you [njh]

By horanjpg

67.4K 3.1K 801

[DISCONTINUED] everything starts when i was half naked and got locked out outside of my apartement, i decided... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three


1.9K 97 17
By horanjpg

Credits to whoever made that manip! I found it on twitter with many more manips, and its pretty cool, i don't know people FR lowkey ship niall and amelia zadro bc SAME. Ha, ok, happy reading!!

I carefully drove myself to Louis' place using Niall's car, cause he texted me his address saying he needed to discuss about tonight. Also, Louis said that Liam, Harry and couple of Niall's friends were there. So it was pretty much a briefing.

On my way i spotted a little cute music store and it reminds me of Niall. I was thinking of buying him some vinyls, cause my gift sucks... So, i parked in front of the store. I went to the cashier and asked for Fleetwood Mac's. He led me to Fleetwood Mac section, turns out they had so many albums it was kinda hard to choose.. To be honest, i didn't know much of this band but i knew they were famous back in the 90s.

"Um.. so which one is the newest?" i asked one of the employee.

"Well, Fleetwood Mac, huh? Not a fan of them but this one is the newest." he lifted up an album and gave it to me. "Not that great, i guess so, cuz' like people rarely buy it." he explained.

"Oh, then which one is the best?" i asked him again. This guy really helped.

"This." He said, "Rumours, 1977. People dig this, a lot."

"Okay, i'll take it." I said to him. "Can you also... wrap it up? It's for my friend." i slowly asked.

"Yeah, my friend China could do that." he said, "Yo Chinatown!" he yelled.

"Thank you." once i got it all wrapped up, feeling happy.

On the road again, searching for Louis' place. Turned out, it wasn't that far from that little shop. I got off the car and started making my way to Louis' apartment. His apartment building was nice and big, it looked so simple but clean and elegant. I knew for sure Louis wasn't from America, judging from his thick accent. Why did i have so many british friends?

I knocked on Louis' door and just by a few seconds, the door was opened by Harry.

"Hey!" he said and pulled me into a side hug. "Kate is here, gang." he informed the others.

"Nice to see you too." i replied and closed the door.

"Awh. Miss me already?" he teased, and i only chuckled.

"Kate! So nice to see you." Louis came over to me and gave me a hug.

"So!" he said when he pulled me away. "Everyone's here, mostly. But we're just gonna start like right now. And please, just make yourself feel at home." he smiled at me.

"Thanks Lou, i love your place." i smiled at him and he returned it and said "I know right."
"Okay! Gather around child!" he yelled.

I sat on the couch, smiling to the next guy beside me.

"Hey, what's up, i'm Nick." he said.

"Kate. Nice to meet you." i said to him.

"Sooo, Kate. Did our subject tell you anything about the party?" Louis asked me.

"Err, no i guess. I mean like he still want it to happen cause he already paid for the foods and stuff. So.. yeah." i replied.

"Alright." he put both of his hands together. "When will he be back?"

"About 6, i'm actually planning to pick him up, but if you guys have some plan or something, then i'm with you." i explained. "But his car is with me so.."

Louis thought for a moment, "Um, you just go pick him, but text me once you're already in the car." and i nodded.

"Okay, and, Alaska, you have the cake right?" Louis asked.

My head snapped so quickly as soon as i heard the name 'Alaska'.

"Yes, and it's coffee and chocolate, just like his favorite." Alaska smiled.

I couldn't believe Alaska was here. And she was so gorgeous... Liam wasn't lying. No wonder why all the boys fell for her. Tall, skinny, glowing skin, amazing hair. I was nothing compared to her.
Do you know that time when you were in public and someone just walked in front of you or someone that was on your sight and you couldn't help but just stare? That was Alaska for you.
Suddenly i wasn't in the mood to.. participate in life. You know what i'm saying? Like i just wanted to lay in bed, scented candles, falling asleep to my favorite songs and lost in my own thoughts.
Louis' voice suddenly sounded like it was just a blur, i decided to excuse my self and went to the toilet.

I looked at my reflected self on the mirror. It hides nothing. I wasn't pretty like Alaska. I wasn't skinny like Alaska. Now i knew why Niall was so into her. Oh my god, why am i like this? I was perfectly fine hours ago.

Come on, don't fool yourself, Kate. You know you are nothing compared to that beautiful creature that happens to be Niall's type.

And it just fucking hit me, it all suddenly makes sense cause I just figured out something.
Can you guess what?

Well, i won't deny it this time but i think i was falling.. hard.. for Niall.

I chuckled, stupid girl stupid girl. Always falling for someone who's out of your league. Why can't you learn something from your past?
Relationships are messy. People's feeling got hurt. You must have known that by now, Kate.

