I will never stop loving you...

By jezzy1901

99.9K 860 138

Alex is the new kid in town. He is the old fashion type, waiting for the right girl to come along. He's what... More

Part 1...The move
part 2...bell's POV
part 3...school
part 4...should I?
part 5...trust
part 6...what do i do?
part 7...the truth
part 8...you can't be serious!?
part 9...prove it
part 10...meeting the parents
part 11...the dreams
part 12...a test and more?
part 13...mother's day
part 14...the beach
Part 16...changes can be good, and a love revealed?
Part 17... red and powerful
part 18...A new plan forms
part 19...teasing
part 20...An inner wolf thing?
Part 21...Jealous?
Part 22...teasing
part 23...Party part I
Part 24...Party part II...the Surprise
Part 25...A date & an uh oh!
Part 26...dreams come true
part 27... seeing red
Part 28...only the beginning
Part 29...help?
Part 30...The end <3

part 15...a sister, a test, and falling?

2.8K 29 4
By jezzy1901

Hope you enjoy it <3


~*~ RE-CAP ~*~

I had just finished the letter and couldn’t believe that my “mother” wanted to see me! Maybe this was part of her plan to capture me! Oh my God I can’t breath!

And then I blacked out, the last thing I remember was hearing Alex say, Bee Bee its going to be ok, I love you, I won’t let her hurt you.

And then nothing.

::Alex’s POV::

After I read that letter I was ready to go wolf and track down her no good, so called mother. I wouldn’t doubt this was part of her plan to capture my beautiful Bell.

I wont let that happen. I’d kill her mother without a second thought!

When I saw Bell pass out I didn’t know what else to do but catch her and tell her that I love her and that I wont let anything hurt her.

“Bee Bee, its going to be ok, I love you, I won’t let her hurt you.”

I just sat there holding this angel in my arms waiting for her to wake up. I was just glad I caught her before she hit her head and really hurt herself.

After a while I saw that she wasn’t going to wake up. I think she fell completely asleep now. We did have a long day at the beach and then the panic attack she had after reading the letter was sure to take up a lot of energy.

I decided to carry her to my room.

I know she has her own room here but I just love having her there with me. Just holding her during the night gives me this feeling of completeness that I can’t even begin to describe.

When I got to my room I laid her down on my bed and went into my bathroom to change.

After I was done I looked back at her and saw that she was still in her shorts. I know what I’m about to do sounds kind perverted but I would NEVER do anything to her.

I went to my closest and grabbed one of my shirts and boxers -don’t worry they’re clean- I slipped her shirt over her head, not even daring to look at her body, and pulled my shirt over her head. Then I pulled her shorts down, again not looking and also ignoring how her skin feels, and pulled up the boxers.

After I was done dressing her, I pulled her close to me and just cuddled with her till I feel asleep also.


I was running again, but this time I knew where. I was heading towards that warehouse again. As for why I’m heading here I don’t know. All I knew was that something was wrong, something wasn’t right.

And then I felt something hit me across the face, like I was slapped, but no one was following me from what I could tell.

And then it hit me.


She was in trouble, her mother has captured her!

I pushed myself to run faster and faster, I needed to get to her.

When I finally got to the warehouse I just ripped through the door not carrying if I left any damage. And ran to the room where she was the last time, but when I got there I was surprised at what I saw.

There was this huge pure red wolf standing over Bell’s mom ready to rip her head off, but something from behind struck the red wolf down and was bleeding from it’s leg.

That’s when I saw a girl she looked like Bell a little but younger and she had this evil look in her eyes.

She was getting ready to stab the red wolf in it’s heart but I ran towards her knocking her off her feet, but in the process I saw that the red wolf now had a long scratch across it’s face.

I could see that the wolf was weak and had began to shift back to it’s human from, but before I could see who it was, I was hit on the back of the head and blacked out.


I woke up out of breath and scared.

What if they did try to take Bell again?

We need to start the test and change her quick, I can’t stand to think that they might capture her.

I looked down at her sleeping figure and couldn’t help but wonder why? Why in the would do they want to hurt this innocent girl?

Even with her hair slightly tussled from sleep I saw nothing but a beautiful girl sleeping next to me.

She was beyond perfect and had a heart the was pure gold even though she had it hidden a locked up for so long.

I know getting her to fall for me will be harder then I would have been if she had a different life in the beginning and parents that actually cared.

But even through all that I love her more because of her strength.

As I kept looking down at her I saw that a slight frown had formed on her face, I wonder if she is dreaming the same dream I was. I’m not sure why but we share dreams sometimes and they always seem to come true.

Just by looking at this girl I can tell that she’ll be strong as a wolf. But its up to the test to see if she is even able to shift.

Either way I will always love her, I will never stop loving her.

She is my world now, I can’t imagine my life with her now.

I want to live my life with her, I want to marry her and have kids with her.

God I can’t be thing about this stuff yet. I highly doubt she’s ready to get married and I don’t think she loves me yet.

