109K 7K 1.1K

They say you don't remember a lot from when you are young. That all you have are feelings and emotions. But I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20- Duke Baxter
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- Caleb
Chapter 26- Sephora
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Epilogue - Sarah
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 6

4.1K 265 58

I would like to say that I barely blinked and took it all in stride but we both know that would be a lie.

"What do you mean that I'm her?" I screamed.

I looked around the plane, searching for possible escape routes.

There's no where to run thousands of feet in the air!

"You are the last member of the Cronus family," Caleb repeated.

"That's impossible! My last name is Baxter, not Cronus and it can't be my mother because her maiden name was Williams," I said.

"Maybe you were lied to," Des said, tapping away on her phone.

I was sick of her attitude and was just about to tell her when Jade spoke.

"Seph, you are the one we've been looking for. You should be proud that you are going to be part of something that could change the world. You are the last living member of the Cronus family, the head of the core families, " she said softly.

"All I'm hearing is core family this and core family that but I have no idea what it even means." I was starting to get a little hysterical. Then something she said hit me.

"Did you say head of the core families?" I asked.

Jade came up to me and wrapped her hands around me. I shrugged her off, ignoring the hurt look on her face.

Caleb took that as his cue to continue talking.

"The core families are the five families that left the Hunters after World War 1-"

I had to interrupt him there.

"World War 1 was started by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand."

"Yes, but it was initiated by the Hunters."


"Look, that is really not the point, just accept that they did, okay?" Caleb said.

Whoa, someone's touchy.

He took a deep breath to calm himself before carrying on.

"The Hunters was an organization that originated in the early 1700's. They were a group of assassins-"

"Assassins. You're joking, right?" I said.

Caleb carried on ignoring my comment, "- who worked for the British government. They acted as a higher form of authority and quietly kept the peace. After a while, the Hunters started to get greedy and began to loan out their services to whoever paid the most. Soon, they were killing for gang leaders, ex-convicts, drug dealers, etc. Eventually, they were caught and executed but by then they had passed on the organization to their children, who passed it on to their children and so on. When they started harming innocents , the five families knew that the Hunters had gone too far. They decided to train a group of warriors against the Hunters and they called them CAVES."

I went back to my seat, exhausted. My mind ran through the conversation over and over again but soon all I could think of was the soothing feeling of the plane's vibrations. I slowly closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

I was woken up by a bright light coming through the window. I reached up to pull down the shutter and was met with cool air. My eyes flew open immediately and I sat up groggily. I was sitting on something soft and springy which my sleepy brain registered as a bed.

I realized that I was no longer on the plane. Instead, I was in a plain room with off white walls. The room had very little furniture in it save for a closet and chest of drawers.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and pushed myself off. I landed on something squishy and jumped up when I heard a high pitched squeal and looked down. I was surprised to see a body lying on the floor in a sleeping bag. The person groaning in what I assumed was pain.

"I think you broke my freaking back, " screamed the familiar voice.

My brain registered it as Des. I was still staring at her rolling on the floor, when the door burst open and Jade flew in with some sort of gun-like thing in her had.

I dropped to the floor immediately and wrapped my arms around my head.

"What in the world is going on here?" said a deep, booming voice.

Des instantly ceased her howling and got up and I did the same.

Jade/Saydel put down the gun thing and we all turned to the voice.

"What's happening is that princess here is trying to kill me, " Des said stretching out her back carefully.

"I am not, " I said, "All I know is that I woke up in a strange room and decided to get out of bed. Des starts screaming and Jaydel here bursts in with a gun."

"Jaydel?" they all said.

I ignored all of them and looked down at what I was wearing. It was a thin, thigh length sleeping slip and a pair of sweatpants that were way too big for me.

"Where are we?" I asked, holding up the sweatpants that kept falling down.

"We are deep in the woods somewhere in Scotland, " Caleb said.

"Scotland? That's not too far from London. Why did it take so long to get here?"

"This area is not easily accessible by air. We had to make most of the journey by car. It would have taken a little longer if we had been weighed down by all your luggage."

Des and Jade looked at Caleb, their eyes wide with warning.

It was quite amusing because their eyes were bugging out an-

What did he say about my luggage?

"Where are my clothes?" I asked.
Immediately, everyone looked down refusing to meet my gaze.

"Where are my clothes?" I repeated infusing angry edge to my tone.

Jaydel looked at me with a tense expression on her face.

"Erm, Seph, there was a problem with your luggage when we landed. See, Des was supposed to watch your luggage-"

"No I wasn't, that was your job, "

"-while Caleb carried you into the car because we couldn't wake you up. Unfortunately, some guys must have seen the designer label on your suitcase and thought it would get them a lot of money." Jaydel finished by sending me a worried look.

I looked around at each of them slowly, enjoying their worried looks. My face broke into a smile which turned into laughter.

I watched as each of their faces relaxed and they all started to laugh with me. The room was filled with happiness then I saw red. My mind was overcome with a fierce rage that I couldn't understand.

"You lost my luggage and you people are laughing, " I said.

Everyone stopped laughing, their wary looks slowly returning. My smile felt foreign, yet natural, on my face.

"Now, who was responsible for my luggage?" My voice was low and commanding.

"It was mine."

I turned to the voice that spoke.

"Ah, Des, what were you doing that was so important that it made you ignore the instruction given to you to watch my luggage?"

Des instantly became defensive at tone. Her face curled in a mean expression.

"Look, it was just luggage. Nothing inside those bags was actually important," she said.

My hand reached up to touch my bare neck. I remembered taking off my locket and putting it in my little bag.

The realisation that it was gone was the last straw. The rage that was barely being contained in was released and suddenly took over me.

Before anyone could move, my hand was wrapped against Des's neck and I had her pinned to the ground. I leaned down and spoke.

"How dare you treat my things with so little respect."

I looked deep in her eyes and saw my reflection in it.

It was a strange sight because my eyes were different. Their usual light blue had become blood red.

A cool hand tugging on my shoulder broke my . I released Des and grabbed the hand.

I felt the person lean down, close to my ear, and whisper.

"Release the rage, Sephora."

The anger flew out of me like water from an open tap. I slumped back against Caleb. His arms were the only thing keeping me from falling.

"That's it, let it all go." Caleb whispered.We stayed like that for about a minute before I pushed away from him and stomped to the bathroom.

Just before I entered, I look at them over my shoulder and said, "Just get me some decent clothes, please."

A/N: If you enjoyed this chapter please vote for it, comment or both. If you hated it (I hope not) please vote, comment or both :) . It would really mean a lot and it only takes a few seconds! Thanks. Rhe Tache.

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