I hated it so much when i let my inner self talk, saying what i didn't want to hear- the truth. I hated when it always right. I hated being so regretful of anything i have done.
I didn't realize tears were on my face. Ugh, i hated crying. Stupid girl, crying over someone who doesn't even think of you. I wiped my tears and washed my face. I looked at my self for the last time on the mirror, trying to smile. I sighed and went back to the group.

Liam greeted me, "Hey." he said, and i just smiled.

"You okay? Look a bit pale.." he asked and i nodded, muttering a 'yeah'.

"So what's the plan?" i asked Liam.

"Well, i guess it's nothing special. We do have confetti for him though, but same old, turn the lights off, and when he got home and turn the light on we'll be like 'happy birthdaaay!' and then Alaska would come from the kitchen and brought the cake for him and he'll blow..." Oh shit, not that name again.. "and that's it!" Liam explained.

"Alaska would be there?" i said, playing innocent.

"Yeah, it was actually Harry's idea though, cause Niall hasn't seen her in a long time and we just want Niall to be like suprised, and happy cause we put amazing people together in the room that has been in a part of his life. Pretty much." he said.

"Cool. Can't wait to meet her." i said smiling.

"Oh, she's actually here! I think i saw her in the back, want me to introduce you?" he offered.

Aw Liam, why are you so.. thoughtful.

"Yeah, sure." i said and Liam led me to Alaska.

"A!" he said.

The blonde hair looked at Liam and smiled, "Hey, batman."

"This is Kate, a good friend of mine." Liam said and pointed at me. I waved at her and smiled.

"Oh yeah, Harry told me about you. It's such a pleasure to meet you!" she grinned and went to hug me and kissed my cheek.

"Really? Wow i hope it isn't something bad..." i trailed.

"Of course no! He said, you are like so fun to hang out with and that you lived with Niall." she nodded.

"Lived with? Wha- no," I laughed, "I mean, like, i'm friends with Niall cause he's my neighbour." i said.

"Oh! I thought you were like his girlfriend!" she said and then laughed.

"Oooh, boy talk, huh? I'll leave you guys then." Liam said and literally left us to talk.

"So, how's he doing now?" Alaska asked me.

"Fine, i guess? I mean, i don't see him everytime but it's like.. if i have nothing to do, i usually kinda hang out with him, so.." i explained.

"Yeah.. yeah," she nodded, "He's such a wonderful friend, right?" she asked me. And i nodded.

"I missed him so much, i haven't seen him in like decade! I hope he hasn't changed." she thoughts to herself. And it was like a HUGE hit to my heart. Niall... would be so happy once he see her, he would fall to her, just like old times.

"I'm sure he'll be happy to see you." i said in a slow tone.

"I hope so!" She grinned at me. "Tonight is gonna be good."

I needed to get away from her, "I'm.. i'm gonna go to Louis.." i said.

"Oh yeah, nice meeting you, Kate!" she smiled.

"You too." i returned her smile.


Kate: you there?

I laid myself on my bed, waiting for Niall to answer my text.

Niall: yes , what's up ?

I smiled to his text.

Kate: just checking on you..

Niall: ahh , thanks for being so thoughtful

Kate: how's home?

Niall: amazing :)

Niall: i missed this place !

Kate: your dad's ok?

Niall: he hit his head pretty hard, hasn't woke up

Niall: :(

Kate: he'll get better i promise

Niall: dont make promises u cant keep

Kate: sorry

Kate: he'll get better im sure

Niall: hahahha

Niall: miss you though

Kate: see im not easy to forget

Niall: course ya arent Parker !

Kate: be safe, i'm gonna pick you up

Niall: yay

Kate: text me once youre in the plane

Niall: ok mom

Niall: gtg in the taxi

Niall: see youuuu !

Once i was done texting him, i started choosing on what i was gonna wear. Maybe i would go casual since he was throwing it at his own place and i had to go to pick him up first. I decided to go with a simple 3/4 sleeve white lace dress. I loved this dress, i almost forgot i have it. I still got 2 hours to pick Niall, so i went for a bubble bath. To calm my mind for a bit, after what happened today. I lighted up some scented candles on my bathroom and enjoying my time.

After almost an hour, i was finally done and now ready for make up. Put on some blushes, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick. Then i was completely done. Checking at the time, it was 5:19.
(A/N i KNOW it takes 6 hours or so to fly from Ireland to NY but let's just pretend it only takes 2 hours :) HAHA omg)

I saw Niall's messages saying that he was already on the plane, it sent when i was showering. I gathered my stuffs and put on my nude pumps, then i went straight to the airport.