I think she’s trying to keep me at a distance and I hope I can show her that I love her soon cause I really want to marry her already!

All of a sudden I felt Bell moving like she was being attacked.

“Bell, wake up! Your ok, its just a dream wake up!”

::Bell’s POV::

I was in the room again scared at what might happen to me. I starting to panic. I could feel that it was getting harder and harder to breath. I had a headache to and my hearing was at its max.

I could hear people walking around and talking.

They were talking about attacking someone, or more a large group as they were plotting on trapping them in a small clearing that was near them.

Then I heard a light pair of foot steeps walking towards the door.

The door opened and there stood a girl. She looked familiar but I couldn’t thing where from.

She was younger than me and had light blue eyes, like mine. Her hair was a beautiful brown like my mothers hair. She was tall to.

Wait…she looked like me?

It can’t be.


She smirked at me.

“It’s nice to see that my big sis didn’t forget about me.”

Unable to think of something to sat I just stared at her with the same shocked looked that has been on my face since I found out my little sister was standing right in front of me.

“What wolf got your tongue?” she laughed.

“Hello? Earth to wolf girl?” she said with a smirk on her face.

Wolf girl? How did she know about wolves I just barley found out myself!

“I don’t know what your talking about.” I lied.

“DON’T LIE TO ME!” she screamed “We know all about that little pack your with and your little mate to.”

How does she know all of this? No one even knows I’m alive anymore.

“How do you know all of this?” I asked.

“Oh, we’ve had a spy follow you. That’s how we know your little mate is a lousy, lazy, stupid mutt. He never even scented us near you.”

When she said all that I started to see red and a loud growl ripped through me.

Maria screamed and my mother ran through the door to see what was wrong.

Seeing her set me off and then something was shot through me… I felt myself tossing and turning, and then I heard something…

‘Bell, wake up! Your ok, its just a dream wake up!’

I woke up to see Alex and he had a worried expiration on his handsome face.

Jeez I have a bad dream and I still have time to think of how handsome he is!

I jumped up and hugged him tight.

I know I caught him off guard ‘cause we almost fell off the bed.

“Bee Bee what’s wrong? I felt you tossing in your sleep. Did you have a bad dream again?”

I loved the way his nick name for me came out of his mouth. It sounded kind of…I don’t know sexy? Haha

“Yeah I did ally cat.” I said with a small smirk.

He laughed.

“Well this ally cat would like to know what the dream was about?”

I knew I could tell him but even just thinking about the dream hurt me. I can’t believe that my little sister is one of them.

“It was about my little sister Maria. She’s one of them. She was talking about them having a spy following me and that you and your pack are lazy cause u could never tell there was one.”

He looked shocked and mad.

I knew I shouldn’t had said the last part but I need him to know what caused me to see red even though I’m not sure what even happened.

“After she said that though I saw red and a growl went through me, I’m not sure what happened after that cause that’s when I woke up.”

I left out the part about them attacking someone ‘cause I didn’t think it had anything to do with us.

His eyes turned wide with shock, yet I think I saw some pride in there.

“What Alex?”

“You said you saw red and then you started to toss and turn right?”

I nodded.

“Bee Bee that means you were going to shift into a werewolf!

You’ll be able to shift after all!

We still need to do the test to see what your mother is and what we’re up against, but this is such great news!” he said practically jumping up and down on the bed.

“Really?! That’s awesome!” I almost screamed not able to control my own excitement.

“Yup,” he popped the p at the end. “Lets go tell my dad!.”

I nodded and jumped out of bed.

Wait something is different.

I looked down and saw that I was wearing Alex’s clothes. I looked back at him with a shocked expiration on my face and mouth opened wide forming a perfect O and surprised that I didn’t catch a fly in there.

“Um…well you see…after you passed out I brought you to the room…and I knew it would be uncomfortable to sleep in your clothes…so…so I changed you, but don’t worry I didn’t anything and I didn’t really look…” he trailed off blushing like crazy, his face looked like a tomato!

I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me, I knew he wouldn’t do anything I trust him already. I mean how couldn’t I? he has done some much for me.

And I couldn’t help but think about him seeing mr half naked and wondering what he thought…

AH! Perverted side is trying to break through again.

God what is wrong with me? I never use to think about this stuff before!

“What’s so funny?” he asked pulling me from my perverted thoughts.

“Your red face ally cat! You look hot when you blush remember?” and then a whole new laughing fit started.

“Your not mad?” he asked looking shocked

“No, I’m not made I trust you Alex.” I said with a smile and it was nothing but the truth.

He them smile back a breath taking, heart beat skipping smile.

“Ok. Lets go get you some breakfast and tell my parents about this new dream?”

Right on queue my stomach rumbled.

He laugh.

“Sure.” I said with a shy smile.

His mom wasn’t home, she had went to the store for something so Alex made me breakfast. He was a really good cook!

