked by an English interviewer 'What's the secret to having a great bum?' I had to laugh because I honestly didn't know. I didn't even know I had a nice ass. I thanked her for the comment regardless. I signed for fans for a long time too, kicking off my shoes and enjoying myself. There was one fan that flew all the way from Rome to see me. That was amazing. She gave me a letter which I gave to my assistant so I could read it later. That was really sweet. I loved meeting fans like that because they don't care about selling your signature; they actually want to meet you.

After we finished the carpet, we got to say hello to all the amazing fans on a balcony with a few other cast mates. The screams were crazy. After that, we went back inside and I got changed into jeans, a shirt and a beige jacket. Rob stayed in his suit and we decided to go back to my apartment and miss the movie. We didn't feel like watching it again. On the way we ordered a large popcorn and tipped all the popcorn away and filled the bucket with Stella Artois beer. We could be naughty sometimes. We managed to get back to the car but the paparazzi snapped a few shots of us, which was to be expected. We sat in the car on the way back to my apartment with the bucket of Stella on the floor between us to continue celebrating by ourselves. I couldn't wait.

A/N: I hope that wasn't too boring. I hope you liked it! Please vote and comment. :) ~ WorshipStew

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