Looking at the flight schedule, it said one plane from Dublin would arrive at 18:45. I texted Niall saying i would be waiting in a small cafe.

To be honest, i was quite excited for his party. Never have i ever seen Niall drunk. I don't know, it felt like i want to know what Niall would do when the alcohol were running through his veins, doing things that's not directly under his control. People tend to do stupid things when they're drunk, mood swings, saying a secret. I found it creepy and amusing. It was like, you had lots of side-characters in you when you really don't. I don't even know if it makes sense, but yeah. I wasn't a big fan of beers, though. I mean, i could handle a glass or two, i just hated the afterwards. Heavy head, puking and all. Last time i was drunk, i thought i was a bagel. Like...????

What would Niall do?

He smelt like beers sometimes, i hate it, cause it wasn't like only beer, but with vanilla and baby collogne, it makes me want to hold onto him for a while and i hate hate hate it. Fuck, it's so hard to explain. It's just some scent that you'll remember and would miss it. Plus, he would just wrap his arms around you, like fully wrap his arms and gave you a little squeeze or would move from side to side. You could honestly feel the warmth of his body that makes you want to cuddle with him- Okay why are we talking bout this? Back to beers.

I wasn't planning on getting drunk tonight, but let's see. After a while of waiting, Niall showed up searching for me, so i waved my hands til he noticed me. He ran up to me and gave me a huge grin and a hug. "Hello." he said while hugging me. He pulled away.

"How was your flight?" i asked him. He just shrugged, "Fine."

I nodded, "Good. Where's my food?"

He squinted his eyes and scrunch up his nose, "Sorry babe." I hit him in the chest as a respond.

"Don't babe me. Take a taxi. I'm leaving by myself." i joked.

"Hey it's my car!" he said.

I rolled my eyes, "You're lucky. C'mon, i was invited to this asshole's birthday party i don't wanna be late."

"Ooh, if i was that asshole i wouldn't invite you." he made a comeback.

We walked to Niall's car and i texted Louis that i was already with Niall.

"So..." once he drove back home, "Don't you think 22 is old?" i said to him.

He smirked, eyes on the road. "You'll be the same in no time."

"How does it feels to be old?" i teased him.

He snapped his head at me,"Shut up, Parker. 22 isn't old... 76 is old."

"Nah, your wrinkles already showing." i joked. Niall turned on the radio on, and some rock song i didn't know was playing. Niall didn't seem to mind since his hands were tapping on the steering wheel mutiple times.

"Oh," Niall made a left turn, "Do you know that the next gig is on Thursday?"

"And?" i asked.

"And..." he paused, "I am hoping for your presence."

"Does my presence mean anything to you?" i asked him.

"Kind of. But you know, since you cancelled on me last time." he said casually. Couldn't believe he still butthurt bout that little Matt and his gig accident.

"I came.." i said.

"Did you?" he asked. "Mention me a song we played." What? Oh my god...

"Oh my god, we discussed about it and i apologized. Now, you're telling me you're still mad about it?" my voice raised.

"Like you don't hate it when people fucking cancelled on you." he said.

"How many sorrys should i fucking throw in front of your face?" my anger raised and i couldn't control my voice.

"Sorry really doesn't fix anything!" his voice also raised.

"Then what do you want?! A fucking essay telling that i messed up and begging for another chance??" i said.

"Stop being difficult!" Niall was sweating and his hair was up in messy directions.

"Me? Difficult?" i chuckled. "I can't believe you, Niall.. Really. What is your problem!"

Niall remained silent, but his heavy breaths weren't. I could tell that he was trying to control his anger.

"Stop the car." i said.

Niall didn't respond and keep driving. "Great! Now you're ignoring me?" i looked at him and his eyes were fixed on the road. "Stop the fucking car." i said one more time.

"No." he said.

"Fuck.." I chuckled and tucked my hair behind my ears. "Why are you like this?"

"Kate.. stop." he replied.

"Fine. Talk to me when you know that you have grown up." i spatted. Anger was taking over me, and to say that i was pissed is a fucking understatement. This boy was getting on my nerves. First of, he was the one who brought up all of this... and now he was telling me to stop. Nice. Cool. Suit yourself, Niall.

As soon as the car was parked, i opened the car quickly without saying any words to Niall, i didn't even look at him. Screw him, this time i meant it. I won't fucking crawl up to his ass and apologize, no, i was so done. Am i going to his party? Hell no. I didn't want to see him. He'll be with Alaska in no time, i didn't mind this time. I was so fed up. I needed a drink.

yeah... i don't know... i hate my self for doing this.. sorry but kate and neil gotta fight for a while, sure they'll be back in no time... idk tho ;;;;;;)
comment and vote babes!!

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