Hatefull Chibi Love(finally P...

By DarkCross347

13.5K 696 111

Chibi Romano x Chibi Reader :p I don't know why but I just kept daydreaming about something like this. But... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Authors Note
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 21
Ch 22
Ch 23
Ch 24
Ch 26

Ch 25

354 21 10
By DarkCross347

Did I say you readers would like this chapter?.... well...i may have kinda lied :D.... :c I'm sorry...


France had eventually set you down on your feet and let you look around for clothing you wanted to try on.

You were wondering why France was so quiet. When you looked back to check, he was behind you but he was smiling at the female clerk that worked there.


"Did you say something (y/n)?" France acknowledged but didn't look.

"Nothing to you.." you said lowly, which with that, made France look down at you,"ouch..that hurt me (y/n). That really did.."

"Well then quit giving other people your attention!" You shoutedly mumbled to him, making sure no one around you both heard.

He gracefully layed a hand on his chest with a hurt face," did you hear that? My heart shattered..my own daughter hates me now!"

You huffed again and rolled your (e/c) eyes.

France was about to say something to you until a little girl ran up to France an pulled on his pants leg.

He looked back quickly to see the other little one who had tears welled in her eyes. Though, she looked oddly familiar.

You tilted your head, trying to remember where you saw the girl from. When it hit you.

"Please! Please-a help my mother! She is-a introuble!" France kneeled down to the girls height and layed a hand on her head," don't worry, I can help you out.. where is your mother?"

"She is-a in the jewelry store.. hurry!"

France looked back at you," I'm trusting you to be alone, so stay right here and i will come back to get you. I promise."

You nodded at him as he got up and left quickly.

You waited till he was out of sight before you ran up to the girl and hugged her tightly,"hey roma.."

You didn't hear a responce but a sobbing gasp and tight little arms circle around you," I-a missed you so-a much!"

You could feel tears swell in your eyes when you saw Spain and Prussia walk through the door.

You burst out into a cry as romano hugged you closer and cried with you.

Spain scooped you both up and held you tightly as prussia crossed his arms,"aw.. look at my two crybabies!"

You let go of romano and reached out to prussia. Being the bruder figure he was, he took you from Spain and hugged you. His red eyes glazed over with tears," oh I missed you frau!"

"I missed you all!" You said past sobs.

He squeezed you a little before he set you down.

Romano wiggled out of spains grasp and dropped onto his feet,"now I can get this dress off." Romano pulled the dress over his head, trying to wipe his tears away before you moticed and threw it to the ground.

You picked up the dress and smiled at him," well atleast you had pants on."

"Yeah and here is his shirt." Spain said handing him his little clothing.

He slipped it back on and looked at you,"lets go."

"Wha-" you were picked up by romano who was trying to not trip as he toddled to the door.

Prussia picked you up by the back of your dress as romano clung to you,"put us-a down!" Romano shouted at him.

The albino pluched romano off of you and tossed the chibi to Spain who caught him.

"Hey! You albino bastard! I am not some-a toy airplane you could-a throw!"

"Vell I vanna hold (y/n)." Prussia stated opening the door and stepping out.

Spain didn't get to far out the door until he noticed France and Prussia having a heated stare off.

Romano gripped Spain's arm before yelling," Run You Stupid Bastard!"

With that Prussia glared at the french blonde and took off.

With some of the energy he had from sitting, he gained speed more as he carried you. Stumbling here and there.

No matter how fast Prussia thought he was, France was closing in.

France looked ready to kill, but so did Prussia. He reached down for his sword and pulled the blade from its casing.

Prussia skidded on his heels to a stop, making France stop aswell, and turned to face the frenchman.

"Give her to me!" France angrily said. You have never really seen France glare at anyone so harshly before as he took small steps to you both.

"Stay back! She isn't yours to keep..you had your chance and you blew it! On what?! Women, staying out late again? Drinking!?" Prussia explained aloud as France stopped pursuing forward.

"My chance nev-"

"Save it!" Prussia stood in a stance, pointing the sword at france before lunging at him head on.

He dodged the blade until prussia swung quickly, making France trip over his own two feet.

A small crowd of people stood from afar. Watching and waiting for the ending. Some were being smart and called the police before anyone got hurt.

"You had no right to take her avay from people who love her.." he rose the sword up slowly.

Spain stumbled out of the crowd,"prussia! Stop! Just hang of for a second!"

Prussia stopped paying any attention to people around him, until your cry broke through his clouded mine,"P-Prussia.. Please don't!"

His scarlet eyes looked down at you in shock,"vhy are..you-"

Prussia was interrupted by Spain grabbing him. Romano was waiting alittle ways back until he heard the sirens of two police cars.

Your clung to prussia and squeezed your eyes shut tightly, wanting everything to go away.

You felt something grab you, something strong rip you away. You didnt want to look to see who it was.



You were taken away from Spain and romano.

Prussia was arrested for threatening someone with a sword.

And France was arrested for kidnapping, keeping you hostage, and for trespassing.

And you couldn't say or do anything about it.


Welp...there was your trip to paris France.. :p great wasn't it...

Anyway..this isn't the end...probably the next chapter..


Holy crap I just re-read this chapter........and it sucks...... just a heads up from the ending of the chapter! ;3 idk why i did that but i am stating my own opinion..

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