He made me all my favorites, and again I ate like I haven’t eaten in years.

“Thanks that was really good!”

“I’m glad you liked it.” he laughed a little.

And I blushed at him seeing me eat like a crazy person again.

Just then his dad walked in.

“Hey dad we need to talk.” Alex said and his dad looked up.

“What is it Alex?”

“Well Bell had another dream.”


It was my turn to speak.

“Yeah I did. I was back in the warehouse and my sister was there talking about you guys and I growl then I saw red, I felt some sort of sensation go through me and I started to toss and turn, then I woke up.”

“You shifted in your dream?” he asked shocked.

“Well I woke up before I could really tell.”

“Well this just means that we’ll have to start the test today it is Saturday and we have nothing to do. I’m sorry Bell but we’ll have to go down to the packed doctor and Alex can’t come with out.”

He can’t come?! Wait no I need him there!

Wait since when do I need him with me?

I guess he’s made a way into my heart after all, I just hope he doesn’t hurt me. I don’t think I could take the pain of him leaving me to.

“Why can’t he come?”

Alex answered me instead of his dad. His face was both sad and worried.

“I can’t go cause if I do I’ll try to kill the doctor for poking you with a needle.” He tried to smile but it didn’t reach his eyes.

After saying that I again caught him off guard by pulling him into a tight hug. I didn’t want to let him go. My feelings for him have grown and I knew it would be little time before I fell head over heels for him.

God I hope he doesn’t hurt me.

My heart won’t be able to take it.

Before I left I gave him a quick peck on the lips loving the tingles that went through me.

::Alex’s POV::

That small peck she gave me before she left was enough to drive me crazy!

I started to think about the whole marking her. I know that with that her feelings will start to grow for me and fast but I’m worried about mating with her completely.

I’ve only explained to her about part of it, the marking. But to fully mate we must make love…I don’t want to tell her and then have her thinking that we HAVE to.

No way I’m going to wait as long as she wants to. When she’s ready, then it’ll happen, but until then I’ll just keep treating her like the princess she is.

I looked at the clock and saw that she has only been gone for an hour.

God it has felt like it’s been 5 already!

I hated that I couldn’t go with her. But I knew that if I did go the doctor most likely wouldn’t live to see the next day.

I sat back and began to think about our future.

I want to marry her already, but I must have her fall in love with me first.

After I’m able to mark her, I’ll take her on a real date.

But she seemed to like it when I cooked for her…hmm I have an idea for our next date! Or real for date since the one to the beach was kind of her idea.

I for her and we’ll have a pick nick at the park! With candles and soft music. And it’ll be near dark so the we can watch the sunset and look up at the stars.

Wow that sounds perfect! But I’ll have to wait actually cause Bell will be really sore after they take some of her muscle.

I winced at the thought of her feeling any pain, but they’ll numb her before they do it.

Still the pain after will be bad I hope the pain they give her work. I don’t want to see my beautiful Bell in any pain.

Moving might be hard for her to, so I’ll make her her meals in bed!

Yay! I’m so happy that I’ll be able to help out my Bee Bee! I love her so much!

I heard the car pull in and I looked back at the clock, wow the time past by fast this time! Its been four hours now and she was finally home!

I jumped up and ran to the car.

“Hello wolf boy.” she smirked at me and I could tell she was loopy from the pain meds.

“Hello beautiful.” I said back to her and looked up at my dad.

“Yeah, she had a large dose cause she wouldn’t sit still and let them do their job.

I laughed, of course she wouldn’t she did say she hated needles.

I bent down and picked her up bridle style loving the feel of holding her and the warmth from her closeness.

She just started to giggle uncontrollably, which made me smile.

At least she did feel any pain.

I could tell that having Bell was making me stronger, just like it was suppose to be when you found your mate, ’cause I could smell that the meds where wearing for and she would be sleepy now.

I took her to my room again and laid her down, again I had to change her ’cause she was in jeans and those are a pain to sleep in.

But remembering her telling me that she trust me made my heart swell with pride.

I loved that she know she could trust me, it give me hope that she has feeling for me already.

When I was done I went down to speak with my dad about the test.

When I found him in the living room, he knew what I wanted to know already.

“She will be able to shift after all like her dream had predicted.”

“Yes!” I was doing a happy dace and my dad started to laugh at me.

“And we know what her mother is.”

That stopped my dancing.


“She's half witch.”

A witch?! Really? But witches are our enemy!! How can she be a mate is she is part witch?! This is so confusing! But it also explains about us sharing our dreams.

And even though she is half witch, I’m still going to love her. I will NEVER stop loving her.

“Ok.” was all I could say.

“When do you plan on marking her?” he asked me.

“Maybe tomorrow? After I tell her, and of course if she agrees.”

“Are you going to fully mate her?”

“Not till she ready, but I will have to tell her…”


So what did you think? Love it? Hate it? Plz comment and vote!

Thank for reading <3




Ninja turtles ;)

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